96 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica para la aplicación del benchmarking internacional en la evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior virtual

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    L'objectiu d'aquest treball consisteix a proporcionar una metodologia de benchmarking que permeti a les universitats que ofereixin educació virtual comparar-se amb les millors universitats en l’àmbit internacional a fi de millorar la qualitat de la seva educació virtual. Per tal de comprovar la idoneïtat de la metodologia proposada, aquesta s'aplica a la Universitat Virtual de Polònia (PUW). Com a universitat sòcia (líder) es tria la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). El benchmarking que s’ha fet ha permès obtenir uns resultats sòlids per a l'elaboració i posterior implantació d'un complet pla d'acció de millora que permetrà millorar a curt i mitjà termini la qualitat de l'educació virtual de la Universitat Virtual de Polònia. Per això, es conclou que la metodologia de benchmarking proposada és adequada per a avaluar i millorar la qualitat de l'educació superior virtual.This research focuses on providing a benchmarking methodology that allows any university offering virtual education (e-learning or b-learning) to compare itself to the best international universities in order to improve the quality of the virtual education offered. In order to verify the adequacy of the proposed methodology, it has been applied to the Polish Virtual University (PUW). On the other hand, the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) was chosen as the leading partner university. The benchmarking performed has allowed the author to obtain solid results in order to draw up and implement a complete action plan for improvement, which will make it possible to increase, in the short and medium terms, the quality of the virtual education offered by PUW. It is therefore concluded that the proposed benchmarking methodology is adequate in order to assess and improve the quality of virtual higher education.El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en proporcionar una metodología de benchmarking que permita a las universidades que ofrezcan educación virtual compararse con las mejores universidades a nivel internacional al objeto de mejorar la calidad de su educación virtual. Para comprobar la idoneidad de la metodología propuesta, esta se aplica a la Universidad Virtual de Polonia (PUW). Como universidad socia (líder) se elige la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). El benchmarking realizado ha permitido obtener unos resultados sólidos para la elaboración y posterior implantación de un completo plan de acción de mejora que permitirá mejorar a corto y medio plazo la calidad de la educación virtual de la Universidad Virtual de Polonia. Por ello, se concluye que la metodología de benchmarking propuesta es adecuada para evaluar y mejorar la calidad de la educación superior virtual

    El benchmarking como herramienta de mejora de la calidad de la educación universitaria virtual : ejemplo de una experiencia polaca

