24 research outputs found

    A simulação do real organizacional: O método dos casos como ponte entre o conhecimento tácito e o académico

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    O desenvolvimento da ciência organizacional tem sido marcado pelo desdobramento de modas e modelos nas mais diversas áreas. O presente artigo reflecte sobre o seu papel, particularmente, por via dos estudos de caso. Sendo as escolas de negócios e de gestão um dos actores importantes na difusão destes modismos, o método dos casos, enquanto estratégia pedagógica, é entendido aqui como um importante veículo de coordenação entre a investigação científica organizacional e a sua realidade. Contribui para a aproximação entre os vários intervenientes neste processo (professores, alunos, gestores, líderes e empresários). Advoga-se a sua importância por estabelecer uma ponte entre a academia e a o mundo organizacional, entre o conhecimento teórico dos académicos e o conhecimento tácito dos agentes empresariais.The development of organizational science has been marked by the growth of models and fashions in different areas. The aim of this article is about it’s role, namely, by the hand of case studies. Business and management schools are one of important agents in models and fashions diffusion process. The case method, while pedagogic strategy, is an important vehicle of coordination between organizational scientific investigation and its reality. It contributes to different actors get close of each other (teachers, students, managers, leaders, business men). We address the relevance to build a bridge between the academic world and the organizational one, between the academic theoretical knowledge and tacit knowledge of organizational managers

    And after retirement, to leave or not to leave? Age management in the workplace.

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    As transformações demográficas que caraterizam as últimas décadas e as atuais projeções adivinham grandes implicações para o mundo do trabalho. Os presentes modelos organizacionais e de trabalho estão a ficar obsoletos devido a estas novas dinâmicas. Empregadores e empregados têm de começar a encontrar estratégias alternativas face à emergência do fenómeno do envelhecimento ativo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar pistas para a reflexão da problemática do envelhecimento ativo, em contexto de trabalho. Elencam-se alguns modelos teóricos e concetuais, desenvolvidos pelas investigações neste domínio. Discorre-se sobre as perspetivas dos trabalhadores mais velhos e das organizações, na decisão de trabalhar, após a idade legal da reforma. Adicionalmente, focam-se as práticas de recursos humanos associadas ao fenómeno, bem como algumas formas de intervenção sugeridas pelos estudos da área. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas evidências empíricas ao nível mundial; finalizando-se,com uma tentativa de diagnóstico da situação “envelhecimento ativo” em Portugal, indicando-se as principais políticas de ativação, com base em dados dos últimos anos. Este trabalho pretende ser um estudo descritivo, de base teórica, e sustentado por evidências empíricas; oscilando entre a descrição e a prescrição, de acordo com as recomendações práticas das investigações referenciadas.The demographic changes which have defined the past decades, as well as current projections, anticipate major implications for the working world. Existing organizational and work models are becoming obsolete due to these new dynamics. Employers and employees must find alternative strategies in view of the emergence of the active aging phenomenon. The current study aims to provide cues for reflections on active aging issues in the workplace. Theoretical and conceptual models developed by research in this area are presented. Perspectives from older workers and organizations on the decision to continue working after the statutory retirement age are discussed. Furthermore, human resource practices connected to this phenomenon and some forms of intervention suggested by studies in the area, are described. Finally, some empirical evidence at a global level is presented; lastly, an attempted diagnosis of “active aging” in Portugal is presented, indicating the key policies of activation, based on data from recent years. This work intends to be a descriptive study with a theoretical basis, and supported by empirical evidence; balancing between description and prescription, according to the practical recommendations of the referenced research

    Necessidades interpessoais e risco de suicídio numa amostra clínica de idosos

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    O objetivo desta investigação é testar o contributo das necessidades interpessoais - os sentimentos de não pertença e a perceção de ser um fardo – para o risco de suicídio, avaliado através da ideação suicida. Também se pretende investigar a possível interação entre as necessidades interpessoais e respetivos efeitos quadráticos, controlando o impacto de um conjunto de variáveis que apresentam, muitas vezes, uma correlação significativa com a ideação suicida. Neste estudo participaram 80 utentes idosos em recuperação de uma doença aguda. De acordo com os resultados, os sentimentos de não pertença e a perceção de ser um fardo correlacionam-se com a ideação suicida. No entanto, quando numa análise da regressão múltipla se considera simultaneamente o efeito de ambas as variáveis, apenas os sentimentos de não pertença contribuem significativamente na previsão da ideação suicida. Não se verificaram efeitos de interação nem efeitos quadráticos entre as variáveis necessidades interpessoais; Abstract: “Interpersonal needs and suicide risk in a sample of elderly patients” The aim of this study is to test the contribution of interpersonal needs - thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness - to the risk of suicide, assessed by the presence of suicidal ideation. It also intends to investigate the possible interaction between interpersonal needs and the respective quadratic effects, by controlling the impact of a set of variables which have, many times, a significant correlation with suicidal ideation. In this study participated 80 elderly patients recovering from an acute medical condition. According to the results, thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness are correlated with suicidal ideation. However, when in a multiple regression analysis we considerate simultaneously the effect of both variables, only thwarted belongingness contributes significatively to suicide ideation prediction. No interactions effects or quadratic effects were observed between interpersonal needs variables

