634 research outputs found

    Demography and heat stress: the role of population dynamics in climate risk projections

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    The impact of climate change on human health is not distributed evenly with some demographic groups e.g. older adults, people with a low socio-economic status, city inhabitants being more susceptible to increasing temperatures. High-resolution spatial projections of population vulnerability are however scarce. Using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA), this paper downscales population structure to intra-urban level for the case study of Madrid. First, empirical data from the municipal register of inhabitants are used to map where vulnerable groups reside. Demographic heterogeneity is captured through disaggregating the input data by age groups (below and above 65 years), sex and educational attainment (as a proxy for socio-economic status). Second, BMA is employed to project shares of these groups to 2050, under selected Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. The resulting distributions of population groups and their projected changes are relevant for local decision-making regarding adaptation strategies to decrease the health burden heat stress might impose in the future

    Systemic inflammatory response – antiinflamatory strategies in cardiac surgery

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanOperaţiile pe inimă deseori se asociază cu dezvoltarea sindromului de răspuns inflamator sistemic. Acest fenomen este variabil clinic şi poate fi determinat în condiţii de laborator prin aprecierea indicilor principali de inflamaţie, cum sânt - complementul, citokinele şi factorii de adgezie. Luând în consideraţie că sindromul inflamator poate afecta organele majore, în ultimul timp are loc dezvoltarea vertiginoasă a strategiilor antiinflamatori având ca scop diminuarea răspunsului inflamator sistemic. Scopul acestui articol este de a sistematiza literatura mondială recentă consacrată problemei sus numite. În particular, sânt elucidate efectele antiinflamatori a by-pass-ului aortocoronarian fără circulaţie extracorporală (CEC), hemofiltrarea, filtraţia leucocitară, utilizarea corticosteroizilor, aprotininei, inhibitorilor fosfodiesterazei, dopexaminului, H2 antagonişti, şi blocatorilor enzimelor de conversie.It’s generally accepted that cardiac surgery is frequently associated with the development of systemic inflammatory response. This fhenomenon is very variable clinically, and can be detected by measuring plasma concentrations of certain inflammatory markers. Complement component, cytokines and adhesin molecules are examples of these markers. Systemic inflammation can be potentially damaging to major organs. Several anti-inflammatory strategies have been used in recent years, aiming to attenuate the development of systemic inflammatory response. This article summarizes recently published literature concerning the use of anti-inflammatory techiques and farmacological agents in cardiac surgery. In particular, the anti-inflammatory effects of off-pump surgery, leucocyte filtration, corticosteroids, aprotinin, phoshodiesterase inhibitors, dopexamine, H2 antagonists and ACE inhibitors are reviewed. The overall conclusion is that although certain strategies reduce plasma levels of inflammatory mediators, convicing evidence of sugnificant clinical benefits is yet to come

    Surgical management of exudative pericarditis after open heart surgery

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanArticolul este dedicat problemelor de diagnostic şi tratament chirurgical al pericarditei exudative postoperatorii. Patogenia și evoluția postoperatorie a pacienților cu acumulări de lichid în pericard a fost analizată prin prizma prezenței bolilor concomitente, duratei circulației extracorporale, terapiei cu anticoagulante şi antiinflamatorii nesteroide, analizei bacteriologice a lichidului. A fost propus un management terapeutic în rezolvarea pericarditelor exudative după operaţiile pe cord deschis.The article is dedicated to postoperative exudative pericarditis, the diagnostic and surgical treatment problems. The postoperative evolution of the patients with accumulation of liquid in pericardium was analyzed through the presence of consequent pathologies, extracorporeal circulation duration, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory therapy, bacteriologic analysis of the liquid. We proposed a therapeutic ma nagement of exudative pericarditis treatment after open heart operations

    Surgical management of exudative pericarditis after open heart surgery

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanArticolul este dedicat problemelor de diagnostic şi tratament chirurgical al pericarditei exudative postoperatorii. Patogenia şi evoluţia postoperatorie a pacienţilor cu acumulări de lichid în pericard a fost analizată prin pizma prezenţei bolilor concomitente, duratei circulaţiei extracorporale, terapiei cu anticoagulante şi antiinflamatorii nesteroide, analizei bacteriologice a lichidului. A fost propus un management terapeutic în rezolvarea pericarditelor exudative după operaţiile pe cord deschis. The article is dedicated to postoperative exudative pericarditis, the diagnostic and surgical treatment problems. The postoperative evolution of the patients with accumulation of liquid in pericardium was analyzed through the presence of consequent pathologies, extracorporeal circulation duration, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory therapy, bacteriologic analysis of the liquid. We proposed a therapeutic management of exudative pericarditis treatment after open heart operations

    In-beam fast-timing measurements in 103,105,107Cd

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    Fast-timing measurements were performed recently in the region of the medium-mass 103,105,107Cd isotopes, produced in fusion evaporation reactions. Emitted gamma-rays were detected by eight HPGe and five LaBr3:Ce detectors working in coincidence. Results on new and re-evaluated half-lives are discussed within a systematic of transition rates. The 7/21+7/2_1^+ states in 103,105,107Cd are interpreted as arising from a single-particle excitation. The half-life analysis of the 11/2111/2_1^- states in 103,105,107Cd shows no change in the single-particle transition strength as a function of the neutron number

    First Evidence of Shape Coexistence in the Ni-78 Region : Intruder 0(2)(+) State in Ge-80

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    The N = 48 Ge-80 nucleus is studied by means of beta-delayed electron-conversion spectroscopy at ALTO. The radioactive Ga-80 beam is produced through the isotope separation on line photofission technique and collected on a movable tape for the measurement of gamma and e(-) emission following beta decay. An electric monopole E0 transition, which points to a 639(1) keV intruder 0(2)(+) state, is observed for the first time. This new state is lower than the 2(1)(+) level in Ge-80, and provides evidence of shape coexistence close to one of the most neutron-rich doubly magic nuclei discovered so far, Ni-78. This result is compared with theoretical estimates, helping to explain the role of monopole and quadrupole forces in the weakening of the N = 50 gap at Z = 32. The evolution of intruder 0(2)(+) states towards Ni-78 is discussed.Peer reviewe

    Fast-timing measurements in 95,96Mo

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    Half-lives of the 19/2+ and 21/2+ states in 95Mo and of the 8+ and 10+ states in 96Mo were measured. Matrix elements for yrast transitions in 95Mo and 96Mo are discussed.Comment: Proceedings of XIX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, 2011, 5 pages, 6 figure

    Unexpected high-energy γ emission from decaying exotic nuclei

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    Abstract The N = 52 Ga 83 β decay was studied at ALTO. The radioactive 83Ga beam was produced through the ISOL photofission technique and collected on a movable tape for the measurement of γ-ray emission following β decay. While β-delayed neutron emission has been measured to be 56–85% of the decay path, in this experiment an unexpected high-energy 5–9 MeV γ-ray yield of 16(4)% was observed, coming from states several MeVs above the neutron separation threshold. This result is compared with cutting-edge QRPA calculations, which show that when neutrons deeply bound in the core of the nucleus decay into protons via a Gamow–Teller transition, they give rise to a dipolar oscillation of nuclear matter in the nucleus. This leads to large electromagnetic transition probabilities which can compete with neutron emission, thus affecting the β-decay path. This process is enhanced by an excess of neutrons on the nuclear surface and may thus be a common feature for very neutron-rich isotopes, challenging the present understanding of decay properties of exotic nuclei