43 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a new method of identification of inertia moment of reduced masses on a shaft of an induction motor drive being a part of an electromechanical system. The study shows the results of simulations performed on the tested model of a complex electromechanical system during some changes of a backlash zone width. An analysis of wavelet scalograms of the examined signals carried out using a clustering technique was applied in the diagnostic algorithm. The correctness of the earliest fault detection has been verified during monitoring and identification of mass inertia moment for state variables describing physical quantities of a tested complex of the electromechanical system


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    This paper presents the results of testing of a complex electromechanical system model. These results have been obtained for accepted in simu-lations the method of identifying an inertia moment of reduced masses on shaft of induction motor drive during the changes of a backlash zone width. The effectiveness of correct diagnostic conclusions enables coefficients anal-ysis of testing signals wavelet expansion as well as weights of a supervised learning neural network. The earlier fault detection of five important state variables, which describe physical quantities of chosen complex electro-mechanical system has been verified for its correctness during the backlash zone width monitoring in the early stage of its gradual rise. The proposed here algorithm with mass inertia moment changes has proved to be an effective diagnostic method in the area of system changeable dynamic conditions and this has been shown in the resulting changes of backlash zone width


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    In this article a new method of identification of a backlash zone width in a structure of an electromechanical system has been presented. The results of many simulations in a tested model of a complex electromechanical system have been taken while changing a value of a reduced masses inertia moment on a shaft of an induction motor drive. A wavelet analysis of tested signals and analysis of weights that have been obtained during a neural network supervised learning - have been applied in a diagnostic algorithm. The proposed algorithm of detection of backlash zone width, represents effective diagnostic method of a system at changing dynamic conditions, occurring also as a result of mass inertia moment changes

    Ocena częstotliwości regresji oraz progresji śródnabłonkowej neoplazji szyjki macicy niskiego stopnia – LGSIL u kobiet z pozytywnym wynikiem testu molekularnego identyfi kującego DNA wysoce onkogennych typów wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego

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    Objectives: Assessment of frequency of regression and progression of mild cervical neoplasia in women positive for types of HPV DNA of high oncogenic potential. Materials and methods: 111 women were studied. One-year-long observation of patients included cervical cytology, conducted every three months, and colposcopy, conducted every six months. After a period of 12 months all women were evaluated with colposcopy and directed biopsies of abnormal cervical tissue. Results: This study confi rms the signifi cant eff ect of age on both regression and progression of low-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Conclusions: In the age group below 26 years, complete regression of LGSIL occurs signifi cantly more frequently than in older women. Whereas in the over 36 age group, progression to HGSIL occurred more frequently during 12 months of follow-up.Cel pracy: Ocena częstotliwości regresji oraz progresji środnabłonkowej neoplazji szyjki macicy niskiego stopnia – LGSIL u kobiet z pozytywnym wynikiem testumolekularnego identyfikującego DNA wysoce onkogennych typów wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego. Materiał i metoda: Cała grupa badana licząca 111 kobiet z rozpoznaniem histopatologicznym LGSIL została poddana rocznej obserwacji cytologicznej, wykonywanej co trzy miesiące oraz kolposkopowej, wykonywanej co 6 miesięcy. Po okresie 12 miesięcy u wszystkich pacjentek wykonano badanie kolposkopowe połączone z biopsją celowaną zmian szyjki macicy. Wyniki: Zaobserwowano znaczący wpływ wieku na odsetek kobiet, u których dochodzi do regresji bądź progresji zmian o charakterze środnabłonkowej neoplazji szyjki macicy niskiego stopnia – LGSIL. Wnioski: W grupie kobiet poniżej 26 roku życia całkowita regresja zmian typu LGSIL występuje znacznie częściej, a w populacji kobiet powyżej 36 roku życia w czasie rocznej obserwacji częściej dochodzi do progresji w kierunku zmian typu HGSIL

    Plasma hemostasis disturbances after heart transplantation procedure corrected by of human prothrombin complex

