27 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran Wordwall sebagai evaluasi pembelajaran pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Pada era digital, kegiatan pembelajaran harus mampu beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi. Pendidik harus mampu mengembangkan media pembelajaran dengan cara kreatif dan inovatif, termasuk dalam memberikan evaluasi dari materi yang telah diajarkan. Stasitika pendidikan sebagai mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa pendidikan agama islam yang kebanyakan berlatar belakang dari jurusan social, harus mampu menciptakan suasana yang menarik dan menyenangkan bagi mahasiswa. Metode penelititan ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dimana sumber data diperoleh dari mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Agama Islam yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah statistika Pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman mahasiswa dengan menggunakan WordWall sebesar 94,6 % mahasiswa mengatakan bahwa WordWall mampu membantu mengingat materi pembelajaran dan 97,4% mengatakan bahwa game edukasi Word wall mampu memberikan kesan menyenangkan ketika mengerjakan quiz ataupun latihan soal. Melalui pemanfaatan Wordwall, minat mahasiswa dalam mempelari matakuliah statistika pendidikan terbukti meningkat dan menekan kejenuhan mahasiswa dalam mempelajarai materi yang diajarkan

    Metode Segmentasi Paru-paru dan Jantung Pada Citra X-Ray Thorax

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    AbstrakSegmentasi citra merupakan salah satu tahapan dalam pengolahan citra yang penting, terutama dalam dunia medis. Apabila seorang dokter atau ahli radiologi salah dalam melakukan proses pembacaan citra maka akan berpengaruh terhadap diagnosa suatu penyakit. Penelitian ini, menggunakan citra x-ray thorax dengan format grayscale dan ukuran 256x256, agar segmentasi berjalan dengan maksimal dilakukan proses awal (preprocessing) menggunakan metode Gaussian Lowpass Filter. Selanjutnya citra hasil preprocessing dikelompokkan menggunakan metode K-Means Clustering dimana pengelompokan tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan perbedaan nilai piksel pada citra. Hasil dari pengelompokan tersebut membentuk objek paru-paru. Selanjutnya dilakukan segmentasi dengan menggunakan metode Geometric Active Contour. Pada metode ini, kurva akan mengempis atau mengembang sesuai dengan bentuk tepi luar dari paru-paru. Segmentasi jantung menggunakan metode template matching dikarenakan dengan menggunakan K-means Clustering dengan K = 2, objek jantung belum bisa tersegmentasi. Ujicoba sistem dilakukan dengan metode ROC (Receiver  Operating Characteristic), dari 40 data citra x-ray thorax menggunakan metode k-means clustering untuk K=2 dan Geometric Active Contour sistem dapat mensegmentasi paru-paru kiri dengan prosentase akurasi 90.03%, sensitifitas 62.05%, dan spesifitas 94.62%. Paru-paru kanan dengan prosentase akurasi 88.35%, sensitifitas 63.71%, dan spesifitas 93.48%. Segmentasi jantung dengan template matching didapatkan presentase akurasi 94.33%, sensitifitas 64.65%, dan spesifitas 98.13%.Kata kunci— segmentasi citra, x-ray thorax, k-means clustering, geometric active contour, template matching Abstract Image segmentation is an important technology for image processing, especially in the medical world. If a doctor or radiologist doing wrong in the process of reading the image it will affect the diagnosis of a disease. This research uses x-ray thorax in grayscale and 256x256 pixel. In order to maximum image segmentation is necessary to start the process (preprocessing) using Gaussian Lowpass Filter method. Further image preprocessing results are grouped using K-Means Clustering method in which the grouping based on the difference in image pixel values . Furthermore, segmentation using Geometric Active Contour method. In this method, the curve will deflate into accordance with the form the lung edge. Heart segmentation using template method because k-means clustering with K = 2 cannot segment it. Tests performed using method of system ROC (Receiver  Operating Characteristic), from 40 x-ray image using k-means clustering with K = 2 and  Geometric active contour system can segment the left lung, with a percentage accuracy of 90.03%, sensitivity 62.05%, and spesifity 94.62%. Right lung, with a percentage accuracy of 8.35%, sensitivity 63.71%, and spesifity 93.48%. Heart segmentation using template matching system can segment the heart, accuracy 94.33%, sensitivity 64.55%, and spesifity 98.13%. Keywords—image segmentation, x-ray thorax, k-means clustering, geometric active contour, template matchin

    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan pendekatan edukatif dan strategi kolaboratif pada situasi pandemi Covid-19 di Dusun Krajan, Desa Sumbersekar, Kabupaten Malang

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    Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic by WHO since March 11, 2020. The spread of this virus has reached 114 countries including Indonesia. Preventing the spread of Covid-19 is important to tackle this pandemic. Community service UIN Serving Qaryah Thayyibah is participating in socializing ways to prevent Covid-19. The theme of this activity is the socialization of Covid-19 prevention and the practice of making hand sanitizers according to WHO standards. The method used was education by distributing Covid-19 prevention pocket books and direct meetings with PKK cadres in Krajan Hamlet, Sumbersekar Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. The results of this activity were seen from the enthusiasm of the participants during the socialization activities and the practice of making hand sanitizers. It is hoped that from this activity, the people of Krajan Hamlet can better understand how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and can make hand sanitizers according to WHO standards

