2,733 research outputs found

    Design and Evaluation of a High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network - Tools for Planning, Deployment and Assessment

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    The rapid technological evolution in sensors, sensor platforms and networking is enabling the deployment of large sensor networks for "live" monitoring of seismic activity with high spatial resolution. In this regard, this paper describes our work in developing an online "High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network". We present the architecture and implementation comprising seismic sensors and servers (running data collection services) connected through internet-enabled technologies. We validate and assess the system, as well as identify bottlenecks, by means of experimentation. Based on the collected empirical data, we were able to identify methods and tools to support effective planning and implementation of sensor networks based on two main indicators: Sensor Network Transmission Rate (SNTR), which provides the overall network sensor data transmission throughput and thus an indication of the required network capacity; and CPU Sensor Network Performance Index (CSNPI), which provides an indication of a server capability to handle network sensor data. As we progress in our work to field deploy seismic sensor networks, we will continue to use these tools to plan and deploy future sensor networks, as well as assess improvements and modifications along the way

    Design and prototyping of a network-enabled low-cost low-power seismic sensor monitoring system

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    Esta tese explora recentes desenvolvimentos em tecnologias de informação, comunicações e sensores no campo da sismologia. A tese aborda o potencial das redes de monitorização sísmica de elevada densidade na melhoria da resolução da actividade sísmica observada e, consequentemente, na melhor compreensão dos processos físicos que estão na base da ocorrência de terramotos. A tese argumenta que a tecnologia de sistemas de microelectromecânica (MEMS), usada na produção de acelerómetros de pequena dimensão, tem aplicabilidade e elevado potencial no domínio da sismologia. Acelerómetros MEMS já facilitaram a instalação de redes sísmicas de elevada densidade com superior resolução espacial pela Universidade da Califórnia (Rede Sísmica Comunitária) e pela Universidade de Évora (Rede Sísmica de Sensores do Alentejo), esta última ainda em fase de instalação. Neste contexto, a tese descreve o trabalho conduzido no desenho e desenvolvimento de sistemas de sensores baseados em acelerómetros MEMS. Este trabalho inclui a conceptualização de componentes de arquitectura usados para a implementação de quatro protótipos. Adicionalmente, foram também desenvolvidos os componentes necessários para a operação e gestão da rede de sensores, que inclui servidores dedicados a operar software especificamente desenvolvido neste trabalho. A tese descreve também a instalação e avaliação de protótipos, usando como base de comparação uma estação sísmica de elevado desempenho, recorrendo inclusivamente à actividade sísmica resultante de dois eventos sísmicos. A tese conclui que a arquitectura conceptualizada para o sistema sensor e para a rede de sensores demonstrou ser eficaz. Adicionalmente, embora a tecnologia MEMS seja promissora, ainda exibe limitações que limitam a sua aplicabilidade no domínio da sismologia, especificamente na observação de eventos sísmicos moderados e fortes. Conclui-se também que a instalação de acelerómetros MEMS em conjunto com sismómetros pode trazer benefícios na observação de actividade sísmica. Espera-se também que futuras gerações de acelerómetros MEMS possam ter uma adoção generalizada na sismologia; ABSTRACT: This thesis exploits advances in information technologies, communications and sensor systems to the field of seismology. It addresses the potential for high-density networks for seismic monitoring aiming to improve the resolution of the recorded seismic activity and, consequently, to improve the understanding of the physical processes that cause earthquakes, as well as to gather more detailed seismic characterisation of studied regions. It argues that microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, used to produce small size accelerometers, has a potential application in seismology. Indeed, MEMS accelerometers have enabled the deployment of high-density seismic networks capable of monitoring seismic activity with high spatial resolution, such as CalTech's Community Seismic Network (CSN) and University of Évora’s SSN-Alentejo, currently in the deployment phase. In this context, this thesis describes the work conducted to design and develop low-cost seismic sensor systems, based on low-cost MEMS accelerometers. This work includes the conceptualisation of the architectural components that were implemented in four prototypes. Moreover, server-side components, necessary to operate and manage the sensor network, as well as to provide visualisation tools for users, are also developed and presented. This work also describes the field deployment and evaluation of selected prototypes, using a high-performance seismic station as the reference sensor for comparison, based on generated signals and two recorded seismic events. It is concluded that the herein conceptualised architecture for the high-dense network and sensor prototypes has been demonstrated to be effective. Moreover, albeit promising, MEMS accelerometers still exhibit performance limitations constraining their application in seismology addressing moderate and strong motion. In addition, MEMS accelerometers characteristics complement seismometers, thus installing MEMS accelerometers with seismometers, may provide additional insights concerning seismic activity and seismology in general. It is also expected that next generation MEMS accelerometers will be capable to compete with traditional seismometers, becoming the de facto technology in seismology

    N2C2M2 validation using abELICIT: design and analysis of ELICIT runs using software agents

