905 research outputs found

    Economic Benefits of Standards: Caso MAPEI

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    La possibilità di verificare e quantificare i benefici economici della normazione è di grande importanza per monitorare e indirizzare le attività di normazione, nonché per incrementare la consapevolezza e la promozione dell’utilizzo delle norme da parte del mondo economico. Numerosi studi sono stati svolti in tale direzione da Enti di Normazione nazionali e da istituti di ricerca. ISO, l’Ente Normativo internazionale, per supportare e promuovere ulteriori studi in questo campo ha sviluppato un propria metodologia di analisi, l’ISO Methodology. La tesi descrive il case study italiano dove la metodologia è stata applicata al Gruppo MAPEI. L’elaborato dapprima fornisce una panoramica sulle motivazioni alla base dello sviluppo del modello e gli obiettivi che si prefigge di raggiungere, prosegue descrivendone la struttura, le fasi e gli strumenti a supporto di ciascuna ed infine espone in dettaglio come la metodologia è stata applicata al case study italiano. Al termine dello scritto sono riportati i risultati ottenuti e le conclusioni qualitative e semi-quantitative a cui è giunto il team di lavoro a cui faceva parte il redattore della presente tesi

    The association between Ponticulus Posticus and Dental Agenesis: a retrospective study

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    OBJECTIVE: Neural tube defects may increase the risk of an abnormal development of skull, vertebral column and teeth formation, including dental agenesis in non syndromic patients. The association between the presence of a congenital Dental Agenesis (DA) and the Atlantooccipital Ligament (AOL) calcification, known as "Ponticulus Posticus" (PP), as possible links can be investigated. DESIGN: After a systematic review of the scientific literature on this topic, two independent examiners assessed the AOL calcification in lateral cephalograms of 350 non syndromic patients(7-21 years old). The results were compared with a control group (non syndromic patients, without congenital missing teeth). RESULTS: The 16.3% of the population studied by cephalometric analysis revealed a prevalence rate of PP (both complete and partial) with a slight male predominance is seen, not statistically significant (χ square test = 0.09; p= 0.76). In both sexes complete PP is more observed. In the patients affected by DA the frequency of PP is the 66.6% (both complete than partial). The χ square test with Yates correction showed a significative difference(χ= 66.20; p value= 0.00) between PP in patients with DA compared to not affected by DA. CONCLUSIONS: PP is not an uncommon anomaly. Since orofacial pain like migraine and other symptoms are often associated to PP, during routine radiographic examination, if detected, it should be documented in patients' health record and with symptoms, further investigation should be sought for. These findings encourage to think there's an association between DA in non syndromic patients and neuro-crestal cells defects

    Measuring corporate reputation through online social media

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    What is corporate reputation? How can it be measured? These two questions have been widely discussed by academics, without coming to a shared definition or evaluation methodology. Each research gave its own corporate reputation definition, but all the studies agree on one point: corporate reputation is the result of the relationship between a company and its stakeholders. On the stakeholder’s opinion rely most of the corporate rep- utation measurement techniques that have been proposed during the past years, techniques that were criticized. In this work, we have investigated if corporate reputation can be evaluated from social media data We focused on the Volkswagen scandal and the buzz it created within the Twitter social network. VW’s scandal was chosen because its widely covered evolution through time and its broad effects on VW’s financial performance. In order to fulfill the research goal, tweets about VW (from 28/8/15 - to 6/6/16) were collected. This vast dataset was firstly analyzed and not VW’s related elements were re- moved. The remaining part of it was then classified in two main groups: tweets about VW, but not related to the scandal, and the ones that specifically referred to VW’s wrongdoing. Once the two sets were obtained, each of their elements were evaluated with a sentiment analysis software and after the opinion extraction was calculated the daily aggregated sentiment through a custom-built process, defined to adapt to the Twitter domain. This aggregation produced two different daily sentiment score: the general public opinion about VW and the judgement about the scandal. The work led to excellent results in the not-relevant elements removal phase and the classification one, but the opinion aggregation did not produce significant outcomes. This final results should not be considered as a research drawback, instead they represent a starting point for further analysis on the opinion creation process

    Preparing Engineering College Students for a Culturally Diverse Global Job Market