    Deteksi kelayuan daun teh dengan analisis citra speckel

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    Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages globally because a variety of secondary metabolites are present in the leaves, including soluble sugars, amino acids, phenolic compounds, and aroma compounds (volatiles). Various types of tea are produced from processing shoots with 2-3 young leaves (P+2 or P+3). Pre- and post-harvest conditions can effectively influence tea quality. Exposure to cold, dryness, light, or insects at pre-harvest will improve the tea's flavor, whereas wounding, drying, or low temperatures applied at post-harvest will enhance the tea's aroma. All post-harvest processing methods require effective control so that the tea has the desired quality. Biospeckle laser (BSL) is a sensitive interferometric phenomenon for monitoring subtle changes in biological samples and has been adopted as a tool that can be applied in many fields, from medicine to agriculture. Its main advantages are related to the simplicity of the required apparatus as well as to its being a relevant non-destructive test (NDT) in biological applications. We will find a link between wilting and speckle images on tea leaves by using numerical analysis with THSP, COM, IM, and AVD values, as well as graphical analysis with the Fujii, GD, and SD methods. The results of numerical analysis, which include THSP, COM, correlation measurements, IM, and AVD, to analyze the image of tea leaves only show THSP which shows changes in biological activity in tea leaves. Meanwhile, test methods other than THSP did not show changes in biological activity that occurred in the tea leaves, even though the results of the homogeneity analysis showed that the sample was homogeneous in almost all parts. Meanwhile, the graphic analysis used (Fujii, GD, and SD) shows changes in biological activity in tea leaves. Biological activity is high at high water content, and biological activity decreases according to the decrease in water content in the tea leaves

    Peningkatan manajemen rumah baca melalui aplikasi SLiMS 8 di Masjid ar-Ridlo Desa Belung Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang

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    Improved management of reading houses in the Ar-Ridlo Mosque, Belung Village, Poncokusumo, Malang District. The application used is SLIMS 8. The Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) is an open source library management system (library management system) licensed under GPL v3. The steps we have taken are making a cataloging module, making a tracking module, creating a circulation module, making a membership management module, making a collection inventory module, making a series of serial management modules and a workshop on reading house management based on Slims 8. A management workshop has been conducted with material install programs, carry out an inventory of books, register members, save and borrow activities, member card printing and book numbers

    Deteksi kelayuan daun teh dengan analisis citra speckel (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Studi ini diproyeksikan untuk menemukan korelasi metodi optik dengan kadar air pada daun teh. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara penurunan kadar air dan penurunan aktivitas biologi pada daun teh dengan pola speckel yang dihasilkan. Sejalan dengan visi dan misi program studi fisika yaitu menjadi pusat pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang bernafaskan Islam, maka penelitian ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk menambah khazanah penerapan prinsip fisika untuk pengembangan teknologi pangan

    Learning Innovation: Technology Based Strategi To Improve Teachers And Students Skill

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    This program is designed to enhance the capacity of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah State (MAN) 1 district of Blitar in utilizing state-of-the-art learning technology based on artificial intelligence (AI). Selection of the above institution is based on the consideration that MAN 1 is a partner of cooperation of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences and Keguruan UIN Maliki Malang on the activities of Assistance Teaching (AM) or Field Work Practice (PKL) students during the last few years. Among the skills that a teacher needs to develop is the ability to master digital media according to the needs of today's society. This digital world requires a teacher to be more innovative and creative in implementing learning in the classroom. Teachers must have skills in accessing the virtual world, using Internet-based media or what is now being used massively, namely Artificial Intelligence. The current era of technology will basically facilitate the performance of teachers and students in teaching learning activities. One of the uses of technology in education is to facilitate the accessibility of information and learning materials. With technology, it's easier for a teacher to find a source of information that can be used as a reference in teaching, besides teachers can also use some media both audio and visual of the technology itself. For students, the use of technology in education makes students closer to their world and can adapt to the learning style of the present generation. In addition to improving the digital media mastery of teachers, the ability to write scientific papers is also an essential skill that students of Madrasah Aliyah need to possess to prepare them for the academic challenges in college and the professional world. The national educational curriculum emphasizes the importance of mastering these competences, especially as part of research-oriented learning and critical thinking. Every student has the ability to produce quality scientific work if given proper training. Students are not only able to meet academic demands, but also perform in a variety of scientific competitions at both regional and national levels. It will give them confidence and motivation to continue to develop their abilities in the future. Furthermore, information literacy and research literacy are becoming crucial in this digital age, so it can help students to leverage information technology in support of the research process and the writing of scientific papers. Thus, students of MAN 1 Blitar district will be better prepared to face global challenges and be able to compete at the international level, while enhancing the reputation of the school as an outstanding and performing educational institution