8 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Analogue Amplifier Optimisation

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    Táto práca demonštruje možnosti využitia evolučných algoritmov, konkrétne evolučných stratégií, v doméne dizajnu analógových zosilňovačov. Do implementácie je zahrnutý ngSPICE simulátor, ktorý je použitý na vyhodnotenie optimalizovaných riešení a v práci je navrhnutých niekoľko vyhodnocovacích metód. Práca tiež zahŕňa experimenty a ich výsledky, ktoré boli použité na určenie najvodnejších parametrov evolučných stratégií. Cieľom bolo optimalizovať hodnoty súčiastok jedno a dvoj stupňových zosilňovačov s bipolárnymi tranzistormi v zapojení so spoločným emitorom. Výsledkom je nástroj umožňujúci návrh zosilňovačov s ľubovoľným zosilnením v rámci možností daného obvodu bez použitia akéhokoľvek matematického aparátu.This thesis demonstrates the capabilities of the evolutionary algorithms, namely the evo lution strategies, in the domain of the analog amplifiers design. The ngSPICE simulator is integrated into the implementation and it is used for the evaluation of the optimized solutions. There are various methods for evaluating amplifiers proposed in the thesis and also various experiments and their results which were used for the determination of the most optimal parameters for evolution strategies. The goal was to optimize the values of components of the single and two stage common emitter amplifiers. The result is a tool that provides the design of amplifiers with an arbitrary gain, which is within the bounds of the circuit's possibilities, without using any mathematical apparatus.

    Yet Another Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Small Scale Variants of AES

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    This work presents new advances in algebraic cryptanalysis of small scale derivatives of AES. We model the cipher as a system of polynomial equations over GF(2), which involves only the variables of the initial key, and we subsequently attempt to solve this system using Gröbner bases. We show, for example, that one of the attacks can recover the secret key for one round of AES-128 under one minute on a contemporary CPU. This attack requires only two known plaintexts and their corresponding ciphertexts. We also compare the performance of Gröbner bases to a SAT solver, and provide an insight into the propagation of diffusion within the cipher

    Dietary Phytochemicals Targeting Cancer Stem Cells

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    There is an increasing awareness of the importance of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables for human health. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are characterized as a subpopulation of cancer cells with aberrant regulation of self-renewal, proliferation or apoptosis leading to cancer progression, invasiveness, metastasis formation, and therapy resistance. Anticancer effects of phytochemicals are also directed to target CSCs. Here we provide a comprehensive review of dietary phytochemicals targeting CSCs. Moreover, we evaluate and summarize studies dealing with effects of dietary phytochemicals on CSCs of various malignancies in preclinical and clinical research. Dietary phytochemicals have a significant impact on CSCs which may be applied in cancer prevention and treatment. However, anticancer effects of plant derived compounds have not yet been fully investigated in clinical research

    Design of Manufacturing Lines Using the Reconfigurability Principle

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    Nowadays, many factories face changes on the global market and manufacturing is unpredictable. This fact creates a demand for developing new concepts of the factory which can represent a solution to these changes. This study presents a way for designing these new factory concepts, particularly a concept of the reconfigurable manufacturing lines. The methodology in this study uses characteristics of reconfigurable manufacturing systems for developing an algorithm for designing the basic factory layout. The methodology also combines classical math operations for designing the production layout with such approaches as simulation, cluster analysis, and LCS algorithm. This combination method with LCS algorithm and an entirely different approach to the design of the manufacturing line, has not yet been used. The accuracy of this methodology is then verified through the results of the complete algorithm containing these features. The main purpose of this study was to find new approaches to designing the reconfigurable factory layout. This article is presenting new ways that differ from the classical design method. The article suggests the new way is possible and the new systems also need new ways for designing and planning

    Around "French theory"

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    Dyskusja obejmowała zagadnienia: 1. Genologia polskiej "French Theory". 2. Humanistyka (polska) po dekonstrukcji. 3. Tekstualny świat? 4. Efekt Foucaulta. 5. Witkacy - "French Theory" przed "French Theory"? 6. Dlaczego "French Theory". 7. Teoria postkolonialna/geografia krytyczn

    The role of dietary phytochemicals in the carcinogenesis via the modulation of miRNA expression

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    PurposePhytochemicals are naturally occurring plant-derived compounds and some of them have the potential to serve as anticancer drugs. Based on recent evidence, aberrantly regulated expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) is closely associated with malignancy. MicroRNAs are characterized as small non-coding RNAs functioning as posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression. Accordingly, miRNAs regulate various target genes, some of which are involved in the process of carcinogenesis.ResultsThis comprehensive review emphasizes the anticancer potential of phytochemicals, either isolated or in combination, mediated by miRNAs. The ability to modulate the expression of miRNAs demonstrates their importance as regulators of tumorigenesis. Phytochemicals as anticancer agents targeting miRNAs are widely studied in preclinical in vitro and in vivo research. Unfortunately, their anticancer efficacy in targeting miRNAs is less investigated in clinical research.ConclusionsSignificant anticancer properties of phytochemicals as regulators of miRNA expression have been proven, but more studies investigating their clinical relevance are needed

    Gravity anomaly map of the CELEBRATION 2000 region

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    The interpretation of the gravity field in the 2D and 3D space requires an accurate Bouguer gravity anomaly map. This requirement is of particular importance, when different techniques, instrumentation and data processing methods have been used in different parts of the area of interest. This paper presents the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the CELEBRATION 2000 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic) and reports on the calculation of Bouguer gravity data. The gravity map will serve as basis for 2D and 3D modeling of the gravity field in the CELEBRATION 2000 region (45°-54° latitude and 12°-24° longitude). To avoid truncation problems in the following quantitative interpretation, the map area consists of both the CELEBRATION 2000 countries and adjacent areas. Due to different average station density of gravity measurements in the countries (Austria - 1 station/9 km2, Czech Republic - 1 station/2.6 km2, Hungary - 4 stations/km2, Poland - 2.74 stations/km2 and Slovak Republic - 5 stations/km2) the gravity data were interpolated to grids by using different spacing and projection in each country. In the entire CELEBRATION area the average station density is approximately 2.4 stations/km2 and the gravity data set contains more than 1,620,000 measurement points. Additionally, the most important regional gravity anomaly patterns of the map are presented with commentary