9 research outputs found

    Modified zeolites in ground water treatment

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    There are presented results of technological experiments carried out in Water Treatment Plant Kúty. The goal of this study was to compare modified zeolite known as clinoptilolite (rich deposits of clinoptilolite were found in the region of East Slovakia in the 1980s) with the imported modified zeolite from deposit situated in Hungary. Klinopur-Mn and Klinomangan were used for removal of iron and manganese from ground water to meet the requirements of the Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 496/2010 on Drinking Water. The materials observed exhibit different efficiencies of manganese removal from water, since the quality of the treated water play a major role (oxygen content and pH value). In the case of the removal of the iron from the water, the quality of the raw water is not a limiting factor; both materials removed Fe from the water to below the limit value (0.20 mg.l-1).Článok prezentuje výsledky technologických skúšok vykonaných v UV Kúty. Cieľom tejto práce bolo porovnať modifikované (povrchovo upravené) zeolity známe ako klinoptilolit (veľké nálezisko klinoptilolitu bolo objavené na Východnom Slovensku v 1980-tych rokoch) s dovážaným povrchovo upraveným zeolitom z náleziska v Maďarsku. Klinopur-Mn a Klinomangan boli použité pre odstraňovanie železa a mangánu z podzemnej vody na dosiahnutie limitných hodnôt pre pitnú vodu podľa Nariadenia vlády č. 496/2010 Z.z. Sledované materiály vykazovali rôznu účinnosť odstraňovania mangánu z vody, na účinnosť odstraňovania mala významný vplyv kvalita upravovanej vody (obsah kyslíka, hodnota pH). V prípade odstraňovania železa z vody kvalita surovej vody nie je limitujúcim faktorom, obidva materiály odstraňovali železo z vody pod limitnú hodnotu (0,2 mg.l-1)

    Application of asymmetrical statistical distributions for 1D simulation of solute transport in streams

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    Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional (1D) advection–dispersion equations, describing the substance transport in streams, are often used because of their simplicity and computational speed. Practical computations, however, clearly show the limits and the inaccuracies of this approach. These are especially visible in cases where the streams deform concentration distribution of the transported substance due to hydraulic and morphological conditions, e.g., by transient storage zones (dead zones), vegetation, and irregularities in the stream hydromorphology. In this paper, a new approach to the simulation of 1D substance transport is presented, adapted, and tested on tracer experiments available in the published research, and carried out in three small streams in Slovakia with dead zones. Evaluation of the proposed methods, based on different probability distributions, confirmed that they approximate the measured concentrations significantly better than those based upon the commonly used Gaussian distribution. Finally, an example of the application of the proposed methods to an iterative (inverse) task is presented


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    1D model of the Drava River, between 00 + 543 rkm and 69 +118 rkm, was created by the MIKE 11 river-modeling tool. The aim of this model was to analyze the river water quality (WQ). Compared to the real Drava River section, the model was simplified to exclude any tributaries for the purpose of the water quality analysis. The inflow boundary was specified upstream, in addition to the WQ parameters (dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus and orthophosphate, and five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)). The water level and open boundary conditions were specified at the downstream end of section. The WQ parameters, mentioned earlier, were also defined at the Belišće wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (54 + 373 rkm) and at the wastewater outlet near Osijek (14 + 580 rkm). The model was then used to simulate the effect on the WQ of the Drava River in a hypothetical extreme scenario: the 2-day failure of the Belišće WWTP. It was assumed that during this time untreated wastewater would be discharged into the river. After running the simulation, the resulting concentrations of DO, BOD5, and ammonia nitrogen were analyzed. The results showed that, according to the concentration values of the untreated wastewater, the concentrations of BOD5 and ammonia nitrogen rapidly increased and the DO concentrations rapidly decreased with the initiation of the WWTP failure. Immediately after the WWTP was repaired, the parameters returned to their pre-failure values. The resulting analysis of the effects of this scenario highlighted the self-purification ability of the Drava River

    An approximate method for 1-D simulation of pollution transport in streams with dead zones

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    Analytical solutions describing the 1D substance transport in streams have many limitations and factors, which determine their accuracy. One of the very important factors is the presence of the transient storage (dead zones), that deform the concentration distribution of the transported substance. For better adaptation to such real conditions, a simple 1D approximation method is presented in this paper. The proposed approximate method is based on the asymmetric probability distribution (Gumbel’s distribution) and was verified on three streams in southern Slovakia. Tracer experiments on these streams confirmed the presence of dead zones to various extents, depending mainly on the vegetation extent in each stream. Statistical evaluation confirms that the proposed method approximates the measured concentrations significantly better than methods based upon the Gaussian distribution. The results achieved by this novel method are also comparable with the solution of the 1D advection-diffusion equation (ADE), whereas the proposed method is faster and easier to apply and thus suitable for iterative (inverse) tasks

