64 research outputs found

    Il gioco linguistico del significato letterale

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    Literal Meaning is a widely used notion, which seems to be well rooted in the strong intuition that words have a meaning in themselves. However, as pointed out in previous literature (e.g. RECANATI 2004), this theoretical notion seems to be problematic in accounting for some aspects of the nature of linguistic meaning. Embracing these criticisms, we will show how the heuristic power of this notion becomes apparent when looking at some specific types of contexts, namely those language games where it is necessary to retrieve the meaning of words in isolation. This will allow us to argue in favour of consistency of this notion with theoretical framework with a strong focus on the contextual nature of linguistic meaning. In order to do so: 1. 2. 3. We will clarify what we mean by standard notion of literal meaning and the main criticisms coming from contextualist approaches; We will show how, in spite of its weaknesses, this notion tends to be widely used, since it seems to capture the intuition that words have a meaning in themselves and therefore that languages rely on a stable lexicon which can be accessed metalinguistically; We will show how this notion can still be used within contextualist frameworks to account for some specific types of language games where those metalinguistic operations are necessary

    Unique equilibrium states for some intermediate beta transformations

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    We prove uniqueness of equilibrium states for subshifts corresponding to intermediate beta transformations with β>2\beta > 2 having the property that the orbit of 0 is bounded away from 1

    Is displacement possible without language? Evidence from preverbal infants and chimpanzees

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    Is displacement possible without language? This question was addressed in a recent work by Liszkowski and colleagues (Liszkowski, Schafer, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2009). The authors carried out an experiment to demonstrate that 12-month-old prelinguistic infants can communicate about absent entities by using pointing gestures, while chimpanzees cannot. The main hypothesis of their study is that displacement does not depend on language but is, however, exclusively human and instead depends on species-specific social-cognitive human skills. Against this hypothesis, we will argue that a symbolic representation is needed to intentionally communicate absence and that this symbolic representation is tied to language. Moreover, data on the expression of displacement in home-sign systems will be taken into consideration. In light of this data, and in opposition to Liszkowski et al.’s (2009) claim, this paper will argue that displacement gestures are not foundational to language. Instead, they predate and predict the expression of complex forms of negation because they are specifically foundational to them

    Is metaphor a natural kind?

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    In Metaphor Studies, metaphor is considered as a “form of understanding one thing in terms of something else.” It is assumed that, despite their differences, metaphors share many properties and that a theory of metaphor should capture these essential properties. In short, it is assumed that metaphor is a natural kind. We call this view the Natural Kind Assumption. In this paper, we will challenge it and show that metaphor is not a natural kind. Finally, we will discuss the main philosophical consequences of this view

    Lakoff & Johnson lettori di Blumenberg? Le analogie tra metaforologia e teoria della metafora concettuale

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    This paper aims at showing the analogies between Hans Blumenberg’s Metaphorology and George Lakoff & Mark Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Starting from the analysis of the proportion for which ABSOLUTE METAPHOR: METAPHORICAL EXPRESSIONS = BACKGROUND METAPHOR: CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR, we propose to compare Blumenberg’s Metaphorology with Lakoff & Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory, outlining similarities and differences in reference to: (a) the fundamental notions on which the two theories are based, (b) the methods and (c) the relationship between language-thought-culture assumed by the two theories. However, the reconstruction of the relation between the two theoretical paradigms is not an end in itself as we will show that the two research paradigms could be integrated to overcome problematic aspects present in both theoretical perspectives

    Is metaphor a natural kind?

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    In Metaphor Studies, metaphor is considered as a “form of understanding one thing in terms of something else.” It is assumed that, despite their differences, metaphors share many properties and that a theory of metaphor should capture these essential properties. In short, it is assumed that metaphor is a natural kind. We call this view the Natural Kind Assumption. In this paper, we will challenge it and show that metaphor is not a natural kind. Finally, we will discuss the main philosophical consequences of this view

    Preliminary geochemical characterization of the Mts. Simbruini karst aquifer (Central Italy)

