29 research outputs found


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    Hypertension is a common disease found in communities and routinely treated with long-term antihypertension regimens. Most internist who treat hypertension patients \ud underestimated periodontal tissues health and not connecting to the hypertension events or \ud medication used. This medications stimulate fibroblast cells proliferation, and eventually \ud cause gingival hyperplasia. This study conducted to observe hyperplasia events in \ud hypertension patients and correlate them with the medication used. One hundred \ud hypertension patients who visit endocrine clinic RSUP DrWahidinSudirohusodo participate \ud in this observational study, with history of drug categories used, plaque inflammations, and \ud gingival enlargement frequencies.The study found the most consumed drug category is \ud nifedipine and significantly correlated with hyperplasia, moderate oral hygiene also found in \ud most of the patient, that show the role of the accumulation of plaques with nifedipine caused \ud hyperplasia gingiva. This finding is a cornerstone for anti-hypertention drug substitution in \ud endocrine clinic DrWahidinSudirohusodo Hospital and suggest an increase in attention to the \ud health of periodontal tissue of patien

    Geometry Modified Square Edge Orifice Valve Study for Efficiency Gas Lift with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Method

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    The gas lift lifting system is widely used as an artificial lift on the X Field, with an average depth of gas lift production wells of 3,000-3,500 ft. Design of 3 to 5 Gas lift Valves (GLV) designwith size of 1 inch is ussualy applied. While at the point of gas injection, the GLV square edge orifice is applied. The problem in the optimization of gas lift wells is the flow instability due to gas flow rate fluctuations, the limited volumetric gas injection and limited gas compressor pressure. With the limited compressor pressure, the lift flow and gas design speed is very dependent on the amount of pressure on the compressor, the production wells with limited injection pressure will result in a limited amount of gas injection, the square edge orifice requires a pressure difference of 40% to achieve the maximum gas flow rate. This study aims to find the modification of the GLV orifice geometry to improve the efficiency of the gas lift system so that it can get optimal production. This GLV design modification includes changing the GLV orifice geometry. Design studies using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations aim to analyze any changes in GLV geometry design to the performance of the gas flow rate in the orifice valve described in the valve performance curve. The design modification approach is in accordance with the GLV venturi orifice geometry and the availability of equipment for GLV modification. The CFD simulation results of the first modification geometry by increasing the orifice diameter from 0.25 to 0.5 inch with the condition of upstream 650 psig and downstream 625 psig pressure increasing the injection gas flow rate capacity by 355% and modifying the second geometry with the venturi orifice form by 280%. In modifying the shape of the orifice venture to reach critical flow requires a pressure difference of 10%. Based on simulation results, the modified orifice application is able to increae production up to 44%


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    To observe the changed in periodontal disease in asthma patients using corticosteroid drugs. Electronic searches on Wiley, Pubmed, and Cochrane were conducted to identify articles published in dental journals from January 2004 to December 2017 focusing on the effects of corticosteroid use in asthma patients. Manual searches of published full-text articles and related articles were performed afterwards. Of the 73 studies that explain this, only 3 studies were compatible with the inclusion criteria. The initial database search produced 195 articles. All articles were selected for full-text review. There were 3 studies selected for inclusion, with 97.837 patients as subjects. Most studies were using inhaled corticosteroids in addition to the use of systemic corticosteroid drugs, and antihistamines. One studies mention that there no evidence of association been asthma and periodontal disease from the adolescent population. Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of asthma diseases, but the use of corticosteroid drugs, especially with inhaled methods, increases the risk of periodontal disease compared to patients who do not use corticosteroid drugs

    Clinical Outcome of Periodontal Regenerative Therapy in Chronic Periodontitis: A Case Report

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    Background: Chronic periodontitis is an infectious disease resulting in inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss and bone loss. Conventional treatment is the first-line treatment in this case, however, in moderate to advanced periodontitis cases, conventional treatment alone is not sufficient to regenerate the periodontal tissue, so a surgical therapy is required. Objective: To explain the procedures and results of surgical periodontal treatment with bone xenograft and the barrier membrane of a patient with chronic periodontitis. Method: A 33-year-old man presented to the Department of Periodontia RGSM Unhas with the primary complaint of teeth mobility of the lower left jaw, the patient had also been scaled one week prior. On intraoral examination, tooth 35 had mobile Âş1, recession 3 mm and pocket 6 mm, and tooth 36 had mobile Âş2, recession 2 mm and pocket 7 mm. Treatment was performed using flap operation with bone graft and membrane barrier applications. Results: Control was performed six months after the treatment and the results showed normal gingival tissue with good tissue attachment, pocket reduction. Conclusion: Treatment of chronic periodontitis using bone xenograft and membrane barrier is one of the surgical therapies that can contribute to periodontal regeneration. Keywords: barrier membrane, bone graft, flap operatio

    Frenectomy as a Multidisciplinary Prostho--Perio Management Approach for Partial Denture: A Case Report

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    Background: The frenulum is defined as a thin membrane attached to the alveolar mucosa and periosteum which limits lip movement. The attachment of frenulum may influence prosthetic construction in denture making. Objective: To describe frenectomy in prostho–perio cases for the manufacture of partial dentures. Case Report: A 38-year-old woman presented to the Prosthodontic Department of Hasanuddin University Dental and Oral Hospital for an artificial tooth implant. The patient was referred to the periodontic department by a prosthodontist for frenectomy. Intraoral examination showed a high frenulum from the alveolar crest to the labial mucosa of the upper jaw. The patient had no history of hypersensitivity and was diagnosed with gingival frenal attachment. Surgical excision was performed, and frenulum tissue was excised, which was followed by irrigation and suturing. Results: The control period of one week post treatment showed good outcomes when the patient was referred to the prosthodontist. Conclusion: Frenectomy helps in preparing denture placement in high frenulum cases. Keywords: frenulum, frenectomy, prospective surger


