474 research outputs found
Kekuatan Hukum Putusan Mediator dalam Perkara Perdata (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Bulukumba)
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Proses mediasi di Pengadilan Negeri
Bulukumba melalui beberapa proses, antara lain: Proses pra mediasi, proses mediasi,
dan proses akhir mediasi. Didalam proses akhir mediasi akan dibuatkan akta
perdamaian yang dibuatkan oleh mediator dan diputuskan di persidangan oleh majelis
hakim. (2) Kekuatan hukum putusan mediasi di Pengadilan Negeri Bulukumba yaitu
kekuatannya tidak In Cracht. Karena dalam kesepakatan kedua belah pihak di
putuskan oleh hakim mediator. Keputusan perdamaian yang bersifat In Cracht adalah
putusan berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak sehingga tidak menimbulkan
konflik jika salah satu pihak tidak puas dengan putusan tersebut. Putusan perdamaian
tersebut berupa putusan pada penyelesaian sengketa secara negosiasi dan konsilias
Drama in Education and Its Influence on Adolescents’ Empathy
Drama in education can trigger feelings and provoke thoughts in the school classroom. Children are invited to use their minds and senses and get in touch with their emotions. The participants, who get engaged in such an endeavour, undergo a transformation by impersonating different characters, fictional or real-life and come up with a variety of solutions to problems in a fictional framework. Through this process the students’ empathy could be developed. The present case study using qualitative research techniques analyzes the outcome of a practical implementation through drama in a Greek Secondary School. The main research question was whether and to what extent educational drama can influence in a positive way middle adolescents’ empathy. The research findings showed that the use of drama supported the participants to realize the importance of a specific social situation, and helped them grasp the difference between cognitive and emotional empathy
Alveolar ridge preservation with guided bone regeneration or socket seal technique. A randomised, single-blind controlled clinical trial
OBJECTIVES: To compare radiographic bone changes, following alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) using Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR), a Socket Seal (SS) technique or unassisted socket healing (Control). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients requiring a single rooted tooth extraction in the anterior maxilla, were randomly allocated into: GBR, SS and Control groups (n= 14/). Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images were recorded post‐extraction and at 4 months, the mid‐buccal and mid‐palatal alveolar ridge heights (BARH/PARH) were measured. The alveolar ridge width, cross‐sectional socket and alveolar‐process area changes, implant placement feasibility, requirement for bone augmentation and post‐surgical complications were also recorded. RESULTS: BARH and PARH was found to increase with the SS (0.65 mm ± 1.1/0.65 mm ± 1.42) techniques, stabilise with GBR (0.07 mm ± 0.83/0.86 mm ±1.37) and decrease in the Control (−0.52 mm ± 0.8/−0.43 mm ± 0.83). Statistically significance was found when comparing the GBR and SS BARH (p = .04/.005) and GBR PARH (p = .02) against the Control. GBR recorded the smallest reduction in alveolar ridge width (−2.17 mm ± 0.84), when compared to the Control (−2.3 mm ± 1.11) (p = .89). A mid‐socket cross‐sectional area reduction of 4% (−2.27 mm(2) ± 11.89), 1% (−0.88 mm(2) ± 15.48) and 13% (−6.93 mm(2) ± 8.22) was found with GBR, SS and Control groups (GBR vs. Control p = .01). The equivalent alveolar process area reduction was 8% (−7.36 mm(2) ± 10.45), 6% (−7 mm(2) ± 18.97) and 11% (−11.32 mm(2) ± 10.92). All groups supported implant placement, with bone dehiscence noted in 57% (n = 4), 64%(n = 7) and 85%(n = 12) of GBR, SS and Control cases (GBR vs. Control p = .03). GBR had a higher risk of swelling and mucosal colour change, with SS associated with graft sequestration and matrix breakdown. CONCLUSION: GBR ARP was found to be more effective at reducing radiographic bone dimensional changes following tooth extraction
obesity and liver cancer
