4,850 research outputs found

    Diabetes mellitus tipo 1: estudo epidemiológico em um centro de referência no sul do Brasil

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Pediatria

    Ação, pretensão e processo penal : teoria da acusação

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 343.123(81) B742

    The already seen method of studying religion in Anthropology

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    This article reflects on classic anthropological approaches on the topic of religion making a counterpoint to other lines of research that more recently they privilege the role of the media in forming religious communities. Based on the work of anthropologist Birgit Meyer the proposal is to refute the reinforcement traditionally granted to the speeches of religious actors and to the meaning of symbols for ethnographic writing, starting to emphasize sensations that are shared depending on an aesthetic formation process.O presente artigo reflete sobre abordagens antropológicas clássicas acerca do tema da religião, estabelecendo um contraponto com outras linhas de pesquisa que, mais recentemente, privilegiam o papel das mídias na formação de comunidades religiosas. Tomando como base algumas propostas da antropóloga Birgit Meyer, o objetivo é refutar o privilégio tradicionalmente concedido tanto aos discursos de atores religiosos quanto ao significado dos símbolos para a composição etnográfica, passando a enfatizar sensações compartilhadas em um processo de “formação estética”

    Ingenious Game: Insights Into Evolving From a Learning Card Game to a Learning Software Application Game

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    Ingenious is a collaborative and competitive learning game application in which groups of students compete against each other in a product design and development (PDD) scenario where each group is responsible for a multidisciplinary team of engineers. The game has been used since 2020 to support a mechanical engineering master course. In this period, the game evolved from a card game to a software application. During the four game rounds representing the PDD phases, the players learn when to use over 80 different engineering design techniques. By choosing varying engineers and techniques, a student group creates a design strategy with a cost to execute and might be proven more effective than the competitors' strategies. Winning the game is about effectiveness in solving the challenges posed in the PDD scenario at a minimum cost. Once the game allows scenario customisation, new PDD scenarios can be created with different complexity levels. In the gamified classroom, grading is not a result of winning the game but a reflection of the group's choices and consequences while playing the game. This article presents the different game versions, describes the Ingenious game mechanics and dynamics and reflects on the game evolution and coverage of the Octalysis dimensions.</p

    Atos de fala nas línguas Jê : distinções sintáticas no imperativo e no proibitivo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada, 2011.As distinções sintáticas entre orações imperativas e proibitivas de nove línguas Jê serão analisadas aqui através de uma perspectiva tipológico-funcional. As línguas são, de acordo com as regiões em que são faladas, as Línguas Jê Setentrionais Apinajé, Canela Apãniekrá, Mebengokré, Panará e Suyá; as Línguas Jê Centrais Xavante e Xerente; e as Línguas Jê Meridionais Kaingang e Xokleng. Começando por um levantamento .bibliográfico sobre os estudos dos atos de fala desde a sua concepção na filosofia até a sua adoção pelos lingüistas tipológico- funcionais e seguindo para uma descrição dos sistemas de alinhamento encontrados nas orações declarativas, serão identificados os padrões encontrados em cada língua e será feita uma comparação não só com outras estratégias encontradas na mesma língua como também as estruturas encontradas na família e na literatura como um todo. Com isso, espera-se mostrar as distinções sintáticas entre as orações relevantes, a origem dessas distinções no sistema lingüístico como um todo e a falta de dados e/ou pesquisas sobre estruturas relacionadas pragmática e sintaticamente com as orações estudadas aqui, desenvolvendo hipóteses para trabalhos futuros que possam preencher as lacunas encontradas atualmente. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe syntactical distinctions between imperative and prohibitive sentences of nine Jê language will be analised here through a typological functional perspective. The languages are, according to the regions where they’re spoken, the North Jê Languages Apinajé, Canela Apãniekrá, Mebengokré, Panará and Suyá; the Central Jê Languages Xavante and Xerente; and the South Jê Languages Kaingang and Xokleng. Beginning with a bibliographical review about speech act studies since its philosophical inception to its adoption by functional tipologists, and moving on to a description of the alignment systems found in the declarative sentences of each language, the patterns found will be analysed and compared not only with the other strategies found in the same language but also with the behaviour found in the literature as a whole. Thus, this work hopes to show the syntactical distinctions between the relevant sentences, the origin of these distinctions in the language system and the lack of data and/or research concerning structures pragmatically and syntactically related to the ones described here, devising hypotheses for future studies that may fill the blanks currently found

    Individual accessibility and segregation on activity spaces: an agent-based modelling approach

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    One of the main challenges of cities is the increasing social inequality imposed by the way population groups, jobs, amenities and services, as well as the transportation infrastructure, are distributed across urban space. In this thesis, the concepts of accessibility and segregation are used to study these inequalities. They can be defined as the interaction of individuals with urban opportunities and with individuals from other population groups, respectively. Interactions are made possible by people’s activities and movement within a city, which characterise accessibility and segregation as inherently dynamic and individual-based concepts. Nevertheless, they are largely studied from a static and place-based perspective. This thesis proposes an analytical and exploratory framework for studying individual-based accessibility and segregation in cities using individuals’ travel trajectories in space and time. An agent-based simulation model was developed to generate individual trajectories dynamically, employing standard datasets such as census and OD matrices and allowing for multiple perspectives of analysis by grouping individuals based on their attributes. The model’s ability to simulate people’s trajectories realistically was validated through systematic sensitivity tests and statistical comparison with real-world trajectories from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and travel times from London, UK. The approach was applied to two exploratory studies: São Paulo, Brazil, and London, UK. The first revealed inequalities in accessibility by income, education and gender and also unveiled within-group differences beyond place-based patterns. The latter explored ethnic segregation, unveiling patterns of potential interaction among ethnic groups in the urban space beyond their residential and workplace locations. Those studies demonstrated how inequality in accessibility and segregation can be studied both at large metropolitan scales and at fine level of detail, using standard datasets, with modest computational requirements and ease of operationalisation. The proposed approach opens up avenues for the study of complex dynamics of interaction of urban populations in a variety of urban contexts