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    Una universidad puede utilizar diversas herramientas metodológicas con el fin de conseguir el nivel más alto de calidad de educación virtual. Una de estas herramientas es el benchmarking, que, a través de la evaluación comparativa, permite recibir el conocimiento sobre la calidad de dicha educación en otra universidad e identificar las razones por las cuales se obtienen mejores resultados en ella. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos en el ejercicio de benchmarking aplicado a la Universidad Virtual de Polonia. Para ello, se elaboró y se aplicó una metodología propia del benchmarking. Como centro educativo socio, se eligió la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Los resultados muestran que la Universidad Virtual de Polonia tiene mucho margen de mejora de la calidad de su educación virtual, aunque, en algunas variables comparativas (unidad didáctica y plataforma virtual), se encuentra en una situación similar a la de la universidad socia. Sin embargo, en las variables tales como plan estratégico, agentes educativos y proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, existen brechas negativas significativas entre las dos instituciones docentes. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron elaborar un completo plan de acción de mejora que permitirá incrementar, a corto y a medio plazo, la calidad de la educación ofrecida por la Universidad Virtual de Polonia. Por todo ello, se concluye que el benchmarking es una herramienta muy útil y eficaz para mejorar la calidad de la educación superior virtual.Una universitat pot utilitzar diverses eines metodològiques per tal d'aconseguir el nivell més alt possible en referència a la qualitat de la seva educació virtual. Una d'aquestes eines és el benchmarking, que, a través de l'avaluació comparativa, permet conèixer la qualitat de l'educació oferta per una altra universitat i identificar les raons per les quals aquesta obté uns resultats millors. L'objectiu principal del present article és mostrar els resultats de l'exercici de benchmarking aplicat a la Universitat Virtual de Polònia. Per aconseguir aquesta finalitat, es va elaborar i aplicar una metodologia de benchmarking pròpia. Com a centre educatiu soci, es va escollir la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Els resultats mostren que la Universitat Virtual de Polònia presenta un gran marge de millora, tot i que, respecte a algunes de les variables comparatives (unitat didàctica i plataforma virtual), es troba en una situació similar a la de la universitat sòcia. Això no obstant, en les variables pla estratègic, agents educatius i procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, existeixen bretxes negatives significatives entre les dues institucions docents. Els resultats obtinguts van permetre elaborar uns plans d'acció de millora que permetran incrementar, a curt i a mitjà terminis, la qualitat de l'educació oferta per la Universitat Virtual de Polònia. Per tot això, es conclou que el benchmarking és una eina molt útil i eficaç per millorar la qualitat de l'educació superior virtual.Universities employ different tools to achieve the highest quality in virtual education, among them benchmarking. Through comparative assessment, benchmarking allows obtaining knowledge about the quality of virtual education offered by other universities and identifying the reasons for such quality. The main objective of this article is to present the results of benchmarking applied to the Polish Virtual University, which was developed and implemented using the author's own benchmarking methodology. To perform the analysis, the Open University of Catalonia was chosen as the partner university. The results indicate that the Polish Virtual University still has much room for improving the quality of its virtual education despite the fact that some comparative criteria (teaching units and virtual platform) show it to be on a par with the partner university. Nevertheless, according to other criteria, such as the strategic plan, the educational stakeholders and the teaching-learning process, the partner university outperforms the Polish Virtual University. Through benchmarking, we have obtained solid results to draw up and implement a complete action plan for improvement, which will make it possible to improve the quality of the virtual education offered by the Polish Virtual University in the short to medium term. Finally, it is concluded that benchmarking is a useful and effective tool to improve the quality of higher virtual education

    Cooperation Among Speech Therapists, Laryngologists And Phoniatricians In The Rehabilitation Of Speech And Voice Disorders

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    Over the last few years considerable progress in medicine and the emergence of multispecialist teams have tightened the relationship between medicine and logopaedics. The aim of this paper is to discuss selected aspects of the cooperation among laryngologists (mainly those who specialise in oncological laryngology), and phoniatricians. I will present the selected aspects of this cooperation, among others aims of a speech therapist (a member of a multidisciplinary team of specialists) in therapies that can help people with cancer of the mouth, nasal cavity, larynx and throat; and people with professional dysphonia.W związku z olbrzymimi postępami w medycynie i tworzeniem się wielospecjalistycznych zespołów w ostatnich kilkunastu latach zacieśnia się związek logopedii z medycyną. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wybranych aspektów współpracy logopedy z laryngologiem (przede wszystkim specjalizującym się w onkologii laryngologicznej) i foniatrą. Zaprezentowano wybrane aspekty tej współpracy, między innymi zadania logopedy – członka interdyscyplinarnego zespołu specjalistów – w procesie terapii osób z chorobami nowotworowymi w obrębie jamy ustnej, jamy nosowej, krtani i gardła oraz osób z zawodowymi dysfoniami

    Kilka uwag o potrzebie badań kompetencji słowotwórczych dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim

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    Word formation is significant for the linguistic and cognitive development of the child and it is possible to get and interpret data concerning decoding and encoding word-formative structures by children with intellectual disability through linguistic analysis. This task is so much important because Polish literature lacks studies concerning word formation competence of children with intellectual disability. The article shows the need for research and their description as well as the evaluation of understanding and forming word-formative structures by children with intellectual disability in comparison with analogical abilities of children without such a disability

    Competencies of a deaf educator and deaf speech and language therapist in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a child with hearing impairment

