3,889 research outputs found

    Low-Noise Charge Preamplifier for Electrostatic Beam Position Monitoring Sensor at the ELENA Experiment

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    AbstractThe Extra Low ENergy Antiproton ring (ELENA) is a synchrotron under construction at CERN aimed to decelerate the antiprotons from the existing Antiproton Decelerator (AD) to an energy of 100 keV. The orbit measurement of the beam is accomplished by 20 electrostatic Beam Position Monitoring (BPM) sensors to measure complete orbits every 20ms with a resolution of 0.1mm for intensities in the range of 1-3×107 charges. For the conditioning of the pick-up signals from the BPMs a low-noise charge amplifier has been purposely designed and is under testing. The circuit must feature a bandwidth of 40MHz and an equivalent input voltage noise spectral density of 0.4 nV/√Hz for a sensor capacitance CS of about 26 pF. After amplification, the sum and difference signals are analogically derived and sent over 50 m cables to further blocks for digitalization and processing

    Propuesta de diseño y análisis de reactivos didácticos con MOODLE para la evaluación diagnóstica de las competencias matemáticas en aritmética para los alumnos de la UTXJ: Proposta de projeto e análise de reagentes didáticos com MOODLE para a avaliação diagnóstica de competências matemáticas em aritmética para estudantes de UTXJ

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    En este trabajo se muestra una propuesta de reactivos didácticos online que tienen dos objetivos para ser aplicados, por un lado efectivamente pretenden evaluar los conocimientos y habilidades previas en el área de aritmética y por el otro, al mismo tiempo se busca retroalimentar a los alumnos en los temas, conceptos y resolución de problemas en ésta área de las matemáticas. Esta retroalimentación puede darse antes de la misma resolución del reactivo y que al mismo tiempo dé elementos para su solución, o puede ser posterior para hacerle un recordatorio o repaso al alumno que se evalúa de los elementos teórico-prácticos que se necesitaban para resolverlo. Para ilustrar la idea se muestra el proceso de desarrollado en MOODLE con los dos enfoques descritos y que ya se han utilizado en el examen de evaluación diagnóstica para el ingreso a la Universidad Tecnológica de Xicotepec de Juárez

    Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico da instabilidade fêmoro-patelar em 47 casos

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    INTRODUCTION: Patellofemoral instability is a common knee disease. Its etiology is complex and variable, with many components making different contributions in each individual, resulting in several distinct clinical presentations. Our goal was to analyze the results of surgical treatment in our hospital over a period of 10 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed 55 knees of 47 patients who underwent surgery for patellofemoral instability and were classified into 2 main groups: proximal realignment and combined proximal and distal realignment. Three other groups were analyzed according to the duration of preoperative symptoms: less than 1 year (group I); 1 to 10 years (group II); and more than 10 years (group III). RESULTS: There were 62% good results overall, with 78% good results in groups I and II. Group III had 81% bad results, showing that a late diagnosis of advanced disease results in a poor prognosis. In addition to late diagnosis, bad results were usually associated with incorrect diagnosis or choice of surgical technique. There was no significant difference between isolated proximal realignment and combined proximal and distal realignment in groups I or II, but in group III, the combined technique yielded better results. DISCUSSION: Our results indicate that patellofemoral instability should be addressed in its early stages. Patients with long-lasting symptoms or more severe disease seem to achieve better results with combined techniques. CONCLUSION: Proximal and distal realignments produce better results than isolated proximal realignment in patients with joint degeneration or with greater duration of disease. The realignment surgery does not produce good results in patients with advanced disease.A instabilidade fêmoro-patelar (IFP) é patologia freqüente cuja etiologia é complexa e variável com diversos componentes cuja importância varia em cada indivíduo, resultando em diversas apresentações clínicas. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico em um período de 10 anos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Nós analisamos 55 joelhos de 47 pacientes operados por IFP em dois grupos principais: realinhamento proximal e realinhamento proximal e distal. Três outros grupos de acordo com a duração dos sintomas: ;10 anos (grupo III). RESULTADOS: Obtivemos 62% de bons resultados globalmente e 78% de bons resultados nos grupos I e II. O grupo III apresentou 81% de maus resultados, demonstrando que a indicação tardia não é boa. Os maus resultados, além do já mencionado, estavam em geral associados a erros diagnósticos ou de escolha de técnica cirúrgica. Não houveram diferenças significantes entre os resultados do realinhamento proximal isolado e do realinhamento proximal e distal combinados nos grupos I e II mas no grupo III o realinhamento combinado apresentou melhores resultados. DISCUSSÃO: Nossos resultados indicam que a instabilidade fêmoro-patelar deve ser tratada na fase inicial. Nos casos de longa evolução e nos casos mais graves, o realinhamento proximal e distal tem melhores resultados. CONCLUSÃO: O realinhamento proximal e distal tem melhor resultado que o realinhamento proximal isolado em pacientes com alterações degenerativas e naqueles com longa evolução. A operação de realinhamento não apresenta bons resultados nos casos de doença avançada