    A longevidade das organizações no cenário da nova economia

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    A década de 90 inscreveu as organizações num novo cenário caracterizado pelo aparecimento da denominada nova economia. Outros desafios se colocaram e a luta pela sobrevivência tornou- se uma constante diária para as empresas que operam em actividades altamente competitivas. O presente artigo visa analisar este contexto. Discutem-se as novas preocupações e problemáticas, designadamente as novas competências-chave, a moldagem de futuros competitivos, onde o conhecimento e a aprendizagem são as principais armas de diferenciação entre as organizações. Consequentemente, a informação, a capacidade de absorção e adaptação incessantes e o fascínio pela inovação fazem o diferencial competitivo de algumas empresas centenárias.The 90s brought a new scenario to organizations, namely one characterized by what is nowadays known as The New Economy. Organizations are faced with new challenges and survival seems to have become a must in all environments. This text aims to analyze such new context. Problems and issues are discussed, particularly new key-competencies and competitive-future modeling exercises, in which knowledge and learning are at the core of organizational differentiation. Information, absorptive capacity, continuous adaptation, and the innovation appeal, are just some the factors that affect competitive skills of centennial organizations

    Remote work and human resources challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic scenario: the cases of Italy and Portugal

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    This study presents the preliminary results of a European project (EURECA) being carried out in Italy and Portugal. One of its aims is to understand the role of remote work arising from the recent pandemic. The question that drove this research was: What is the role of remote work resulting from the emergent changes of the 2019 pandemic scenario in Portuguese and Italian organisations?. Case studies were used as the methodological approach, and the qualitative and inductive work directed the research, guided by the assumptions of practice-based theory. Thus, interviews were conducted with human resource managers and/or directors of companies/public institutions. So far, the sample comprises 16 organisations. The results show that before the crisis, which lasted about two years, most organisations did not engage in remote work. Afterwards, human resources practices had to adapt to this new reality, and hybrid work (a combination of remote and face-to-face work) is currently present in most of the organisations studied. New challenges are also appearing in this area, including new information systems, career management, and training and performance evaluation, among others. Hence, this new model of work design also brings new challenges to organisations and management. The implications pressing issue are several: practical (for management and organisations); theoretical (new inputs on HR practices, remote working and change management); and methodological (reinforcing the importance of case studies and practice-based theory in a comparative analysis of the Portuguese and Italian contexts). Avenues for further research are also proposed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Objective and subjective career success: individual, structural, and behavioral determinants on European hybrid workers

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    IntroductionIn the current worldwide labor context, where a disruption took place and employees experience.MethodsParticipated in this study 739 European hybrid workers who fulfilled an online assessment protocol.ResultsResults indicate that higher ages, higher educational levels, being married, having children, working.DiscussionThis study makes a unique contribution to the extant research on hybrid workers’ careers, specifically

    Does psychache mediate the relationship between general distress and suicide ideation?

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    This study evaluated whether psychache (i.e., mental pain) mediates the association between general distress, assessed as the frequency and the intensity of psychological symptoms in the previous week, and suicide ideation in community adults. For a sample of 202 adults, psychache fully mediated the relationship between suicide ideation and the frequency of psychological symptoms, and partially mediated the relationship between suicide ideation and the intensity of psychological symptoms. As such, mental pain fully or partially explains the process linking the frequency and the intensity of general distress to suicide ideation and, thus, mental pain is a target for potential intervention

    Suicide Ideation in Older Adults Recovering from Acute Conditions in a Clinical Recovery Facility

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    The aim of the current study was to assess suicide ideation in a sample of older adults recovering from acute conditions in a clinical recovery facility of the Portuguese Red Cross. Four indicators of suicide ideation were used. Clinical, contextual, and psychological variables—namely, previous suicide attempts, death of a family member suicide, loneliness, and interpersonal needs—were also tested to determine whether they were related to suicide ideation. Findings show suicide ideation is frequent at admission and related to patients’ previous suicide attempts. Death of a family member by suicide and patients’ functional dependency are related to some indicators of suicide ideation, and loneliness and interpersonal needs are important psychological variables relating to suicide ideation. Interpersonal needs were related to suicide ideation even after controlling for previous suicide attempts. Implications of the results for clinical practice are discussed. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 43(9), 31-37.