892 research outputs found

    Power Grid Network Evolutions for Local Energy Trading

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    The shift towards an energy Grid dominated by prosumers (consumers and producers of energy) will inevitably have repercussions on the distribution infrastructure. Today it is a hierarchical one designed to deliver energy from large scale facilities to end-users. Tomorrow it will be a capillary infrastructure at the medium and Low Voltage levels that will support local energy trading among prosumers. In our previous work, we analyzed the Dutch Power Grid and made an initial analysis of the economic impact topological properties have on decentralized energy trading. In this paper, we go one step further and investigate how different networks topologies and growth models facilitate the emergence of a decentralized market. In particular, we show how the connectivity plays an important role in improving the properties of reliability and path-cost reduction. From the economic point of view, we estimate how the topological evolutions facilitate local electricity distribution, taking into account the main cost ingredient required for increasing network connectivity, i.e., the price of cabling

    On the Impact of Lepton PDFs

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    In this paper we discuss the effect of the complete leading-order QED corrections to the DGLAP equations in the perturbative evolution of parton distribution functions (PDFs). This requires the extension of the purely QCD DGLAP evolution, including a PDF for the photons and, consistently, also for the charged leptons e±e^{\pm}, μ±\mu^\pm and τ±\tau^\pm. We present the implementation of the QED-corrected DGLAP evolution in the presence of photon and lepton PDFs in the APFEL program and, by means of different assumptions for the initial scale PDFs, we produce for the first time PDF sets containing charged lepton distributions. We also present phenomenological studies that aim to assess the impact of the presence of lepton PDFs in the proton for some relevant SM (and BSM) processes at the LHC at 13 TeV and the FCC-hh at 100 TeV. The impact of the photon PDF is also outlined for those processes.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, matches published version in JHE

    EMDR e cervello. Correlati funzionali e strutturali

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    -Studi recenti hanno dimostrato come la sindrome da stress posttraumatico (PTSD) possa causare nel cervello cambiamenti sia anatomici sia funzionali in specifiche aree associate alla risposta emotiva al trauma e alla relativa insorgenza dei sintomi. Studi di neuroimmagini funzionali (tomografia a emissione di fotone singolo, SPECT e a emissione di positroni, PET) e strutturali (risonanza magnetica, RM) hanno evidenziato significative variazioni neuropatologiche in pazienti con PTSD durante la rivisitazione del traum

    Dealing with the aftermath of mass disasters. A field study on the application of EMDR integrative group treatment protocol with child survivors of the 2016 Italy earthquakes

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    This study explored the effects of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) on child survivors of the earthquakes that struck Umbria, a region of central Italy, on August 24th and on October 26th 2016. Three hundred and thirty-two children from the town of Norcia and nearby severely disrupted villages received 3 cycles of EMDR-IGTP. The Emotion Thermometers (ET-5) and the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES-13) were administered before (T0) and about 1 week after the conclusion of the third cycle (T3) of EMDR-IGTP. At T3, older children showed a reduction of distress and anger, whereas younger children reported an increase on these domains; moreover, older children reported a greater reduction of anxiety than younger ones. A greater reduction of distress, anxiety, and need for help was evidenced in females, whereas a greater improvement in depressive symptoms was evidenced in males. The effects of the EMDR-IGTP treatment on post-traumatic symptoms were particularly evident in older children, compared to younger ones, and marginally greater in females than in males; moreover, a greater improvement was found in children who had received a timelier intervention, than in those who received delayed treatment. These results provide further evidence for the utility of EMDR-IGTP in dealing with the extensive need for mental health services in mass disaster contexts. Also, these data highlight the importance of providing EMDR-IGTP in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster, to contribute significantly in restoring adaptive psychological functioning in children, especially in older ones

    Early identification of MCI converting to AD: a FDG PET study

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    Purpose: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional pathological stage between normal ageing (NA) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although subjects with MCI show a decline at different rates, some individuals remain stable or even show an improvement in their cognitive level after some years. We assessed the accuracy of FDG PET in discriminating MCI patients who converted to AD from those who did not. Methods: FDG PET was performed in 42 NA subjects, 27 MCI patients who had not converted to AD at 5 years (nc-MCI; mean follow-up time 7.5 ± 1.5 years), and 95 MCI patients who converted to AD within 5 years (MCI-AD; mean conversion time 1.8 ± 1.1 years). Relative FDG uptake values in 26 meta-volumes of interest were submitted to ANCOVA and support vector machine analyses to evaluate regional differences and discrimination accuracy. Results: The MCI-AD group showed significantly lower FDG uptake values in the temporoparietal cortex than the other two groups. FDG uptake values in the nc-MCI group were similar to those in the NA group. Support vector machine analysis discriminated nc-MCI from MCI-AD patients with an accuracy of 89% (AUC 0.91), correctly detecting 93% of the nc-MCI patients. Conclusion: In MCI patients not converting to AD within a minimum follow-up time of 5 years and MCI patients converting within 5 years, baseline FDG PET and volume-based analysis identified those who converted with an accuracy of 89%. However, further analysis is needed in patients with amnestic MCI who convert to a dementia other than AD

    One-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms: a revisitation and automation

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    In this work we revisit the algorithm of Denner and Pozzorini for the calculation of one-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms and we automate it in the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework. We adapt the formulas for modern calculations, keeping light-quarks and photons strictly massless and dealing with infrared divergencies via dimensional regularisation. We improve the approximation by taking into account additional logarithms that are angular dependent. We prove that an imaginary term has been previously omitted and we show that it cannot be in general neglected for 2→n2\rightarrow n processes with n>2n> 2. We extend the algorithm to NLO EW corrections to squared matrix-elements that involve also QCD corrections on top of subleading LO terms. Furthermore, we discuss the usage of this algorithm for approximating physical observables and cross sections. We propose a new approach in which the QED component is consistently removed and we show how it can be superior to the commonly used approaches. The relevance of all the novelties introduced in this work is corroborated by numerical results obtained for several processes in a complete automated way. We thoroughly compare exact NLO EW corrections and their Sudakov approximations both at the amplitude level and for physical observables in high-energy hadronic collisions.Comment: 56 pages, 8 figures, 2 table
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