180 research outputs found

    Parvovirus B19: Insights and implication for pathogenesis, prevention and therapy

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    Parvovirus B19 (B19V) is a small ssDNA non-enveloped virus, member of Parvoviridae family. The infection is widely diffused and is responsible for a broad range of clinical manifestations including fifth disease in children, transient aplastic crisis in patients with haematological disorders, non-immune hydrops fetalis in pregnant women, persistent anaemia in immunocompromised patients, arthropathy and inflammation of various other tissues. B19V infects and replicates in erythroid progenitor cells (EPCs) in the bone marrow. The depletion of infected EPCs represents the pathogenetic mechanisms of some haematological B19V-associate diseases. Following a primary infection, the virus can establish lifelong persistence in several tissues. Currently, the pathological potential of persistent virus on the cellular signalling pathways remains unclear. In non-erythroid tissues, the infection is usually, abortive, and the virus seems to exert its pathological role through indirect mechanisms, such as induction of inflammatory and autoimmune processes, or through virus-induced apoptosis mediated by viral proteins. In addition to the diseases for which the etiological role of B19V has been fully demonstrated, there are several clinical conditions, including autoimmune diseases, that are presumably, but not certainly, associated with B19V infection. In this review, we describe recent findings that may give us new insight into the pathogenic role of B19V in systemic sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of unknown multifactorial aetiology. Furthermore, we describe the latest findings on the intrauterine B19V infections. Moreover, since there are some ongoing interesting studies focused on vaccine development and antiviral drug discovery for the prevention and treatment of parvovirus B19 infection we described some advances in this field of research

    Dynamical behaviour of epidemiological models with sub-optimal immunity and nonlinear incidence

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    In this paper we analyze the dynamics of two families of epidemiological models which correspond to transitions from the SIR (susceptible-infectious-resistant) to the SIS (susceptible-infectious-susceptible) frameworks. In these models we assume that the force of infection is a nonlinear function of density of infectious individuals, I. Conditions for the existence of backwards bifurcations, oscillations and Bogdanov-Takens points are give

    PBFT vs proof-of-authority: Applying the CAP theorem to permissioned blockchain

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    Permissioned blockchains are arising as a solution to federate companies prompting accountable interactions. A variety of consensus algorithms for such blockchains have been proposed, each of which has different benefits and drawbacks. Proof-of-Authority (PoA) is a new family of Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithms largely used in practice to ensure better performance than traditional Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). However, the lack of adequate analysis of PoA hinders any cautious evaluation of their effectiveness in real-world permissioned blockchains deployed over the Internet, hence on an eventually synchronous network experimenting Byzantine nodes. In this paper, we analyse two of the main PoA algorithms, named Aura and Clique, both in terms of provided guarantees and performances. First, we derive their functioning including how messages are exchanged, then we weight, by relying on the CAP theorem, consistency, availability and partition tolerance guarantees. We also report a qualitative latency analysis based on message rounds. The analysis advocates that PoA for permissioned blockchains, deployed over the Internet with Byzantine nodes, do not provide adequate consistency guarantees for scenarios where data integrity is essential. We claim that PBFT can fit better such scenarios, despite a limited loss in terms of performance

    Opto-mechanical probe for combining atomic force microscopy and optical near-field surface analysis

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    We have developed a new easy-to-use probe that can be used to combine atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). We show that, using this device, the evanescent field, obtained by total internal reflection conditions in a prism, can be visualized by approaching the surface with the scanning tip. Furthermore, we were able to obtain simultaneous AFM and SNOM images of a standard test grating in air and in liquid. The lateral resolution in AFM and SNOM mode was estimated to be 45 and 160 nm, respectively. This new probe overcomes a number of limitations that commercial probes have, while yielding the same resolution. (C) 2014 Optical Society of Americ

    Glutathione-Induced Release of Zeatin From Functionalized Gold Nanovectors

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    The paper shows our preliminary results on the different spectroscopic behavior of three types of gold nanoparticles (obtained respectively by chemical synthesis, laser ablation in pure water and laser ablation in a citrate solution) modified with trans-zeatin, a plant growth regulator, in presence of glutathione. The reaction of ligand substitution of the adsorbed zeatin with glutathione is studied through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and is revealed to occur only when citrate-laser ablated gold nanoparticles are employed, making these particles potentially good candidates as vehicles of zeatin inside plant cells for future agricultural applications

    Glutathione-Induced Release of Zeatin From Functionalized Gold Nanovectors

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    The paper shows our preliminary results on the different spectroscopic behavior of three types of gold nanoparticles (obtained respectively by chemical synthesis, laser ablation in pure water and laser ablation in a citrate solution) modified with trans-zeatin, a plant growth regulator, in presence of glutathione. The reaction of ligand substitution of the adsorbed zeatin with glutathione is studied through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and is revealed to occur only when citrate-laser ablated gold nanoparticles are employed, making these particles potentially good candidates as vehicles of zeatin inside plant cells for future agricultural applications

    uPAR controls vasculogenic mimicry ability expressed by drug-resistant melanoma cells.

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    Malignant melanoma is a highly aggressive skin cancer characterized by an elevated grade of tumor cell plasticity. Such plasticity allows adaptation of melanoma cells to different hostile conditions and guarantees tumor survival and disease progression, including aggressive features such as drug resistance. Indeed, almost 50% of melanoma rapidly develop resistance to the BRAF(V600E) inhibitor vemurafenib, with fast tumor dissemination, a devastating consequence for patients’ outcomes. Vasculogenic mimicry (VM), the ability of cancer cells to organize themselves in perfused vascular-like channels, might sustain tumor spread by providing vemurafenib-resistant cancer cells with supplementary ways to enter into circulation and disseminate. Thus, this research aims to determine if vemurafenib resistance goes with the acquisition of VM ability by aggressive melanoma cells, and identify a driving molecule for both vemurafenib resistance and VM. We used two independent experimental models of drug-resistant melanoma cells, the first one represented by a chronic adaptation of melanoma cells to extracellular acidosis, known to drive a particularly aggressive and vemurafenib-resistant phenotype, the second one generated with chronic vemurafenib exposure. By performing in vitro tube formation assay and evaluating the expression levels of the VM markers EphA2 and VE-cadherin by Western blotting and flow cytometer analyses, we demonstrated that vemurafenib-resistant cells obtained by both models are characterized by an increased ability to perform VM. Moreover, by exploiting the CRISPR-Cas9 technique and using the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) inhibitor M25, we identified uPAR as a driver of VM expressed by vemurafenib-resistant melanoma cells. Thus, uPAR targeting may be successfully leveraged as a new complementary therapy to inhibit VM in drug-resistant melanoma patients, to counteract the rapid progression and dissemination of the disease