242 research outputs found
Factors Associated with Providing the Basic Immunization to Infants
Basic immunization is the first providing immunization to acquire the immune level on the verge of protection given to baby before one year which was aimed to get a full set of basic immunization for each baby with a good indicator that is full immunization (IDL). The indicator was influenced by several independent variables such as mother’s job status, education, knowledge, attitude, perception, and support from cadre and family. From total 89 villages in Lamandau district since 2015 to 2018, there were 82 villages of Universal Child Immunization (UCI) (92.1%) increased by 22.78% than 2016 is 69.32%. However, there was Drop Out (DO) of 2.83% from the village thathad not reached a full set of basic immunization of infants in Kujan Village. The objective of this study is to determine the factors associated with providing a full set of basic immunization of infants in Kujan village, Bulik district, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The research employed cross sectional design. Data was collected from 80 mothers who had children aged 12-24 months during February 2020. The study samples was conducted with total sampling (80 respondents). The results of study used chi square test with levels of trust that is 95%. It showed a significant relationship between education by providing a full set of basic immunization of infants with p-value = 0.000. Meanwhile, employment status, knowledge, attitudes, family support, perceptions, support from cadres were not related to complete immunization. Therefore, based on the results of this study, it is suggested to the Lamandau Regency Government in the long term to improve the education of healthy mothers and also massive education related to the importance of immunization to increase the complete basic immunization coverage in Kujan Village.Basic immunization is the first providing immunization to acquire the immune level on the verge of protection given to baby before one year which was aimed to get a full set of basic immunization for each baby with a good indicator that is full immunization (IDL). The indicator was influenced by several independent variables such as mother’s job status, education, knowledge, attitude, perception, and support from cadre and family. From total 89 villages in Lamandau district since 2015 to 2018, there were 82 villages of Universal Child Immunization (UCI) (92.1%) increased by 22.78% than 2016 is 69.32%. However, there was Drop Out (DO) of 2.83% from the village thathad not reached a full set of basic immunization of infants in Kujan Village. The objective of this study is to determine the factors associated with providing a full set of basic immunization of infants in Kujan village, Bulik district, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The research employed cross sectional design. Data was collected from 80 mothers who had children aged 12-24 months during February 2020. The study samples was conducted with total sampling (80 respondents). The results of study used chi square test with levels of trust that is 95%. It showed a significant relationship between education by providing a full set of basic immunization of infants with p-value = 0.000. Meanwhile, employment status, knowledge, attitudes, family support, perceptions, support from cadres were not related to complete immunization. Therefore, based on the results of this study, it is suggested to the Lamandau Regency Government in the long term to improve the education of healthy mothers and also massive education related to the importance of immunization to increase the complete basic immunization coverage in Kujan Village
Optimasi Penggunaan Starter dengan Metode Pancingan dan Fermentasi Berbantuan Bakteri Saccharomyces cerevisiae untuk Optimalisasi Pemisahan Lemak, Protein dan Air pada Pembuatan VCO
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengoptimasi penggunaan starter dengan metode pancingan dan fermentasi untuk memperoleh VCO dengan kualitas yang baik. Starter berperan untuk memecah protein yang berikatan dengan minyak dan karbohidrat sehingga minyak dapat terpisah dengan baik. Semakin baik starter yang digunakan maka semakin tinggi pula kualitas dari VCO yang dihasilkan. Hasil VCO dengan metode pancingan memiliki sifat fisiko kimia berupa kadar air 0,1637 %, FFA 2,624 %, massa jenis 0,9141 gr/mL, bilangan peroksida 2,75 meq O2/kg. Sedangkan hasil VCO dengan fermentasi kadar air 0,2222 %, FFA 3,065 %, massa jenis 0,9177 gr/mL dan bilangan peroksida 4,50 meq O2/kg. Kualitas VCO terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode pancingan, walaupun ada beberapa parameter seperti % FFA dan Bilangan peroksida masih lebih tinggi dari standar SNI
Faktor Internal dan Eksternal terhadap Perilaku Seks Pranikah Remaja SMA dan SMK Di Kota Bengkayang
Abstract: Internal And External Factors And Adolescent Premarital Sexual Behavior Among Students Of Public Senior High Schools And Vocational Schools Of Bengkayang. This study aimed at discovering the correlation of internal and external factors, and adolescent premarital sexual behavior among students of SMA and SMK Negeri of Bengkayang in 2003. A method uses an analytical design and cross-sectional approach was carried out in this study. The samples were 220 respondents from 3 senior high schools (SMA Negeri 1, 2, and 3) and 1 vocational school (SMK Negeri 3) in Bengkayang. The study showed that there were correlation of knowledge (p=0,011; PR=1,823), attitude (p=0.003;PR=1,983), nightlife (p=0.000; PR=2,417), and premarital sexual behavior. On the other hand, there was no correlation between peer relationship (p=0.214; PR= 1,385), media and information (p=0.439; PR=1,206), and premarital sexual behavior.Abstrak : Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Perilaku Seks Pranikah Remaja SMA dan SMK Di Kota Bengkayang. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor internal dan eksternal dengan perilaku seks pranikah remaja SMA Negeri dan SMK Negeri di Kota Bengkayang Tahun 2013. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 220 responden yang berasal dari SMA Negeri 1,2,3 dan SMK Negeri 3 di Kota Bengkayang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan (p = 0,011; PR = 1,823), sikap (p = 0.003; PR = 1,983), hiburan malam (p = 0.000; PR = 2,417) terhadap perilaku seks pranikah. Tidak ada hubungan antara pergaulan teman sebaya (p = 0.214; PR = 1,385), dan media informasi (p = 0.439; PR = 1,206) terhadap perilaku seks pranikah.
