40 research outputs found

    Is there a circumbinary planet around NSVS 14256825?

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    The cyclic behaviour of (O-C) residuals of eclipse timings in the sdB+M eclipsing binary NSVS 14256825 was previously attributed to one or two Jovian-type circumbinary planets. We report 83 new eclipse timings that not only fill in the gaps in those already published but also extend the time span of the (O-C) diagram by three years. Based on the archival and our new data spanning over more than 17 years we re-examined the up to date system (O-C). The data revealed systematic, quasi-sinusoidal variation deviating from an older linear ephemeris by about 100 s. It also exhibits a maximum in the (O-C) near JD 2,456,400 that was previously unknown. We consider two most credible explanations of the (O-C) variability: the light propagation time due to the presence of an invisible companion in a distant circumbinary orbit, and magnetic cycles reshaping one of the binary components, known as the Applegate or Lanza-Rodono effect. We found that the latter mechanism is unlikely due to the insufficient energy budget of the M-dwarf secondary. In the framework of the third-body hypothesis, we obtained meaningful constraints on the Keplerian parameters of a putative companion and its mass. Our best-fitting model indicates that the observed quasi-periodic (O-C) variability can be explained by the presence of a brown dwarf with the minimal mass of 15 Jupiter masses rather than a planet, orbiting the binary in a moderately elliptical orbit (~ 0.175) with the period of ~ 10 years. Our analysis rules out two planets model proposed earlier.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted to A

    Differentiated expression of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) in ductal breast cancers.

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    Contents of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) in cells of breast cancers represent strong predictive factors. The higher is the contents of ER and PgR in breast cancer, the higher is a probability of obtaining a response to hormonal therapy and prognosis for the patient is better. In a routine manner, all tumours of mammary gland are subjected to evaluation of ER and PgR expression using immunohistochemistry. Forty ductal breast cancers (pT2N0) were subjected to an immunohistochemical evaluation (IHC) aimed at detection of ER and PgR expression. From every tumour three samples were taken for immunohistochemical studies: the lateral one from the side of axilla (ER-1; PgR-1); the median one (ER-2; PgR-2) and the medial one from the side of sternum (ER-3; PgR-3). The levels of both ER and PgR expression proved to be highly differentiated between the medial zone of the tumour and its periphery. The distinct expression of ER and PgR in ductal breast cancers, dependent on evaluated zone of the tumour, confirms its heterogeneous character and exerts an effect on the type of applied treatment

    Optical monitoring of FRII-type radio quasars

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    We present preliminary results of optical monitoring of sample of FRII-type radio quasars. The optical observations were made with three telescopes, among them one robotic, spanning a time interval longer than two years. Variability in the range of a fraction of a magnitude was observed for all eight targets. We applied the structure function to analyse the brightness changes. The slope of the structure function is only consistent with the disk instability model for two sources; the other sources show values between of the disk instability and starburst models. Finally we argue that such monitoring would be most suitable as a long-term, complementary program for robotic telescopes

    Insights into the inner regions of the FU Orionis disc

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    Context. We investigate small-amplitude light variations in FU Ori occurring in timescales of days and weeks. Aims. We seek to determine the mechanisms that lead to these light changes. Methods. The visual light curve of FU Ori gathered by the MOST satellite continuously for 55 days in the 2013-2014 winter season and simultaneously obtained ground-based multi-colour data were compared with the results from a disc and star light synthesis model. Results. Hotspots on the star are not responsible for the majority of observed light variations. Instead, we found that the long periodic family of 10.5-11.4 d (presumably) quasi-periods showing light variations up to 0.07 mag may arise owing to the rotational revolution of disc inhomogeneities located between 16-20 solar radii. The same distance is obtained by assuming that these light variations arise because of a purely Keplerian revolution of these inhomogeneities for a stellar mass of 0.7 solar mass. The short-periodic (3-1.38 d) small amplitude (0.01 mag) light variations show a clear sign of period shortening, similar to what was discovered in the first MOST observations of FU Ori. Our data indicate that these short-periodic oscillations may arise because of changing visibility of plasma tongues (not included in our model), revolving in the magnetospheric gap and/or likely related hotspots as well. Conclusions. Results obtained for the long-periodic 10-11 d family of light variations appear to be roughly in line with the colour-period relation, which assumes that longer periods are produced by more external and cooler parts of the disc. Coordinated observations in a broad spectral range are still necessary to fully understand the nature of the short-periodic 1-3 d family of light variations and their period changes.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Angiopoietin-2 Is an Early Indicator of Acute Pancreatic-Renal Syndrome in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis

