435 research outputs found

    Molti lettori, ma "con giudizio". Giovanni Tabacco, storico delle istituzioni

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    Nella vasta gamma di interessi testimoniata dall'attività di recensore di Giovanni Tabacco, il contributo si sofferma in particolare sul suo approccio molto critico alla storiografia costituzionale tedesca (Böckenförde, Brunner)

    Cittadinanza amministrativa e cittadinanza politica tra Sette e Novecento

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    La costruzione parallela, ma non sempre coincidente, della cittadinanza amministrativa e della cittadinanza politica in Europa tra il tardo Settecento e il Novecent

    Effects of density on lek-site selection by Black Grouse <i>Tetrao tetrix</i> in the Alps

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    Capsule: The Black Grouse is a primarily lekking species, but low population density and lack of suitable habitat can lead to the establishment of non-lekking populations. Aims: To understand if differences in density could be related to differences in the lekking system, if there were differences in lek-site selection, and if there was a direct effect of habitat on the lek size. Methods: We compared lek sizes between two Black Grouse populations with different male population densities as estimated by distance sampling. We considered land-cover categories, landscape metrics and orographic variables and computed the Ivlev’s Electivity Index to evaluate habitat selection of males in the two study areas. A general linear model was used to assess the relationship between lek size and habitat variables. Results: We could not demonstrate the direct effect of density on the displaying behaviour but we found strongly different patterns of lek-site selection and different effects of habitat on lek size according to the population density. Conclusions: We concluded that habitat normally considered as high quality and habitat complexity may play different roles in selection by solitary versus lekking males when different population densities are considered

    Intervento sulla World History

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    Riflessioni sugli apporti scientifici della World History e sulle sue prospettive di diffusione nella storiografia italian

    Sui confini nell'Italia preunitaria

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    La costruzione dei confini nell'Italia preunitari

    Patrick Boucheron (ed.): Histoire mondiale de la France, Paris: Seuil 2018, 1076 pp.

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    Prima e dopo il ’48: l’Austria vista dagli italiani

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    Une souverainetĂ© populaire masquĂ©e : le cas de l’Italie sous la Restauration

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    Cet article analyse en premier lieu les usages discursifs de l’énoncĂ© « souverainetĂ© populaire » dans le langage politique italien du premier XIXe siĂšcle. Il montre comment le discours public lĂ©gal est monopolisĂ©, au moins jusqu’en 1848, par des auteurs qui soit l’assimilent Ă  un crime, soit la configurent sur un mode oligarchique. Seuls des groupes minoritaires, d’essence dĂ©mocratique, la revendiquent explicitement. Cependant, une modalitĂ© singuliĂšre de souverainetĂ© populaire, cachĂ©e ou masquĂ©e, Ă©merge dans le monde secret de la conspiration politique, Ă  travers des formes d’expression symbolique. Pour autant, mĂȘme les partisans de la souverainetĂ© populaire – Mazzini compris – la soumettent Ă  un certain nombre de limitations. Ils la considĂ©raient comme un horizon Ă  atteindre, Ă  l’issue d’un mouvement d’éducation politique des masses. Paradoxalement, une souverainetĂ© socialement plus inclusive est parfois mise en acte dans des moments insurrectionnels qui renvoient Ă  un ordre corporatif traditionnel, singuliĂšrement dans le Mezziogiorno.The article examines the various uses of the expression ‘popular sovereignty’ in the Italian political language during the first half of the nineteenth-century. It underlines how, at least until the year 1848, the public and legal discourse on popular sovereignty was almost monopolized by authors who, on the one hand, considered it as a crime, on the other hand were ready to accept only an oligarchic version of this practice. Popular sovereignty was, on the contrary, more appreciated in democratic circles, but they were a minority. However, a special kind of ‘hidden’ popular sovereignty emerged in the secret world of the political conspiracy, whose symbolical ways of expression are investigated in the third part of the article. Nevertheless, even amongst most of its supporters (Mazzini included) the idea of popular sovereignty was subjected to limitations. Basically they considered it as a practice which the masses could play only after their political education. Paradoxically, a socially more inclusive form of popular sovereignty was sometimes in act, particularly in the South of Italy, in single episodes of political rebellion, which echoed the popular tradition of the old corporate world.Dieser Artikel analysiert in erster Linie die diskursive Verwendung des Ausdrucks „VolkssouverĂ€nitĂ€t“ im politischen Sprachgebrauch Italiens im 19. Jahrhundert. Es wird gezeigt, wie der öffentliche und rechtliche Diskurs zumindest bis 1848 durch Autoren vereinnahmt wurde, die VolkssouverĂ€nitĂ€t entweder mit einem Verbrechen gleichsetzten oder in einer oligarchischen Lesart interpretierten. Nur demokratische Minderheiten bekannten sich explizit zu ihr. Allerdings entwickelte sich in der geheimen Welt der politischen Verschwörungen eine besondere verborgene oder „verschleierte“ Form der VolkssouverĂ€nitĂ€t, die sich in symbolischen Ausdrucksformen zeigte. Gleichwohl wurden der VolkssouverĂ€nitĂ€t von ihren eigenen AnhĂ€ngern – Mazzini eingeschlossen – Grenzen gesetzt. Diese Verfechter sahen sie als ein Ziel, dem eine politische Erziehung der Massen vorangehen mĂŒsse. Paradoxerweise wurde eine sozial inklusivere SouverĂ€nitĂ€t mitunter bereits in einzelnen aufrĂŒhrerischen Bewegungen, insbesondere im Mezzogiorno, verwirklicht, die auf eine traditionelle stĂ€ndische Ordnung zurĂŒckverwiesen

