69 research outputs found

    New genus and species of ant-like true bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) from the Canary Islands

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    Roca-Cusachs, Marcos, Goula, Marta (2016): New genus and species of ant-like true bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) from the Canary Islands. Zootaxa 4173 (1), DOI: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4173.1.

    Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Version 2

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    [cat] Han passat deu anys des de la primera versió de la Llista dels Heteròpters de Catalunya (Goula et al., 2010b), i tant els canvis taxonòmics generals dins del subordre Heteroptera (Schuh & Weirauch, 2020) com les sinonímies i les incorporacions que s’han anat produint en aquesta dècada feien indefugible revisar i esmenar el document anterior. Els treballs nous sobre faunística dels heteròpters de Catalunya, publicats del 2010 ençà, consten a la relació de referències bibliogràfiques. El resultat és que la llista s’ha engruixit amb 9 gèneres i 21 espècies. També hi ha moltes famílies noves, la majoria de les quals provenen de la reestructuració dels Lygaeoidea (Henry, 1997), i que constaven com a subfamílies en el document del 2010. Només els Aphelocheiridae constitueixen una veritable nova aportació al coneixement dels heteròpters de Catalunya. Es fa palesa, així mateix, l’arribada d’unes quantes espècies exòtiques més, algunes invasores i d’altres no, les quals considerem ja establertes a la nostra fauna. En aquesta dècada, han vist la llum publicacions d’interès en relació amb els heteròpters ibèrics, que naturalment inclouen els que es troben a casa nostra. Són les checklists dels Aradoidea, Coreoidea i Pyrrhocoroidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018a), dels Lygaeoidea (Costas et al., 2018), dels Miroidea (Goula et al., 2018b), dels Pentatomoidea (Roca- Cusachs et al., 2018b) i dels Microphysoidea (Goula et al., 2020b). I com a eines de divulgació, el manual general d’heteròpters (Goula & Mata, 2015), amb una extensa bibliografia i webgrafia ibèriques, i la guia de camp (Goula et al., 2018a), necessàriament breu si es té en compte la rica fauna d’heteròpters del nostre país. Per a la nomenclatura i la sistemàtica, s’han seguit Aukema (2018) i Schuh & Weirauch (2020), respectivament. Els tàxons es presenten per ordre filogènetic fins a nivell de família, i alfabèticament de subfamília a subespècie, segons la pauta de les checklists ibèriques abans esmentades, publicades pel Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). El nombre de gèneres és de 416 i el d’espècies de 1.073.[eng] It has been ten years since the first version of the Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Goula et al., 2010b), and both the general taxonomic changes within the suborder Heteroptera (Schuh & Weirauch, 2020) and the synonimies and incorporations that took place in this decade made it necessary to review and amend the previous document. The new papers related to the fauna of the heteropterans of Catalonia, published from 2010 onwards, are included in the list of bibliographical references. The result is that the list has been enlarged with 9 genera and 21 species newly found in Catalonia. There are also many new families, most of them as a result of Lygaeoidea’s restructuring (Henry, 1997), which were included as subfamilies in the document of 2010. Only Aphelocheiridae are a new family for the Catalan fauna of Heteroptera. There is also evidence of the arrival of a few more exotic species, some invaders and others not, which we consider already established in our fauna. In this decade, articles of interest in relation to Iberian heteropterans, which naturally include those found in Catalonia, have been published. These are the checklists of Aradoidea, Coreoidea and Pyrrhocoroidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018a), Lygaeoidea (Costas et al., 2018), Miroidea (Goula et al., 2018b), Pentatomoidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018b) and Microphysoidea (Goula et al., 2020b). In addition, as tools for the dissemination, the general manual of Heteroptera (Goula & Mata, 2015), with extensive Iberian bibliography and webography, and the field guide (Goula et al., 2018a), necessarily brief in relation to the rich fauna of true bugs in our country. Aukema (2018) and Schuh & Weirauch (2020), respectively, have been followed as a basis for the nomenclature and systematics. The taxa are arranged according to phylogenetic order down to the family level, and alphabetically from subfamily to subspecies, considering the guidelines of above-mentioned Iberian checklists, published by the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). The number of genera is 416 and the number of species is 1,073