    Impact of Sediment Layer on Longitudinal Dispersion in Sewer Systems

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    Experiments focused on pollution transport and dispersion phenomena in conditions of low flow (low water depth and velocities) in sewers with bed sediment and deposits are presented. Such conditions occur very often in sewer pipes during dry weather flows. Experiments were performed in laboratory conditions. To simulate real hydraulic conditions in sewer pipes, sand of fraction 0.6–1.2 mm was placed on the bottom of the pipe. In total, we performed 23 experiments with 4 different thicknesses of sand sediment layers. The first scenario is without sediment, the second is with sediment filling 3.4% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 8.5 mm), the third scenario represents sediment filling 10% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 25 mm) and sediment fills 14% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 35 mm) in the last scenario. For each thickness of the sediment layer, a set of tracer experiments with different flow rates was performed. The discharge ranges were from (0.14–2.5)·10−3 m3·s−1, corresponding to the range of Reynolds number 500–18,000. Results show that in the hydraulic conditions of a circular sewer pipe with the occurrence of sediment and deposits, the value of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient Dx decreases almost linearly with decrease of the flow rate (also with Reynolds number) to a certain limit (inflexion point), which is individual for each particular sediment thickness. Below this limit the value of the dispersion coefficient starts to rise again, together with increasing asymmetricity of the concentration distribution in time, caused by transient (dead) storage zones

    Modified Zeolites in Ground Water Treatment/ Modifikované Zeolity V Úprave Podzemných Vôd

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    Článok prezentuje výsledky technologických skúšok vykonaných v UV Kúty. Cieľom tejto práce bolo porovnať modifikované (povrchovo upravené) zeolity známe ako klinoptilolit (veľké nálezisko klinoptilolitu bolo objavené na Východnom Slovensku v 1980-tych rokoch) s dovážaným povrchovo upraveným zeolitom z náleziska v Maďarsku. Klinopur-Mn a Klinomangan boli použité pre odstraňovanie železa a mangánu z podzemnej vody na dosiahnutie limitných hodnôt pre pitnú vodu podľa Nariadenia vlády č. 496/2010 Z.z. Sledované materiály vykazovali rôznu účinnosť odstraňovania mangánu z vody, na účinnosť odstraňovania mala významný vplyv kvalita upravovanej vody (obsah kyslíka, hodnota pH). V prípade odstraňovania železa z vody kvalita surovej vody nie je limitujúcim faktorom, obidva materiály odstraňovali železo z vody pod limitnú hodnotu (0,2 mg.l-1)

    Inverse task of pollution spreading – Localization of source in extensive open channel network structure

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    This paper is focused on the problem of the pollutant source localisation in streams in other words the solution of the inverse problem of pollution spreading with in an extensive open channel network structure, i.e. in a complex system of rivers, channels and creeks in natural catchments or sewer systems in urban catchments. The design of the overall localisation procedure is based on the requirement that the entire localization system be operative and fast enough to enable quick operative interventions and help prevent the spread of pollution. The proposed model, as well as, the overall localisation procedure was calibrated and tested on a real sewer system, which represents in this case an extensive open channel network structure with free surface flow. The test results are successful and confirmed applicability of proposed localization tool in simple real conditions. However, the localisation procedure has pros and cons, which are discussed in the paper

    Advanced Graphical–Analytical Method of Pipe Tank Design Integrated with Sensitivity Analysis for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments

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    Pipe tanks represent important runoff retention elements of urban stormwater systems. They enable us to reduce and retain runoff as well as to mitigate peak flows in the network. Pipe tanks are often taken into account while designing the spatial plan of urban catchment areas. Hence, there is a need to develop a relatively quick and accurate method for pipe tank dimensioning. A graphical–analytical method of designing a pipe tank is presented in the paper. In the assumed methodology, the possibility of employing machine learning for obtaining a more precise error prediction of the proposed pipe tank design method (compared with the tank volume simulations using the storm water management model (SWMM)) are considered. Thus far, this aspect has not been discussed in the literature. In the adopted calculation methodology, sensitivity analysis constitutes an important element, enabling us to assess the influence of the input data assumed for tank design on the dimensions of the outflow devices and the length of the retention chamber

    Development of Rainfall-Runoff Models for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments

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    Modelling of stormwater networks and the related object (combined sewer overflows, diversion chambers, retention tanks) is a complex task requiring colleting of data with appropriate time and spatial resolution as well as application of adequate models. Often there is a need to find balance between the costs of conducting measurement (period, resolution) and the uncertainty of the model results. This paper presents an overview of simulation tools for sewerage networks modelling, related objects, as well as low-impact development (LID) systems in relation to the hydrodynamic and statistical models. Consecutive stages of data collection, sources of data uncertainty, limitations resulting from the adopted measurement methodology, as well as their influence on the simulation results and possible decision-making using the developed hydrodynamic or statistical model, are discussed. Attention is drawn to the optimization methods enabling reduction in the uncertainty of statistical models. The methods enabling the analysis of model uncertainty, as well as evaluation of its influence on the calculation results pertaining to stormwater hydrographs, retention tank capacity and combined sewers overflows, are also discussed. This is a very important aspect in terms of optimizing construction works in the sewerage network and designing their appropriate dimensions to achieve the assumed hydraulic effects