5,304 research outputs found

    Public Administration Education in Italy: a Statistical Analysis

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    The paper presents a statistical analysis exploring public administration education in Italian universities. It highlights the main specificities of PA education in Italy with reference to the disciplinary character, the geographical distribution, the type and level of PA programs, etc. and aims at describing how universities are adjusting curricula in relation to public sector modernization, by comparing the main faculties (economics and management sciences, law, political sciences, sociology, engineering, sciences of communication, social sciences) of all Italian universities.Public Administration; Education; Training; Disciplinary Approaches; Administrative Culture

    The Dynamics and Economic Impact of the Cultural Event “La Notte Bianca Romana”

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    This paper analyzes the cultural and artistic event “La Notte Bianca Romana”, which has been designed and realized by the Municipality of Rome. It consists in a territorial marketing tool to promote the “Eternal City” all over the world. This event turned out to be an important incentive to the economic and entrepreneurial development of the city, putting in relationship very important issues like “economic growth”, “quality of life”, “social development”. Our work aims to show that, by correctly implementing the strategies designed by the Municipality of Rome (the strategic coordinator of the event), all the actors in the system may have good chances in successfully developing the potentialities of this cultural event, both in terms of participation and territorial and temporal expansion, with positive social and economic downfalls on the territory.System Dynamics; Cultural Network; Strategic Management; Local Government

    Crise e legitimação: estudo dos Regimes de Justificação aplicados ao campo da SaĂșde

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    Introdução: Nos Ășltimos anos, o Governo de Portugal viu-se confrontado com inĂșmeras crĂ­ticas na arena pĂșblica, em detrimento das alteraçÔes avançadas no sector da saĂșde. Objetivo: Este artigo de reflexĂŁo teĂłrica propunha verificar se os argumentos apresentados em torno das mudanças no sistema nacional de saĂșde da ItĂĄlia e de Portugal evidenciavam o surgimento de novas lĂłgicas de justificação. MĂ©todos: A tĂ©cnica de anĂĄlise principal utilizada foi a anĂĄlise documental sobre reportagens jornalĂ­sticas e resultados de estudos de casos mĂșltiplos. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram para o surgimento de uma nova lĂłgica de justificação denominada "Troika". Essa lĂłgica assenta no princĂ­pio comum de que os paĂ­ses financiadores assumem um papel de mediador ao aceitarem emprestar dinheiro aos paĂ­ses em crise financeira, ou seja, comprometem-se a ajudĂĄ-los a resolverem os seus principais problemas sociais e econĂłmicos. Os "sujeitos" envolvidos nessa nova lĂłgica compreendem os paĂ­ses com capacidade financeira para conceder emprĂ©stimos e os paĂ­ses que necessitam destes. A "dignidade dos Estados" assenta no pagamento total da dĂ­vida contraĂ­da enquanto a "relação de grandeza" consiste em ajudar os Estados alvo do emprĂ©stimo a pagarem as dĂ­vidas contraĂ­das e saĂ­rem da situação de recessĂŁo econĂłmica em que se encontram. Nessa nova lĂłgica, o "investimento de forma" defende a produção de ganho de credibilidade para os paĂ­ses endividados atravĂ©s dos relatĂłrios divulgados e das notas divulgadas nas conferĂȘncias de imprensa. Os "objetos envolvidos" compreendem os contratos celebrados e as reuniĂ”es. A "expressĂŁo-chave" dessa nova lĂłgica Ă© credibilidade. Segundo essa nova lĂłgica, a "FalĂĄcia do Regime de Justificação" acontece quando o paĂ­s alvo do emprĂ©stimo torna-se conhecido como mau pagador. ConclusĂŁo: Embora existam constrangimentos, o novo regime de justificação apresenta probabilidades em legitimar-se na medida em que a noção de bem-comum e os dispositivos de suporte tambĂ©m resultam em vantagens para os cidadĂŁos dos paĂ­ses endividados

    Scelte di sviluppo, innovazione organizzativa e rendicontazione sociale: il bilancio di mandato dell'UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

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    The aim of this paper is to show the latest developments about social accountability in the university sector. In the first section the authors examine different approaches developed at European and International levels: social reports in Italy, “knowledge” reports (Wissensbilanz) in continental Europe and “Key Facts” statements in US. In the second section the focus is on the recent University of Rome “Tor Vergata” accountability report, which underlines and comments many performance indicators

