16 research outputs found

    Possible oxidative effects of isotretinoin and modulatory effects of vitamins A and C in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Isotretinoin (ITN), chemically known as 13-cis-retinoic acid, is a part of the broad group of compounds related to vitamin A. It is particularly employed in the treatment of nodular cystic acne and as an inhibitor of proliferation of neoplastic cells, by exerting a regulatory effect on the cell differentiation. This study aimed at investigating the possible oxidative effects of ITN and modulatory effects of vitamins A and C in mutant and non-mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. In addition, to reconfirm the oxidative effects, five in vitro antioxidant assays were also prepared taking the alpha-tocopherol analogue, trolox as a standard. In vivo study conducted on S. cerevisiae cells was carried out with ITN 20 μg/ml taking hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as stressor (STR), whereas ITN 5 to 50 μg/ml was considered for in vitro assays taking similar dose of trolox (TRO). Results show ITN to have oxidative effect in both in vitro and in vivo tests. In conclusion, ITN produced oxidative effects and there may be an hypervitaminosis effect with vitamins A and C, thus insinuation to genetic material.Key words: Assay, isotretinoin, vitamin A, vitamin C, oxidative stress

    UPLC-MS-QTOF analysis and antifungal activity of Cumaru (Amburana cearensis).

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    This study was aimed at investigating the phytochemical constituents, antifungal properties and antibiotic-modifying activity of the aqueous crude extract and fractions of Amburana cearensis seeds (CEFAC). The CEFAC were chemically characterized by LC–MS/MS–QTOF. In addition, the antifungal activity was assayed by the microdilution method against strains of Candida albicans. The phytochemical profile of CEFAC exhibited phenolic compounds, organic acids, and polyphenols. The results of the assessment of antifungal activity reveled an IC(50) ranging from 45.6 to 2048 µg/mL. Interestingly, when CEFAC was associated with Fluconazole, we evidenced a decreased IC(50) (1.81–11.9 µg/mL), suggesting a synergism with antibiotic. It was possible to identify in the crude extract and fractions several phenolic compounds, organic acids, and some polyphenols in positive ionization mode. These results suggest that CEFAC may present compounds with the ability to interact and act synergistically with antimicrobial drugs, highlighting its potential as an alternative source for the development of new antimicrobial agents

    Correlations between Risk Factors for Breast Cancer and Genetic Instability in Cancer Patients- A Clinical Perspective Study

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Molecular epidemiological studies have identified several risk factors linking to the genes and external factors in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. In this sense, genetic instability caused by DNA damage and DNA repair inefficiencies are important molecular events for the diagnosis and prognosis of therapies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze correlation between sociocultural, occupational, and lifestyle risk factors with levels of genetic instability in non-neoplastic cells of breast cancer patients. Total 150 individuals were included in the study that included 50 breast cancer patients submitted to chemotherapy (QT), 50 breast cancer patients submitted to radiotherapy (RT), and 50 healthy women without any cancer. Cytogenetic biomarkers for apoptosis and DNA damage were evaluated in samples of buccal epithelial and peripheral blood cells through micronuclei and comet assay tests. Elder age patients (61–80 years) had higher levels of apoptosis (catriolysis by karyolysis) and DNA damage at the diagnosis (baseline damage) with increased cell damage during QT and especially during RT. We also reported the increased frequencies of cytogenetic biomarkers in patients who were exposed to ionizing radiation as well as for alcoholism and smoking. QT and RT induced high levels of fragmentation (karyorrhexis) and nuclear dissolution (karyolysis) and DNA damage. Correlations were observed between age and karyorrhexis at diagnosis; smoking and karyolysis during RT; and radiation and karyolysis during QT. These correlations indicate that risk factors may also influence the genetic instability in non-neoplastic cells caused to the patients during cancer therapies


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    A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a desordem neurológica que mais acomete pessoas em todo o mundo. Atualmente, compostos naturais derivados de plantas como os alcaloides, podem ser uma alternativa promissora, eficaz e com menos efeitos adversos para o desenvolvimento de medicamentos para DA. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma prospecção tecnológica de alcaloides para o tratamento da DA, analisando a quantidade de registros de depósitos de pedido de patentes em cada país, por meio de bases nacionais e internacionais até o momento. Para isso, a prospecção foi realizada no Banco Europeu de Patentes, no banco da Organização Mundial de Propriedade Intelectual, no Banco Americano de Marcas e Patentes e no banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial do Brasil. A classificação internacional mais abundante nessa prospecção foi A61K. Considerando o ano, o maior número de patentes foi depositado nos últimos 20 anos. 53,85% das patentes encontradas foram depositadas nos Estados Unidos, seguido da Espanha com 23,07%, República da Coréia com 15,39% e África do Sul com 7,69%.</p