    Parlamenti di guerra (1914-1945): Caso italiano e contesto europeo

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    [English]: During the First World War, the parliaments of the states involved in the conflict were, in most cases, forced to drastically limit their activity and were often precluded the possibility of fully exercising their prerogatives. More generally the spaces of freedom granted to the citizens, of which the parliamentary institution was the brightest symbol, shrank dramatically. At the same time, the power of military commands expanded, not only in trenches and on battlefields, but also in many areas of civilian life. However, in the final years of the war, the Parliaments succeeded not only in gradually regaining control, but also in pushing for an extension of their functions, initiating a process that in many states coincided with the transition from a liberal order to a full democratic order. The years of the "long" postwar period were however dense with contradictions. Legislative and executive law often grew together, while in some cases the imperative logic imposed for a long time in wartime re-emerged and consolidated. This volume, which examines several national cases, illustrates some of the ambivalent features of this dramatic phase of European history./ [Italiano]: Durante gli anni della Prima guerra mondiale i Parlamenti degli stati coinvolti nel conflitto furono, nella maggior parte dei casi, costretti a limitare drasticamente la propria attivitĂ  e si videro spesso preclusa la possibilitĂ  di esercitare pienamente le proprie prerogative. PiĂč in generale, gli spazi di libertĂ  dei cittadini, dei quali l’istituto parlamentare rappresentava il simbolo piĂč luminoso, subirono un drammatico ridimensionamento. Parallelamente si dilatava il potere dei comandi militari, non solo nelle trincee e nei campi di battaglia, ma anche in molti ambiti della vita civile. Tuttavia i Parlamenti riuscirono, negli anni finali della guerra, non solo a riprendere gradualmente quota, ma anche a spingere con successo in direzione di una estensione delle proprie funzioni, avviando un processo che in molti stati coincise con il passaggio da un ordinamento liberale a un ordinamento compiutamente democratico. Gli anni del “ lungo” dopoguerra furono perĂČ densi di contraddizioni. Spesso esecutivo e legislativo crebbero insieme, mentre in alcuni casi le logiche imperative impostesi a lungo in tempo di guerra ebbero modo di riemergere e di consolidarsi. Questo volume, nel quale vengono esaminati diversi casi nazionali, illustra alcune delle ambivalenze caratteristiche di questa drammatica fase della storia europea

    Stranieri:controllo, accoglienza e integrazione negli Stati italiani (XVI-XIX secolo)

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    [Italiano]: «Amministrare lo straniero» Ăš il titolo di un ampio programma di ricerca in cui si colloca questo volume, dedicato alla storia della circolazione delle persone negli spazi italiani dal Cinquecento all’inizio dell’Ottocento. I contributi si muovono fra un’ampia gamma di fonti, offrendo una sorta di mappa degli apporti documentari disponibili: censimenti di antico regime, processetti matrimoniali, testimonianze dei viaggiatori, registri delle locande e dei centri di accoglienza, passaporti e altri documenti di identificazione e di viaggio, nelle loro diversedenominazioni e tipologie (lasciapassare, salvacondotti, carte di sicurezza, carte di “ricognizione”).Il tema delle mobilitĂ , in questa prospettiva di lunga durata, diventaun efficace rivelatore dei rapporti, delle tensioni e delle negoziazioni tra individui, comunitĂ  e poteri statali e locali intorno alle questioni dell’identificazione delle persone e della convivenza tra culture e religioni diverse ./[English]: "Administering the foreigner" is the title of a large research program of whom this volume is part.The chapters use a wide range of sources, and offer a sort of survey of the available documentation; for example: ancient regime censuses, matrimonial acts, traveler memoirs, registers of guest-houses and other reception centers, passports and other registration and travel documents, such as laissez passer, safe conducts, security and verification cards.In this long-lasting perspective, the theme of mobility highlights the relationships, tensions and negotiations between individuals, communities and state and local powers, around the issues of identifying people and ensuring the coexistence between different cultures and religions
