173 research outputs found

    Primary Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube

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    Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube is a rare entity that accounts for 0.2-0.5% of all gynecologic malignancies, and most are discovered during or after surgery. Primary transitional cell carcinoma of the fallopian tube is an extremely rare tumor that is reported only occasionally in the worldwide literature. As primary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the fallopian tube is so rare, the clinicopathologic characteristics are as yet unknown. The authors recently experienced a case of primary transitional cell carcinoma arising in the left fallopian tube and thus report the clinical features, management, and also a review of the past pertinent literature. A 52 years old woman presenting with lower abdominal pain was found to have a left adnexal mass. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a mass arising from the left fallopian tube with the histologic features of transitional cell carcinoma

    Tubular Krukenberg Tumor with an Occult Primary

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    Tubular Krukenberg tumor with an occult primary can cause problems in histopathologic diagnosis, by mimicking primary ovarian tumors. We present one such occurrence in a 32year old female who underwent surgery for bilateral malignant ovarian tumor. Gross examination of both ovarian tumors revealed bosselated, smooth outer surface with a few cysts on the surface. Cut surface was grey-white to yellowish in colour with cysts filled with serous fluid at the periphery. Microscopic examination revealed mucin laden signet ring cells, predominantly showing tubular architecture within a cellular ovarian stroma. The cytoplasm of these cells varied from granular eosinophilic to pale vacuolated appearance and showed PAS and mucicarmine positive mucin. Differential diagnosis with other primary ovarian tumors is discussed

    Konektivitas Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dengan Keasaman dan Bahan Organik Total pada Sedimen di Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mangrove forest ecosystem is one of coastal ecosystem having significant roles as habitat for diverse organisms, as barrier ofseawater intrusion, sediment trap, protection to the shore from abrasion and as nutrient supplier in form of detritus to othercoastal ecosystems i.e. seagrass beds and coral reefs. However, mangrove has experienced degradation caused by natural andanthropogenic factors. One effort to recover the mangrove\u27s function is by rehabilitating this ecosystem through controllingits total organic matter and the soil acidity (pH). Therefore, it is urgent to conduct a study in order to know the relationshipbetween mangrove growth and the total organic matter and pH. The study was conducted May 2014. The study area was locatedin Mampie, Wonomulyo Sub-District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The benefit gained from this study was giving information ondissolved organic matter related to the mangrove rehabilitation. Method used was field survey by determining three observationstations with different environmental condition. Data were presented as tables and pictures. Results of this study indicated thatincreasing of mangrove density and coverage was followed by the increasing of total organic matter percentage within sedimentat station II. Whereas, the higher the acidity, the lower the content of the total organic matter within sediment was found inStation I. In contrast, the organic matter within sediment was high when the acidity value decrease was observed at Station III

    Cyto-histological correlation of salivary gland lesions- a prospective study in a tertiary care institute

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    Background: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has an essential proven role in diagnosing most of the common and benign salivary gland lesions. However, limited cellularity and morphological heterogeneity of the lesion can pose diagnostic challenges. The present study was conducted in a tertiary care centre over a period of one year with an objective to study the cyto-morphological features of salivary gland lesions and correlate cytological findings with histopathology.Methods: The study was carried out over a period of one year from January 2014 to December 2014. FNA specimens obtained from 78 patients were analyzed. Of these, only 51 patients underwent biopsy or surgery and their specimens were subjected to histopathological examination. Validation of cytological diagnosis was done on the basis of histopathological diagnosis.Results: A total 78 patients with salivary gland lesions were subjected to FNAC. Non neoplastic lesions constituted 19 cases (25%) and benign lesions constituted 46 cases (80.70%).  Malignant lesions constituted 11 cases (19.30%). Two cases were inconclusive due to inadequate aspirated material. Overall sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy were 95.98%, 99.20% and 98.09% respectively.Conclusions: FNAC continues to be an accurate diagnostic technique in the hands of an experienced cytopathologist. It is a highly sensitive and specific technique for rapid diagnosis of most of the salivary gland swellings

    Surface integrity of Mg-based nanocomposite produced by Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM)