    Descripción de las primeras especies de Synergus con hembras de 13 antenómeros para México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini)

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    Se describen para México dos nuevas especies de Synergus Hartig obtenidas a partir de agallas inconspicuas en el interior de las bellotas de Quercus rugosa Née Fagaceae (Synergus equihuai Pujade-Villar & Lobato-Vila n. sp.) y de agallas tumorales colectadas en Q. obtusata Bonpl. (Synergus estradae Pujade-Villar & Lobato-Vila n. sp.). Se ilustran los caracteres morfológicos más importantes y se diferencian de las especies morfológicamente más próximas

    Heteropteran type specimens (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) in the Jordi Ribes’ collection, deposited in the Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal

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    Aquesta publicació correspon al catàleg dels 45 tàxons descrits per en Jordi Ribes i dels 152 tàxons amb exemplars tipus d’espècies descrites per altres autors. Tots aquests exemplars i el conjunt de la Col·lecció J. Ribes, formada per un total de 27.851 exemplars que pertanyen a 2.990 espècies i subespècies, estan dipositats al CRBA

    A geographical distribution database of the genus Dysdera in the Canary Islands (Araneae, Dysderidae)

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    The ground-dweller spider genus Dysdera shows very high species richness on the oceanic archipelago of the Canary Islands, providing one of the most outstanding examples of island radiation among spiders, only paralleled by Tetragnatha spiders on the Hawaiian archipelago. A georeferenced database of the 48 Dysdera species occurring in the Canary Islands was assembled to facilitate ongoing and future research on this remarkable lineage. All species are endemic to the archipelago except for the cosmopolitan Dysdera crocata. The dataset consists of 794 distributional records documented from 1971 to 2015, each locality being represented only once per species. Distribution maps are provided for each species, along with basic diversity and distribution information. The database and geographical maps included in this article stand for the most updated, accurate and complete information on the distribution of the spider genus Dysdera in the Canary Islands

    New evidences of the presence of Aphelocheirus aestivalis in the Iberian Peninsula, its ecology and description of two northeastern Iberian populations

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    The waterbug Aphelocheirus aestivalis is herein recorded for the first time in Northeastern Iberian Peninsula, constituting the first citation of the family Aphelocheiridae in the region. Yet, later on in 1989, the description of three new endemic Iberian species belonging to Aphelocheirus implied the assumption that A. aestivalis was absent. Here, we show strong evidences of the presence of this species by the collection of individuals in two isolated stream reaches located 36 km apart, in the two Mediterranean rivers Llobregat and Ter. The Iberian specimens studied showed slight differentiation from other European specimens in the structures of male internal genital. Photographs of the habitus of the male and female are provided. More than 25 years of study of these rivers show Aphelocheirus sp. is confined solely to a short stretch in both rivers. Our study thus suggests that the distribution of A. aestivalis in the Iberian Peninsula should be revised and further investigated, and warns of urgent measures to improve, or at least preserve, the habitat and the hydrological conditions rivers Llobregat and Ter to protect the species

    A DNA barcode-assisted annotated checklist of the spider (Arachnida, Araneae) communities associated to white oak woodlands in Spanish National Parks

