18 research outputs found
The evaluation of the content of fibers in steel fiber reinforced structures and image analysis
The distribution of fiber orientation is an important factor in determining the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete. This study proposes a new image analysis technique for improving the evaluation accuracy of fiber orientation distribution in the sectional image of fibers reinforced concrete. The article is devoted to research the systematic evaluation of fiber-cuts through the image processing software. Mathematical representation of the final dispersal of fibers in steel fiber-reinforced concrete is incorporated into a programmed evaluation software. The software detects fibers and classified according to their axes of rotation angle and size of the identified ellipse detection area. Image processing algorithm and detecting fibers has been developed only for these research purposes. Detection area is randomly inserted via steel fiber reinforced concrete structure. The results show the average value of uniformity in the fiber-samples produced in the laboratory
Apophis planetary defense campaign
We describe results of a planetary defense exercise conducted during the close approach to Earth by the near-Earth asteroid (99942) Apophis during 2020 December–2021 March. The planetary defense community has been conducting observational campaigns since 2017 to test the operational readiness of the global planetary defense capabilities. These community-led global exercises were carried out with the support of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the International Asteroid Warning Network. The Apophis campaign is the third in our series of planetary defense exercises. The goal of this campaign was to recover, track, and characterize Apophis as a potential impactor to exercise the planetary defense system including observations, hypothetical risk assessment and risk prediction, and hazard communication. Based on the campaign results, we present lessons learned about our ability to observe and model a potential impactor. Data products derived from astrometric observations were available for inclusion in our risk assessment model almost immediately, allowing real-time updates to the impact probability calculation and possible impact locations. An early NEOWISE diameter measurement provided a significant improvement in the uncertainty on the range of hypothetical impact outcomes. The availability of different characterization methods such as photometry, spectroscopy, and radar provided robustness to our ability to assess the potential impact risk
Idea solidarności w koncepcji człowieka stworzonego na obraz Boży
Moral theology concerns the morality of society and acts of an individual or a group of individuals that constitute that particular society. Morality teaches us to properly respond to God’s calling, so that we can fulfil our ultimate goal. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, regarded as a compendium of the doctrines of the magisterium of the Church, can also serve as a valuable source for teaching moral theology. In the first section (“Man’s Vocation Life in the Spirit”) of the third part (“Life in Christ”) of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we can learn that man has been created “in the image and likeness of the Creator” (chap. 1, art. 1), where solidarity plays a significant role. The present paper analyses this issue.Teologia moralna dotyczy moralności społeczeństwa i czynów jednostki lub grupy jednostek, które tworzą to społeczeństwo. Moralność uczy nas, jak właściwie odpowiedzieć na Boże powołanie, abyśmy mogli osiągnąć cel ostateczny. Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego, jako pewna norma nauczania Magisterium, może również służyć jako cenne źródło dla teologii moralnej. W pierwszym punkcie trzeciej części Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego, zatytułowanym "Powołanie człowieka", możemy się dowiedzieć, że człowiek został stworzony "na obraz i podobieństwo Stwórcy", w czym istotną rolę odgrywa solidarność. Prezentowany artykuł analizuje tę przyczynowość
Porządek moralny gospodarki społecznej
Celem podstawowym gospodarki jest służba człowiekowi. Warunkiem podstawowym sprawiedliwego systemu gospodarczego jest człowiek i jego dobro. Na polu gospodarki przede wszystkim ma być wspierana i chroniona godność osoby, rodzina, wspólne dobro. Następnie nacisk ma być kładziony na okoliczności ubóstwa, ludzi znajdujących się na marginesie społeczeństwa. Należy uświadomić sobie, iż wszyscy ludzie maja prawo do zaspokojenia swoich podstawowych potrzeb, takich jak: pożywienie, mieszkanie, zdrowie, wychowanie, praca, środowisko naturalne. Wszyscy ludzie maja, prawo do inicjatyw gospodarczych, sprawiedliwej płacy oraz zysku. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na znaczenie oraz cel gospodarki, następnie refleksja dotycząca gospodarki rynkowej z punktu widzenia chrześcijańskiej etyki oraz aktualność braterstwa w gospodarce, na które kładzie nacisk papież Benedykt XVI w swojej encyklice społecznej.The basic objective of economy is a service to man. If economic system is to be fair it has to serve man. On the economic field the dignity of person, family and the common good has to be supported. Further attention should be paid to the circumstances of poverty, people in the periphery of society and underdeveloped groups. It should be noted that all persons have the right to satisfy basic needs regarding life such as food, housing, health, education, work and the living environment. All persons have the right to economic initiative, to fair wage, to reasonable profits. In the paper we point at the meaning and purpose of the economy, bring on the reflection on a market economy from the aspect of Christian ethics and highlight the relevance of brotherhood in the economy, highlighted by Pope Benedict XVI. in his social encyclical
Social Justice in Roman Catholic Preaching and its Meaning for Economic Development of Society