    Organizational response of elderly and homecare sector in Ticino facing the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak: a case study on Spitex and nursing homes

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    The ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is posing colossal pressure on all health systems worldwide. Given the epidemiological features of the virus, the authors aimed at analyzing how the most vulnerable and highly fragmented sector in Ticino reacted from an organizational point of view to a large-scale public health emergency. The present in-depth analysis shed light on two critical aspects: the tardive prioritization of specific strategies aimed at minimizing the risk of infections and, more generally, the lack of coordination between the stakeholders involved. During the first phase of the pandemic outbreak, the priority of the competent authorities was mainly focused to determine the infected people and major efforts were established in strengthening hospital intensive care units. This, however, has placed the elderly and homecare sector in a hazardous position, posing significant inter-and intra-organizational challenges in responding effectively to the unprecedented health emergency.   Abstrakt Die laufende SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie ĂŒbt weltweit einen massiven Druck auf alle Gesundheitssysteme aus. Angesichts der epidemiologischen Merkmale des Virus analysieren die Autoren, wie der stark fragmentierte Sektor in Tessin auf die grosse Notlage im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit aus organisatorischer Sicht reagiert hat. Die vorliegende Analyse wirft Licht auf zwei kritische Aspekte: eine nachtrĂ€gliche Priorisierung spezifischer Strategien zur Minimierung des Infektionsrisikos, und ganz allgemein ein Mangel an Koordination zwischen den beteiligten Akteuren. In der ersten Phase des Pandemie-Ausbruchs hatten sich die zustĂ€ndigen Behörden hauptsĂ€chlich auf die Identifizierung von infizierten Menschen konzentriert, und die grössten Anstrengungen wurden in der StĂ€rkung von Intensivstationen in den SpitĂ€lern unternommen. Dies hat den Senioren- und Pflege Sektor abseits gestellt, und es hat schwerwiegende inter- und intraorganisatorische Herausforderungen bei der Erreichung einer wirksamen Reaktion auf die beispiellose gesundheitliche Notlage verursacht.   RĂ©sumĂ© La pandĂ©mie de SARS-CoV-2 exerce une pression massive sur tous les systĂšmes de santĂ© du monde. Compte tenu des caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques du virus, les auteurs ont analysĂ© la maniĂšre dont le secteur de la prise en charge des personnes ĂągĂ©es du Tessin, un dĂšs le plus vulnĂ©rable et fragmentĂ©, a rĂ©pondu Ă  l’urgence d’un point de vue organisationnel. La prĂ©sente analyse met en lumiĂšre deux aspects critiques : une hiĂ©rarchisation rĂ©trospective des stratĂ©gies spĂ©cifiques visant Ă  minimiser le risque d’infection et plus en gĂ©nĂ©ral un manque de coordination entre les acteurs concernĂ©s. Dans la premiĂšre phase de la pandĂ©mie, les autoritĂ©s compĂ©tentes sâ€șĂ©taient principalement concentrĂ©es sur la recherche des personnes infectĂ©es et les plus grands efforts avaient Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©s pour renforcer les unitĂ©s de soins intensifs dans les hĂŽpitaux. Cela a laissĂ© le secteur des personnes ĂągĂ©es et des soins Ă  domicile dans une «zone dâ€șombre» et a crĂ©Ă© dâ€șimportants dĂ©fis inter- et intra-organisationnels pour parvenir Ă  une rĂ©ponse efficace à une urgence sanitaire sans prĂ©cĂ©dent.   SchlĂŒsselwörter: covid-19; Alten; Heimpflege; Altenheime; Pandemie-Reaktion; SARS-CoV-2; Schweiz; Tessin Mots-clĂ©s: covid-19; ĂągĂ©; soins Ă  domicile; maisons de soins infirmiers; rĂ©ponse Ă  la pandĂ©mie; SRAS-CoV-2; La Suisse; Tessi

    Governance, management and performance in public networks: How to be successful in shared-governance networks