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    Background: A large scale semi-quantitative biodiversity assessment was conducted in white oak woodlands in areas included in the Spanish Network of National Parks, as part of a project aimed at revealing biogeographic patterns and identify biodiversity drivers. The semiquantitative COBRA sampling protocol was conducted in sixteen 1-ha plots across six national parks using a nested design. All adult specimens were identified to species level based on morphology. Uncertain delimitations and identifications due to either limited information of diagnostic characters or conflicting taxonomy were further investigated using DNA barcode information. New information: We identified 376 species belonging to 190 genera in 39 families, from the 8,521 adults found amongst the 20,539 collected specimens. Faunistic results include the discovery of 7 new species to the Iberian Peninsula, 3 new species to Spain and 11 putative new species to science. As largely expected by environmental features, the southern parks showed a higher proportion of Iberian and Mediterranean species than the northern parks, where the Palearctic elements were largely dominant. The analysis of approximately 3,200 DNA barcodes generated in the present study, corroborated and provided finer resolution to the morphologically based delimitation and identification of specimens in some taxonomically challenging families. Specifically, molecular data confirmed putative new species with diagnosable morphology, identified overlooked lineages that may constitute new species, confirmed assignment of specimens of unknown sexes to species and identified cases of misidentifications and phenotypic polymorphisms

    EDUCORE project: a clinical trial, randomised by clusters, to assess the effect of a visual learning method on blood pressure control in the primary healthcare setting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High blood pressure (HBP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). European hypertension and cardiology societies as well as expert committees on CVD prevention recommend stratifying cardiovascular risk using the SCORE method, the modification of lifestyles to prevent CVD, and achieving good control over risk factors. The EDUCORE (Education and Coronary Risk Evaluation) project aims to determine whether the use of a cardiovascular risk visual learning method - the EDUCORE method - is more effective than normal clinical practice in improving the control of blood pressure within one year in patients with poorly controlled hypertension but no background of CVD;</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This work describes a protocol for a clinical trial, randomised by clusters and involving 22 primary healthcare clinics, to test the effectiveness of the EDUCORE method. The number of patients required was 736, all between 40 and 65 years of age (n = 368 in the EDUCORE and control groups), all of whom had been diagnosed with HBP at least one year ago, and all of whom had poorly controlled hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg). All personnel taking part were explained the trial and trained in its methodology. The EDUCORE method contemplates the visualisation of low risk SCORE scores using images embodying different stages of a high risk action, plus the receipt of a pamphlet explaining how to better maintain cardiac health. The main outcome variable was the control of blood pressure; secondary outcome variables included the SCORE score, therapeutic compliance, quality of life, and total cholesterol level. All outcome variables were measured at the beginning of the experimental period and again at 6 and 12 months. Information on sex, age, educational level, physical activity, body mass index, consumption of medications, change of treatment and blood analysis results was also recorded;</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The EDUCORE method could provide a simple, inexpensive means of improving blood pressure control, and perhaps other health problems, in the primary healthcare setting;</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01155973 [<url>http://ClinicalTrials.gov</url>].</p

    Stagonomus gibbosus Roca-Cusachs & Jung 2019, new combination

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    &lt;i&gt;Stagonomus gibbosus&lt;/i&gt; (Jakovlev, 1904) new combination &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Eusarcoris gibbosus&lt;/i&gt; Jakovlev, 1904d: 23. LT (Josifov &amp; Kerzhner 1978: 167): Korea, Yalu River; ZMAS.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Distr&lt;/b&gt;. &lt;b&gt;ASIA:&lt;/b&gt; China (CE, NE, NO, SE, SW), Japan, Korea, Russia (Far East) and Vietnam (Rider 2006).&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Roca-Cusachs, Marcos &amp; Jung, Sunghoon, 2019, Redefining Stagonomus Gorski based on morphological and molecular data (Pentatomidae: Eysarcorini), pp. 368-374 in Zootaxa 4658 (2)&lt;/i&gt; on page 373, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4658.2.10, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3375750"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3375750&lt;/a&gt

    First record of the family Malcidae (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Malcidae) in Western Palaearctic: invasive species or casual

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    Malcus elongatus Štys, 1967 (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Malcidae) was collected in Crete (Greece), resulting in the first Western Palaearctic record for the family Malcidae. A short discussion about whereas this is a casual record or a new invasive species to take into consideration is made.La especie Malcus elongatus Štys, 1967 (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Malcidae) fue capturada en Creta (Grecia), lo que supone la primera cita de la familia Malcidae en la región Paleártica occidental. Se discute brevemente si se trata de un registro casual o si es una nueva especie invasora a tener en consideración