871 research outputs found

    Perturbative contributions to Wilson loops in twisted lattice boxes and reduced models

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    We compute the perturbative expression of Wilson loops up to order g4g^4 for SU(NN) lattice gauge theories with Wilson action on a finite box with twisted boundary conditions. Our formulas are valid for any dimension and any irreducible twist. They contain as a special case that of the 4-dimensional Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model for a symmetric twist with flux kk. Our results allow us to analyze the finite volume corrections as a function of the flux. In particular, one can quantify the approach to volume independence at large NN as a function of flux kk. The contribution of fermion fields in the adjoint representation is also analyzed.Comment: pdflatex 57 pages, 9 figures, 4 appendice

    Topology by improved cooling: susceptibility and size distributions

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    We use a cooling algorithm based on an improved action with scale invariant instanton solutions, which needs no monitoring or calibration and has a inherent cut off for dislocations. We present results for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory where the method provides good susceptibility data and physical size distributions of instantons.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at LATTICE96(topology

    Improved cooling algorithm for gauge theories

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    We propose and study a ``gold-washing" - type of algorithm which smooths out the short range fluctuations but leaves invariant instantons above a certain size. The algorithm needs no monitoring or calibration.Comment: Latex file, 4 pages, 4 figures in uuencoded compressed tar file. Contribution to Lattice 9

    The SU(∞)SU(\infty) twisted gradient flow running coupling

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    We measure the running of the SU(∞)SU(\infty) 't Hooft coupling by performing a step scaling analysis of the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai (TEK) model, the SU(NN) gauge theory on a single site lattice with twisted boundary conditions. The computation relies on the conjecture that finite volume effects for SU(N) gauge theories defined on a 4-dimensional twisted torus are controlled by an effective size parameter l~=lN\tilde l = l \sqrt{N}, with ll the torus period. We set the scale for the running coupling in terms of l~\tilde l and use the gradient flow to define a renormalized 't Hooft coupling λ(l~)\lambda(\tilde l). In the TEK model, this idea allows the determination of the running of the coupling through a step scaling procedure that uses the rank of the group as a size parameter. The continuum renormalized coupling constant is extracted in the zero lattice spacing limit, which in the TEK model corresponds to the large NN limit taken at fixed value of λ(l~)\lambda(\tilde l). The coupling constant is thus expected to coincide with that of the ordinary pure gauge theory at N=∞N =\infty. The idea is shown to work and permits us to follow the evolution of the coupling over a wide range of scales. At weak coupling we find a remarkable agreement with the perturbative two-loop formula for the running coupling.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Mass anomalous dimension of Adjoint QCD at large N from twisted volume reduction

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    In this work we consider the SU(N)SU(N) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions in the adjoint representation, in the limit of large NN. In this limit the infinite-volume physics of this model can be studied by means of the corresponding twisted reduced model defined on a single site lattice. Making use of this strategy we study the reduced model for various values of NN up to 289. By analyzing the eigenvalue distribution of the adjoint Dirac operator we test the conformality of the theory and extract the corresponding mass anomalous dimension.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. Version to appear in JHEP - corrected typos and reference

    `t Hooft model on the Lattice

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    Lattice results are presented for the meson spectrum of 1+1 dimensional gauge theory at large NN, using the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model. Comparison is made to the results obtained by `t Hooft in the light cone gauge.Comment: pdflatex 7 page

    Glueball masses in 2+1 dimensional SU(N) gauge theories with twisted boundary conditions

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    We analyze 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory regularized on a lattice with twisted boundary conditions in the spatial directions. In previous work it was shown that the observables in the non-zero electric flux sectors obey the so-called xx-scaling, i.e. depend only on the dimensionless variable x∝NL/bx\propto NL/b and the angle ξ~\tilde\theta given by the parameters of the twist (LL being the length of the spatial torus and bb the inverse 't Hooft coupling). It is conjectured that this scaling is obeyed by all physical quantities. In this work we extend the previous analyses to the zero electric flux (glueball) sector. We study the mass of the lightest scalar glueball in two theories with different NN but matching xx and ξ~\tilde\theta in a wide range of couplings from the perturbative small-volume regime to the non-perturbative one. We find that the results are consistent with the xx-scaling hypothesis.Comment: 7 pages, contribution to the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 23-28 June, 2014. Columbia University New York, NY; v2: references added, minor changes; PoS(LATTICE2014)05

    Cooling, Physical Scales and the Vacuum Structure of Y-M Theories

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    We present a cooling method controlled by a physical cooling radius that defines a scale below which fluctuations are smoothed out while leaving physics unchanged at all larger scales. This method can be generally used as a gauge invariant low pass filter to extract the physics from noisy MC configurations. Here we apply this method to study topological properties of lattice gauge theories where it allows to retain instanton--anti-instanton pairs.Comment: Lattice'99 contribution, 3 pages, 5 figure