Obesity and related metabolic disorders have become globally prevalent posing a challenge for the chronically damaged liver and predisposing the development and progression of cancer. The rising phenomenon of "obesity epidemic" may provide means for understanding why liver cancer is one of the few malignancies with rising incidence in developed countries over the last decades. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes is an increasingly recognized trigger for liver cancer in Western populations characterized by low prevalence of established risk factors for liver cancer such as viral hepatitis and hepatotoxin exposure. Accumulating evidence has established an association between higher body mass index as an indicator of general obesity and higher risk of primary liver cancer. The associations are stronger in men, in patients with underlying liver disease and in white ethnic groups. Abdominal obesity, weight gain in adult life and metabolic factors related to visceral fat accumulation were also suggested as important risk factors for liver cancer; however, more studies are needed to evaluate these associations. The association of obesity and metabolic parameters with liver cancer survival remains controversial. It is unclear which exact mechanisms could provide links between obesity and liver cancer risk. Recent evidence has implicated several molecular pathways in obesity-associated liver cancer. These include insulin resistance leading to increased levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factors, chronic inflammation, adipose tissue remodeling, pro-inflammatory cytokine and adipokine secretion, and altered gut microbiota. These mechanisms coincide with inflammatory and metabolic processes occurring in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease predisposing cancer development and progression. In the context of the current evidence, better understanding of the role of obesity and related metabolic factors may help in improving current strategies for liver cancer prevention
Development of settlement in the Northern Iraq since Hassuna till Ninevite 5 period (6500-2600 BC)
Wydział ArcheologiiCelem niniejszej pracy doktorskiej było zbadanie w jaki sposób działalność człowieka kształtuje osadnictwo na przykładzie prehistorycznego [od okresu Hassuna do Niniwa 5 (6500 – 2600 BC)] osadnictwa na terenie północnego Iraku oraz częściowo również na terenie północno-wschodniej Syrii.
W niniejszej pracy wykorzystano wyniki polskiego projektu Settlement History of Iraqi Kurdistan (UGZAR) kierowanego przez prof. dr. hab. Rafała Kolińskiego (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza), a także dostępne dotychczasowe wyniki projektów z grupy The Assyrian Landscapes Research Group oraz rezultaty wcześniejszych badań wykopaliskowych i powierzchniowych prowadzonych na sąsiadujących terenach.
Rozwój osadnictwa analizowany był z perspektywy zakładającej sprawczość człowieka jako elementu kształtującego osadnictwo. Zgodnie z podejściem Żaka (1977) i Rączkowskiego (1997) sprawczość człowieka przejawia się w ekonomii, relacjach społecznych oraz ideologii czy też „filozofii życia”. W pracy podjęto również próbę spojrzenia na dane pochodzące z badań powierzchniowych z uwzględnieniem problemu współczesności osad. Stanowiska pochodzące z jednego okresu są często traktowane tak jakby były sobie współczesne, co prowadzi do statycznego ujęcia osadnictwa. Celem spojrzenia na osadnictwo jako dynamiczny proces wykorzystano założenia modelu Dewar’a (1991) oraz równania Kinthig’a (1994).The aim of this dissertation was to examine how human activity shapes the prehistoric settlement patterns in areas covering northern Iraq and a part of northeastern Syria. The chronological scope covers the last stages of prehistory, from the Hassuna to the end of Ninevite 5 period (6500-2600 BC).
The data used in the dissertation includes results of the Settlement History of Iraqi Kurdistan project (also known as UGZAR), directed by Dr. Rafał Koliński of Adam Mickiewicz University, available results of other current survey projects from The Assyrian Landscapes Research Group, as well as results of past investigations undertaken in northern Iraq (including both surveys and excavations).
The settlement development was analyzed from a perspective assuming human agency as an element shaping the settlement. According to Żak (1977) and Rączkowski (1997), human agency is visible in economy, social relations, and ideology, or “the philosophy of life”.
