254 research outputs found

    Disseny i interacció en sistemes de recuperació d'informació

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    La revista electrónica y su aceptación en la comunidad científica

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    In the last few years the electronic journal increase has led librarians to think the fitness of subscribing them as an extension of print format or even abandoning this. In the present article the scientific e-journal is defined and the different formats are enumerated. We talk also about edition’s politics, advantages and disadvantages with regard to traditional format, access systems provided by editors and distributors, and special features in library management

    Press and social networks photography: the Eye Tracking technology

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    El artículo presenta la técnica del seguimiento de la mirada (eye tracking) y analiza los estudios previos que, basándose en esta técnica, se han realizado sobre la prensa en las redes sociales, con especial detenimiento en Facebook. El artículo también hace un recorrido por el papel de la imagen en la prensa desde los inicios del fotoperiodismo hasta la aparición del periodismo digital. De la revisión bibliográfica realizada se desprende que existe un claro vacío de investigaciones que aborden un análisis conjunto de las imágenes y las redes sociales haciendo uso de la técnica del seguimiento de la mirada.The article introduces the eye tracking technology and analyzes the previous studies conducted using this technology on press in social networks with a special focus on Facebook. It studies the role of image in press from the first steps of photojournalism to the dawn of online journalism. From the revised literature it can be observed a clear lack of research analyzing both the images and the social networks through eye tracking technology

    Comportamiento de los usuarios en la página de resultados de los buscadores. Un estudio basado en eye tracking

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    A study based on Google and Yahoo! page results using eye tracker technique is presented. Participants (n=58) attempted informational, navigational, transactional or multimedia tasks. Sessions were recorded with an eye tracker to determine whether the intention behind queries affects the way people browse the results page. Eye fixations in title, snippet, url and images were analyzed in the three first organic and sponsored results. In general terms, the results demonstrate that a relationship exists between the users’ intention and their behavior when they browse the results page. Knowing this behavior is important for search engine designers because they can improve their results pages depending on the users’ query intentions

    Prensa en Facebook : la importancia de la imagen en la web social

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    Facebook, con una penetración del 79% en España, se ha convertido en una importante plataforma de difusión de noticias. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo describir el comportamiento de los usuarios ante la presencia de noticias en el muro. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio experimental en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra con 24 usuarios de Facebook. Siguiendo una distribución de tipo latin square, se mostró a cada participante tres muros de Facebook; cada muro contenía una noticia en tres formatos. Se les pidió que escogieran entre ellas según su preferencia. El proceso se grabó con un dispositivo de eye tracking, que además de seguir la visión foveal guarda registro de los clics y del tiempo de permanencia en una página. Al finalizar la grabación se preguntó a los usuarios qué formato de noticia preferían. El estudio pone de relieve las diferencias de percepción, selección y preferencia de los usuarios de Facebook ante diversos formatos, donde la imagen se erige en elemento principal.Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM)Grupo de Investigación en Estructura, Historia y Contenidos de la Comunicación (GREHCCO) HUM61

    La revista electrónica y su aceptación en la comunidad científica

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    In the last few years the electronic journal increase has led librarians to think the fitness of subscribing them as an extension of print format or even abandoning this. In the present article the scientific e-journal is defined and the different formats are enumerated. We talk also about edition’s politics, advantages and disadvantages with regard to traditional format, access systems provided by editors and distributors, and special features in library management

    Tricking search engines

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    Knowing the factors that search engines consider in their ranking results is key for webmasters. This knowledge is an advantage for a website’s owner, as the site improves its position in ranking results, and for the search engines because they have access to more information about the site’s content to determinate the ranking. Websites that use search engine optimization techniques avoid the use of images without alternative text and try to link and be linked by related content sites. Good use of these search engine optimization (SEO) techniques is called “white hat SEO”; its main feature is that websites are designed with users in mind and without forgetting how search engines work. Nevertheless, web design oriented toward search engines rather than users is possible; it means websites are designed for ranking results, abusing SEO techniques to deceive search engines, such as with hidden text or small fonts, two of the most common strategies. When search engines discover these unethical techniques, called “black hat SEO”, websites are punished with poor rankings

    Positioning evaluation of online terminological information systems

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    Today, the majority of websites are accessed through search engines. It is therefore fundamental that their managers and designers ensure that they are well positioned within the search results, from the point of view of marketing and in order to provide the best service to their users. The position that a website takes in the list of results when a user carries out a search is thus a very relevant aspect for persons responsible for websites. The actions necessary for improvement are explained as “web positioning” (Codina, 2004; Codina, Marcos 2005; Arbildi, 2005). The centerpiece is in asking yourself which words the potential users are likely to use in their searches; once this has been determined, you can make legitimate use of the optimization techniques so that a specific website appears in a good position when the users search for information related to the contents of that website. The websites that host terminology databases can -and should make- use of positioning improvement techniques to help potential users find these resources using search engines. Our study took as a sample ten terminology databases having free access online, presenting multilingual data, and pertaining to different subject areas. In this article we present the major results found in our analysis of web positioning and the improvement proposals, which can be applied to other linguistic search tools such as online dictionaries, thesauri, etc. We employed an analysis methodology involving an empirical observation of the factors considered by search engines and a multivariate statistical analysis to relate the various aspects analyzed with the positioning obtained for each keyword

    Statistics in usability tests: Roll up your sleeves and have no fear

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    Within a website design process, usability evaluation is a key step to ensure success. Among the various evaluation methods, user testing provides information about potential performance problems, such as the effectiveness and efficiency with which users perform tasks on the web. In this context of evaluation and performance measurement, statistics is a tool that provides validity and reliability to the tests’ results, and delivers the evidence needed to make better design decisions

    El acceso por materias en los catálogos en línea: análisis comparativo de interfaces

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    An analysis of a sample of interfaces of OPACs is presented, particularly those aspects that concern the search that more difficulties raises: the access by subjects. The chosen sample includes twenty catalogues of university libraries of Spain and Latin America in Spanish and with different systems. The studied points are the subject access from the first screen of the catalogue, the search process, the presentation of the set of results obtained, the information given on each recovered document and the reformulation of the search. Screen captures are shown as a representative example of the different aspects analyzed.Se presenta un análisis de una muestra de interfaces de OPACs, concretamente se atiende a los aspectos que atañen a la búsqueda que más dificultades plantea: el acceso por materias. La muestra elegida comprende veinte catálogos de bibliotecas universitarias de España y Latinoamérica en lengua española y con diferentes sistemas informáticos. Los puntos estudiados son el acceso por materias desde la pantalla de inicio del catálogo, el proceso de la consulta, la presentación del conjunto de resultados obtenido, la información que se da de cada documento recuperado y la reformulación de la consulta. Se acompañan capturas de pantalla como ejemplo representativo de los distintos aspectos analizados