54 research outputs found

    “Passages” di Émile Ollivier Viaggiare e migrare tra il tempo e lo spazio

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    Passages is a book about journeys: mythic, realistic journeys that bring people from one place to another, from one universe to another one. In this sense, all the characters are immigrants and/or exiles, moving through three different places: a Caribbean island (Haiti), Miami and Montreal.The aim of this essay is to introduce a non-specialist reader to the main themes of Ollivier’s novel which stands on migration, identity and home

    “Je suis venu vivre l’experience de la haute technologie et de la mondialisation”: reflexions autour de Congo inc. Le testament de Bismarck d’In Koli Jean Bofane

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    Congo Inc., second novel by the Congolese writer In Koli Jean Bofane, focuses on the wide world of globalization in Congo. By following the young pygmy Isookanga, who has a true vocation as a mondialiste (globalizer), Bofane highlights the effects of globalization on the DR Congo and the link that ties it to the legacy of colonialism and to post-colonialism.Congo Inc., deuxième roman du congolais In Koli Jean Bofane se focalise sur le vaste univers de la mondialisation au Congo. En suivant le jeune pygmée Isookanga qui a une véritable vocation de mondialiste, Bofane met en relief les effets de la mondialisation sur la RD Congo en relevant aussi le lien qui la rattache à l’héritage du colonialisme et au post-colonialisme

    Paesaggi, memoria, palinsesti

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    Sguardi francofoni su paesaggio francese/Regards francophones sur paysage français/Miradas francófonas sobre el paisaje francés/Francophone gazes on French landscapes (a cura di) Cristina Brancaglion e Marco Modenes


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    Background: Some trace elements are essential for humans; their deficiency may cause abnormal biological functions, whereas excessive intakes may produce adverse health effects. The aim of this study was to estimate the daily intake through diet of zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in a Northern Italy population and verify the compliance with recommended levels of intake for Italian population recently updated by Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU). Methods: We investigated dietary intake of Zn, and Cd in 719 residents of five provinces of Emilia Romagna region in Northern Italy, using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire designed to capture eating behaviors in Italy, specifically developed as part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, for the Northern Italy population. Results: We analyzed the diet of 319 men and 400 women, mean (±SD) aged 59.0 (± 14.0) and 52.3 (±14.1) respectively. The daily average (±SD) intake of Zn and Cd was 11.99 (±4.31) mg/day and 15.06 (±8.41) μg/day in men and 10.83 (±4.06) mg/day and 13.23 (±7.23) μg/day in women. Dietary intake levels of Zn were above the recommended values and well below the upper safe levels set by SINU for healthy adults. Cd intake did not exceed the safety limits established by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Conclusions: Our analysis suggested that dietary intake of the above-mentioned essential and toxic trace elements characterizing this Northern Italy population is within the range defined as safe by SINU and EFSA


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    (TOMO I)- Dal Quattrocento al Settecento Eminente francesista, Liana Nissim ha dedicato la sua intensa attività di ricerca al XIX secolo, in particolare a Gustave Flaubert e Stéphane Mallarmé. I suoi studi si sono concentrati anche sulle letterature francofone dell’Africa Nera e del Québec, che ha contribuito a introdurre in Italia e a diffondere su scala internazionale. Questo trittico di volumi «La grâce de montrer son âme dans le vêtement». Scrivere di tessuti, abiti e accessori illustra e approfondisce in molteplici direzioni una tematica a lei cara e ampiamente presente nei suoi lavori. Tramite la ricchezza delle metodologie e delle prospettive critiche, la comunità scientifica che ha condiviso con lei la passione per la ricerca e la dedizione alla vita universitaria vuole renderle un omaggio riconoscente

    Effectiveness of a Preventative Program for Groin Pain Syndrome in Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Single-Blind Study

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    : Groin pain syndrome (GPS) is a prevalent issue in soccer. This study assessed the effectiveness of a new preventive protocol on GPS for youth soccer players. The protocol included targeted stretching and strengthening exercises for the adductor and core muscles from preseason to midseason. A questionnaire and two pain provocation tests were used for the evaluation. Mild GPS required positive results in at least two evaluations, while severe GPS was associated with pain incompatible with engagement in any activity confirmed by diagnostic ultrasound. Forty-two elite male athletes (aged 16.9 ± 0.7 years) participated in the study, with half of them assigned to the usual training (control group) and the remaining athletes undergoing the preventive protocol (treatment group) for 24 weeks. GPS rates were 14.3% (three diagnoses: two mild, one severe) in the treatment group and 28.6% (six diagnoses: three mild, three severe) in the control group. Toward the end of the season, three players, one from the treatment group and two from the control group had to stop playing due to severe GPS problems. In addition, one player in the control group stopped midseason. Even though the reduction in the risk of developing GPS was not significant (relative risk of 0.50 ([95%CI 0.14 to 1.74], p = 0.2759), the halved incidence of severe GPS and the increased muscle strength related to the treatment (p = 0.0277) are encouraging data for future studies
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