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    Hemostasis involves complex processes meaning blood not to extravasate. It's temporary cessation is necessary to perform cardiac surgery procedure with cardiopulmonary bypass. In heart transplantation, standard procedures of heparine neutralization are insufficient. We present results obtained from the group of 10 patients (8 men and 2 women) in mean age of 41±15 years, who underwent heart transplantation procedure with Lower-Shumway technique in moderate hypothermia (28°C). Mean cardiopulmonary bypass time was 218±20min, cross clampling aortic time was 114±18min and organ cold ischemia time was 221±16min. Postoperative human prothrombin complex was given after INR result (2.2±0.3) was obtained followed by normalized activated clotting time (ACT) 124±17seconds. In high risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery procedure, standard international normalized ration (INR) measurements following ACT results are required to obtain more detailed information concerning plasma hemostasis disturbances. Prothromplex Total NF (Baxter International Inc, USA) is a safe option to correct the problem without risk of overloading the patients circulatory system

    Morphometric traits in the fine-leaved fescues depend on ploidy level: the case of Festuca amethystina L.

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    Background Polyploid specimens are usually characterized by greater exuberance: they reach larger sizes and/or have a larger number of some organs. Festuca amethystina L. belongs to the section Aulaxyper. Based on morphological features, four subspecies of F. amethystina have been already identified. On the other hand, it has two cytotypes: diploid and tetraploid. The main aim of our study was to distinguish morphological differences between the cytotypes of F. amethystina, assuming that its phenotype differs significantly. Methods The nuclear DNA content was measured by flow cytometry in dry leaves from specimens originating from 13 populations of F. amethystina. Several macrometric and micrometric traits of stems, spikelets and leaf blades were taken into account in the comparative analysis of two cytotypes. Results In the case of cytotypes, specimens of tetraploids were larger than diploids. The conducted morphometric analysis of leaf cross-sections showed significant differences between the cytotypes. Discussion The research has confirmed for the first time that in the case of F. amethystina the principle of greater exuberance of polyploids is true. Differences between the cytotypes are statistically significant, however, they are not enough to make easy the distinction of cytotypes on the basis of the measurements themselves. Our findings favor the rule known in Festuca taxonomy as a whole, i.e. that the ploidy level can be one of the main classification criteria

    Inequalities in socio-economic development in rural communes in the Łódź region

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    Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie nierówności w poziomie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego gmin wiejskich województwa łódzkiego oraz porównanie ich do wyników badań sprzed wejścia Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Rezultatem przeprowadzonego postępowania badawczego jest klasyfikacja gmin wiejskich regionu łódzkiego według poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Źródłem danych statystycznych był Bank Danych Lokalnych, Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Ranking gmin opracowano dla 2008 i 2013 roku, czyli dla początku i końca okresu programowania rozwoju w Unii Europejskiej. Badania mają charakter dynamiczny, dzięki czemu możliwe było zaprezentowanie zmian w nierównościach rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Wyniki badań pokazały, że nastąpiło zmniejszenie się ogólnych nierówności rozwojowych na terenach wiejskich województwa. Pomiędzy przyjętymi w badaniu latami (2008–2013) doszło do wzrostu poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. W największym zakresie wzrost poziomu rozwojowego zaobserwowano w gminach wiejskich położonych poza aglomeracją łódzką, bardzo często w terenach peryferyjnych, w obszarach o przewadze funkcji rolniczych. Ważnym elementem wzrostu społeczno-ekonomicznego były większe wydatki inwestycyjne, wzrost ogólnych wydatków gminy, i wynikające częściowo z tego uzupełnianie podstawowych niedoborów infrastrukturalnych (wzrost warunków życia). Za największy problem rozwojowy gmin wiejskich należy uznać pogarszającą się sytuację demograficzną. Z pewnością ważnym czynnikiem dalszych przemian społeczno-ekonomicznych będzie zmniejszający się udział dzieci i młodzieży oraz osób w wieku produkcyjnym mobilnym.The main aim of this article is to explain disparities in socio-economic development of rural communes in the Łódź region and to compare them to the results of studies conducted before Poland joined the European Union. The research resulted in the classification of rural communes in the Łódź region according to their level of socio-economic development. Statistical data were taken from the Local Data Bank, Central Statistical Office. The ranking of communes was compiled for 2008 and 2013, i.e. for the beginning and end of the development programming period in the European Union. Studies are dynamic, making it possible to present the changes in socio-economic development disparities. The results have shown that general development inequalities in rural areas of the region have decreased. In the time period chosen for the study (2008‒2013), there was an increase in the level of socio-economic development. The greatest increase in development level was noticed in rural communes located outside of the Łódź agglomeration, very often in the peripheral areas with dominant agricultural function. Some important elements of the socio-economic growth were increased investment expenses, higher overall expenses and, partially resulting from them, supplementation of basic infrastructural shortcomings (improved living conditions). The worsening demographic situation should be considered the greatest development problem for rural communes. It is obvious that further socio-economic transformations will be impacted by the decreasing share of children and youths, as well as mobile working age population