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    For many years, observation of gingival color has been a popular area of dental research. However these methods are hard to analyze for any other than the different base conditions and colors. Thus we introduced an alternative method using image analysis to measure gingival color. For the research we performed a dental examination on 30 female students.The system is set up by aligning the camera area and facial area. The subject's chin is placed in a fixed chin cup mounted 30 cm from the camera lens. Each image is acquired such that comparison may be made with the original bite holder as well as a standard color scale. After converted to computer we used a curves dialog box for color adjustment. The curves dialog box allows adjustment of the entire tonal range of an image.The results of the analysis of the free gingiva compared to the attached gingiva are that attached gingiva was more vivid red and yellow compared to the free gingiva. In conclusion, the system described herein of digital caputre and comparison of color images, analysis and separation in three channels of free and attached ginigval surface images and matching with colorimetric scales may be useful for demonstrating the diversity of ginigval color as well as analysis of gingival health

    Aesthetic Crown Lengthening Using Chu Proportion Gauges: A Case Report

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    Background: A harmonious smile is considered a symbol of beauty in modern society. Generally, a smileis considered pleasant when it normally exposes all of the maxillary teeth, as well as around 1 mmof facial gingiva. The gingival exposure of up to 2-3 mm is normally acceptable. The rehabilitation performed for the abnormalities in symmetry and contour of the gingiva in this region can be challenging. Crown-lengthening surgery is used in combination with perio-aesthetic procedures to repair gingival asymmetries and realign the dentogingival complex. The Chu’s aesthetic gauges were designed to diagnose and treat aesthetic tooth discrepancies and abnormalities in a predictable manner. Objective: To attain optimal crown lengthening using Chu’s aesthetic gauges. Case Report: A 21-year-old female patient presented to the Department of Periodontology, with a request for “better-looking teeth”. Extraoral examination revealed no significant findings. No mobility and adequate levels of keratinized attached gingiva on intraoral examination. The case was diagnosed as a gummy smile, that could be repaired with crown lengthening. During the surgical crown-lengthening, Chu’s aesthetic gauges were used to measure the midfacial length of the biologic crown at the same time. These gauges are unique technique that is innovative and a novel method to get adequate crown proportions. Results: Evaluation after two weeks after the surgery showed a better-looking smile line and no erythema. Conclusion: A successful crown-lengthening procedure was performed using Chu’s aesthetic measurement, including optimal dimension of clinical crowns and symmetrical gingival contour. Keywords: crown lengthening, aesthetic procedure, Chu’s aesthetic gauges, case repor

    Z Plasty – An Aesthetic Surgery for Aberrant Labial Frenum: A Case Report

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    Background: Aberrant labial frenum can cause central diastema, gingival recession and affect aesthetic appearance. Several techniques are available for removing the attachment of an abnormal frenulum. Z-plasty is a surgical technique used for thick and wide hypertrophy frenum associated with central diastema and short vestibule. Objective: To discuss the Z-plasty technique for aberrant labial frenum. Case Report: A 23-year-old woman was referred to the Periodontia Department of Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital for a frenectomy. Intraoral examination showed a diastema on maxilla centralis incisive and a labial frenulum’s attachment extending to the palatine papilla. The frenectomy procedure was performed using the Z-plasty technique. Results: Follow-up after one week and one month showed a good healing process with minimal scars and gingival color according to the surrounding tissue. Conclusion: Z-plasty frenectomy can provide good aesthetic and functional results for removing the attachment of hypertrophy frenum. Keywords: frenectomy, labial frenum, hypertrophy frenum, Z-plast

    Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Periodontal Siswa SMA Negeri 6 Kabupaten Sinjai Melalui Kegiatan DHE (Dental Health Education) dan SRP (Scaling And Root Planing)

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    Periodontal disease is a disease of the teeth and mouth that is commonly found in Indonesian society. Periodontal disease is a common microbial infectious disease in adolescents and adults. This disease is an inflammatory disease originating from bacteria that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth. To overcome periodontal disease, it can be done in at least two ways, namely by carrying out plaque control in the form of proper brushing and periodic tartar cleaning. The objectives of this community service activity are: improving the health of the students 'priodontal network of SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai students, increasing students' understanding of the causes of periodontal disease and how to prevent it, changing the behavior of students and teachers brushing teeth. From the community service activities carried out at SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, it can be concluded as follows: The prevalence of periodontal disease among students in these schools is still quite high, namely 82.98%. Implementation of oral dental health education (DHE) and scaling care / SRP will improve students' understanding and periodontal health status.Penyakit periodontal merupakan salah satu penyakit gigi dan mulut yang banyak ditemukan pada masyarakat Indonesia. Penyakit periodontal adalah salah satu penyakit infeksi mikroba yang umum pada remaja dan orang dewasa. Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit inflamasi yang berasal dari bakteri yang mempengaruhi jaringan pendukung gigi. Untuk mengatasi penyakit periodontal, dapat dilakukan setidaknya dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan melakukan kontrol plak berupa penyikatan gigi dengan benar dan pembersihan karang gigi secara periodik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masayarakat ini adalah: peningkatan kesehatan jaringan priodontal siswa Siswa SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, peningkatan pemahaman para siswa tentang penyebab terjadinya penyakit periodontal dan cara pencegahannya, perubahan perilaku menyikat gigi siswa dan guru. Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Prevalensi penderita penyakit periodontal pada siswa di sekolah tersebut masih cukup tinggi yaitu 82,98 %. Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan gigi mulut (DHE) dan perawatan skeling/SRP akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan status kesehatan periodontal para siswa