27 research outputs found

    Thermal Behaviour of Light Lanthanide(III) Complexes with 2,3-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid

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    The lanthanide(III) complexes with 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylate ligand (PDC) were obtained as crystalline compounds from the water solutions. These compounds form the series of Ln2(PDC)3 · nH2O. All compounds are stable in air and insoluble in both water and common organic solvents. The hydrated complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG/DSC/DTA, and TG−FT-IR), FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylates of lanthanides(III) are stable in air below 313−323 K. Upon heating, hydrated complexes lose crystallization and lattice water in two steps. The values of dehydration enthalpy complexes are calculated from the DSC curves. The anhydrous compounds are stable at the temperature from 473 K to about 623 K and when heated they decompose to lanthanide oxides. Thermal and spectroscopic studies are essential for further studies and classification of compounds as MOF-like structures

    Nephron sparing surgery as the treatment of choice in renal cell carcinoma

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    Wprowadzenie. Rozwój technik obrazowych układu moczowego sprawił, iż coraz częściej rozpoznajemy guzy nerek mniejszych rozmiarów, we wczesnym etapie rozwoju oraz o mniejszym stopniu złośliwości. Wprawdzie nadal standardowym leczeniem chorych z RCC pozostaje radykalna nefrektomia, obserwujemy jednak wzrost liczby zabiegów oszczędzających miąższ nerki (NSS – Nephron Sparing Surgery). Cel pracy. Celem pracy była retrospektywna ocena onkologiczna stanu 108 chorych poddanych NSS. Materiał i metodyka. Pacjenci zostali podzieleni na dwie podgrupy w zależności od wielkości guza: T1a (≤ 4 cm) i T1b (≥ 4 ≤ 7 cm). Czas obserwacji wynosił nie mniej niż 24 miesiące. Rak jasnokomórkowy nerki stanowił 83,9% wszystkich guzów. Wyniki. Najczęściej (51,7%) występowały guzy o typie złośliwości G2. Skumulowany odsetek chorych przeżywających bez wznowy procesu nowotworowego w operowanej nerce i/lub okolicznych węzłach chłonnych lub przerzutów odległych po 2- i 3-latach wynosił odpowiednio 99% i 93%. Nasze wyniki wskazują, iż NSS guzów nerek w stopniu zaawansowania pT1a i pT1b jest zabiegiem bezpiecznym i skutecznym. Wielkość guza w stopniu pT1 nie ma wpływu na 2- i 3- letnie przeżycie bez wznowy procesu nowotworowego w nerce operowanej. Wnioski. Badanie ultrasonograficzne w trakcie operacji pozwala na identyfikację dodatkowych ognisk nowotworowych i optymalny dobór cięcia operacyjnego. Jest również niezwykle przydatne w ocenie guzów zlokalizowanych w centralnej części nerki.Introduction. Advances in imaging diagnostics have contributed to the frequent detection of small kidney tumours both at an early stage and of low grade. Although radical nephrectomy is still the gold standard in Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) treatment, yet it slowly ceases to be the standard approach and open or laparoscopic Nephron Sparing Surgery (NSS) is becoming more and more common. A i m. The purpose of the study was to determine the functional and oncological outcomes of NSS for RCC basing on an analysis of 108 patients. Material and methods. The patients were divided into two groups: T1a (≤4 cm) and T1b (≥4 ≤ 7 cm). We performed an analysis of all patients with a minimal follow-up time of 24 months. In the majority of patients the diagnosis was clearcell carcinoma(83.9%). Results. G2 tumours were the most common (51.7%). The cumulative proportion of survivors without local relapse within the operated kidney and/or in the local lymph nodes and without distant metastases after 2 and 3 years was 99% and 93%, respectively. Our results support the fact that in pT1a and pT1b patients NSS is a safe and effective procedure. The size of pT1 tumours has no bearing on 2-year and 3-year recurrence-free survivals. Conclusion. Intraoperative ultrasound allows for further identification of additional neoplasmatic foci and for the use of the best surgical approach. Intraoperative ultrasound is useful in NSS, and especially in those cases, where the tumor lies in the central part of the kidney

    Artykuł oryginalnyOcena wydolności układu krążenia w okresie rocznej obserwacji po przebytym zawale serca w grupie chorych po 65. roku życia; porównanie efektów leczenia wczesną angioplastyką wieńcową i leczenia zachowawczego