This dissertation also takes into consideration the problem of contemporaneity of settlements. Settlements dated to a given period are often regarded as contemporary to each other, which leads to the perception of settlement as something relatively static. In order to look at the settlement patterns as a more dynamic process, assumptions based on Dewar’s model (1991) and Kintigh’s equations (1994) were applied
Sposób żywienia a rak jajnika
Ocena sposobu żywienia pacjentów onkologicznych stanowi nadal niewielki wycinek prac publikowanych w zakresie onkologii. Występujące w trakcie leczenia chemioterapią zmiany w zakresie odczuwania smaku, zapalenie błony śluzowej jamy ustnej, awersja do wybranych produktów żywnościowych, nudności i wymioty, biegunki czy zaparcia wraz z towarzyszącym osłabieniem oraz bólem wpływają niekorzystnie na stan odżywienia pacjentek. Prowadzenie badań naukowych w zakresie oceny sposobu żywienia pacjentów w trakcie chemioterapii wymaga ujęcia w metodyce choćby czasu wykonywania takiej oceny względem podawania cytostatyków. Sugeruje się, że występujące zmiany masy ciała w zaawansowanym raku jajnika jako istotny czynnik prognostyczny, natomiast otwartym pytaniem pozostaje czy zmiany masy ciała w trakcie chemioterapii powinny być ujmowane wyłącznie jako wykładnik metaboliczny nowotworu i czy wprowadzenie interwencji żywieniowej zapobiegającej utracie masy ciała wpłynęłoby na wydłużenie przeżyć
Oil Price And Stock Market Linkages In A Small And Oil Dependent Economy: The Case Of Greece
We investigate the dynamic linkages between oil prices and the stock market behaviour in a small and oil dependent economy. Particularly, we analyse empirically the relationships among stock market returns, the volatility of the stock market index, the oil price and the volatility of oil price in Greece. We employ VAR modelling in conjunction with Granger-causality tests. Contrary to the majority of the internationally reported evidence, our findings show the existence of significant positive causal effects from oil price changes on the stock market
Wybrane determinanty sposobu żywienia a regulacja masy ciała
Badania prowadzone w zakresie zrozumienia i poszukiwania nowych determinant sposobu żywienia wydają się szczególnie istotne w praktyce w odniesieniu do pacjentów określanych jako tak zwani „maintainers”, utrzymujących początkową masę ciała przez co najmniej rok i przybierających nie więcej niż 15% w stosunku do masy ciała po zakończonej interwencji oraz u pacjentów z grupy tak zwanych „regainers”, czyli osób przybierających przynajmniej 33% masy ciała w porównaniu z końcem zastosowanej interwencji żywieniowej. Wykorzystanie sezonowo występującej żywności w dietach pacjentów wraz z regulacją gęstości energetycznej pożywienia może przynieść wymierne efekty dla uzyskania pozytywnego, długofalowego efektu redukcji masy ciała. Z kolei pełniejsze zrozumienie terminu „chrononutrition” związanego z dobową regulacją przyjmowania pokarmów wraz z aplikacją tej wiedzy w codziennej praktyce może przyczynić się do tworzenia nowych strategii terapeutycznych w bezpośredniej pracy z pacjentem otyłym
Is alveolar ridge preservation an overtreatment?
The morphology and dimensions of the postextraction alveolar ridge are important for the surgical and restorative phases of implant treatment. Adequate new bone formation and preservation of alveolar ridge dimensions following extraction will facilitate installation of the implant in a restorative position, while preservation of soft tissue contour and volume is essential for an aesthetic and implant-supported restoration with healthy peri-implant tissues. Alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) refers to any procedure that aims to: (i) limit dimensional changes in the alveolar ridge after extraction facilitating implant placement without additional extensive bone and soft tissue augmentation procedures (ii) promote new bone formation in the healing alveolus, and (iii) promote soft tissue healing at the entrance of the alveolus and preserve the alveolar ridge contour. Although ARP is a clinically validated and safe approach, in certain clinical scenarios, the additional clinical benefit of ARP over unassisted socket healing has been debated and it appears that for some clinicians may represent an overtreatment. The aim of this critical review was to discuss the evidence pertaining to the four key objectives of ARP and to determine where ARP can lead to favorable outcomes when compared to unassisted socket healing
Oral Microcosm Biofilms Grown under Conditions Progressing from Peri-Implant Health, Peri-Implant Mucositis, and Peri-Implantitis
Peri-implantitis is a disease influenced by dysbiotic microbial communities that play a role in the short- and long-term outcomes of its clinical treatment. The ecological triggers that establish the progression from peri-implant mucositis to peri-implantitis remain unknown. This investigation describes the development of a novel in vitro microcosm biofilm model. Biofilms were grown over 30 days over machined titanium discs in a constant depth film fermentor (CDFF), which was inoculated (I) with pooled human saliva. Following longitudinal biofilm sampling across peri-implant health (PH), peri-implant mucositis (PM), and peri-implantitis (PI) conditions, the characterisation of the biofilms was performed. The biofilm analyses included imaging by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), selective and non-selective culture media of viable biofilms, and 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing. Bacterial qualitative shifts were observed by CLSM and SEM across conditions, which were defined by characteristic phenotypes. A total of 9 phyla, 83 genera, and 156 species were identified throughout the experiment. The phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Actinobacteria showed the highest prevalence in PI conditions. This novel in vitro microcosm model provides a high-throughput alternative for growing microcosm biofilms resembling an in vitro progression from PH-PM-PI conditions
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