181 research outputs found

    Autovalutazione e promozione di competenze strategiche per la scuola e per il lavoro

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    The topic of competences, their nature, the ways in which recognize, evaluateand promoting them is analysed from different perspectives: philosophical,educational, psychological, economic. Despite differentperspectives the research seems to converge on the need to take greateraccount of a set of general personal skills, also known as transversal orstrategic which, especially in the world of work, took the name of soft skills.Many studies have highlighted the role that these strategic and transversalskills play on school and work performance, and on other fundamental aspectsof adult existence. The work presents some tools that can be used inschools and universities to promote reflective processes on some cognitive,emotional and motivational dimensions, attitudes and beliefs consideredthe basis of a competent action. Finally, the research shows some results ofthe application of these tools that highlight the links between strategic, temporaland professional skills.Il tema delle competenze, della loro natura, delle modalità con le quali riconoscerle,valutarle e promuoverle è oggetto d’indagine da diversi puntidi vista: quello filosofico, educativo, psicologico, economico. Pur da prospettivediverse la ricerca sembra convergere sulla necessità di prendere inmaggiore considerazione un insieme di competenze generali personali,dette anche trasversali o strategiche che, in particolare nel mondo del lavoro,hanno assunto la denominazione di soft skills. Molti studi hanno evidenziatoil rilievo che tali competenze rivestono sulle performancescolastiche, sul rendimento nel lavoro e su altri aspetti fondamentali dell’esistenzaadulta. Il contributo presenta alcuni strumenti che possono essereutilizzati, in contesti scolastici e universitari, per promuovere processiriflessivi su alcune dimensioni cognitive, affettivo motivazionali, atteggiamentie convinzioni considerati alla base di un agire competente. Sono infinepresentati alcuni esiti dell’applicazione di questi strumenti che mettonoin evidenza i legami tra competenze di natura strategica e dimensioni di naturaprospettica temporale e professionale

    Il percorso di formazione iniziale dell’insegnante di sostegno: un’indagine esplorativa sui candidati al corso di specializzazione presso l’Università Roma Tre

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     This contribution offers an overview of the regulatory path that led to the establishment of the special needs teacher, and on the development, over time, of the training process. The training of the special needs teacher, once entrusted to schools or centres identified by the Ministry of Education, in the Nineties was definitively assigned to universities. This study illustrates the main characteristics of the candidates who applied for the specialization course for middle and secondary school at the University of Roma Tre in the academic year 2021/2022; and the results they achieved in pre-selective, written and oral tests. The educational, professional and identity information collected so far on would-be special needs teachers in secondary school shows a heterogeneous group in terms of age, education, previous experiences. This exploratory research represents the first phase of a broader longitudinal study, which will aim to highlight the characteristics of would-be special needs teachers in historical series, from the launch of the specialization course to today

    Strumenti per l’autovalutazione di competenze strategiche per lo studio e il lavoro

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    Educational research highlights the importance of so-called “non-cognitive skills” in learning processes and the role that they play in personal and professional life. The work presents results of some workshops realized at University and Secondary School focused on administering of self-assessment tools to promote students’ selfdirected learning and vocational skills. The online administration returns a graphic and textual profile that intends to promote a reflective process on cognitive and affectivemotivational skills, time perspectives, personal agency and career adaptability. The correlational analysis shows positive relations between self-regulation, volition, self-efficacy, career adaptability and future time perspective scales.La ricerca educativa sottolinea con crescente attenzione il rilievo delle cosiddette “non cognitive skills” sui processi di apprendimento ma anche sul ruolo che rivestono nella vita personale e professionale delle persone. Il lavoro presenta gli esiti di alcune attività didattiche, condotte in forma laboratoriale in ambito scolastico e universitario, centrate sull’applicazione di questionari di autovalutazione di competenze strategiche che possono essere considerate alla base della capacità di autodirigersi nello studio e nel lavoro. La compilazione online dei questionari restituisce un profilo individuale in forma grafica e testuale che intende promuovere un processo riflessivo su alcune dimensioni cognitive, affettivo-motivazionali, temporali, agency personale e adattabilitàprofessionale. L’analisi condotta sulle scale dei profili degli studenti evidenzia correlazioni positive tra l’autoregolazione, la volizione, le credenze di efficacia, l’adattabilità professionale e l’orientamento al futuro

    Il ruolo delle dinamiche cognitive, motivazionali e temporali nei processi di apprendimento