    Anti-Tax Haven Regulations in the area of Transfer Pricing

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    Szkodliwa konkurencja podatkowa w postaci ucieczki do rajów podatkowych nie jest wyłącznie lokalnym polskim problemem, lecz od wielu lat problemem w skali globalnej. Niska transparentność rajów podatkowych powoduje, że trudno jest precyzyjnie oszacować całkowitą skalę finansową ukrytych transferów do jurysdykcji stosujących nieuczciwą konkurencję podatkową. W dynamicznie zmieniającym się otoczeniu prawnym i gospodarczym ceny transferowe są wykorzystywane do przerzucania dochodów do rajów podatkowych. Powoduje to potrzebę ciągłego dopasowywania mechanizmu cen transferowych w celu zapewnienia uczciwej konkurencji rynkowej i sprawiedliwego rozłożenia ciężarów podatkowych. Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza i ocena regulacji przeciwdziałających przerzucaniu dochodów do rajów podatkowych w obszarze cen transferowych. Autorzy stawiają hipotezę, że zwalczanie przerzucania dochodów do rajów podatkowych wymaga wdrożenia niestandardowych mechanizmów prawnych w obszarze cen transferowych. Wykorzystano przede wszystkim metodę prawno-dogmatyczną oraz prawno-porównawczą, jak również zostały poczynione ustalenia o charakterze empirycznym w zakresie jurysdykcji rajowych. Autorzy skonkludowali, że ustawodawca powinien wprowadzać mechanizmy wzmocnionego współdziałania podatników z organami podatkowymi w zwalczaniu nadużyć podatkowych, takie jak weryfikacja rzeczywistego właściciela przy dochowaniu należytej staranności.Harmful tax competition in the form of escape to tax havens is not only a local Polish problem, but for many years it has been a problem on a global scale. The low transparency of tax havens makes it difficult to precisely estimate the total financial scale of hidden transfers to jurisdictions applying unfair tax competition. In the dynamically changing legal and economic environment, transfer pricing is used to shift income to tax havens. This results in the need to constantly adjust the transfer pricing mechanism in order to ensure a fair market competition and a fair distribution of tax burden. The main goal of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the regulations preventing the shifting of income to tax havens in the area of transfer pricing. The authors formulate a hypothesis that combating the income shifting to tax havens requires the implementation of non-standard legal mechanisms in the area of transfer pricing. Primarily, legal-dogmatic and legal-comparative methods were used, as well as findings of an empirical nature were made within the scope of tax havens jurisdictions. The authors concluded that the legislator should introduce mechanisms for enhanced cooperation between taxpayers and tax authorities in combating tax fraud, such as verification of the beneficial owner wi th due diligence

    Application of image analysis to the identification of mass inertia momentum in electromechanical system with changeable backlash zone

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    This paper presents a new method of identification of inertia moment of reduced masses on a shaft of an induction motor drive being a part of an electromechanical system. The study shows the results of simulations performed on the tested model of a complex electromechanical system during some changes of a backlash zone width. An analysis of wavelet scalograms of the examined signals carried out using a clustering technique was applied in the diagnostic algorithm. The correctness of the earliest fault detection has been verified during monitoring and identification of mass inertia moment for state variables describing physical quantities of a tested complex of the electromechanical system

    Application of wavelet – neural method to detect backlash zone in electromechanical systems generating noises

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    This paper presents a method of identifying the width of backlash zone in an electromechanical system generating noises. The system load is a series of rectangular pulses of constant amplitude, generated at equal intervals. The need for identification of the backlash zone is associated with a gradual increase of its width during the drive operation. The study uses wavelet analysis of signals and analysis of neural network weights obtained from the processing without supervised learning. The time-frequency signal representations of accelerations of the mechanical load components were investigated