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    Mts. Simbruini karst aquifer feeds important springs whose capture contributes to the water supply of Rome City. To improve the geochemical characterization of this aquifer, we analyzed 36 groundwater samples, 29 from springs and 7 from shallow wells, collected in 1996 and 2019. Atomic adsorption spectroscopy, tritration, ionic chromatography and mass spectrometry were the used analytical methods. Ground waters are bicarbonate alkaline-earth type and HCO3 dominance confirms that the aquifer is hosted in carbonate rocks. Total alkalinity vs. cations plot indicates that CO2 driven weathering controls the water chemistry. The probability plots of HCO3, cations and Ca2+ +Mg2+ indicate four groundwater populations with the less represented one (9 samples) characterized by the highest PCO2 values (>0.3 atm). Most anomalous values of the dissolved PCO2 are from springs located near the center of the studied area. Four samples have negative values of d13CCO2 (about -22‰ vs. PDB), indicating its organic origin, but two other samples have positive values (1.6 and 2.6 ‰ vs. PDB), similar to those observed in the CO2 of deep origin discharged at the close Colli Albani volcano. Therefore, geochemical evidence indicates that the Mts. Simbruini aquifer is locally affected by the input of deep originated CO2, likely rising up along fractures, interacting with a recharge of meteoric origin, as evidenced by its d2H and d18O isotopic signatures

    The seismic sequence of 30 May - 9 June 2016 in the geothermal site of Torre Alfina (central Italy) and related variations in soil gas emissions

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    In the framework of a medium-enthalpy geothermal exploitation project, seismicity and soil gas emissions have been monitored in the area of Castel Giorgio-Torre Alfina since 2014. A dedicated local seismic network deepened the knowledge of the natural local seismicity in terms of source mechanisms, high-quality event localization and magnitude estimation. From November 2014 to May 2016, 846 seismic events were recorded, with a magnitude range of Md 0.1-2.8 and hypocentres 4-8 km depth. On 30th May 2016 a Mw 4.3 earthquake occurred near Castel Giorgio, followed by almost 1700 aftershocks; the moment tensor solution depicts a WNW-ESE oriented normal fault. An overview of the epicentral distributions since 2014, highlights that the active tectonic structures are NE-SW and WNW-ESE orientated. The diffuse soil CO2 flux is monitored since 2013 in six target areas located around the future production and reinjection wells, in order to assess the level of background natural degassing. In all target areas the maximum value of soil CO2 flux has been recorded during the 2016 seismic sequence. However, the values of δ13C of the emitted CO2 indicated a shallow biological origin of the gas. At Torre Alfina, the Solfanare natural gas emission, with a CO2 dominated gas, has same composition of the gas hosted in the geothermal reservoir. Here, high values of diffuse soil CO2 flux were recorded. During the 2016 seismic sequence, the Solfanare gas was continuously analysed by an automatic gas- chromatographic station. Results show that apart from small perturbations, no significant compositional variations were recorded. The significant contribution of CLVD and isotropic components suggest a possible opening of fluid cracks below the geothermal reservoir hosted in fractured Mesozoic limestones. The seismo-tectonic scenario indicates that the Solfanare fault was not activated. Kinematics and orientation of the activated faults suggest a relationship with the Bolsena caldera collapsePublishedNapoli, Italy1IT. Reti di monitoraggi

    Hemiptera records from Lake Spechtensee and from Southern Styria (Austria)

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    Hemiptera records gained in July 2015 in course of the 7th European Hemiptera Congress in Styria are presented. In total, 144 Auchenorrhyncha, 143 Heteroptera, 13 Psylloidea and 2 Aphididae species were collected. Ribautodelphax imitans (Delphacidae), Eurhadina saageri (Cicadellidae), Notonecta maculata (Notonectidae), Notonecta meridionalis (Notonectidae) and Polymerus cognatus (Miridae) are new records for Styria

    Segno, simbolo in Wittgestein

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    Il volume indaga la linguisticitĂ  della cognizione umana a partire dalle nozioni wittgensteinianedi Immagine, segno e simbolo e proposizione cui sono dedicati i primi quattro capitoli. Il volume si segnala per una innovativa lettura della relazione di raffigurazione tra Immagine e mondo basata sulla relazione matematica di omomorfismo. Il V e ultimo capitolo basato sulle opere del secondo wittgensntein prende in esame le osservazioni del filosofo sulla cognizione animale
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