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    Renata Marciniak-Firadza, Competencies of a deaf educator and deaf speech and language therapist in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a child with hearing impairment. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 25, Poznań 2019. Pp. 297-331. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.25.13 The specificity of the cognitive processes of a child with hearing impairment, and the need to apply appropriate methods and means of teaching, requires participation of a properly prepared specialist in the field of remedial and educational, preventive and therapeutic work in the didactic process. The manifestation of not only theoretical reflection on the profession of teacher and speech and language therapist, but also the effect of practical searches related to the vocational education and training of educators and speech and language therapists,as well as the assessment of their work, is the issue of professional competencies of a deaf educator and deaf speech and language therapist in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a child with hearing impairment. Competence is understood in the article in two ways: as a range of knowledge, skills, predispositions and as a range of qualifications.Renata Marciniak-Firadza, Competencies of a deaf educator and deaf speech and language therapist in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a child with hearing impairment. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 25, Poznań 2019. Pp. 297-331. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.25.13 The specificity of the cognitive processes of a child with hearing impairment, and the need to apply appropriate methods and means of teaching, requires participation of a properly prepared specialist in the field of remedial and educational, preventive and therapeutic work in the didactic process. The manifestation of not only theoretical reflection on the profession of teacher and speech and language therapist, but also the effect of practical searches related to the vocational education and training of educators and speech and language therapists,as well as the assessment of their work, is the issue of professional competencies of a deaf educator and deaf speech and language therapist in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a child with hearing impairment. Competence is understood in the article in two ways: as a range of knowledge, skills, predispositions and as a range of qualifications

    Types of grammatical and lexical errors made by students with a mild intellectual disability at the second stage of their education a qualitative analysis

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    The aim of the article is to provide a qualitative description of the errors committed by pupils with mild intellectual disabilities. The discussed issue has not yet been the subject of a scientific description from a linguistic point of view. The analysis of errors was based on Andrzej Markowski's classification with small additions from Zygmunt Saloni’s classification. Due to the volumetric framework, the article is limited to discussing grammatical and lexical errors. The research showed that pupils with mild intellectual disabilities make similar errors as those with typical development. No qualitative differences were noted between the study group and the control group, only quantitative ones.The aim of the article is to provide a qualitative description of the errors committed by pupils with mild intellectual disabilities. The discussed issue has not yet been the subject of a scientific description from a linguistic point of view. The analysis of errors was based on Andrzej Markowski's classification with small additions from Zygmunt Saloni’s classification. Due to the volumetric framework, the article is limited to discussing grammatical and lexical errors. The research showed that pupils with mild intellectual disabilities make similar errors as those with typical development. No qualitative differences were noted between the study group and the control group, only quantitative ones

    What should a (neuro) logopaedic therapist know about feeding the youngest patients (0-3) with feeding disorders. Part i. Feeding (nutrition) – meaning, types, functions

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    Food intake is an essential element to maintain homeostasis of the body, and the way of feeding. Whereas the type of feeding in the neonatal and infancy stages influence on one side the health of children and teenagers, and next adults, and on the other side, the way of feeding newborns, infants and toddlers has great impact on the development of the orofacial area being a biomechanical base of articulation. Feeding is also a basic environmental factor having crucial influence on the development of a child’s brain. Not providing the child with all of the necessary elements and energetic needs in the prenatal stage and on the further stages of development, especially in infancy, can have a negative effect on the brain’s structural development (e.g., insufficient myelination of neurons), as well as interfere with its functions, for example, in terms of neurotransmitters. In this article, I will undertake selected aspects of feeding disorders understood as both giving food and providing food, as well as feeding the offspring with their own milk.Food intake is an essential element to maintain homeostasis of the body, and the way of feeding. Whereas the type of feeding in the neonatal and infancy stages influence on one side the health of children and teenagers, and next adults, and on the other side, the way of feeding newborns, infants and toddlers has great impact on the development of the orofacial area being a biomechanical base of articulation. Feeding is also a basic environmental factor having crucial influence on the development of a child’s brain. Not providing the child with all of the necessary elements and energetic needs in the prenatal stage and on the further stages of development, especially in infancy, can have a negative effect on the brain’s structural development (e.g., insufficient myelination of neurons), as well as interfere with its functions, for example, in terms of neurotransmitters. In this article, I will undertake selected aspects of feeding disorders understood as both giving food and providing food, as well as feeding the offspring with their own milk

