132 research outputs found

    Universal Rashba Spin Precession of Two-Dimensional Electrons and Holes

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    We study spin precession due to Rashba spin splitting of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum wells. Based on a simple analytical expression that we derive for the current modulation in a broad class of experimental situations of ferromagnet/nonmagnetic semiconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures, we conclude that the Datta-Das spin transistor (i) is feasible with holes and (ii) its functionality is not affected by integration over injection angles. The current modulation shows a universal oscillation period, irrespective of the different forms of the Rashba Hamiltonian for electrons and holes. The analytic formulas approximate extremely well exact numerical calculations of a more elaborate Kohn--Luttinger model.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figures included, minor change

    Effect of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic devices

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    We investigate the effects of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic conductors with a recently developed statistical model, focusing in particular on mesoscopic cavities and Aharonov-Bohm rings. For such devices, we analyze the influence of an arbitrary degree of decoherence on the cumulants of the current. We recover known results for the limiting cases of fully coherent and totally incoherent transport and are able to obtain detailed information on the intermediate regime of partial coherence for a varying number of open channels. We show that dephasing affects the average current, shot noise, and higher order cumulants in a quantitatively and qualitatively similar way, and that consequently shot noise or higher order cumulants of the current do not provide information on decoherence additional or complementary to what can be already obtained from the average current.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Superconducting proximity effect in interacting double-dot systems

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    We study subgap transport from a superconductor through a double quantum dot with large on-site Coulomb repulsion to two normal leads. Non-local superconducting correlations in the double dot are induced by the proximity to the superconducting lead, detectable in non-local Andreev transport that splits Cooper pairs in locally separated, spin-entangled electrons. We find that the II--VV characteristics are strongly asymmetric: for a large bias voltage of certain polarity, transport is blocked by populating the double dot with states whose spin symmetry is incompatible with the superconductor. Furthermore, by tuning gate voltages one has access to splitting of the Andreev excitation energies, which is visible in the differential conductance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Non-local Andreev transport through an interacting quantum dot

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    We investigate sub-gap transport through a single-level quantum dot tunnel coupled to one superconducting and two normal-conducting leads. Despite the tendency of a large charging energy to suppress the equilibrium proximity effect, a finite Andreev current through the dot can be achieved in non-equilibrium situations. We propose two schemes to identify non-local Andreev transport. In one of them, the presence of strong Coulomb interaction leads to negative values of the non-local conductance as a clear signal of non-local Andreev transport.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical model of dephasing in mesoscopic devices introduced in the scattering matrix formalism

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    We propose a phenomenological model of dephasing in mesoscopic transport, based on the introduction of random phase fluctuations in the computation of the scattering matrix of the system. A Monte Carlo averaging procedure allows us to extract electrical and microscopic device properties. We show that, in this picture, scattering matrix properties enforced by current conservation and time reversal invariance still hold. In order to assess the validity of the proposed approach, we present simulations of conductance and magnetoconductance of Aharonov-Bohm rings that reproduce the behavior observed in experiments, in particular as far as aspects related to decoherence are concerned.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Impact of momentum mismatch on 2D van der Waals tunnel field-effect transistors

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    We numerically investigate electron quantum transport in 2D van der Waals tunnel field-effect-transistors in the presence of lateral momentum mismatch induced by lattice mismatch or rotational misalignment between the two-dimensional layers. We show that a small momentum mismatch induces a threshold voltage shift without altering the subthreshold swing. On the contrary, a large momentum mismatch produces significant potential variations and ON-current reduction. Short-range scattering, such as that due to phonons or system edges, enables momentum variations, thus enhancing interlayer tunneling. The coupling of electrons with acoustic phonons is shown to increase the ON current without affecting the subthreshold swing. In the case of optical phonons, the ON-current increase is accompanied by a subthreshold swing degradation due to the inelastic nature of the scattering

    Towards the Thermodynamics of Localization Processes

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    We study the entropy time evolution of a quantum mechanical model, which is frequently used as a prototype for Anderson's localization. Recently Latora and Baranger [V. Latora, M. Baranger, Phys. Rev.Lett. 82, 520(1999)] found that there exist three entropy regimes, a transient regime of passage from dynamics to thermodynamics, a linear in time regime of entropy increase, namely a thermodynamic regime of Kolmogorov kind, and a saturation regime. We use the non-extensive entropic indicator recently advocated by Tsallis [ C. Tsallis, J. Stat. Phys. 52, 479 (1988)] with a mobile entropic index q, and we find that with the adoption of the ``magic'' value q = Q = 1/2 the Kolmogorov regime becomes more extended and more distinct than with the traditional entropic index q = 1. We adopt a two-site model to explain these properties by means of an analytical treatment and we argue that Q =1/2 might be a typical signature of the occurrence of Anderson's localization.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Measurement and Entropy Production

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    We study the time evolution of a quantum system without classical counterpart, undergoing a process of entropy increase due to the environment influence. We show that if the environment-induced decoherence is interpreted in terms of wave-function collapses, a symbolic sequence can be generated. We prove that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of this sequence coincides with rate of von Neumann entropy increase.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Decoherence, wave function collapses and non-ordinary statistical mechanics

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    We consider a toy model of pointer interacting with a 1/2-spin system, whose σx\sigma_{x} variable is \emph{measured} by the environment, according to the prescription of decoherence theory. If the environment measuring the variable σx\sigma_{x} yields ordinary statistical mechanics, the pointer sensitive to the 1/2-spin system undergoes the same, exponential, relaxation regardless of whether real collapses or an entanglement with the environment, mimicking the effect of real collapses, occur. In the case of non-ordinary statistical mechanics the occurrence of real collapses make the pointer still relax exponentially in time, while the equivalent picture in terms of reduced density matrix generates an inverse power law relaxation
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