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    Background: Elderly patients hospitalised for congestive heart failure (CHF) due to myocardial infarction (MI) have very poor prognosis, particularly if CHF symptoms are caused by left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction. Early invasive strategy is considered the best method of preventing post-MI LV dysfunction. The clinical impact of early invasive strategy on prognosis in elderly patients with acute MI has yet to be completely defined because of the poor enrolment of elderly patients in large randomised trials. Aim: To asses whether treatment of acute MI in patients aged >65 years using percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) results in significantly better long-term cardiovascular performance in comparison with conservative treatment (CT). Methods: Our study involved 90 MI patients who underwent diagnostic spiroergometry: 40 patients (mean age 73 years) treated conservatively and 50 (mean age 71 years) by PCI. Echocardiographic examinations and spiroergometric tests were performed at 3-, 6- and 12-month follow-up. Plasma NT-proBNP levels were measured on admission and at 6- and 12-month follow-up. Results: Echocardiographic and spiroergometric parameters were significantly better in PCI patients in each of the analysed periods and showed significant improvement throughout follow-up (the largest between months 3 and 6). In the CT patients these parameters showed significant improvement only between months 3 and 6. After one year, studied parameters were better in PCI patients (LVESD: 3.1±0.4 vs. 3.5±0.6 cm; pWstęp: Hospitalizacji osób starszych z rozpoznaniem niewydolności serca (NS) towarzyszy zawsze bardzo poważne rokowanie, szczególnie gdy objawy NS są efektem dysfunkcji skurczowej lewej komory. Leczenie ostrej fazy zawału mięśnia sercowego wczesną angioplastyką wieńcową uważa się za najlepszą metodę zapobiegania pozawałowej NS. Kliniczne znaczenie wczesnej angioplastyki w leczeniu zawału serca u chorych po 65. roku życia nie jest w pełni ustalone, głównie z powodu niedostatecznego uczestnictwa osób starszych w badaniach. Cel: Ustalenie, czy leczenie wczesną angioplastyką wieńcową zawału serca w grupie chorych po 65. roku życia skutkuje istotnie lepszą wydolnością układu krążenia w okresie odległym w porównaniu z leczeniem zachowawczym. Metody: Obserwacją objęto 90 chorych, u których uzyskano diagnostyczny wynik spiroergotestu. W ostrej fazie zawału mięśnia sercowego 40 chorych było leczonych zachowawczo (grupa I), a 50 inwazyjnie (grupa II). Po 3, 6 i 12 miesiącach u wszystkich chorych wykonywano badanie echokardiograficzne oraz test spiroergometryczny (CPX). W badaniu echokardiograficznym analizie poddano wymiar końcoworozkurczowy (LVEDD) i końcowoskurczowy (LVESD) oraz wielkość frakcji wyrzucania (EF) lewej komory, a w CPX wyjściową częstotliwość pobudzeń serca (HR) oraz na szczycie wysiłku (HRmax), wyjściowe skurczowe (SBP) i rozkurczowe (DBP) ciśnienie tętnicze, czas trwania wysiłku (Twys.), ekwiwalent metaboliczny (MET), szczytowe zużycie tlenu (peak VO2), szczytowe zużycie tlenu wyrażone jako procent wartości należnej dla płci i wieku (peak VO2 – %N), wentylacyjny równoważnik dwutlenku węgla na szczycie wysiłku (VE/VCO2) oraz wskaźnik wentylacji wysiłkowej (VE-VCO2 slope). Poziom peptydu natriuretycznego typu B (NT-proBNP) oznaczano przy przyjęciu do szpitala oraz po 6 i 12 miesiącach obserwacji. Wyniki: W grupie leczonej inwazyjnie rejestrowano istotnie lepsze wartości parametrów echokardiograficznych oraz wskaźników CPX przez cały okres obserwacji. Ulegały one systematycznie istotnej poprawie z badania na badanie. W grupie leczonej zachowawczo uległy one istotnej poprawie tylko po 6 miesiącach od przebytego zawału mięśnia sercowego. Po roku od zawału wartości wszystkich rejestrowanych parametrów były lepsze w grupie leczonej inwazyjnie (

