71 research outputs found

    Marketing ROI: um estudo de caso na Brasil Telecom

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    Esta monografia tem como principal objetivo demonstrar a importância do Marketing ROI, ou seja, da análise dos investimentos realizados com Mídia na Brasil Telecom, e levantar os métodos utilizados pela empresa para avaliar e mensurar os resultados destes investimentos. A partir disso, descrever como ocorre todo o processo, desde o início com a coleta dos dados, o processo de consolidação e análise, e o produto final que demonstra se tais investimentos foram aplicados de forma correta a fim de atingir os objetivos da empresa, relatando a importância do marketing como um todo, das novas tendências do mundo contemporâneo, dos veículos de comunicação e ao final destas etapas, a importância e os métodos da análise e mensuração dos resultados sobre os investimentos feitos em Mídia na Brasil Telecom. Para abordar estes assuntos citados, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e o método de entrevista semi-estruturada. O fator principal é o resultado obtido com relação à concordância da teoria com algumas das práticas utilizadas pela organização. A relevância deste estudo trata-se da importância de profissionais de marketing de grandes empresas, ou mesmo empresários de suas próprias empresas, de analisar e mensurar de forma adequada os resultados dos investimentos destinados ao Marketing seja focado em uma determinada área, ou no Marketing como um todo

    Activity of insecticides on coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) (Coleoptera: curculionidae, scolytinae)

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the topical, residual and agronomic effects of the insecticides Voliam Targo, Benevia, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Verismo, Polytrin 400/40 CE, Curyom 550 EC, Polo 500 SC and Vertimec 18 EC in the control of the berry borer of coffee (H. hampei). The experimental design was completely randomized and four replicates were used in the trials. In the laboratory, a direct spray was sprayed on the insect (topical effect) and applied to the fruits of the coffee (residual contamination). In both experiments, each plot consisted of a Petri dish lined with filter paper, 10 fruits in the green stage and 10 adult females of the berry borer, originating from artificial breeding. Two field experiments were carried out at Campus Glória Experimental Farm. The first one was carried out with the objective of evaluating the residual effect of the insecticides on artificial infestation of the berry borer after applying the products to fruits at the beginning of maturation. The number of perforated fruits, dead females, number of eggs and larvae were evaluated in laboratory and field experiments. The second field experiment had as objective to evaluate the effectiveness in controlling the natural population of the berry borer. Two applications were performed with a 30-day interval, using a motorized turbocharger. The number of fruits bored in 50 fruits per plot and percentage of seeds bored in a sample of 250 seeds per replicate were evaluated. In the laboratory, all insecticides provided mortality higher than 80% in topical application and greater than 73% by residual contamination, except the insecticide Polo 500 SC, which provided a 55% mortality. In the field experiment with artificial infestation, all the insecticides differed from the control, maintaining residual control until 30 days after application and with mortality higher than 70%, reaching up to 100% of mortality. In the test with natural berry borer females infestation the insecticides differed from the control in all evaluated parameters, showed efficacy higher than 75% at 35 days after the second application. The insecticides Voliam Targo, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Polytrin 400/40 CE and Verismo presented the best control results, being indicated for use in the management of the berry borer of coffee

    Use of Parasitoids as a Biocontrol Agent in the Neotropical Region: Challenges and Potential

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    The agricultural production in the Neotropical region is highly affected by the attack of pests and diseases. Due to the overuse of pesticides, sustainable methods of control are in demand, such as biological control. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) considered the use of Biological control as a method to suppress the population of pests in several field agricultural systems and in protected crops systems. Biological control is generally appreciated today as an important component of IPM, and the demand for it is likely to spread as the IPM programs develop worldwide. The tropics present an important region for the application of biological control. The Neotropical region is characterized by its rich biodiversity, resulting in a wide range of natural enemies of pests represented by parasitoids, predators, and pathogens. Parasitoids are the natural enemies most used around the world for biological control. In this chapter, we present biological control programs using parasitoids established in the Neotropical region to control key pests of economic importance. Agricultural practices that maintain and enhance the action of natural enemies in crops will be reviewed, as the challenges and potential for the establishment of Biological Control programs using parasitoids in the Neotropical region

