406 research outputs found

    A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the molecular clock on Bayesian ensembles of phylogenies

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    Divergence date estimates are central to understand evolutionary processes and depend, in the case of molecular phylogenies, on tests of molecular clocks. Here we propose two non-parametric tests of strict and relaxed molecular clocks built upon a framework that uses the empirical cumulative distribution (ECD) of branch lengths obtained from an ensemble of Bayesian trees and well known non-parametric (one-sample and two-sample) Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-fit test. In the strict clock case, the method consists in using the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test to directly test if the phylogeny is clock-like, in other words, if it follows a Poisson law. The ECD is computed from the discretized branch lengths and the parameter λ\lambda of the expected Poisson distribution is calculated as the average branch length over the ensemble of trees. To compensate for the auto-correlation in the ensemble of trees and pseudo-replication we take advantage of thinning and effective sample size, two features provided by Bayesian inference MCMC samplers. Finally, it is observed that tree topologies with very long or very short branches lead to Poisson mixtures and in this case we propose the use of the two-sample KS test with samples from two continuous branch length distributions, one obtained from an ensemble of clock-constrained trees and the other from an ensemble of unconstrained trees. Moreover, in this second form the test can also be applied to test for relaxed clock models. The use of a statistically equivalent ensemble of phylogenies to obtain the branch lengths ECD, instead of one consensus tree, yields considerable reduction of the effects of small sample size and provides again of power.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 8 tables. Minor revision, additin of a new example and new title. Software: https://github.com/FernandoMarcon/PKS_Test.gi

    Tobacco consumption among college students: a systematic review

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    Objective: Identify how tobacco use among college students is discussed in the literature. Methods: It was performed a systematic review of January 2004 to December 2013. The survey was conducted in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO, using the methodology Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Results: 316 articles were found, 62 met the inclusion criteria, which were most published in Spanish (46.77%). The distribution of publications about the areas of magazines, in national terms, showed that the overall health and medicine had high participation (19.35% both). For international magazines, the area of medicine stood out with 19.35%. Conclusion: There are many studies published in the proposed period that address the same issue from different perspectives; however, studies report differences in consumption of these products with regard to gender, protective factors and those that may predispose the emergence of harmful habits

    Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase 2 regulates hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell regeneration

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    Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are predominantly quiescent in adults, but proliferate in response to bone marrow (BM) injury. Here, we show that deletion of Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2) promotes HSPC regeneration and hematopoietic recovery following radiation injury. Using Camkk2-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter mice, we found that Camkk2 expression is developmentally regulated in HSPC. Deletion of Camkk2 in HSPC results in a significant downregulation of genes affiliated with the quiescent signature. Accordingly, HSPC from Camkk2 null mice have a high proliferative capability when stimulated in vitro in the presence of BM-derived endothelial cells. In addition, Camkk2 null mice are more resistant to radiation injury and show accelerated hematopoietic recovery, enhanced HSPC regeneration and ultimately a prolonged survival following sublethal or lethal total body irradiation. Mechanistically, we propose that CaMKK2 regulates the HSPC response to hematopoietic damage by coupling radiation signaling to activation of the anti-proliferative AMP-activated protein kinase. Finally, we demonstrated that systemic administration of the small molecule CaMKK2 inhibitor, STO-609, to irradiated mice enhanced HSPC recovery and improved survival. These findings identify CaMKK2 as an important regulator of HSPC regeneration and demonstrate CaMKK2 inhibition is a novel approach to promoting hematopoietic recovery after BM injury

    Rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19 recovery: An experience at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Institute and Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute

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    OBJECTIVES: As patients recovering from the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) present with physical, respiratory, cognitive, nutritional, and swallowing-related impairments and mental health complications, their rehabilitation needs are complex. This study aimed to describe the demographic, clinical, and functional status after the discharge of COVID-19 survivors who underwent intensive multidisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Institute of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School General Hospital and Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute. We determined the most important factors related to the length of inpatient rehabilitation treatment and present the functional outcomes. METHODS: This was a retrospective study based on electronic medical records. In addition to the severity of COVID-19 and length of hospital stay for the management of COVID-19 and comorbidities, we collected sociodemographic data including age, sex, height, and weight. Functional assessments were performed using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM); Short Physical Performance Battery; Montreal Cognitive Assessment; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale; Revised Impact of Events Scale; bioelectrical impedance; Functional Oral Intake Scale; oropharyngeal dysphagia classification; and nutritional assessment. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in FIM before and after inpatient rehabilitation treatment (p<0.0001). Muscle strength and walking capacity were significantly improved (p<0.01). The most important factors related to the length of inpatient rehabilitation treatment were improvement in FIM scores (Spearman's r=0.71) and gain in lean mass (Spearman's r=0.79). CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19 recovery improves their functional status and should be considered in the post-acute phase for selected patients with COVID-19