Produktivitas Dan Mortalitas Periplaneta Americana (Linnaeus) (Blattaria; Blattidae) Di Laboratorium
The study about Productivity and mortality ofPeriplaneta americana (Linnaeus)(Blattaria; Blattidae) at laboratory was done at laboratory of entomology, Center for Health Ecology Research andDevelopment, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Jakarta. P. americanaspecimens were obtained from the result of catching cockroach at home, then being takecare in laboratory. Maintenance place used is transparent plastic tube or bowl with 3 cm diameter and6 cm high up to 26 cm diameter and 26 cm high, with wood partition inside and covered by cloth orgauze. The maintenance are done in individually and colony. The observation includes the amount of egg capsules(ootheca) produced by every individual female ofP. americana;the amount of nymphcracked from every egg capsule; the per month mortality from the nymph taken care colonially; theamount of individual that can reach adult stadium, and sexual comparison at adult stadium. The result of this research indicates that a female ofP. americana can produce up to 86 egg capsules. Every eggcapsule can produce 13 nymphs in average. The mortality of one month old nymph in average can reach 44.67%- 50.4%, two month old nymph in average can reach 61.33%- 62.49% and three monthold nymph in average can reach 66.72%- 68.61%. The amount of individual P. americana that canreach adult stadium is only about 20%- 30%. Comparison between sexual kinds ofP. americanaat adult stadium is very significant; the amount of female is more than the amount of male
Analisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan waktu vaksinasi Meningitis Meningokokus calon jamaah umroh di KKP Pontianak
Berdasarkan peraturan dari Pemerintah Indonesia, pemberian vaksinasi Meningitis Meningokokus bagi calonjamaah umroh wajib dilakukan minimal 30 hari sebelum keberangkatan, hal ini dilakukan agar antibody para jamaah dapat terbentuk dengan sempurna pada saat keberangkatan umroh. Namun dalam praktiknya, proporsi jamaah umroh yang melakukan vaksinasi tidak tepat waktu di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Pontianak cukup tinggi dan semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan waktu vaksinasi pada calon jamaah umroh di KKP Kelas II Pontianak, penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Cross Sectional dan teknik Accidental Sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap 84 responden, yang selanjutnya dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan (p-value=0,028), sikap (p-value=0,002) dan keterpaparan informasi (p-value=0,043), serta tidakterdapat hubungan antara kondisi kesehatan (p-value=0,427) dan dukungan travel (p-value=0,283) dengan ketepatan waktu vaksinasi Meningitis Meningokokus pada calon jamaah umroh di KKP Kelas II Pontianak. Diseminasi informasi tentang pentingnya pelaksanaan vaksinasi yang tepat waktu melalui berbagai media cetak dan elektronik hendaknya dapat lebih ditingkatkan, sehingga calon jamaah umroh dapat mengetahui dan menyadari pentingnya ketepatan waktu dalam pemberian vaksinasi Meningitis Meningokokus
Dukungan, Kepercayaan Keluarga dan Peran Suami terhadap Keputusan Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan pada Masyarakat Suku Madura
Safe delivery is the delivery process performed by the skilled birth attendant who provides basic and emergency health care services to women and their newborns during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. During the delivery process, the women who gives birth requires emotional support, this support is important to minimize the intervention and to help have a succesful delivery. Culturally, Madurese are well known of their obedience to parents. This obedience is considered absolute and inviolable. This study aimed at finding out the correlation of family support and trust, husband’s role, and the decision in choosing the birth attendant among Madurese community This was quantitative study with cross sectional approach. The data were collected by conducting interview and questionnaire to 94 mothers, then analyzed by chi square test.The study indicated that the the mothers who had support from family was 74,5%, the family belief was 43,6, and support from husband was 64,9%. The motherprefered to choose the traditional birth attendant was 70,2%. The results of bivariate analysis revealed that there were significant correlation of family support (p value=0,001, PR=1,560), family belief (p value=0,009, PR=1,459), husband’s support (p value=0,000, PR=1,740) and the decision in choosing the birth attendant. From the findings, the health center of Kuala Mandor B is encouraged to routinely conduct maternal visit and early detection on the maternal health status.Keywords: birth attendant, family support, family belief, husband’s rol
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