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    According to the National Academy of Engineering, a core need for engineers today is to be able to work with a diverse, multinational, multidisciplinary workforce. Accordingly, colleges of engineering must develop strategies to graduate engineers ready for this global and diverse job market. Actions taken by colleges of engineering to add global preparedness to their curriculum are add-ons to the core curriculum, such as optional study-abroad programs, elective courses, minors, and certificates, and have only reached a small percentage of the students and/or sometimes have not proven sufficient for today’s and future demand. Therefore, most engineering students in the United States are graduating not fully prepared to engage with the global job market they will be part of. The purpose of this study was to identify the intercultural maturity level, as determined by the Intercultural Maturity Framework, of students in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M when exposed to intercultural concepts in relation to cognitive, intrapersonal and interpersonal development. Therefore, as a result, understand how students come to appreciate cultural differences to interact effectively with different others is important. This qualitative study followed the Naturalist inquiry paradigm and used the interpretive method relying on information from interviews, documents and reports. The population for this study was the eight students enrolled in the Global Engineering Design Class during Fall 2014. The results of this study showed that this global course had a positive impact on students’ intercultural maturity development. The engineering project the company provided linked their cultural learning to the engineering workplace reality. The cultural assignments and the work with the Brazilian students awakened the global interest of the students who had not traveled abroad, and it deepened the cultural understanding of the students who had traveled abroad. Most of the students who return from a study-abroad experience believe it was a life changing experience, but when they talk to potential employers about this experience, they describe the experience with the superficial “touristy” activities they took part in while abroad. In contrast, after the Global Engineering Design class, students described this experience in a less “life changing” manner. Interestingly, they were able to articulate, when describing the experience, their learning and what they will bring to the work environment from this experience

    Educação infantil e políticas públicas no Brasil: visões e reflexões

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    The contemporary society has been through a vast number of changes that affect childhood education in the whole world, especially in Brazil. The absence of public politics that includes the education of children between zero and seven years, has been incipient. Currently, we are facing serious social problems and there is a necessity of reviewing those politics in order to avoid going against democracy, offering low quality education to the less fortunate layers of society. Therefore, the present article is not the result of a research but has its goal based on concept of politics to analyze historically the course of childhood education in Brazil, taking in consideration its challenges, and reflect which are the possible changes to be considered for the next decade.La sociedad contemporánea ha pasado por inúmeros cambios que han afectado a la educación infantil en todas las partes del mondo incluso en Brasil. La ausencia de políticas públicas que atiendan niños y niñas entre cero y seis años de edad son incipientes todavía. En este momento enfrentamos serios problemas sociales, y hay necesidad de una revisión de las políticas para no ir en otra dirección diferente de la democracia, ofreciendo una educación de mala calidad para la población más desfavorecida. El presente artículo no resulta de una investigación, pero tiene como objetivo, partiendo del concepto de políticas, analizar históricamente el camino de la educación en Brasil y sus problemas y reflexionar acerca de las posibilidades de cambios para mejorar en las próximas décadas la educación infantil.A sociedade contemporânea tem passado por inúmeras transformações que afetaram a educação infantil em todo o mundo e, de modo especial, no Brasil. A ausência de políticas públicas que contemplem a educação das crianças entre zero e seis anos de idade, tem sido incipiente. Neste momento, enfrentamos sérios problemas sociais, há necessidade urgente de revermos tais políticas, para não irmos na contramão da democracia, continuando a oferecer uma educação de baixa qualidade para as camadas desprivilegiadas da população. Portanto, o presente artigo não é o resultado de uma pesquisa, mas tem como objetivo a partir do conceito de políticas, analisar historicamente o percurso os desafios da educação infantil no Brasil e refletir quais as possibilidades de mudanças a serem consideradas para a próxima década


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    The Effect of Trust on Gaze-Mediated Attentional Orienting