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    Over the last decades, European education policies have encouraged the Member States to develop training programs to raise the instructional levels of the population and to foster the acquisition of key competences, in order to ensure lifelong learning for all citizens (Europe 2020). However, there is still greater attention to knowledge transfer and a lesser emphasis on metacognitive and affective-motivational dimensions in formal learning contexts. While, theselatest factors are strongly related to the development of strategic skills and the ability to project into the future.This research shows the results found from administering two questionnaires to 500 students from General Didactics Course of Roma Tre University: the «Learning Strategies Questionnaire» (Pellerey & Orio, 1996) and the «Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory» (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999; Tr. it. M. Riccucci, 2009). The project is aimed at stimulating University students’ reflection and self-assessment on learning strategies and time perspectives and promoting theability to direct themselves in study and work. The results show how academic success is related both to good strategic competences and to the future time perspective.Le politiche educative europee invitano, da alcuni decenni, i Paesi membri a sviluppare programmi per innalzare i livelli d’istruzione della popolazione e porre maggiore attenzione sulla formazione delle competenze chiave per garantire a tutti i cittadini un apprendimento permanente (Europa 2020). Tuttavia è ancora frequente verificare nei contesti di apprendimento formale una maggiore, se non esclusiva, attenzione al trasferimento di conoscenze e scarso rilievo alle dimensioni metacognitive e affettivo-motivazionali che sono fortemente connesse allo sviluppo di competenze strategiche e alla capacità di proiettarsi nel futuro.Questo studio presenta gli esiti della somministrazione del «Questionario sulle strategie di apprendimento» (Pellerey & Orio, 1996) e del «Questionario sulla Prospettiva Temporale» (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999; Tr. it. M. Riccucci, 2009) a 500 studenti del Corso di Didattica Generale dell’Università Roma Tre. Il progetto è finalizzato a sollecitare negli studenti processi di riflessione e autovalutazione delle proprie strategie di apprendimento e prospettive temporali per promuovere la capacità di dirigere se stessi nello studio e nel lavoro. Gli esiti mostrano comemigliori risultati accademici siano connessi sia al possesso di buone copetenze strategiche sia ad una prospettiva temporale rivolta al futuro

    Un modello di orientamento formativo per giovani immigrati

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    The search for life and professional opportunities in a new country represents a significantchallenge for migrants, immigrants and refugees, in terms of developing knowledgeand skills for full social and professional integration. The massive migratory flowsof recent years have fuelled a growing attention of the scientific community on theprocesses of training, employment and integration of young asylum seekers from non-EU countries.The work presents some results of “CREI - Creating networks for immigrants” Project(AMIF funds 2014-2020). At the centre of the project there is the application of an educationaland career guidance model with qualitative-quantitative tools to recognise, validateand develop strategic skills of young foreigners.The result is a complex analysis which, on the one hand, helps people to know and managethemselves better, and on the other hand allows trainers to develop educational andvocational support programmes.La ricerca di opportunità di vita e professionali in un nuovo paese rappresenta una sfidasignificativa per migranti, immigrati e rifugiati, in termini di sviluppo di conoscenze, abilità,competenze per una piena integrazione sociale e lavorativa. I massicci flussi migratoridegli ultimi anni hanno alimentato una crescente attenzione della comunità scientifica suiprocessi di formazione, occupazione e integrazione dei giovani richiedenti asilo provenientidai paesi extra UE.Il lavoro presenta alcuni risultati del progetto “CREI - Creazione di reti per immigrati” (fondiFAMI 2014-2020). Al centro del progetto vi è l’applicazione di un modello di orientamentoformativo e professionale caratterizzato da strumenti quali-quantitativi per riconoscere,convalidare e sviluppare le competenze strategiche di giovani immigrati.Il risultato è un’analisi complessa che da un lato aiuta i soggetti a conoscere meglio e gestirese stessi, dall’altro permette ai formatori di sviluppare programmi di supporto formativoe professionale

    Processi autoregolativi e feedback nell’apprendimento online

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    The e-learning training, both within most traditional formal education contexts and in the latest version of MOOCs, is growing. However, the limits are also highlighted: high risk of drop-out, high variability in the quality of education and learning outcomes. The commitment to further qualify e-learning training implies a redefinition of educational and evaluation models and tools that consider aspects of cognitive, metacognitive and motivational nature. Specifically it seems interesting to study the self-regulation processes which many have highlighted as one of the main success factors in the study and which we must consider as particularly critical when the regulation of learning processes is completely or almost at the expense of the subject, as typically happens in e-learning contexts. It is therefore interesting to develop tools and strategies that help students to reflect and become aware of those dimensions that are basis of self-regulating behaviour. In this way also Social Learning Analytics perspective, through the implementation of feedback tools, offers interesting solutions to improve levels of awareness and trust of students in e-learning environments

    Competenze strategiche, prospettiva temporale e dimensione narrativa nell’orientamento

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    This work shows the results found from administering three different surveys to University students: the Questionario sulle Strategie di Apprendimento (QSA-Pellerey, 1996); the Questionario sulla Percezione delle Competenze Strategiche (QPCS-Pellerey, 2010); the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI-Zimbardo and Boyd, 1999). It has been found that owning proper strategicskills correlates positively with a balanced time perspective; on the contrary, those students who have inadequate strategic skills are usually prone to adopt a fatalistic perspective towards the present and a low orientation to the future.Therefore, a narrative-diachronic perspective has been adopted in order to build an ePortfolio (Barret, 2004). The ePortfolio gathers all the information retrieved by using the above-mentioned surveys (QSA, QPCS and ZTPI), and enables you to reinterpret your own past experiences and project them into the future.Nel presente lavoro sono riportati gli esiti dell’applicazione, a studenti universitari, di strumenti quali il Questionario sulle Strategie di Apprendimento (QSA-Pellerey, 1996), il Questionario di Percezione delle Competenze Strategiche (QPCS-Pellerey, 2010) e lo Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPIZimbardo e Boyd, 1999). È stato rilevato che il possesso di competenze strategiche adeguate correla positivamente con una prospettiva temporale equilibrata e viceversa gli studenti con competenze strategiche inadeguate mostrano un vissuto “fatalista” del presente e scarso orientamento nel futuro.Ciò ha indotto l’adozione di una prospettiva diacronico-narrativa per l’orientamento con la proposta di redazione di un ePortfolio (Barrett, 2004) in cui convergano le riflessioni elaborate grazie all’utilizzo degli strumenti citati, con l’obiettivo di agevolare i soggetti a reinterpretare il vissuto e a proiettarlo nel futuro

