67 research outputs found

    Increased efficiency of ion acceleration by using femtosecond laser pulses at higher harmonic frequency

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    The influence of laser frequency on laser-driven ion acceleration is investigated by means of two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. When ultrashort intense laser pulse at higher harmonic frequency irradiates a thin solid foil, the target may become relativistically transparent for significantly lower laser pulse intensity compared to irradiation at fundamental laser frequency. The relativistically induced transparency results in an enhanced heating of hot electrons as well as increased maximum energies of accelerated ions and their numbers. Our simulation results have shown the increase of maximum proton energy and of the number of high-energy protons by a factor of 2 after the interaction of an ultrashort laser pulse of maximum intensity 7×1021 W/cm27 \times 10^{21}~\rm{W/cm^2} with a fully ionized plastic foil of realistic density and of optimal thickness between 100 nm100~\rm{nm} and 200 nm200~\rm{nm} when switching from the fundamental frequency to the third harmonics

    Investigations on low temperature laser-generated plasmas

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    AbstractA nanosecond pulsed Nd-Yag laser, operating at an intensity of about 109 W/cm2, was employed to irradiate different metallic solid targets (Al, Cu, Ta, W, and Au) in vacuum. The measured ablation yield increases with the direct current (dc) electrical conductivity of the irradiated target. The produced plasma was characterized in terms of thermal and Coulomb interaction evaluating the ion temperature and the ion acceleration voltage developed in the non-equilibrium plasma core. The particles emission produced along the normal to the target surface was investigated measuring the neutral and the ion energy distributions and fitting the experimental data with the "Coulomb-Boltzmann-shifted" function. Results indicate that the mean energy of the distributions and the equivalent ion acceleration voltage of the non-equilibrium plasma increase with the free electron density of the irradiated element

    Ion energy increase in laser-generated plasma expanding through axial magnetic field trap

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    Laser-generated plasma is obtained in high vacuum (10−7 mbar) by irradiation of metallic targets (Al, Cu, Ta) with laser beam with intensities of the order of 1010 W/cm2. An Nd:Yag laser operating at 1064 nm wavelength, 9 ns pulse width, and 500 mJ maximum pulse energy is used. Time of flight measurements of ion emission along the direction normal to the target surface were performed with an ion collector. Measurements with and without a 0.1 Tesla magnetic field, directed along the normal to the target surface, have been taken for different target-detector distances and for increasing laser pulse intensity. Results have demonstrated that the magnetic field configuration creates an electron trap in front of the target surface along the axial direction. Electric fields inside the trap induce ion acceleration; the presence of electron bundles not only focuses the ion beam but also increases its energy, mean charge state and current. The explanation of this phenomenon can be found in the electric field modification inside the non-equilibrium plasma because of an electron bunching that increases the number of electron-ion interactions. The magnetic field, in fact, modifies the electric field due to the charge separation between the clouds of fast electrons, many of which remain trapped in the magnetic hole, and slow ions, ejected from the ablated target; moreover it increases the number of electron-ion interactions producing higher charge states

    Self-focusing effect in Au-target induced by high power pulsed laser at PALS

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    AbstractSelf-focusing effects, induced by ASTERIX pulsed laser at PALS Laboratory of Prague, have been investigated. Laser was employed at the third harmonics (438 nm) and intensities of the order of 1016 W/cm2. Pure Au was used as thin target and irradiated with 30° incidence angle. An ion energy analyzer was employed to detect the energy-to-mass ratio of emitted ions from plasma. Measurements were performed by changing the focal point position with a high spatial resolution step-motor. Results demonstrated that non linear processes, due to self-focusing effects, occurs when the laser beam is focused at about 200 µm in front of the target surface. In such conditions, a new ion group, having high charge state and kinetic energy, is produced because of the increment in temperature of the laser-generated plasma

    Reduction of angular divergence of laser-driven ion beams during their acceleration and transport

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    Laser plasma physics is a field of big interest because of its implications in basic science, fast ignition, medicine (i.e. hadrontherapy), astrophysics, material science, particle acceleration etc. 100-MeV class protons accelerated from the interaction of a short laser pulse with a thin target have been demonstrated. With continuing development of laser technology, greater and greater energies are expected, therefore projects focusing on various applications are being formed, e.g. ELIMAIA (ELI Multidisciplinary Applications of laser-Ion Acceleration). One of the main characteristic and crucial disadvantage of ion beams accelerated by ultra-short intense laser pulses is their large divergence, not suitable for the most of applications. In this paper two ways how to decrease beam divergence are proposed. Firstly, impact of different design of targets on beam divergence is studied by using 2D Particlein-cell simulations (PIC). Namely, various types of targets include at foils, curved foil and foils with diverse microstructures. Obtained results show that well-designed microstructures, i.e. a hole in the center of the target, can produce proton beam with the lowest divergence. Moreover, the particle beam accelerated from a curved foil has lower divergence compared to the beam from a flat foil. Secondly, another proposed method for the divergence reduction is using of a magnetic solenoid. The trajectories of the laser accelerated particles passing through the solenoid are modeled in a simple Matlab program. Results from PIC simulations are used as input in the program. The divergence is controlled by optimizing the magnetic field inside the solenoid and installing an aperture in front of the device