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    This paper compares four cases and explores the effects on network performance of network governance, coordination mechanisms, and the abilities of the network manager. The focus is on shared-governance networks, which are in general considered to have difficulties achieving high-level performances. The cross-case comparison suggests a relationship between coordination mechanisms and the way shared-governance networks are managed: in order to be successful, they must be able to rely on formalized mechanisms and make a pool of "network administrators” responsible for their governance


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    O monopĂłlio possui caracterĂ­sticas marcantes impostas a sociedade e ao serviço pĂșblico com a consequĂȘncia de eventuais problemas. Entretanto, a população pode nĂŁo compreender os impactos que o monopĂłlio traz para o transporte pĂșblico de um municĂ­pio. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho Ă© apontar os impactos que o monopĂłlio trouxe para os serviços pĂșblicos de transporte no municĂ­pio de Presidente Prudente/SP. A metodologia utilizada foi abordagem mista com uma etapa quantitativa, a partir de uma survey e, posteriormente uma etapa qualitativa, com a aplicação de uma entrevista. Como resultados apontam-se a insatisfação, de modo geral, da população com o transporte urbano na cidade, sendo esse um ponto abordado tambĂ©m na entrevista, em que o governo municipal declarou ter conhecimento dos pontos de insatisfação. Conclui-se que ainda hĂĄ muito para ser melhorado na questĂŁo do transporte pĂșblico e que a sociedade, a partir da participação, tem papel preponderante para realizar esse processo

    Auto-organizaciĂłn de los trabajadores: las empresas recuperadas en Argentina

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    This article addresses the challenges that integral reparation programs meet when aiming to respond to multiple victimization experienced by displaced women. By adopting the ethnographic concept of “frictions” (Tsing, 2005), I analyze four dimensions of discursive frictions that occur surrounding reparative practice backed by the Law on Victims and Land Restitution and its multiple local encounters and dis-encounters when compensating multiple victimization in the post-conflict of MedellĂ­n. Like other studies have identified shortcomings of the idealistic and innovative Colombian reparation program, it becomes evident that the integral reparation efforts fall short in addressing the real complexity of interrelated and multiples victimizations in the urban context. Respectively the paper addresses the question of how experiences of compound victimization are considered within their temporal beginnings, continuities and endings. Derived from field research and problem-centred interviews conducted in 2017 the paper draws on a perspective of compound harm to understand the complexity of multiple victimization experienced by forcibly displaced womenEste artĂ­culo aborda los desafĂ­os que enfrentan los programas de reparaciĂłn integral de vĂ­ctimas cuando procuran responder ante victimizaciones mĂșltiples de mujeres desplazadas. Adoptando el concepto etnogrĂĄfico “fricciones” (Tsing, 2005), se analizan cuatro dimensiones de fricciones discursivas que acontecen alrededor de prĂĄcticas reparadoras respaldadas por la Ley de vĂ­ctimas y restituciĂłn de tierras, y sus mĂșltiples encuentros y desencuentros locales cuando se han procurado compensar victimizaciones mĂșltiples en el posconflicto de MedellĂ­n. Otros estudios han identificado defectos del idealista e innovador programa colombiano de reparaciĂłn integral, pero estos esfuerzos se quedan cortos el abordar la real complejidad de las victimizaciones mĂșltiples en el contexto urbano. El artĂ­culo analiza cĂłmo se han abordado las experiencias de victimizaciones mĂșltiples desde sus inicios, desarrollos y finales. A partir de investigaciĂłn de campo y entrevistas centradas en problemas realizadas en 2017, el artĂ­culo acude a una perspectiva de daño interrelacionado para comprender la complejidad de la victimizaciĂłn mĂșltiple vivida por mujeres vĂ­ctimas de desplazamiento forzado

    Measurement of Drift Velocity in the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers at the CMS Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge

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    This note reports the results of the analysis performed on the data collected by the CMS Barrel Muon system during the Magnet Test-Cosmic Challenge, aimed to study the Drift Tube chambers behavior at the nominal value of the CMS magnetic field. In particular, the analysis is devoted to the study of the drift velocity in the various equipped regions of the apparatus. It is shown that the drift velocity is significantly affected by the presence of a residual magnetic field in the chamber volume only in the innermost stations, MB1, of Wheel+2; where the maximal variation inside the chamber is of 4 percent, which does not prevent a good functionality of the DT trigger even in this most critical region