    Od apelatywu wierzba do antroponimu Wierzbiński

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    The purpose of the article is to highlight connections of the common name of wierzba [Eng. “willow”] and the proper name Wierzbiński. The author discusses the etymology of the word wierzba and its meaning in the history of the Polish language, both in contemporary Polish and in its dialects. Next, the author explains the word and phraseological relationships with the wierzba appellative as well as with derived words, which are both common and proper names. The source material for the analysis was excerpted from dictionaries of the Polish language: etymological, general (explanatory: historical and contemporary dictionaries), dialectal, phraseological, and onomastic

    Verbotonal method elements in therapy for children with intellectual disability

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    For children with intellectual disabilities it is easier to remember content in relation to movement, a specific situation important to them, as a result of multisensory contact with stimuli accompanied by the emotional content. Verbotonal method ensures that as all the exercises there are performed together with motor activation allowing for sensory stimulation: vestibular, proprioceptive both kinetic and tactile, whose proper functioning sets the base for perception development in the area of superior sensory systems, i.e., auditory and visual. Exercises used in the method mobilize children for action, stimulate cognitive and motor activity, perfect their attention focus, help them with visual perception, following objects with their eyes, or keeping focus on an object. They also stimulate imagination and creative expression, develop general and musical hearing, improve gross motor coordination as well as precise movements, precision, velocity, range, purposefulness and esthetics of their movements; they perfect self and space orientation, help with self‑esteem and self‑acceptance, mould their identity and body awareness, help level tactile oversensitivity/undersensitivity. Phonatory games can make it easier for children to produce sound, improve their articulation and phonation and musical elements better respiratory functions. Through joint games with other children or with the therapist, this method also facilitates establishing contact with another human being.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Breathing versus voice and its correct emission

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    The formation of a correct voice requires, among other things, a proper vocal emission technique, which consists of the correct way of breathing, phonation and articulation, their mutual coordination and the correct functioning of the resonance spaces. The task of the breath in correct emission is to enliven and sustain the sound, giving it strength and fullness of tone or, on the contrary, gentleness and softness. Correct breathing is the best massage for the vocal folds because the respiratory muscles, the muscles of the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity are closely interdependent. If the respiratory muscles are impaired, the laryngeal muscles will show increased tension and excessive effort. Breathing is essential for sound production because without air movement, phonation would not be possible and there would be no environment for the sound wave to propagate. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the importance of breathing for correct vocal emission and to point out both the determinants (characteristics) of correct breathing and the breathing habits that impede correct vocal emission.Powstawanie prawidłowego głosu wymaga m.in. odpowiedniej techniki jego emisji, na którą składa się właściwy sposób oddychania, fonacji i artykulacji, ich wzajemna koordynacja oraz prawidłowa czynność przestrzeni rezonacyjnych. Zadaniem oddechu w prawidłowej emisji jest ożywienie i podtrzymywanie dźwięku, nadawanie mu siły i pełni brzmienia lub przeciwnie – delikatności i łagodności. Prawidłowy oddech jest najlepszym masażem dla fałdów głosowych, ponieważ mięśnie oddechowe, mięśnie krtani, gardła i jamy ustnej są od siebie uzależnione. Jeżeli mięśnie oddechowe będą niepełnosprawne, to mięśnie krtani wykazywać będą wzmożone napięcie i nadmierny wysiłek. Oddychanie jest niezbędne do wydobycia dźwięku, ponieważ bez ruchu powietrza nie byłaby możliwa fonacja i nie byłoby środowiska dla rozchodzenia się fali akustycznej. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na znaczenie oddychania dla prawidłowej emisji głosu oraz wskazanie zarówno wyznaczników (cech) właściwego oddychania, jak i nawyków oddechowych utrudniających prawidłową emisję głosu