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    The last two decades have witnessed growing interest in the study of social cognition and its multiple facets, including trust. Interpersonal trust is generally understood as the belief that others are not likely to harm you. When meeting strangers, judgments of trustworthiness are mostly based on fast evaluation of facial appearance, unless information about past behavior is available. In the past decade, studies have tried to understand the complex relationship between trust and gaze-cueing of attention (GCA) (i.e., attentional orienting following another person’s gaze). This review will focus on the studies that used a gaze-cueing paradigm to explore this relationship. While the predictivity of the gaze-cue seems to consistently influence trustworthiness judgments, the impact of trust on gaze-cueing is less clear. Four studies found enhanced gazecueing effects with trustworthy faces; one found stronger effects of gaze-cueing with faces associated with undesirable behavior, but only when the observer’s personal evaluations were taken into account. Four studies did not observe an effect of trust on gaze-cueing. Overall, studies have highlighted the complexity of this relationship, suggesting that multiple factors (including age, gender, the characteristics of the observer, and whether or not a threat is perceived) are likely to intervene in the interplay between trust and gaze-triggered attentional orienting. After discussing results in the context of existing theories of gaze-cueing and trust, we conclude that further investigation is needed to better understand this relationship and the contribution of social factors to attentional shifts guided by gaze.Zayed University R1905

    A identidade profissional de um formador de professores de matemática

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    O presente texto apresenta um recorte de um trabalho realizado para o programa de doutoramento em Educação da primeira autora, para o qual foram entrevistados dez professores que atuam em licenciatura em Matemática, em duas instituições de ensino superior federais do Brasil e em uma universidade pública de Portugal. Neste artigo, trazemos a trajetória de formação e atuação profissional de um desses docentes, buscando analisar de que forma se dá a constituição de sua identidade profissional. Importou-nos investigar os saberes, (pré)conceitos, valores e conhecimentos dos quais o professor lança mão para o seu fazer profissional, e ainda, de que forma suas experiências pregressas interferem na forma como ele percebe os alunos da licenciatura na qual atua como docente. A relevância do presente estudo se destaca no sentido de dedicar atenção a um professor formador de professores de matemática, campo assinalado por escassas oportunidades de compartilhamento de trabalho e reflexões conjuntas. A pesquisa, qualitativa, na perspectiva autobiográfica, baseou-se em uma entrevista narrativa, com duração de uma hora. As reflexões teóricas que embasam este trabalho centram-se nos estudos biográficos e nos estudos sobre a identidade profissional e sua constituição. A análise da narrativa do professor demonstrou um considerável hiato entre as concepções e saberes que o docente obteve nos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado, e os conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes que se fazem prementes nas salas de aula dos cursos que formam professores. O docente, ao se ver formando professores, percebeu, nas interações com seus alunos, nos casos que estes lhe traziam de suas experiências enquanto estagiários ou como professores substitutos, que a bagagem teórica que construíra no decorrer de sua formação profissional não seria suficiente para sua atuação docente. Partiu, então, para sua autoformação de forma autônoma e isolada, formarndo-se a partir da prática e por reflexões sobre esta prática, ancorada pelas teorias as quais vai apreendendo. Para além deste hiato, fez-se igualmente evidente a angústia do narrador ante as condições de trabalho do professor das escolas públicas de ensino básico do Brasil, nomeadamente as do estado de São Paulo, nas quais o formador supõe que atuarão no futuro seus atuais alunos. Esse mal estar implica na maneira como o professor vê a profissão docente, constatando a grande distância entre suas atuais condições de trabalho e aquela vivida por seus colegas que continuam a atuar nas escolas básicas daquele estado. Estas concepções e formas de entender a escola influenciam a compreensão do professor sobre seu papel enquanto formador de professores de matemática, implicando, consequentemente, na constituição da sua identidade profissional.Trabalho financiado pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior- CAPES - Brasil Este trabalho contou com o apoio de Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projecto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014 do CIEd.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Capacitação Pedagógica no Processo de Avaliação Institucional do Docente

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    Entre as virtudes, qualidades e competências que um professor deve apresentar, duas são absolutamente necessárias, possuir conhecimentos e apresentar capacidade e habilidade de transmitir tais conhecimentos. Dessa forma, esse artigo apresenta uma reflexão em relação à capacitação pedagógica do docente nas Instituições de Ensino Superior, enfatizando a busca da qualidade pelas mesmas, dentro do contexto de Avaliação Institucional. Acredita-se que a capacitação pedagógica associada ao conhecimento técnico como forma de contribuição no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do professor, é importante na melhoria da prática de sala-de-aula