    Ambienti digitali per lo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali nella didattica universitaria

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    Digital Environments for the Development of Transversal Competences in University EducationInternational studies show that university teaching is making increasing use of digital environments to integrate traditional teaching. In this paper we consider the contribution that can be made by online environments to develop students’ positive and proactive attitudes with respect to the academic curriculum in order to reduce student drop-out, encourage greater regularity in their academic career, develop transversal competences and promote student guidance. In particular, we have observed the online activities in academic year 2013/2014 carried on by students of General Didactics, a degree course in the Department of Educational Sciences of «Roma Tre» University. These activities include the realization of two online practical classes: completion of the QSA (Questionnaire for Learning Strategies); participation in a cooperative online learning exercise. In both experiences we analyzed the procedures and outcomes. We observed that, through the QSA, students reflected on their learning strategies and on the importance of planning their university commitments: a positive factor is the high percentage of students who took the exam successfully in the first session (approximately 68%). In addition, the questionnaire data clearly show that students found that group work helps to develop cognitive and meta-cognitive competences as well as relationship competences. In particular, we found that in the General Didactics examination the students who had experienced cooperative learning obtained higher grades, on average, than those who did not, and that the former group had less «sigma» compared to the latter

    Apprendimento permanente, saperi e competenze strategiche: approcci concettuali nel contesto di collaborazione scientifica tra Brasile e Italia (Lifelong learning, knowledge and Strategic Competence: conceptual approaches in the context of scientific collaboration between Brazil and Italy)

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    Este ensaio pretende apresentar abordagens sobre a definição dos conceitos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, conhecimentos e competências, a partir de uma revisão de literatura, com contribuições, entre outros, de Dewey, Bruner, Freire, Schon e Tardif. A partir da análise teórica realizada por pesquisadores italianos e um pesquisador brasileiro, por meio de seus centros/laboratórios de pesquisa, e do acordo de colaboração internacional entre as universidades brasileiras e italianas, este texto aborda, com base na literatura científica, os termos-chave que sustentam a estudos realizados. Dos argumentos expressos, surge a posição comum sobre o conceito de aprendizagem ao longo da vida ou aprendizagem ao longo da vida, que considera a abordagem humanística e a valorização de experiências de diferentes contextos como a família e a escola (em particular o básico e superior). Nessa perspectiva, a aproximação semântica entre os conceitos de competência e conhecimento também é destacada, reconhecida e valorizada como elementos fundamentais para o processo de aprendizagem e para o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e reflexivo, e consequentemente transformador em relação aos problemas e aos desafios cotidianos. da vida. Essa contribuição fortalece a rede de pesquisa conjunta, com o objetivo de aprimorar o conhecimento teórico para subsidiar o desenvolvimento de pesquisas na área educacional, além dos muros acadêmicos brasileiros ou italianos

    Sprofondamenti in aree urbane: il caso del parco “Ytzhak Rabin” (via Panama, Roma)

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    In Rome urban area, within the garden dedicated to Ytzhak Rabin (a portion of the Villa Ada park), occurrence of a few collapses has been observed for the first time in September 2012. In the surroundings, presence of underground cavities- mainly catacombs- is conversely well documented by previous studies. Local authorities were immediately informed of sinkholes formation, because collapses occurred very close to a playground located in a highly frequented sector of the garden. Propagation processes of the phenomena, periodically monitored since their first observation, significantly fastened after a period of heavy rainfalls on Rome area in January- February 2014. Thus, multidisciplinary geophysical investigations have been started in agreement with Civil Protection of Rome Municipality, who has taken preliminary safety measures (installation of fences and danger signals). Hitherto, 28 sinkholes have been identified, aligned along a WNW-ESE trending zone, testifying localized collapses of the roof of underground cavities, probably belonging to the palaeocristian catacomb systems dug nearby Via Salaria. Preliminary geophysical prospections have been performed in a small test area, in order to verify methods applicability and thus program a systematic survey of the whole garden. Drillings, and direct exploration of the accessible galleries, will complete the reconstruction of underground geometry and conservation state of vaults and pillars. Once completed the hazard assessment, the planning of urgent works is expected in order to restore the complete use of the garden.Published25 - 422TR. Ricostruzione e modellazione della struttura crostaleN/A or not JC