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    This work received financial support from the Center for Edge Power at the Naval Postgraduate School, USARecently developed by the NATO SAS-065 Group, the NATO NEC C2 Maturity Model (N2C2M2) has been subjected to multiple validation efforts, including those applying the ELICIT experimentation platform and involving human subjects. In order to enlarge the dataset for analysis and validation, as well as to provide a fully controlled – albeit simpler – environment, the ELICIT platform was adapted and a new software agent-based version (abELICIT) was created. This paper describes the application of abELICIT to the N2C2M2 tests, presenting the experiments’ formulation (hypotheses, reference model and setup), the platform’s limitations and the data collection plan. A thorough analysis of the N2C2M2 experiments and associated conclusions is then provided, highlighting that obtained results corroborate and reinforce the hypothesis that more network-enabled approaches develop more shared information, shared awareness and self-synchronization. These experiments also generated surprising findings, leading to the conclusion that the most effort-efficient approach is the Coordinated C2. These key findings suggest new directions for future research and the ELICIT platform’s enhancement

    Desarrollo y aplicaciones de un modelo de crecimiento para plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don en El Bierzo (León)

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    A dynamic growth model for Pinus radiata D. Don plantations in El Bierzo (Spain) was developed with data from two inventories of permanent plots, of between 7 and 36 years old, established by the University of León. In this model, stand conditions at any point in time are defined by three state variables (stand basal area, number of trees per hectare and dominant height).Themodel includes three transition functions derived by the generalized algebraic difference approach to enable projection of the state variables at any particular time. Once they are known, the number of trees in each diameter class is estimated with a distribution function, by recovery of the parameters of theWeibull function by use of the moments method. Finally, a generalized height-diameter function and a taper function allow estimation of total or merchantable stand volume. The model provides satisfactory predictions for a time interval of three years. Simulation of the growth of four stands under two silvicultural regimes and two different sites confirm that the estimates provided by the overall model adequately represent the effects of both stand density and site quality. Other applications for the model are analysed and discussed.Se ha desarrollado un modelo dinámico de crecimiento para plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don en El Bierzo (León) a partir de datos de dos inventarios de parcelas permanentes, de entre 7 y 36 años de edad, establecidas por la Universidad de León. En este modelo, las condiciones del rodal en un instante dado están definidas por tres variables de estado (área basimétrica, número de pies por hectárea y altura dominante). El modelo incluye tres funciones de transición obtenidas mediante la metodología de ecuaciones en diferencias algebraicas generalizadas que permite la proyección de las variables de estado a un determinado instante en el tiempo. Una vez conocidas las variables de estado, una función de distribución estima el número de pies en cada clase diamétrica mediante la metodología de recuperación de los parámetros de la función deWeibull usando el método de los momentos. Finalmente, una función de altura-diámetro generalizada y una función de perfil de tronco permiten la estimación del volumen total o comercial del rodal. El modelo proporciona predicciones satisfactorias para un intervalo de proyección de tres años. La simulación del crecimiento de cuatro rodales bajo dos regímenes selvícolas distintos y dos calidades de estación diferentes corrobora que las estimaciones proporcionadas por el modelo global representan adecuadamente los efectos de la densidad de la masa y la calidad de la estación. Finalmente se analizan y discuten otras aplicaciones del modelo elaborado

    Organização dos serviços para garantir acesso e promover vinculação do usuário de drogas

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    Na primeira unidade aborda os desafios e as propostas existentes para a organização do trabalho de acolhimento e cuidado do usuário de álcool e outras drogas por equipes multidisciplinares capazes de escuta qualificada. Trata da importância do registro como ferramenta de vinculação e das demais estratégias para garantir o acesso da clientela aos serviços. Na segunda unidade trata da construção do vínculo por meio da abertura de portas em diferentes lugares, da importância de conhecer o usuário, da flexibilidade do cuidado como ferramenta fundamental. Aborda, também, a consolidação do vínculo, por meio do trabalho em equipes interdisciplinares e em redes, da adequação da comunicação, das boas condições do ambiente e da construção do PTS. Em ambas as unidades, apresenta leituras complementares e referências.1.0Ministério da Saúd

    Learning Information Systems: Designing Education Programs Using Letrinhas

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    The Letrinhas information system contributes to the improvement of students' reading literacy combining the potential of mobile devices and the specific needs of students and teachers. This information system has emerged within the framework of a partnership established between the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) and the Artur Gonçalves Cluster of Schools, in Torres Novas, Portugal. After three years of the creation of the tool and its use in a real learning environment, the evaluation already carried out suggests a high degree of satisfaction on the part of teachers and students, as well as a very positive impact on improving the reading skills of the students involved in the project. The latest version of Letrinhas has new features which lead to the specific challenges and needs of the teachers in the above-mentioned cluster of schools. Being so, in addition to the evaluation and improvement of reading skills, the new version provides features that enable the creation of educational scenarios promoting learning environments that enhance, not only the autonomy of students, but also their motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Características de la tendencia de evapotranspiración anual en la Cuenca del Duero

