10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to perform ecological and functional clustering of tree species in southwestern Amazon. Developed from data from 95 permanent plots of 1 ha each, all individuals with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≄10 cm were measured. The species grouping was performed in three stages: (1) cluster analysis, using the variables: diameter annual periodic increment -(IPADAP) considering three competition levels (high, medium and low) and the 95th percentile of the diameters (P95) cumulative frequency distribution (Ward hierarchical method); (2) Discriminant analysis, using the variables P95 and IPADAP by Fisher's method and (3) subjective stage, considering the species ecological characteristics. The Ward and Fisher methods used for discriminant and cluster analyses were effective for species grouping resulting on the formation of 10 groups. Variables: IPADAP and and P95 were efficient on the formed groups discrimination.. Variations in the growth rates for the overall mean data were reduced wen calculated for each group of species

    Twenty years monitoring growth dynamics of a logged tropical forest in Western Amazon

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    We performed a forest growth dynamics study in Acre State, Brazilian southwestern Amazon, where a 20 ha area was logged in 1992. The study was based permanent sample plots (1 ha) established in the logged area and in an unlogged forest immediately after logging operations finished. Forest dynamics parameters were assessed in terms of aboveground dried biomass (AGB). During the study period, three extreme climate events triggered a high impact on both logged and unlogged areas, producing AGB losses greater than those estimated for logging. Twenty years after logging, ingrowth and mortality rates were similar to those expected in an undisturbed forest, and AGB recovery was significantly faster in the logged areas. Forest management, when properly applied, can promote faster forest AGB recovery. We suggest that forest management could be considered as an alternative to adapt to extreme climate events, by promoting controlled disturbances, which should minimize tree mortality and biomass loss

    Logging in bamboo-dominated forests in southwestern Amazonia: Caveats and opportunities for smallholder forest management

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    Guadua sarcocarpa and Guadua weberbaueri (Poaceae: Bambuseae) have a negative influence on tree regeneration and recruitment in bamboo-dominated forests of southwestern Amazonia. The lack of advanced regeneration and sparse canopy in this forest type present a considerable challenge for developing sustainable timber management plans. We conducted field studies in the Porto Dias Agroextractive Settlement Project in Acre, Brazil to assess influences of logging in bamboo-dominated forest sites. Taxonomic composition, stand structure, aboveground biomass, commercial timber volume, and commercial tree seedling and bamboo culm density were compared between five logged vs. unlogged sites in different landholdings, using modified 0.5 ha Gentry plots. No differences in taxonomic composition, aboveground biomass, adult and juvenile stem density, or woody seedling and bamboo culm density were detected between paired logged and unlogged sites. Commercial timber volume, however, was reduced by almost two-thirds in logged plots, suggesting that long-term timber management goals in this forest type are compromised since so few future crop trees remained onsite. Our findings indicate that in order to maximize local management objectives, community forest managers must approach logging in bamboo-dominated forests with caution. We suggest an integration of non-timber forest product extraction with low harvest intensity and low-impact logging, tending of natural regeneration, and diversification of commercial species

    Natural regeneration of trees in selectively logged forest in western Amazonia

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    We evaluated the impacts of selective logging on tree regeneration one, four, and eight years after harvests in Antimary State Forest in the State of Acre, Brazil. We inventoried tree seedlings, saplings, and poles (>50 cm tall to <10 cm DBH) on secondary roads, log landing, and skid trails, as well as in the bole and crown zones of canopy gaps created by felling; for comparison we also sampled areas not affected directly by logging. We compared these habitats on the basis soil (physical) characteristics, canopy cover, and floristic composition. For areas one and four years after logging, we supplemented the ground-based information with aerial LiDAR data. By eight years post-logging the size class distributions of tree regeneration in all habitat types resembled those in unlogged areas, and densities were only lower in crown gaps. Eight years after logging, relative densities of pioneer trees were highest on secondary roads and log landings; no among habitat differences were observed in the relative densities of non-pioneer species at any time along the chronosequence. Tree species diversity (Fisher's alpha) converged on unlogged values on skid trails, bole gaps, and crown gaps at 8-years post-logging, but values remained lower on secondary roads and log landings. Canopy openness was greatest one year after logging, especially in log landings (mean 45.4 ± SE 4.5%) whereas four and eight years post-logging it did not exceed 10% and no differences were found among habitats. Soil bulk density was elevated relative to un-logged areas only on log landings one and four years after logging, and this difference disappeared by eight years post-logging. The total area disturbed by logging varied from 7.0% to 8.6% with nearly half of the totals in felling gaps (3.0–3.7%). © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests

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    Although tropical forests harbour most of the terrestrial carbon and biological diversity on Earth they continue to be deforested or degraded at high rates. In Amazonia, the largest tropical forest on Earth, a sixth of the remaining natural forests is formally dedicated to timber extraction through selective logging. Reconciling timber extraction with the provision of other ecosystem services (ES) remains a major challenge for forest managers and policy-makers. This study applies a spatial optimisation of logging in Amazonian production forests to analyse potential trade-offs between timber extraction and recovery, carbon storage, and biodiversity conservation. Current logging regulations with unique cutting cycles result in sub-optimal ES-use efficiency. Long-term timber provision would require the adoption of a land-sharing strategy that involves extensive low-intensity logging, although high transport and road-building costs might make this approach economically unattractive. By contrast, retention of carbon and biodiversity would be enhanced by a land-sparing strategy restricting high-intensive logging to designated areas such as the outer fringes of the region. Depending on management goals and societal demands, either choice will substantially influence the future of Amazonian forests. Overall, our results highlight the need for revaluation of current logging regulations and regional cooperation among Amazonian countries to enhance coherent and trans-boundary forest management.</p