101 research outputs found

    Network Reconstruction with Realistic Models

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    We extend a recently proposed gradient-matching method for inferring interactions in complex systems described by differential equations in various respects: improved gradient inference, evaluation of the influence of the prior on kinetic parameters, comparative evaluation of two model selection paradigms: marginal likelihood versus DIC (divergence information criterion), comparative evaluation of different numerical procedures for computing the marginal likelihood, extension of the methodology from protein phosphorylation to transcriptional regulation, based on a realistic simulation of the underlying molecular processes with Markov jump processes

    Comparative evaluation of different graphical models for the analysis of gene expression data

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    An important problem in systems biology is to infer the architecture of gene regulatory networks and biochemical pathways from postgenomic data. Various reverse engineering methods have been developed and proposed in the Statistics and Bioinformatics literature, and it is important to understand their relative merits and shortcomings. To shed light onto this problem, the learning performances of three widely-used Machine Learning methodologies: Relevance Networks, Graphical Gaussian models, and Bayesian Networks are evaluated and compared on different real and synthetic test data sets taken from the RAF signalling network which describes the interactions between eleven phosphorylated proteins and phospholipids in human immune system cells

    Targeting Bayes factors with direct-path non-equilibrium thermodynamic integration

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    Thermodynamic integration (TI) for computing marginal likelihoods is based on an inverse annealing path from the prior to the posterior distribution. In many cases, the resulting estimator suffers from high variability, which particularly stems from the prior regime. When comparing complex models with differences in a comparatively small number of parameters, intrinsic errors from sampling fluctuations may outweigh the differences in the log marginal likelihood estimates. In the present article, we propose a thermodynamic integration scheme that directly targets the log Bayes factor. The method is based on a modified annealing path between the posterior distributions of the two models compared, which systematically avoids the high variance prior regime. We combine this scheme with the concept of non-equilibrium TI to minimise discretisation errors from numerical integration. Results obtained on Bayesian regression models applied to standard benchmark data, and a complex hierarchical model applied to biopathway inference, demonstrate a significant reduction in estimator variance over state-of-the-art TI methods

    Being Bayesian about learning Gaussian Bayesian networks from incomplete data

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    We propose a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach for inferring the structure of Gaussian Bayesian networks (BNs) from incomplete data, i.e. from data with missing values. Our method builds on the ‘Bayesian metric for Gaussian networks having score equivalence’ (BGe score) and we make the assumption that the unobserved data points are ‘missing completely at random’. We present a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm that allows for simultaneously sampling directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) as well as the values of the unobserved data points. We empirically cross-compare the network reconstruction accuracy of the new BMA approach with two non-Bayesian approaches for dealing with incomplete BN data, namely the classical structural Expectation Maximisation (EM) approach and the more recently proposed node average likelihood (NAL) method. For the empirical evaluation we use synthetic data from a benchmark Gaussian BN and real wet-lab protein phosphorylation data from the RAF signalling pathway.</p

    Comparative evaluation of various frequentist and Bayesian non-homogeneous Poisson counting models

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    In this paper a comparative evaluation study on popular non-homogeneous Poisson models for count data is performed. For the study the standard homogeneous Poisson model (HOM) and three non-homogeneous variants, namely a Poisson changepoint model (CPS), a Poisson free mixture model (MIX), and a Poisson hidden Markov model (HMM) are implemented in both conceptual frameworks: a frequentist and a Bayesian framework. This yields eight models in total, and the goal of the presented study is to shed some light onto their relative merits and shortcomings. The first major objective is to cross-compare the performances of the four models (HOM, CPS, MIX and HMM) independently for both modelling frameworks (Bayesian and frequentist). Subsequently, a pairwise comparison between the four Bayesian and the four frequentist models is performed to elucidate to which extent the results of the two paradigms ('Bayesian vs. frequentist') differ. The evaluation study is performed on various synthetic Poisson data sets as well as on real-world taxi pick-up counts, extracted from the recently published New York City Taxi database

    A new Bayesian piecewise linear regression model for dynamic network reconstruction

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    Background: Linear regression models are important tools for learning regulatory networks from gene expression time series. A conventional assumption for non-homogeneous regulatory processes on a short time scale is that the network structure stays constant across time, while the network parameters are time-dependent. The objective is then to learn the network structure along with changepoints that divide the time series into time segments. An uncoupled model learns the parameters separately for each segment, while a coupled model enforces the parameters of any segment to stay similar to those of the previous segment. In this paper, we propose a new consensus model that infers for each individual time segment whether it is coupled to (or uncoupled from) the previous segment. Results: The results show that the new consensus model is superior to the uncoupled and the coupled model, as well as superior to a recently proposed generalized coupled model. Conclusions: The newly proposed model has the uncoupled and the coupled model as limiting cases, and it is able to infer the best trade-off between them from the data