    Virtual meeting, real and sound science: report of the 17 th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology (SEBD-2020)

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    The Spanish Society for Developmental Biology (SEBD) organized its 17th meeting in November 2020 (herein referred to as SEBD2020).This meeting, originally programmed to take place in the city of Bilbao, was forced onto an online format due to the SARS-CoV2, COVID-19 pandemic. Although, we missed the live personal interactions and missed out on the Bilbao social scene, we were able to meet online to pres- ent our work and discuss our latest results. An overview of the activities that took place around the meeting, the different scientific sessions and the speakers involved are presented here. The pros and cons of virtual meetings are discussed

    Consumo de tabaco entre universitários: uma revisão sistemática Tobacco consumption among college students: a systematic review

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    Objetivo: identificar como o consumo de tabaco entre universitários é abordado na literatura. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2013. A pesquisa foi feita nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO, utilizando-se a metodologia Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewsand Meta-Analyses - PRISMA. Resultados: De 316 artigos encontrados, 62 atenderam os critérios de inclusão. Sendo, a maioria publicada em espanhol (46,77%). A distribuição das publicações quanto às áreas das revistas, em termos nacionais, mostrou que a saúde geral e a medicina tiveram maior participação (19,35% ambas). Para as revistas internacionais, a área de medicina se destacou com 19,35%. Conclusão: Assim existem muitos estudos publicados no período proposto que abordam a mesma temática sob diferentes perspectivas; contudo, as pesquisas relatam divergências do consumo desses produtos com relação ao sexo, fatores de proteção e aqueles que podem predispor o surgimento de hábitos nocivos.   Objective: To identify how tobacco use among college students is discussed in the literature. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from January 2004 to December 2013. The survey was conducted in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic methodology Reviewsand Meta-Analyses - PRISMA. Results: Of 316 articles found, 62 met the inclusion criteria. And, most published in Spanish (46.77%). The distribution of publications about the areas of magazines, in national terms, showed that the overall health and medicine had higher participation (19.35% both). For international magazines, the area of medicine stood out with 19.35%. Conclusion: So there are many studies published in the proposed period that address the same issue from different perspectives; however, studies report differences in consumption of these products with regard to gender, protective factors and those that may predispose the emergence of harmful habits

    Consumo de tabaco entre universitários: uma revisão sistemática Tobacco consumption among college students: a systematic review

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    Objetivo: identificar como o consumo de tabaco entre universitários é abordado na literatura. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2013. A pesquisa foi feita nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO, utilizando-se a metodologia Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewsand Meta-Analyses - PRISMA. Resultados: De 316 artigos encontrados, 62 atenderam os critérios de inclusão. Sendo, a maioria publicada em espanhol (46,77%). A distribuição das publicações quanto às áreas das revistas, em termos nacionais, mostrou que a saúde geral e a medicina tiveram maior participação (19,35% ambas). Para as revistas internacionais, a área de medicina se destacou com 19,35%. Conclusão: Assim existem muitos estudos publicados no período proposto que abordam a mesma temática sob diferentes perspectivas; contudo, as pesquisas relatam divergências do consumo desses produtos com relação ao sexo, fatores de proteção e aqueles que podem predispor o surgimento de hábitos nocivos. Objective: To identify how tobacco use among college students is discussed in the literature. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from January 2004 to December 2013. The survey was conducted in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic methodology Reviewsand Meta-Analyses - PRISMA. Results: Of 316 articles found, 62 met the inclusion criteria. And, most published in Spanish (46.77%). The distribution of publications about the areas of magazines, in national terms, showed that the overall health and medicine had higher participation (19.35% both). For international magazines, the area of medicine stood out with 19.35%. Conclusion: So there are many studies published in the proposed period that address the same issue from different perspectives; however, studies report differences in consumption of these products with regard to gender, protective factors and those that may predispose the emergence of harmful habits

    Needs of the Relatives of Patients Hospitalized in an Intensive Therapy Unit / Necessidades de Familiares de Pacientes Internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva

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    Objetivo: Identificar as necessidades dos familiares de pessoas internadas em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) no interior do Estado do Paraná. Método: Os dados foram coletados no período de maio à setembro de 2017, por meio da aplicação do Inventário de Necessidades e Estressores de Familiares em Terapia Intensiva (INEFTI) a 55 familiares. Realizado análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: As necessidades mais valorizadas foram as relacionadas com informação, segurança em saber que o familiar está recebendo o melhor tratamento e de ter acesso/possibilidade de poder conversar com o médico no momento da visita. Conclusão: Conhecer as necessidades dos familiares se faz como uma importante ferramenta de avaliação dos aspectos relacionados ao cuidado prestado e fornece subsídios para implementação de ações que garantam melhor qualidade da assistência ao paciente e a família