45 research outputs found

    Kritik Al-qur\u27an terhadap Manusia (Kajian Tafsir Tematik Tentang Potensi yang Ada pada Diri Manusia)

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    Study of humans is extremely unique. It is appropriate that humans are said to be the noblest beings. Judging from the process of creation and its function, it has shown humans as beings chosen by God. Humans have extraordinary advantages. That advantage is endowed with reason and potentials in human beings themselves. Humans can develop their talents and potential and are able to manage and manage the universe of God\u27s creation as a mandate. Even so, as a weak servant of humanity is not spared from sin and error because it is caused by human pride in using the potential that exists in man himself, as an example of the pharaoh because the potential that exists in him makes him arrogant in this earth and claiming to be God. So that Allah criticizes many people in many of his words contained in the Qur\u27an

    Memahami Teks Alquran dengan Pendekatan Hermeneutika (sebuah Analisis Filosofis)

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    This article discusses understanding the Qur\u27anic text with a hermeneutic approach to a contemporary approach that offers a new approach to interpreting the Qur\u27an (philosophically). In this hermeneutic approach the texts of the Qur\u27an do not stand alone, but are very dependent on the surrounding context, which includes text, context, and contextualization. The existence of hermeneutics with its own methodology brings a new nuance in the interpretation of the Qur\u27an. With this method the Qur\u27an is no longer considered as something sacred, because in the eyes of hermeneutics when the text descends and is in the midst of the reality of human life, it is fully owned by humans and has the right to be interpreted, internalized, and understood whatever it wants. Everything contained in the text, for hermeneutics, can be interpreted and understood its meaning clearly. And this is what distinguishes it fundamentally from the theme of interpretation in the Ulumul Quran discours

    An image segmentation algorithm for measurement of flotation froth bubble size distributions

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    The bubble size distribution at the froth surface of a flotation cell is closely related to the process condition and performance. The flotation performance can be reasonably predicted through continuous measuring the bubble size distribution by a machine vision system. In this work a new watershed algorithm based on whole and sub-image classification techniques is introduced and successfully validated by several laboratory and industrial scale froth images taken under different process conditions. The results indicate that the developed algorithms, in particular the sub-image classification based segmentation algorithm, can accurately and reliably identify the individual small and large bubbles in the actual froth images, which is often problematic

    High-frequency ultrasound imaging in wound assessment: current perspectives

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    Non-invasive imaging modalities for wound assessment have become increasingly popular over the past two decades. The wounds can be developed superficially or from within deep tissues, depending on the nature of the dominant risk factors. Developing a reproducible quantitative method to assess wound-healing status has demonstrated to be a convoluted task. Advances in High-Frequency Ultrasound (HFU) skin scanners have expanded their application as they are cost-effective and reproducible diagnostic tools in dermatology, including for the measurement of skin thickness, the assessment of skin tumours, the estimation of the volume of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, the visualisation of skin structure and the monitoring of the healing of acute and chronic wounds. Previous studies have revealed that HFU images carry dominant parameters and depict the phenomena occurring within deep tissue layers during the wound-healing process. However, the investigations have mostly focussed on the validation of HFU images, and few studies have utilised HFU imaging in quantitative assessment of wound generation and healing. This paper is an introductory review of the important studies proposed by the researchers in the context of wound assessment. The principles of dermasonography are briefly explained, followed by a review of the relevant literature that investigated the wound-healing process and tissue structures within the wound using HFU imaging

    Design Process Involved in Developing Mechanism of linear Motor Operated Multiple Spray Operations Spray Gun.