    Non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks with edge-wise sequentially coupled parameters

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    Motivation: Non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks (NH-DBNs) are a popular tool for learning networks with time-varying interaction parameters. A multiple changepoint process is used to divide the data into disjoint segments and the network interaction parameters are assumed to be segment-specific. The objective is to infer the network structure along with the segmentation and the segment-specific parameters from the data. The conventional (uncoupled) NH-DBNs do not allow for information exchange among segments, and the interaction parameters have to be learned separately for each segment. More advanced coupled NH-DBN models allow the interaction parameters to vary but enforce them to stay similar over time. As the enforced similarity of the network parameters can have counter-productive effects, we propose a new consensus NH-DBN model that combines features of the uncoupled and the coupled NH-DBN. The new model infers for each individual edge whether its interaction parameter stays similar over time (and should be coupled) or if it changes from segment to segment (and should stay uncoupled). Results: Our new model yields higher network reconstruction accuracies than state-of-the-art models for synthetic and yeast network data. For gene expression data from A.thaliana our new model infers a plausible network topology and yields hypotheses about the light-dependencies of the gene interactions

    Network Reconstruction with Realistic Models

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    We extend a recently proposed gradient-matching method for inferring interactions in complex systems described by differential equations in various respects: improved gradient inference, evaluation of the influence of the prior on kinetic parameters, comparative evaluation of two model selection paradigms: marginal likelihood versus DIC (divergence information criterion), comparative evaluation of different numerical procedures for computing the marginal likelihood, extension of the methodology from protein phosphorylation to transcriptional regulation, based on a realistic simulation of the underlying molecular processes with Markov jump processes

    A non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian network with a hidden Markov model dependency structure among the temporal data points

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    In the topical field of systems biology there is considerable interest in learning regulatory networks, and various probabilistic machine learning methods have been proposed to this end. Popular approaches include non-homogeneous dynamicBayesian networks (DBNs), which can be employed to model time-varying regulatory processes. Almost all non-homogeneous DBNs that have been proposed in the literature follow the same paradigm and relax the homogeneity assumption by complementing the standard homogeneous DBN with a multiple changepoint process. Each time series segment defined by two demarcating changepoints is associated with separate interactions, and in this way the regulatory relationships are allowed to vary over time. However, the configuration space of the data segmentations (allocations) that can be obtained by changepoints is restricted. A complementary paradigm is to combine DBNs with mixture models, which allow for free allocations of the data points to mixture components. But this extension of the configuration space comes with the disadvantage that the temporal order of the data points can no longer be taken into account. In this paper I present a novel non-homogeneous DBN model, which can be seen as a consensus between the free allocation mixture DBN model and the changepoint-segmented DBN model. The key idea is to assume that the underlying allocation of the temporal data points follows a Hidden Markov model (HMM). The novel HMM-DBN model takes the temporal structure of the time series into account without putting a restriction onto the configuration space of the data point allocations. I define the novel HMM-DBN model and the competing models such that the regulatory network structure is kept fixed among components, while the network interaction parameters are allowed to vary, and I show how the novel HMM-DBN model can be inferred with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations. For the new HMM-DBNmodel I also present two new pairs of MCMC moves, which can be incorporated into the recently proposed allocation sampler for mixture models to improve convergence of the MCMC simulations. In an extensive comparative evaluation study I systematically compare the performance of the proposed HMM-DBN model with the performances of the competing DBN models in a reverse engineering context, where the objective is to learn the structure of a network from temporal network data

    On the Bayesian network based data mining framework for the choice of appropriate time scale for regional analysis of drought Hazard

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    Data mining has a significant role in hyrdrologic research. Among several methods of data mining, Bayesian network theory has great importance and wide applications as well. The drought indices are very useful tools for drought monitoring and forecasting. However, the multi-scaling nature of standardized type drought indices creates several problems in data analysis and reanalysis at regional level. This paper presents a novel framework of data mining for hydrological research-the Bayesian Integrated Regional Drought Time Scale (BIRDts). The mechanism of BIRDts gives effective and sufficient time scales by considering dependency/interdependency probabilities from Bayesian network algorithm. The resultant time scales are proposed for further investigation and research related to the hydrological process. Application of the proposed method consists of 46 meteorological stations of Pakistan. In this research, we have employed Standardized Precipitation Temperature Index (SPTI) drought index for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 24-, and ()month time scales. Outcomes associated with this research show that the proposed method has rationale to aggregate time scales at regional level by configuring marginal posterior probability as weights in the selection process of effective drought time scales
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