    Thermal Behaviour of Light Lanthanide(III) Complexes with 2,3-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid

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    The lanthanide(III) complexes with 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylate ligand (PDC) were obtained as crystalline compounds from the water solutions. These compounds form the series of Ln2(PDC)3 · nH2O. All compounds are stable in air and insoluble in both water and common organic solvents. The hydrated complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG/DSC/DTA, and TG−FT-IR), FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylates of lanthanides(III) are stable in air below 313−323 K. Upon heating, hydrated complexes lose crystallization and lattice water in two steps. The values of dehydration enthalpy complexes are calculated from the DSC curves. The anhydrous compounds are stable at the temperature from 473 K to about 623 K and when heated they decompose to lanthanide oxides. Thermal and spectroscopic studies are essential for further studies and classification of compounds as MOF-like structures

    “Digital Twins” for Highly Customized Electronic Devices – Case Study on a Rework Operation

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    The ongoing changes in manufacturing require that new information models for industrial computer systems be developed and applied. This paper describes a concept for the material model as a “digital twin” for producing highly customised, smart electronic devices. The scope of the research is the transformation of the models that are typical for the currently used automation pyramid approach to Reference Architecture Models for Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0). The ISA95 standard is used as the modelling tool and Open Production Connectivity Unified Architecture (OPC UA) as the communication middleware. The presented use case focuses on a rework operation that is performed during the short series production of highly customised electronic devices that are produced by the Aiut company. The paper focuses on the transformation from the static architecture of Manufacturing Execution Systems to flexible and dynamic information models

    Acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation in a patient with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a case report

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    Acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation in a patient with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A case of a 46-year-old male with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cardioverter-defibrillator implanted due to a history of syncopal sustained ventricular tachycardia, is presented. The patient had undergone coronary angiography two years before current hospitalisation which showed normal coronary arteries. This time the patient was admitted to the hospital due to a typical chest pain. ECG showed predominantly paced QRS complexes and negative T waves in V2-V6 which were present on ECG recorded a few months earlier. Troponin I plasma concentration was significantly elevated. Coronary angiography revealed critical stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery which was successfully treated with angioplasty and stent implantation. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are discussed

    A Novel Methodology Based on a Deep Neural Network and Data Mining for Predicting the Segmental Voltage Drop in Automated Guided Vehicle Battery Cells

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    AGVs are important elements of the Industry 4.0 automation process. The optimization of logistics transport in production environments depends on the economical use of battery power. In this study, we propose a novel deep neural network-based method and data mining for predicting segmented AGV battery voltage drop. The experiments were performed using data from the Formica 1 AGV of AIUT Ltd., Gliwice, Poland. The data were converted to a one-second resolution according to the OPCUA open standard. Pre-processing involved using an analysis of variance to detect any missing data. To do this, the standard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum values, range, linear deviation, and standard deviation were calculated for all of the permitted sigma values in one percent increments. Data with a sigma exceeding 1.5 were considered missing and replaced with a smoothed moving average. The correlation dependencies between the predicted signals were determined using the Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall correlation coefficients. Training, validation, and test sets were prepared by calculating additional parameters for each segment, including the count number, duration, delta voltage, quality, and initial segment voltage, which were classified into static and dynamic categories. The experiments were performed on the hidden layer using different numbers of neurons in order to select the best architecture. The length of the “time window” was also determined experimentally and was 12. The MAPE of the short-term forecast of seven segments and the medium-term forecast of nine segments were 0.09% and 0.18%, respectively. Each study duration was up to 1.96 min