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    Este trabajo analiza las series temporales (1970 -2010), de evapotranspiración potencial de Penman-Monteith (PET), estimada en 19 estaciones de la cuenca del Duero (España y Portugal), en su conjunto y para cada estación. El análisis muestra que para el conjunto de la cuenca del Duero, la PET no ha disminuido ni aumentado de forma significativa, en general, en todos los meses excepto en el mes de junio, donde la evapotranspiración aumentó +3.2 mm/mes/década significativas al nivel de 95%. A nivel regional se ha encontrado un moderado aumento de evapotranspiración anual al centro y al este, mientras que en la parte occidental la PET anual está disminuyendo de forma significativa al 95%. La insolación parece estar más relacionada con la región central, mientras que el viento, humedad relativa y la temperatura son los principales factores en las regiones occidentales y norte. Si en la precipitación observada y en la PET las tendencias permanecen sin cambios, las tendencias futuras de producción agrícola, particularmente en el centro y este de la cuenca del Duero, tendrá que hacer frente a la disminución de la disponibilidad de agua en el período de crecimiento vegetativo.The main objective of this work is to evaluate the Penman-Monteith Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) during 1970-2010 for the Douro Basin (Spain and Portugal). A network of 19 stations were used for the PET evaluation, which proved to have little variation when assessed for the entire region, except for the month of June that gained 3.2mm per decade (95% confidence level). Regionally, a moderate increase on PET has been characterized for the central and east areas, whereas in areas westward a significant decrease (95% confidence level) is observed. The sunshine is mostly confined to the central region, while wind, relative humidity and temperature are the main factors in western and northern regions. If precipitation patterns in PET and tendencies remain unaltered, future agriculture production, especially in the center and eastern regions of the Douro Basin, will have reduced water available for irrigation during the vegetative growth stage. Keywords: tendencies analysis; climate variability; potential evapotranspiration; Douro Basin


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    A complete abdominal wall defect (AWD) is life-threatening, has a functional and cosmetic impact on patients’ quality of life and represents a significant challenge for surgeons, requiring a multidisciplinary treatment strategy. The goals of the reconstructive surgery in the management of these defects are to provide stable coverage of the abdominal contents, restore function and achieve complete wound closure. We present a case that shows that the use of a biological mesh (porcine dermis), negative wound pressure therapy (NPWT) and split skin grafting is suitable to manage such defects when visceral exposure is present. A biological mesh is a good and less aggressive alternative to the use of free flaps, closing the AWD in a tension-free manner in an infected field or in one that is suspected of being infected and it has been shown to be better tolerated than synthetic meshes in open abdomens, with the ability to provide vascular ingrowth and incorporate itself into the native tissue. On the other hand, NPWT showed to provide a firm bandage for the patient and a closed, moist environment, protected from the invasion of bacteria, while eliminating excessive exudation, stimulating angiogenesis and reducing the wound surface area. Um defeito completo da parede abdominal (AWD) ameaça a vida, tem um impacto funcional e cosmético na vida dos doentes e representa um grande desafio para os cirurgiões, exigindo uma estratégia de tratamento multidisciplinar. Os objetivos da cirurgia reconstrutiva no tratamento destes defeitos são fornecer uma cobertura estável do conteúdo abdominal, restaurar a função da parede abdominal e atingir um encerramento completo da ferida. Apresentamos um caso clínico que mostra que o uso de uma prótese biológica (derme suína), terapia de pressão negativa (NPWT) e enxertos cutâneos é adequado para tratar estes defeitos quando o doente tem exposição visceral. O uso de uma prótese biológica é uma alternativa boa e menos agressiva em comparação com o uso de retalhos livres, encerrando o AWD sem tensão num terreno infetado, e mostrou ser melhor tolerado do que o uso de próteses sintéticas num abdómen aberto, com a capacidade de fornecer um meio para crescimento vascular e de se incorporar aos tecidos do doente. Por outro lado, a NPWT mostrou fornecer um ambiente firme, fechado e húmido, protegido da invasão de bactérias, ao mesmo tempo que elimina a exsudação excessiva, estimula a angiogénese e reduz a área de superfície da ferida.&nbsp

    Next Generation Automated Emergency Calls

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) potentials to transform our modern society into smart environments that facilitate living and boost all types of transactions are becoming more and more evident as the number of interconnections between the physical and the virtual world keeps increasing. Cyber-physical systems, wide end-to end connectivity and handling of big data are some of the mainstream concepts brought forth to materialise the IoT umbrella. Yet, emergency services, a domain of paramount importance to society, reveal multiple challenges for the adoption of applications that capitalise on the capabilities of smart devices and the interoperability among heterogeneous platforms. In this paper, we present the continuing work [4] on next generation automated (non- human initiated) emergency calls by specifying the pathway to implementation of NG eCall and sensor-enabled emergency services