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    Within the first week of the disease, acute kidney injury (AKI) is among the most common causes of mortality in acute pancreatitis (AP). Recently, serum angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) has been associated with hyperdynamic state of the systemic circulation. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between Ang-2 and the clinical AP severity during the first 72 hours of the disease, and organ disfunction, including AKI. Methods. Study included patients admitted to the surgery ward, diagnosed with AP. AKI was diagnosed according to KDIGO guidelines and renal failure according to modified Marshall scoring system. Ang-2 was determined in serum with ELISA. Results. AP was classified as mild (MAP) in 71% of patients, moderately severe (MSAP) in 22%, and severe (SAP) in 8%. During the first 72 hours of AP, 11 patients developed AKI and 6 developed renal failure. Ang-2 at 24, 48, and 72 hours following the onset of AP symptoms significantly predicted SAP and MSAP, as well as AKI and renal failure. Also, Ang-2 significantly correlated with acute phase proteins as well as with the indicators of renal disfunction. Conclusions. Serum Ang-2 may be a relevant predictor of AP severity, in particular of the development of AP-renal syndrome

    Novel non-specific DNA adenine methyltransferases

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    The mom gene of bacteriophage Mu encodes an enzyme that converts adenine to N6-(1-acetamido)-adenine in the phage DNA and thereby protects the viral genome from cleavage by a wide variety of restriction endonucleases. Mu-like prophage sequences present in Haemophilus influenzae Rd (FluMu), Neisseria meningitidis type A strain Z2491 (Pnme1) and H. influenzae biotype aegyptius ATCC 11116 do not possess a Mom-encoding gene. Instead, at the position occupied by mom in Mu they carry an unrelated gene that encodes a protein with homology to DNA adenine N6-methyltransferases (hin1523, nma1821, hia5, respectively). Products of the hin1523, hia5 and nma1821 genes modify adenine residues to N6-methyladenine, both in vitro and in vivo. All of these enzymes catalyzed extensive DNA methylation; most notably the Hia5 protein caused the methylation of 61% of the adenines in λ DNA. Kinetic analysis of oligonucleotide methylation suggests that all adenine residues in DNA, with the possible exception of poly(A)-tracts, constitute substrates for the Hia5 and Hin1523 enzymes. Their potential ‘sequence specificity’ could be summarized as AB or BA (where B = C, G or T). Plasmid DNA isolated from Escherichia coli cells overexpressing these novel DNA methyltransferases was resistant to cleavage by many restriction enzymes sensitive to adenine methylation

    Refining the prediction for OJ 287 next impact flare arrival epoch

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    The bright blazar OJ~287 routinely parades high brightness bremsstrahlung flares which are explained as being a result of a secondary supermassive black hole (SMBH) impacting the accretion disk of a primary SMBH in a binary system. We begin by showing that these flares occur at times predicted by a simple analytical formula, based on the Kepler equation, which explains flares since 1888. The next impact flare, namely the flare number 26, is rather peculiar as it breaks the typical pattern of two impact flares per 12 year cycle. This will be the third bremsstrahlung flare of the current cycle that follows the already observed 2015 and 2019 impact flares from OJ~287. Unfortunately, astrophysical considerations make it difficult to predict the exact arrival epoch of the flare number 26. In the second part of the paper, we describe our recent OJ~287 observations. They show that the pre-flare light curve of flare number 22, observed in 2005, exhibits similar activity as the pre-flare light curve in 2022, preceding the expected flare number 26 in our model. We argue that the pre-flare activity most likely arises in the primary jet whose activity is modulated by the transit of the secondary SMBH through the accretion disk of the primary. Observing the next impact flare of OJ~287 in October 2022 will substantiate the theory of disk impacts in binary black hole systems.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Spitzer Observations of the Predicted Eddington Flare from Blazar OJ 287

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    Binary black hole (BH) central engine description for the unique blazar OJ 287 predicted that the next secondary BH impact-induced bremsstrahlung flare should peak on 2019 July 31. This prediction was based on detailed general relativistic modeling of the secondary BH trajectory around the primary BH and its accretion disk. The expected flare was termed the Eddington flare to commemorate the centennial celebrations of now-famous solar eclipse observations to test general relativity by Sir Arthur Eddington. We analyze the multi-epoch Spitzer observations of the expected flare between 2019 July 31 and 2019 September 6, as well as baseline observations during 2019 February-March. Observed Spitzer flux density variations during the predicted outburst time display a strong similarity with the observed optical pericenter flare from OJ 287 during 2007 September. The predicted flare appears comparable to the 2007 flare after subtracting the expected higher base-level Spitzer flux densities at 3.55 and 4.49 μ\mum compared to the optical R-band. Comparing the 2019 and 2007 outburst lightcurves and the previously calculated predictions, we find that the Eddington flare arrived within 4 hours of the predicted time. Our Spitzer observations are well consistent with the presence of a nano-Hertz gravitational wave emitting spinning massive binary BH that inspirals along a general relativistic eccentric orbit in OJ 287. These multi-epoch Spitzer observations provide a parametric constraint on the celebrated BH no-hair theorem.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to appear in ApJ