    3D printing for surgical planning in bone grafts for cleft-palate: a case report

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    3D printing has been used for teaching purposes. Creating models for simulating surgeries. Gong et al presented a workflow for digital planning for surgery and Rendon et al previously presented a low-cost method with acceptable precision.  This paper aims to present a case where 3D printing surgical planning was applied for bone graft shape and dimensions. A 16-year-old female patient with a history of bilateral cleft lip and palate has received 6 surgical interventions to treat her congenital pathology. She begins orthodontic management at the age of 6 years and is referred to the plastic surgery service 10 years later, presenting oral and nasal fistula on the nasal floor with mainly liquid leakage. A bone graft was taken and applied from the patient's left iliac crest. the iliac crest is taken and the bone graft is molded Assisted with 3D printed model which is fixed in the premaxilla with a 14-hole linear plate. We proposed a new application for low-cost 3D printed models. Patient specific models have applications in cleft palate bone grafting. We present a case and more studies are required to measure variables as time, graft integration, and patient satisfaction

    Efeito da rotação de culturas, adubação verde e nitrogenada sobre o rendimento do feijão

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    The present work was carried out at Selvíria, MS, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the effects of velvetbean, lab-lab and corn crop residues on the development and yield of winter bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crops. The experimental design utilized was a randomized blocks obtained through an arrangement between the incorporation of different organic residues, with and without nitrogen supply in the bean crop. Grain yield was higher when velvetbean was incorporated in rotation with corn crop residues. The best yield was obtained in the treatments: velvetbean incorporation, lab-lab and corn + velvetbean sowed 100 days after corn sowing. Application of 45 kg ha-1 of N fertilizer (urea) increased the yield of winter bean crops in 17,8%.O presente trabalho foi conduzido na região de Selvíria, MS, e teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da incorporação de mucuna-preta, lab-lab e restos culturais de milho no desenvolvimento e produção do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) de inverno. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso; os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação do efeito da incorporação de restos culturais do milho, mucuna-preta e lab-lab no desenvolvimento do feijoeiro, na presença e ausência de adubação nitrogenada em cobertura. Pelos resultados obtidos nas condições experimentais, pode-se concluir que a incorporação de mucuna-preta praticamente dobrou a produção de grãos de feijão em relação ao tratamento com incorporação apenas de palhada de milho; as maiores produtividades foram obtidas nos tratamentos com incorporação de mucuna-preta, lab-lab e milho + mucuna-preta semeada 100 dias após a semeadura do milho, e a aplicação de 45 kg ha-1 de N aumentou em 17,8% a produtividade do feijoeiro

    Development status of the UV-VIS detector system of SOXS for the ESO-NTT telescope

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    SOXS will be the new spectroscopic facility for the ESO NTT telescope able to cover the optical and NIR bands by using two different arms: the UV-VIS (350-850 nm), and the NIR (800-2000 nm). In this article, we describe the development status of the visible camera cryostat, the architecture of the acquisition system and the progress in the electronic design. The UV-VIS detector system is based on a CCD detector 44-82 from e2v, a custom detector head, coupled with the ESO continuous flow cryostats (CFC), a custom cooling system, based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and the New General Controller (NGC) developed by ESO. This paper outlines the development status of the system, describes the design of the different parts that make up the UV-VIS arm and is accompanied by a series of information describing the SOXS design solutions in the mechanics and in the electronics parts. The first tests of the detector system with the UV-VIS camera will be shown.Comment: 10 pager, 13 figure