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    Normally spray operation has been carried out in various processes such as air spray, High volume low pressure spray, air less spray, air assisted air less spray, electrostatic spray, ultrasonic spray etc. To carry out the spray operation in different processes different types of spray guns are used. Sometimes different types of spray operations are needed to finish the task of a certain product. In that case two or more types of spray guns are use to fulfill the requirement which is costly. On the other hand in automatic spray application, pneumatic system is used to trigger the spray gun. But the main disadvantage of pneumatic system is to position the fluid flow control valve as desired. This system needs more control knobs and highly skilled operator to carry out the quality spray operation. By addressing this issue a spray gun is designed in such a way that it can be accumulated four types of spay processes such as air spray, High volume low pressure air spray, air less spray and air assisted air less spray and the triggering operation has been carried out by specially designed sensor less DC linear motor. CATIA software is used to design the total spray gun model. In the first phase all the component of the spray gun such as spray unit, spray unit holder and shaft assembly, air control unit, triggering lever, motor housing, motor, and cover plate have been designed and then assemble all components to get the total spray gun model in the second phase accordingly. This paper is focused on to discuss the complete design processes involved in developing this especially dedicated spray gun and its operating mechanism

    Determining the ultrasound time of response using FPGA-based electronics read-out

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    This paper presents a system to measure accurate value of time of response (TOR) for ultrasound transducer pairs based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). In the experiment, the transmitter is set to transmit the pulse to the target object and the reflected signal is then captured by the receiver. The time taken for the signal to travel back to the receiver is measured by TOR. FPGA technology and data acquisition system were used to generate a pulse at the transmitter site. The pulse is projected directly to the targeted object and the signal that has been reflected from the object will be captured three times by the receiver. The results show that the TOR value obtained can be calculated accurately. The best TOR found in this study is the signal capture 1 with the lowest percentage error of 0.819%

    A current and future study on non-isolated DC`DCconverters for photovoltaic applications.

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    Photovoltaic (PV) is a fast growing segment among renewable energy (RE) systems, whose development is owed to depleting fossil fuel and climate-changing environmental pollution. PV power output capacity, however, is still low and the associated costs still high, so efforts continue to develop PV converter and its controller, aiming for higher power-extracting efficiency and cost effectiveness. Different algorithms have been proposed for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Since the choice of right converter for different application has an important influence in the optimum performance of the photovoltaic system, this paper reviews the state-of-the-art in research works on non-isolated DC–DC buck, boost, buck–boost, Cúk and SEPIC converters and their characteristics, to find a solution best suiting an application with Maximum Power Point Tracking. Review shows that there is a limitation in the system's performance according to the type of converter used. In can be concluded that the best selection of DC–DC converter which is really suitable and applicable in the PV system is the buck–boost DC–DC converter since it is capable of achieving optimal operation regardless of the load value with negotiable performance efficiency and price issue

    Using fuzzy association rule mining in cancer classification

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    The classification of the cancer tumors based on gene expression profiles has been extensively studied in numbers of studies. A wide variety of cancer datasets have been implemented by the various methods of gene selection and classification to identify the behavior of the genes in tumors and find the relationships between them and outcome of diseases. Interpretability of the model, which is developed by fuzzy rules and linguistic variables in this study, has been rarely considered. In addition, creating a fuzzy classifier with high performance in classification that uses a subset of significant genes which have been selected by different types of gene selection methods is another goal of this study. A new algorithm has been developed to identify the fuzzy rules and significant genes based on fuzzy association rule mining. At first, different subset of genes which have been selected by different methods, were used to generate primary fuzzy classifiers separately and then proposed algorithm was implemented to mix the genes which have been associated in the primary classifiers and generate a new classifier. The results show that fuzzy classifier can classify the tumors with high performance while presenting the relationships between the genes by linguistic variables

    Froth-based modeling and control of a batch flotation process

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    Automatic control of the flotation process is a difficult task due to the large number of variables involved, significant disturbances, and the process's complex nature. Previous research has established that flotation performance is reflected in the structure of the froth's surface. This paper describes the application of machine vision and fuzzy logic in controlling a batch-flotation cell. To perform this process, a laboratory flotation cell was operated under different conditions while process and image data were simultaneously recorded. Then, correlations between the resultant froth features and process variables were modeled, and an interpretable froth model was created. A fuzzy controller was designed and implemented to control process performance through the extracted froth features at the desired level by manipulating the selected process variables. The results indicate that the developed control system is able to handle process disturbances and track reference signals