    Thomson Parabola Spectrometer for Energetic Ions Emitted from Sub-ns Laser Generated Plasmas

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    Laser-generated plasmas were obtained in high vacuum by irradiating micrometric thin films (Au, Au/Mylar, Mylar) with the Asterix laser at the PALS Research Infrastructure in Prague. Irradiations at the fundamental wavelength, 300 ps pulse duration, at intensities up to about 1016W/cm2, enabled ions to be accelerated in forward direction with kinetic energies of the order of 2 MeV/charge state. Protons above 2 MeV were obtained in the direction orthogonal to the target surface in selffocusing conditions. Gold ions up to about 120 MeV and 60+ charge state were detected. Ion collectors and semiconductor SiC detectors were employed in time-of-flight arrangement in order to measure the ion velocities as a function of the angle around the normal direction to the target surface. A Thomson parabola spectrometer (TPS) with a multi-channel-plate detector was used to separate the different ion contributions to the charge emission in single laser shots, and to get information on the ion charge states, energy and proton acceleration. TPS experimental spectra were compared with accurate TOSCA simulations of TPS parabolas

    Plasma Equilibrium inside Various Cross-Section Capillary Discharges

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    Plasma properties inside a hydrogen-filled capillary discharge waveguide were modeled with dissipative magnetohydrodynamic simulations to enable analysis of capillaries of circular and square cross-sections implying that square capillaries can be used to guide circularly-symmetric laser beams. When the quasistationary stage of the discharge is reached, the plasma and temperature in the vicinity of the capillary axis has almost the same profile for both the circular and square capillaries. The effect of cross-section on the electron beam focusing properties were studied using the simulation-derived magnetic field map. Particle tracking simulations showed only slight effects on the electron beam symmetry in the horizontal and diagonal directions for square capillary.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Experimental studies of generation of ~100 MeV Au-ions from the laser-produced plasma

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    AbstractUsing the PALS iodine laser system, Au ions with the charge state up to 58+ and with the kinetic energy as high as ~300 MeV were generated. The production of these ions was tested in dependence on the laser frequency (1ω, 3ω), on the irradiation/detection angles (0°, 30°), on the focus position with regard to the target surface, and on the target thickness (500 µm, 200 µm, 80 µm). A larger amount of the fastest ions was produced with 1ω than with 3ω, the most of the fast ions were recorded in the direction ~10°from the target normal, the optimum focus position is in front of the target and should be set on with a precision of 50 µm. The forward emission is weaker than the backward one for both of the thinner targets (which burn through) at our experimental conditions

    Plasma polymers as targets for laser-driven proton-boron fusion

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    Laser-driven proton-boron (pB) fusion has been gaining significant interest for energetic alpha particles production because of its neutron-less nature. This approach requires the use of B- and H-rich materials as targets, and common practice is the use of BN and conventional polymers. In this work, we chose plasma-assisted vapour phase deposition to prepare films of oligoethylenes (plasma polymers) on Boron Nitride BN substrates as an advanced alternative. The r.f. power delivered to the plasma was varied between 0 and 50 W to produce coatings with different crosslink density and hydrogen content, while maintaining the constant thickness of 1 μm. The chemical composition, including the hydrogen concentration, was investigated using XPS and RBS/ERDA, whereas the surface topography was analyzed using SEM and AFM. We triggered the pB nuclear fusion reaction focusing laser pulses from two different systems (i.e., the TARANIS multi-TW laser at the Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom) and the PERLA B 10-GW laser system at the HiLASE center in Prague (Czech Republic)) directly onto these targets. We achieved a yield up to 108 and 104 alpha particles/sr using the TARANIS and PERLA B lasers, respectively. Radiative-hydrodynamic and particle-in-cell PIC simulations were performed to understand the laser-target interaction and retrieve the energy spectra of the protons. The nuclear collisional algorithm implemented in the WarpX PIC code was used to identify the region where pB fusion occurs. Taken together, the results suggest a complex relationship between the hydrogen content, target morphology, and structure of the plasma polymer, which play a crucial role in laser absorption, target expansion, proton acceleration and ultimately nuclear fusion reactions in the plasma


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    ELI-Beamlines is one of the four pillars of the ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) pan-European project. It will be an ultrahigh-intensity, high repetition-rate, femtosecond laser facility whose main goal is to generate and apply high-brightness X-ray sources and accelerated charged particles. In particular, medical applications are treated by the ELIMED task force, which has been launched by collaboration between ELI and INFN researchers. ELIMED aims to demonstrate the clinical applicability of laser accelerated ions. In this article, the state of the ELIMED project and the first scientific results are reported. The design and realisation of a preliminary beam handling system and of an advanced spectrometer for diagnostics of high energy (multi-MeV) laser-accelerated ion beams will also be briefly presented