    Mapeamento geológico da zona costeira limitada pela foz do rio Pojuca e a praia de Imbassaí, Mata de São João - Bahia

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    A pesquisa objetivou realizar um mapeamento geológico, na escala 1:25.000, da zona costeira entre a foz do rio Pojuca e a praia de Imbassaí, Mata de São João - BA, com o intuito de subsidiar o planejamento ambiental da área para fins de múltiplos usos. A partir dos trabalhos de campo, foram identificadas as seguintes unidades geológicas: Embasamento Cristalino, Grupo Barreiras, Depósitos de Leques Aluviais, Depósitos de Terraços Marinhos - Holocênicos e Pleistocênicos -, Depósitos Eólicos, Depósitos Flúvio-Lagunares, Sedimentos das Praias Atuais e os Bancos de Arenitos. A partir desse mapeamento, foi possível verificar que a composição do substrato geológico, associado com o clima, pode influenciar diretamente nos processos geomorfológicos, pedológicos e dos recursos hídricos, determinando o tipo de modelado das vertentes, a morfodinâmica do sistema, a pedologia e os aspectos fitogeográficos.The research aimed to do a geological mapping in semi-detail scale (1:25.000) of the coastal zone between the mouth of the Pojuca's river and Imbassaí's beach, Mata de São João - BA, to subsidize the environmental planning area for multiple uses. From the fieldwork, we identified the following geological units: Basement, Barreiras Group, Alluvial Fan Deposits, Marine Terraces Deposits - Holocene and Pleistocene -, Wind and Fluvio-Lagoon Deposits, Recent Beaches Sediments and Bank of Sandstones. From this mapping, we found that the composition of geological substrate, associated with the weather, may influence directly on geomorphological processes, soil and water resources, determining the type of modeling aspects of the morphodynamic system, the soil conditions and phytogeographical aspects

    First record of Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) in Brazil (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae: Charipinae)

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    Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae) is a secondary endoparasitoid of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a subfamily which are important primary parasitoids of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae). It is here registered for the first time in Brazil, collected from primary parasitoids in field-exposed aphids. Phaenoglyphis villosa was recorded during wheat crop season (winter and spring), emerging from Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus, 1758) mummies (n = 35♀). It was also recorded from Sitobion avenae (Fabricius, 1775) mummies, in wheat crop season (late winter) (n = 13♀) and black oat crop season (late autumn) (n = 1♀). We suggest three possible primary braconid parasitoids as hosts to this hyperparasitoid: Aphidius platensis Brèthes, 1913, Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani-Perez, 1902, and Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, 1960


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    Maria Visconti, doutoranda em História (UFMG) e coordenadora do Núcleo Brasileiro de Estudos de Nazismo e Holocausto (NEPAT) e Carlos Artur Gallo, doutor em Ciência Política (UFRGS), professor da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) e coordenador do Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Políticas de Memória (NUPPOME) são os organizadores do Dossiê De Norte a Sul, a sombra do autoritarismo e do fascismo no passado e no presente: perspectivas sobre experiências limítrofes nos séculos XX e XXI, que traz contribuições significativas à História e à historiografia sobre autoritarismos, regimes nazifascistas e suas reverberações no mundo. Cada artigo permite vislumbrar minucioso cuidado com as memórias narradas em distintos suportes, teorias e metodologias de vieses críticos e resultados analíticos surpreendentes para a historiografia


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    Completamos 50 anos de Guerrilha do Araguaia em cenários densos, intensos e complexos no Brasil contemporâneo. São décadas de traumas recentes ainda encarnados e enraizados em memórias, dores, desafios e perspectivas de combate ao fascismo, ao nazismo e seus diferentes matizes em contextos ditatoriais. O presente Dossiê, intitulado Guerrilha do Araguaia 50 anos: direito à memória e à verdade - desafios para a pesquisa e o ensino, sob a organização dos professores Dr. César Alessandro Sagrillo Figueiredo (UFNT), Dr.  Ary Albuquerque C. Júnior (UFMT) e Me. Janailson Luiz Macedo (Unifesspa) evidencia um balanço da historiografia mais recente produzida sobre o tema. Também reúne pesquisas em torno das memórias da ditadura civil-militar e das violências dela decorrentes, aventando ainda para abordagens que estabelecem conexões com o ensino de História