Społeczna sprawiedliwość w katolickiej nauce Kościoła a jej znaczenie dla ekonomicznego rozwoju społeczeństwa
Sprawiedliwość społeczna ma zachęcać obywateli do tego, aby pomnażali dobro wspólne z zachowywaniem wszystkich cnót. Działalność ekonomiczna ma służyć coraz bardziej efektywnej produkcji towarów i usług oraz ma być ukierunkowana na optymalne zabezpieczenie życiowych warunków wszystkich obywateli. Zasady ekonomiczne oraz gospodarcze nie mogą pozostawać bez jakiegokolwiek związku z porządkiem etycznym. Muszą być używane w taki sposób, by pozostawały w służbie tegoż porządku.Social justice is to encourage citizens to multiply common good preserving all virtues. Economic activity is to produce goods and services more and more effectively and to be directed to guarantee best living conditions of all. Economic principles cannot be unrelated to the ethic order. They must be used in such a way that they keep to this order
Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae in the Course of Time
The content of Humanae Vitae (1968) caused an ongoing debate all over the world. It has also stirred up factual crisis of moral theology. The crisis has caused subjectivity of morality and this has caused further crisis. The most serious feature of the crisis seems to be an effort to accept moral pluralism inside the Catholic Church. The renewal of moral theology the Second Vatican Council talked about has been left blocked. A couple of years after the Second Vatican Council, but before publishing Humanae Vitae, warning of St. Paul VI calls for continuity with moral tradition as a criterion for the autonomy of Catholic moral theology. In spite of much opposition of some bishops, theologians, and laypeople, the teaching of the encyclical letter has priceless value. The truth about marital love and value of life is in its center. It is proclaimed in an overview of the teaching of the Catholic Church from Humanae Vitae to Evangelium Vitae. In its nature, family is invited to fullness of love and, at the same time, it is the heart of civilization of love. Unfortunately, current family has found itself between the two civilizations-civilization of love on the one hand and civilization of death and uncontrolled pleasure on the other. The teaching of the encyclical Humanae Vitae is a constant guide when protecting true marital love and family in the course of time
Application of additional insulation to ETICS on surfaces with biocorrosion
The paper presents partial outputs from an experiment that demonstrated the impact of applying an additional insulation on an existing contact insulation system with a green-algae surface. The aim was mainly to detect the development of microorganisms in the gap between the original and the new insulation. The existing ETICS on the polystyrene-based contact thermal insulation system and EPS-based additional thermal insulation were used in the experiment. A theoretical modelling of temperature conditions showed that this type of doubling the insulation presented the highest risk of condensation of water in the gap between the insulation layers and that these conditions presented suitable humidity conditions for the growth of microorganisms. The reason for the experiment is to demonstrate the need to eliminate microorganisms before applying an additional thermal insulation to surfaces with biocorrosion. This is especially the case where EPS is used. The temperature and humidity parameters obtained during the experiment can be used to model the moisture regime in the gap of other types of insulations (e.g. MW, PUR, PIR.
Laž kot antropološko uničenje
The theory of post-truth and the conviction that absolute objective truth does not exist have many supporters in the modern world. A lie seen from this point of view appears to be one of the many ways people contact each other. The conducted research shows that this reasoning is incorrect. It proves that a lie is a reality that destroys those who have been lied to and those who are lying, as well as other people who are found in their environment. A lie drives people away from the truth, replacing it with untruth. In this way, it strikes a person and disturbs the order in one’s social environment. Thus, it becomes an anthropological destruction. This creates an “alternative world” that “competes” with God’s created world. Also, by rejecting God’s call to live according to the truth, man moves away from God and draws closer to Satan. The world “created” by a liar is not appropriate to human nature, it cannot become a space for his development, but is only regression and, consequently, destructive. The matter of lying and its consequences appear to be very topical today when the “power of disinformation” is being revealed more and more clearlyTeorija postresnice in prepričanje, da absolutna, objektivna resnica ne obstaja, imata v sodobnem svetu veliko zagovornikov. Laž se s tega vidika zdi eden od številnih načinov, kako ljudje drug z drugim stopajo v stik. Izvedena raziskava kaže, da je takšno razmišljanje napačno. Dokazuje, da je laž realnost, ki uničuje tiste, ki so jim lagali, lažnivce, pa tudi druge ljudi, ki se znajdejo v njihovem okolju. Laž ljudi oddaljuje od resnice in jo nadomešča z neresnico. Tako človeka prizadene, poruši red v njegovem družbenem okolju in postane antropološko uničenje. S tem nastane ‚alternativni svet‘, ki ‚tekmuje‘ z Božjim ustvarjenim svetom. Prav tako se človek z zavračanjem Božjega poziva, naj živi v skladu z resnico, oddaljuje od Boga in se približuje satanu. Svet, ki ga je ‚ustvaril‘ lažnivec, za človekovo naravo ni primeren, ne more postati prostor za njegov razvoj, temveč je le regresija in posledično uničujoč. Vprašanje laži in njenih posledic se zdi danes, ko se ‚moč dezinformacij‘ razkriva vse jasneje, zelo aktualno
Managing enterprise and regional development: selected ecological and social aspects
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape