44 research outputs found

    Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey) : season 2011

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    The Project in Tell el-Murra in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta continued excavation of trench S3, uncovering two graves from the Early Dynastic period as well as mud-brick walls belonging to earlier structures. A new trench, S4, was dug to check the site stratigraphy and chronology in the eastern part of the site. Old Kingdom and Naqada III pottery was discovered and Lower Egyptian Culture layers were confirmed at the bottom of the latter trench. Architectural remains consisted of a round silos(?) and walls to the west and south of it. The present research confirmed the existence of settlement on the site from the times of the Predynastic Lower Egyptian Culture until the end of the Old Kingdom (Sixth Dynasty), but it is still unclear whether people of the Naqada culture appeared there already in the second half of the Naqada II period or only in Naqada III. It was also confirmed that a settlement and a cemetery existed on the site

    The importance of selected cell adhesion molecules in thyroid cancer

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    Thyroid cancer is the most common malignant tumour of the endocrine system. It accounts for ca. 2% of all malignant tumours in the world, ranking it 16th in the overall classification. Its most common histology type is the papillary carcinoma originating from the epithelial tissue, which embraces approx. 50-80% of all cases. The epithelial tissue cells in normal conditions are closely interconnected by means of intercellular interactions. The adhesion process is regulated by a series of molecules, called cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). The main representatives of this group, which are increasingly better known and characterised, include the following: E-cadherin, β-catenin, CD44 and CD31 glycoproteins. CAMs regulate the course of many processes, such as differentiation, migration and growth of cells, but they also participate in the transmission of signals to the inside of the cell. Changes in the expression of cell adhesion molecules affect the disruption of the adhesion process. The recent years have seen many scientific reports on the importance of CAMs in the course of neoplastic transformation. It has been proved that abnormalities of CAM expression in many malignant tumours, including the thyroid cancer, are closely related to the increased primary invasion, distant metastasis and worse prognosis. These observations suggest that individual cell adhesion molecules may be used in the future as markers in the diagnostic process of thyroid cancers

    Frequency and type of emergency medical teams intervention of in oncological patients from selected areas the Lublin region

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    A steady increase in the incidence of most malignancies has been observed in the structure of Polish society. The National Medical Emergency Service has undergone a number of changes over the last two decades. The fundamental purpose of this system is to provide medical assistance in life-threatening emergencies to every human being. Material and method: The database for the Emergency Medical Team (EMT) interventions from randomly selected areas of the Lublin region was analysed. The data related to all emergency intervention provided by EMTs in the years 2008-2012 and 2004 in the areas of Łęczna, Kraśnik, Lublin, Świdnik. Aim: The aim of the article was to determine the incidence of EMT (Emergency Medical Team) interventions in cancer patients in the population of selected areas of the Lublin region. Keywords: Emergency Medical Team, oncology patient, Lublin region, medical emergency servic

    Dislocation of the mandible in a 47 year old patient

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    Dislocation of mandible is relatively uncommon disorder of temporomandibular joints. Disorder can occur during extreme dilation of mouth such as yawing, during dental treatments or endoscopic examination. 47- year old patient was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery in case of bilateral mandible dislocation. In this case the reposition in general anaesthesia was performed but ended up with failure

    Dislocation of mandible in 48 year old patient - the continuation of a therapy

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    Dislocation of a temporomandible joint (TMJ) is a rare disfunction, which has multiform background divided into imbalance in the function of neuromascular component or structural deficit. A 48-year-old woman was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery of the Medical University of Lublin due to continuation of a treatment of TMJ dislocation. Previous hospitalization was performed a few months earlier. Reposition in general anaesthesia was used as a treatment, however it ended up with defeat. Current hospitalization with open surgery reposition was scheduled. Bilateral condylectomy was prosecuted. After surgery correct movability and proper anterior-posterior placement of mandible were achieved

    Nonunion of ulnar diaphysis after Monteggia fracture of a right forearm in a 55-year-old patient - Are all methods effective? Case report

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    Fractures of the forearm make up about 10-14% of all fractures. Monteggia lesions account for 1-6% of the forearm fractures. The eponym “Monteggia fracture” is a term used for fracture of ulnar proximal shaft with concomitant dislocation of the radial head in the proximal radioulnar joint [1]. Its clinical symptoms are: pain, edema, local sensitivity, friction between bone fragments, deformation of the limb, loss of function in elbow joint and the forearm. Radiographs in AP and lateral views of the entire forearm, with wrist and elbow joint, are mandatory for successful diagnosis [2]. There are four types of fractures in the Bado classification system of the Monteggia lesion [3]. All Monteggia fractures in adults require surgical procedure of open reduction and internal fixation as a method of choice [4]. Delayed bone adhesion, nonunion, synostosis, instability of the radial head, nerve damage and restriction of movement are main complications of surgical intervention. We present a case of a 55-year-old patient with Monteggia fracture of a right forearm with a complication of a nonunion of the ulnar shaft, despite undergoing surgical procedure of open reduction and internal fixation. We describe consecutive methods of treatment that resulted in complete bone adhesion. Nonunion typically occurs due to technical mistakes in initial surgical intervention. Application of the correct reparative technique with autogenous bone graft and compression plates allows to fully heal nonunion of the bone

    Early, posttraumatic, frontal instability of the knee joint deriving from injured medial collateral ligament, after total knee arthroplasty, complicated by wound dehiscence and Clostridium difficile infection in a 70-year-old patient

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    Gonarthrosis is a joint disease in which a balance between regenerative and degenerative processes of articular cartilage is impaired. Its main symptoms are: pain, swelling, rigidity, function restraint as well as articular deformation [1]. It is estimated that about 40% of the knee joint degeneration is a consequence of ageing of the body. 60% of remaining cases of gonarthrosis is a result of excessive strain, contusion and injury. Patients with advanced arthrosis are qualified for total arthroplasty of the knee. Medial collateral ligament (MCL) is responsible for the medial stability of the knee joint, it prevents from valgus deformity and restraints external rotation of tibia relative to the femur. Injury, most often distorting the knee, may lead to straining as well as complete rupture of the MCL [2,3]. We present a case of a 70-year-old patient with MCL injury that happened three weeks after total knee arthroplasty, complicated by wound dehiscence. Insufficiency of the medial collateral ligament in our patient had an effect in longer healing process and rehabilitation. Main treatment options are: revision surgery with use of constrained implants and injured medial collateral ligament reconstruction. Constrained implants may have reduced longevity in some patients through aseptic loosening. Our patient underwent a MCL reconstruction. Reconstruction of MCL without revision arthroplasty has good results for injured MCL after total arthroplasty of the knee

    Pilon fracture of the tibia with severe complications in a 42-year-old patient – case report.

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    Pilon type fractures of the distal tibia are among the most difficult injuries of the lower extremity. They occur due to the axial loading injury which drives the talus into the tibial plafond, mainly because of high energy traumas such as car accidents and falls, but may arise from low energy traumas also. Due to specific conditions in the area of the injury: where skin and subcutaneous tissue is delicate, soft tissues are usually severely damaged, it is crucial to choose the correct timing for surgical intervention. There are several surgical options regarding treatment of the pilon fractures, however treatment plan of pilon fractures has not yet been unified. Surgical methods include open reduction with internal fixation and external fixation. Main purpose of the treatment of pilon fractures are the preservation of length and restoration of the joint surfaces. Great risks for the successful treatment are skin and soft tissue infections, that occur quite commonly due to specific anatomy of the fractured area. Wound infection may have potentially catastrophic consequences. Here we present a case of our 42-year-old patient, with a pilon fracture of the tibia who suffered multiple complications due to obtained tauma as well as his concurrent diseases: diabetes, alcohol and nicotine abuse, also as a result of his lack of compliance with medical advice. Despite the complications that occurred, outcome of the overall treatment was satisfactory both to the patient as well as orthopedic team. This example shows that treatment method should be chosen wisely not only on the type of the fracture, but also with patient’s ability to comply with doctors’ recommendation

    The association between affective temperaments and depressive symptoms in a population of medical university students, Poland

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    BackgroundCompared to their peers, medical students are more exposed to stress, and many present symptoms of depression, making them a group prone to experiencing mental illnesses.ObjectiveThis study investigates a potential link between the occurrence of symptoms of depression and the dominating type of affective temperament in young people studying at a medical university.MethodsOne hundred thirty-four medical students were surveyed using two validated questionnaires; the Polish versions of Beck’s Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A).ResultsThe data analysis revealed a significant link between symptoms of depression and affective temperaments, most significantly in subjects with an anxious temperament.ConclusionThis study confirms the role of various affective temperaments as a risk factor for mood disorders, specifically depression