    Six year-olds’ private speech during construction of writing in intersubjectivity

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    Dans cet article nous présentons et analysons les données sur les emplois et les fonctions du discours égocentrique de quatre enfants de six ans dans leurs productions graphiques libres: le dessin et les premiers écrits. Notre étude a été développée sur la perspective de la psychologie socioculturelle dans laquelle le développement est construit de façon dialogique au cours d'activités d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de processus d'alphabétisation multimodale. De plus, les interactions et les résolutions de problèmes en salle de classe ont fait appel aux pratiques sociales basées sur les moyens de communication – orale, visuelle et graphique. Nous avons analysé quatre séances enregistrées en audio et vidéos de 60 minutes dans une classe de CP. Parmi les quatre séances que l'institutrice nous a offertes, trois séances avaient pour objectif de redire des histoires et la dernière séance avait pour objectif l´écriture libre. Nous avons utilisé l´épisode comme unité d'analyse. Nous avons appliqué trois catégories de la littérature pour analyser les discours égocentriques et nous avons créé une quatrième catégorie pour la situation spécifique rencontrée lors de notre recherche. Les résultats ont indiqué l'emploi du discours égocentrique avec la fonction d´organisation du dessin et d´épeler l´écriture libre et aussi l'emploi des discours égocentriques avec les fonctions génératrices de construction de connaissance dans l'intersubjectivité: a) commentaire d'autrui ; b) commentaire de celui qui parle vers les autres; c) discours égocentriques vers les autres; d) commentaire d'évaluation; e) discours égocentriques d'épellation collective; f) commentaire d'accord et de désaccord.In this article we seek to analyze data on the use and functions of four six-years-olds’ private speeches prompted during free graphic production exercises, such as drawing and initial writing. Our study was developed from a cultural psychology perspective in which knowledge is constructed dialogically during teaching-learning activities in multimodal literacy processes. In addition, classroom interactions and problem solving involve social practices based on oral, visual and graphic modes of communication. We analyzed four 60-minute sessions filmed in a first grade1 classroom; three sessions involved recount children’s stories and one was a free writing session, all of which were led by the classroom teacher. In designating episodes as the units of analysis, we applied the categories developed by literature to analyze private speech and created another category from the indexes of the specific situations. The results indicated that the use of private speech functioned in order to organize drawing and spelling during free writing activities. In addition, the use of private speech acquired the following functions directed to generate knowledge in intersubjectivity: a) as a commentary of the social other; b) a commentary of the speaker himself directed to the social other; c) a private speech of the social other; d) an assessment commentary; e) private speeches in collective spelling; f) as present participants’ commentaries of agreement or disagreement.Neste artigo apresentamos e analisamos os dados sobre os usos e as funções da fala egocêntrica de quatro crianças de seis anos nas suas produções gráficas livres: o desenho e as escritas iniciais. Nosso estudo foi desenvolvido na perspectiva da psicologia sociocultural na qual o desenvolvimento é construído dialogicamente durante atividades de ensinar e aprender em processos de letramento multimodal. Além disso, as interações e as resoluções de problemas em sala de aula envolveram práticas sociais baseadas nos modos de comunicação – oral, visual e gráfico. Analisamos quatro sessões gravadas em áudio e vídeo de sessenta minutos num primeiro ano do ensino fundamental. Das quatro sessões proporcionadas pela professora da classe, três foram de reconto de história infantil e uma de escrita livre. Utilizamos o episódio como unidade de análise. Aplicamos três categorias da literatura para analisar as falas egocêntricas e criamos uma quarta categoria para a situação específica encontrada em nossa pesquisa. Os resultados indicaram o uso da fala egocêntrica com a função organizadora do desenho e de soletração da escrita livre e o uso das falas egocêntricas com as seguintes funções geradoras de construção de conhecimento na intersubjetividade: a) comentário de outro social; b) comentário do próprio falante dirigido a outros sociais; c) falas egocêntricas em outros sociais; d) comentário de avaliação; e) falas egocêntricas de soletração “coletivizada”; f) comentário de concordância ou discordância