    Estudo citogenético de anormalidades cromossômicas em abortos espontâneos

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    The aim of this study was to address the cytogenetic study of chromosome abnormalities in spontaneous abortions, and the importance of genetic counseling to couples and tests used in this study. Methodology: To achieve the goal, we conduct a descriptive exploratory research through literature review. Results: Chromosomal abnormalities affecting 0.7% of all live births, 2% of pregnancies in women over 35 years and are present in 50% of spontaneous abortions in the first quarter. The prenatal diagnosis (PND) allows for fetal anomalies in couples with genetic risk, very accurate assessment of fetal pathologies. Conclusion: the cytogenetic study is also the first choice in evaluating these changes, by detecting, numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities.Objetivos: abordar o estudo citogenético das anormalidades cromossômicas em abortos espontâneos, bem como a importância do aconselhamento genético aos casais e os testes utilizados nesse estudo. Metodologia: para atingir o objetivo, realizarmos uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva, por meio de revisão da literatura. Em um primeiro momento, localizamos publicações que correspondiam aos critérios de inclusão e posteriormente de exclusão. Resultados: as anomalias cromossômicas afetam 0,7% dos nascidos vivos, 2% das gestações em mulheres com mais de 35 anos e estão presentes em 50% dos abortos espontâneos do primeiro trimestre. O diagnóstico pré-natal (DPN) de anomalias fetais permite, em casais com risco genético, avaliação muito precisa de patologias fetais. Conclusão: o estudo citogenético é, ainda, a primeira opção na avaliação destas alterações, por permitir detectar, anomalias cromossômicas numéricas e estruturais.Objetivos: Abordar el estudio citogenético de anormalidades cromosómicas en abortos espontáneos, y la importancia de la asesoría genética para las parejas y las pruebas utilizadas en este estudio. Metodología: Para alcanzar el objetivo, llevamos a cabo un estudio exploratorio descriptivo mediante revisión de la literatura. Resultados: anomalías cromosómicas que afectan a un 0,7% de todos los nacidos vivos, el 2% de los embarazos en mujeres mayores de 35 años y están presentes en el 50% de los abortos espontáneos en el primer trimestre. El diagnóstico prenatal (DPN) permite anomalías fetales en parejas con riesgo genético, evaluación muy precisa de las patologías fetales. Conclusión: el estudio citogenético es también la primera elección en la evaluación de estos cambios, mediante la detección, las anomalías cromosómicas numéricas y estructurales.

    Preparation of phytol-loaded nanoemulsion and screening for antioxidant capacity

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    The study aims at preparation of nanoemulsion and subsequently test for antioxidant capacity of a diterpenoid isoprenoid alcohol called phytol (PYT), which is already evident to have a number of important activities. For this PYT-loaded nanoemulsion was prepared by phase inversion method and both PYT-containing nanoemulsion (PNE) and PYT-free nanoemulsion (PFNE) at a concentration range 2 to 16 µM were tested for antiradical (DPPH●:  1,1-dipheny-picrylhydrazyl radical; ABTS●+: azino-bis-ethylbenzthiazoline-sulfonic acid; ●OH: hydroxyl radical scavenging; NO●: nitrite oxide radical), lipid peroxidation (LP), reduction potential (RP), and inhibition of hemolysis (HL) in rat erythrocytes activities in comparison of an α-tocopherol analogue, trolox (TRO) (positive control). In addition, an in vivo test was performed in wildtype and deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a stressor (STR). Results suggest that PNE exhibited potential antioxidant activities than the PFNE.  Increased doses of treatment groups showed increased antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. In the S. cerevisiae study, both PFNE- and PNE-treated groups exhibited decreased rates of survival with the highest doses, whichever in the presence of STR increased the survival rates of strains; suggesting an antioxidative defense capacity of PYT. In this occasion, PNE exhibited prominent antioxidative defense in the presence of STR rather than PFNE. In conclusion, PYT exhibited potential antioxidant activity but at high concentration it is toxic to the yeast cells. The production of PYT-nanoemulsions may be relevant to pharmaceutical sciences

    Persistent Increased Frequency of Genomic Instability in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: Before, during, and after Treatments

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    This study aimed to evaluate DNA damage in patients with breast cancer before treatment (background) and after chemotherapy (QT) and radiotherapy (RT) treatment using the Comet assay in peripheral blood and the micronucleus test in buccal cells. We also evaluated repair of DNA damage after the end of RT, as well as the response of patient’s cells before treatment with an oxidizing agent (H2O2; challenge assay). Fifty women with a mammographic diagnosis negative for cancer (control group) and 100 women with a diagnosis of breast cancer (followed up during the treatment) were involved in this study. The significant DNA damage was observed by increasing in the index and frequency of damage along with the increasing of the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood and cells of the buccal mucosa, respectively. Despite the variability of the responses of breast cancer patients, the individuals presented lesions on the DNA, detected by the Comet assay and micronucleus Test, from the diagnosis until the end of the oncological treatment and were more susceptible to oxidative stress. We can conclude that the damages were due to clastogenic and/or aneugenic effects related to the neoplasia itself and that they increased, especially after RT

    Pharmacological properties of cashew (Anacardium occidentale)

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    Anacardium occidentale L. is a tree native to Brazil, which is rich in phenolic lipids. Nowadays, the cashew bark (Cashew Nut Shell Liquid) has received great attention in the pharmaceutical industry, due to its economy, abundance and important chemical compounds. Net of cashew nut shell is classified according to the method of production of: (1) net of the shell of natural cashew nut (60-65% anacardic acid; 15-20% cardol and 10% of cardanol) and (2) liquid from the technical cashew nut shell (60-65% of cardanol, 15-20% cardol and 10% of polymeric material). This work aims to report the pharmacological properties of liquids from cashew nut shells. Results suggest that both liquids have antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-tumor, antiulcerogenic, molluscicides, antimutagenic and antioxidant activities. Natural cashew nut liquid is non-genotoxic, whereas technical liquid is genotoxic in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, although there is no evidence of their mutagenic effects on eukaryotic cells. In conclusion, the excellent antioxidant and non-mutagenic activities of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) provide opportunities for CNSL in the cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical industries, but continuous study is needed to allow safe and efficacious preparations.Keywords: Cashew liquid, cosmetics, pharmacological, pharmaceutical, preparatio