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    This paper investigates the influence of jet traverse speed on the surface integrity of 0.66 wt% Al2O3 nanoparticle reinforced metal matrix composite (MMC) generated by Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM). Surface morphology, surface topography, and surface roughness (SR) of the AWJ surface were analyzed. The machined surfaces of the nanocomposites were examined by laser confocal microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). Microhardness and elasticity modulus measurement by nanoindentation testing were also performed across thickness of the samples to see depth of the zone, affected by AWJ cutting. The result reveals that extent of grooving by abrasive particle and irregularity in AWJ machined surface increases as the traverse speed increased. Similarly, the rise in value of surface roughness parameters with traverse speed was also seen. In addition, nanoindentation testing represents the lower hardness and elastic modulus due to softening occurs in AWJ surface

    Paediatric and obstetric outcomes at a faith-based hospital during the 100-day public sector physician strike in Kenya

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    Published reviews of national physician strikes have shown a reduction in patient mortality. From 5 December 2016 until 14 March 2017, Kenyan physicians in the public sector went on strike leaving only private (not-for-profit and for-profit) hospitals able to offer physician care. We report on our experience at AIC-Kijabe Hospital, a not-for-profit, faith-based Kenyan hospital, before, during and after the 100-day strike was completed by examining patient admissions and deaths in the time periods before, during and after the strike. The volume of patients increased and exceeded the hospital's ability to respond to needs. There were substantial increases in sick newborn admissions during this time frame and an additional ward was opened to respond to this need. Increased need occurred across all services but staffing and space limited ability to respond to increased demand. There were increases in deaths during the strike period across the paediatric medical, newborn, paediatric surgical and obstetric units with an OR (95% CI) of death of 3.9 (95% CI 2.3 to 6.4), 4.1 (95% CI 2.4 to 7.1), 7.9 (95% CI 3.2 to 20) and 3.2 (95% CI 0.39 to 27), respectively. Increased mortality across paediatric and obstetrical services at AIC-Kijabe Hospital correlated with the crippling of healthcare delivery in the public sector during the national physicians' strike in Kenya

    Effects of Biomass Burning on Stratocumulus Droplet Characteristics, Drizzle Rate, and Composition

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    This study reports on airborne measurements of stratocumulus cloud properties under varying degrees of influence from biomass burning (BB) plumes off the California coast. Data are reported from five total airborne campaigns based in Marina, California, with two of them including influence from wildfires in different areas along the coast of the western United States. The results indicate that subcloud cloud condensation nuclei number concentration and mass concentrations of important aerosol species (organics, sulfate, nitrate) were better correlated with cloud droplet number concentration (N_d) as compared to respective above‐cloud aerosol data. Given that the majority of BB particles resided above cloud tops, this is an important consideration for future work in the region as the data indicate that the subcloud BB particles likely were entrained from the free troposphere. Lower cloud condensation nuclei activation fractions were observed for BB‐impacted clouds as compared to non‐BB clouds due, at least partly, to less hygroscopic aerosols. Relationships between N_d and either droplet effective radius or drizzle rate are preserved regardless of BB influence, indicative of how parameterizations can exhibit consistent skill for varying degrees of BB influence as long as N_d is known. Lastly, the composition of both droplet residual particles and cloud water changed significantly when clouds were impacted by BB plumes, with differences observed for different fire sources stemming largely from effects of plume aging time and dust influence

    Malaysian Society of Animal Production 73 Verification of Caprine Sexed-separated Spermatozoa by Real Time PCR

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    Abstract Sexed spermatozoa could contribute to increasing profitability of the dairy and beef industries worldwide by producing offspring of predetermined sex. Various methods have been designed to separate sperm population into X-and Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa. In this study, the caprine semen sample from Savanna (n=2) and Boer (n=4) breeds were sex-separated using free flow electrophoresis. In order to determine the efficiency of sex-separation procedure, a rapid and accurate technique real time PCR (qPCR) was used to validate the X-and Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa following separation. The primers and probes were developed to detect the X-and Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa of Capra hircus based on ZFX and SRY genes, respectively, using TaqMan qPCR assay. The amplification of ZFX and SRY genes produced a single fragment of 93 bp and 137 bp, respectively. The primers used in separated spermatozoa by free-flow electrophoresis technique showed that the mean ratio of X-and Y-chromosomes bearing spermatozoa from the cathodic and anodic fractions were 36:64 and 44:56, respectively, compared to unseparated semen was 51:49. Thus, these primers can be used to validate the gene copy of X-and Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa in caprine semen