    Arykuł orginalny Stężenie NT-proBNP czynnikiem prognostycznym po zawale serca

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    Background: Recent years have witnessed the increasing role of NT-proBNP as a prognostic tool in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Aim: To evaluate prognosis of patients over 65 years of age with acute myocardial infarction (MI), based on NT-proBNP levels measured in the acute phase of MI. Methods: The study involved 161 patients aged 79±8 hospitalised with acute MI, either with or without ST segment elevation (STEMI/NSTEMI). The NT-proBNP levels in serum were measured and echocardiography with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was performed in all patients upon admission to hospital. These tests were repeated after six months with the patients additionally subjected to the 6-minute walk test (6MWT). Results: The average NT-proBNP level in the studied patients at admission to hospital was 7058±9649 pg/ml and increased in proportion to the age of patients. The NT-proBNP level did not differ significantly in STEMI and NSTEMI patients. Fifty-three patients died during the 6-month follow-up period. Their NT-proBNP levels at admission were significantly higher than in patients who were alive at the end of follow-up: 12237±13035 pg/ml compared with 4606±6214 pg/ml (p=0.0001). The NT-proBNP level upon admission to hospital proved to be an independent predictor of death in the six-month period following MI. Six months after MI the average left ventricular ejection fraction in the studied group of patients was 49±10% and the average distance in the 6MWT was 361±151 m. There was a significant negative correlation between these two parameters and the initial NT-proBNP level determined upon admission to hospital. Conclusions: An increased NT-pro-BNP level, measured in the acute phase of MI, is a significant prognostic factor during six-month follow-up after MI in patients aged over 65.Wstęp: W ostatnich latach wzrasta rola NT-proBNP jako czynnika prognostycznego w przebiegu ostrych zespołów wieńcowych. Cel: : Ocena rokowania chorych po 65. roku życia z zawałem serca (MI) na podstawie stężenia NT-proBNP w surowicy. Metodyka: : Badaniem objęto 161 chorych w wieku 79±8 lat, hospitalizowanych z powodu MI z uniesieniem (STEMI) bądź bez uniesienia odcinka ST (NSTEMI). Przy przyjęciu do szpitala u chorych oznaczano poziom NT-proBNP w surowicy oraz wykonywano badanie echokardiograficzne z oznaczeniem frakcji wyrzutowej lewej komory (LVEF). Po 6 mies. przeprowadzano badanie kontrolne, które, oprócz wyżej wymienionych, obejmowało 6-minutowy test marszu (6MWT). Wyniki: : Średnie stężenie NT-proBNP przy przyjęciu do szpitala w badanej grupie wynosiło 7058±9649 pg/ml i rosło proporcjonalnie do wieku chorych. Stężenie NT-proBNP nie różniło się istotnie u chorych ze STEMI w porównaniu z chorymi z NSTEMI. W trakcie 6-miesięcznego okresu obserwacji zmarło 53 chorych. Poziom NT-proBNP u tych chorych w chwili przyjęcia na oddział kardiologii był znamiennie wyższy niż u chorych, którzy przeżyli 6-miesięczny okres obserwacji (12237±13035 vs 4606±6214 pg/ml, p=0,0001). Stężenie NT-proBNP przy przyjęciu do szpitala było w analizie wieloczynnikowej niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka zgonu w okresie 6 mies. od przebytego MI. Po 6 mies. średnia LVEF w grupie badanych chorych wynosiła 49±10%, a średni dystans marszu w 6MWT wyniósł 361±151 m. Wartości LVEF i dystansu w 6MWT w 6 mies. po MI wykazywały istotną ujemną korelację z wyjściowym stężeniem NT-proBNP. Wniosek: : Wzrost wartości NT-proBNP w ostrym okresie choroby jest istotnym czynnikiem prognostycznym przebiegu klinicznego MI w obserwacji 6-miesięcznej u chorych po 65. roku życia

    Industrial Shared Wireless Communication Systems—Use Case of Autonomous Guided Vehicles with Collaborative Robot

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    Dedicated fieldbuses were developed to provide temporal determinisms for industrial distributed real-time systems. In the early stages, communication systems were dedicated to a single protocol and generally supported a single service. Industrial Ethernet, which is used today, supports many concurrent services, but usually only one real-time protocol at a time. However, shop-floor communication must support a range of different traffic from messages with strict real-time requirements such as time-driven messages with process data and event-driven security messages to diagnostic messages that have more relaxed temporal requirements. Thus, it is necessary to combine different real-time protocols into one communication network. This raises many challenges, especially when the goal is to use wireless communication. There is no research work on that area and this paper attempts to fill in that gap. It is a result of some experiments that were conducted while connecting a Collaborative Robot CoBotAGV with a production station for which two real-time protocols, Profinet and OPC UA, had to be combined into one wireless network interface. The first protocol was for the exchange of processing data, while the latter integrated the vehicle with Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Transport Management System (TMS). The paper presents the real-time capabilities of such a combination—an achievable communication cycle and jitter