    Temporal patterns of cytokine and injury biomarkers in hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with methylprednisolone

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    BackgroundThe novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presents with complex pathophysiological effects in various organ systems. Following the COVID-19, there are shifts in biomarker and cytokine equilibrium associated with altered physiological processes arising from viral damage or aggressive immunological response. We hypothesized that high daily dose methylprednisolone improved the injury biomarkers and serum cytokine profiles in COVID-19 patients.MethodsInjury biomarker and cytokine analysis was performed on 50 SARS-Cov-2 negative controls and 101 hospitalized severe COVID-19 patients: 49 methylprednisolone-treated (MP group) and 52 placebo-treated serum samples. Samples from the treated groups collected on days D1 (pre-treatment) all the groups, D7 (2 days after ending therapy) and D14 were analyzed. Luminex assay quantified the biomarkers HMGB1, FABP3, myoglobin, troponin I and NTproBNP. Immune mediators (CXCL8, CCL2, CXCL9, CXCL10, TNF, IFN-γ, IL-17A, IL-12p70, IL-10, IL-6, IL-4, IL-2, and IL-1β) were quantified using cytometric bead array.ResultsAt pretreatment, the two treatment groups were comparable demographically. At pre-treatment (D1), injury biomarkers (HMGB1, TnI, myoglobin and FABP3) were distinctly elevated. At D7, HMGB1 was significantly higher in the MP group (p=0.0448) compared to the placebo group, while HMGB1 in the placebo group diminished significantly by D14 (p=0.0115). Compared to healthy control samples, several immune mediators (IL-17A, IL-6, IL-10, MIG, MCP-1, and IP-10) were considerably elevated at baseline (all p≤0.05). At D7, MIG and IP-10 of the MP-group were significantly lower than in the placebo-group (p=0.0431, p=0.0069, respectively). Longitudinally, IL-2 (MP-group) and IL-17A (placebo-group) had increased significantly by D14. In placebo group, IL-2 and IL-17A continuously increased, as IL-12p70, IL-10 and IP-10 steadily decreased during follow-up. The MP treated group had IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-12p70 progressively increase while IL-1β and IL-10 gradually decreased towards D14. Moderate to strong positive correlations between chemokines and cytokines were observed on D7 and D14.ConclusionThese findings suggest MP treatment could ameliorate levels of myoglobin and FABP3, but appeared to have no impact on HMGB1, TnI and NTproBNP. In addition, methylprednisolone relieves the COVID-19 induced inflammatory response by diminishing MIG and IP-10 levels. Overall, corticosteroid (methylprednisolone) use in COVID-19 management influences the immunological molecule and injury biomarker profile in COVID-19 patients

    A implantação da Aprendizagem Criativa na Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil, através do Programa “Little Hearts Changing Lives”

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    Há no Brasil um grande esforço voltado para a construção de modelos de atenção à saúde que contemplem a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. Neste contexto, intervenções comunitárias voltadas para a promoção de saúde, podem ser consideradas como potenciais aliadas. O objetivo do presente artigo é descrever as ações realizadas pelo projeto de extensão derivado do Programa de intervenção “Little Hearts Changing Lives”, cujo intuito é a promoção da saúde no ambiente escolar corroborando com a prevenção de doenças cardiometabólicas futuras através da Aprendizagem Criativa. Este projeto, por visar a multidisciplinaridade desde sua concepção, reuniu discentes e docentes de cursos como Medicina, Fisioterapia, Nutrição, Educação Física e Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Embora ainda escassos na literatura, projetos de extensão como estes, voltados para a promoção de saúde na educação infantil, podem contribuir positivamente para o impacto social de comunidades