24 research outputs found
Summary. Travel time is a measure commonly used for traffic flow modelling and traffic control. It also helps to evaluate the quality of traffic control systems in urban areas. Traffic control systems that use traffic models to predict changes and disruptions in vehicle flows have to use vehicle speed-prediction models. Travel time estimation studies the effects of traffic volumes on a street section at an average speed. The TRISTAR Integrated Transport Management System, currently being deployed across the Tri-City (Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia), is almost completed and data obtained from the System can be useful for the development of prediction models. A procedure for travel speed model selection for the Tri-City street network is presented in this paper. Matching of chosen volume-delay functions to the data obtained from the TRISTAR has been tested. Analyses have shown insufficient matching of functions that does not justify the possibility of their use in traffic control due to variability in different conditions of traffic, weather and, in the case of an incident, which justifies the need for further research aimed at satisfying matching of functions depending on the above-mentioned factors
Nowe dane paleobotaniczne z profilu Ferdynandów 2011 na stanowisku stratotypowym
The new drilling, made in 2011 in the Ferdynandovian interglacial stratotype site in Ferdynandów near Kock (E Poland) allows to carry out high resolution palaeobotanical analyses (including palynological and plant macrofossils ones). The results of the analyses are presented and interpreted against the background of the earlier partition of the ferdynandovian succession (acc. to Janczyk-Kopikowa 1975). A particular attention was paid to the similarity of succession derived from the profile Ferdynandów 2011 with those from neighboring sites in Łuków and Zdany. Very clearly it outlines the division of the three analyzed profiles of the ferdynandovian succession into two distinct interglacials separated by a sediment section bearing the record of the succession typically glacial with its stadial-interstadial oscillations. In the light of the new data from the Ferdynandów 2011 profile, it is clear that the division which was first used by Mamakowa (1996), applies to all ferdynandovian successions in Poland, if only two warm periods were registered in them (formerly known as two climate optima). The warm units in the Ferdynandów 2011 succession correspond to climatostratigraphic units Ferdynandovian 1 and 2, and the cold unit – to Ferdynandovian 1/2 (Lindner et al. 2004). The whole ferdynandovian succession s.l. correlates with the Cromerian complex in the early Middle Pleistocene of Western Europe stratigraphy (Cromerian II Westerhoven and Cromerian III Rosmalen) and marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 13–15. The new geological and palaeobotanical data allowed to reconstruct the functioning of interglacial lake and its palaeogeographic context on the stratotype site and its evolution.Stanowiska z zapisem ferdynandowskiej sukcesji pyłkowej są rzadko spotykane, a zwłaszcza te z zapisem paleobotanicznym dwu okresów ciepłych i dzielącego je ochłodzenia. Na tym tle, na szczególną uwagę zasługuje obszar Południowego Podlasia, na którym zostało rozpoznanych 8 stanowisk z osadami interglacjału ferdynandowskiego. Są one udokumentowane badaniami palinologicznymi (Żarski i in. 2009a; Ryc. 1). Na tym obszarze zlokalizowane jest również stanowisko stratotypowe Ferdynandów B z 1963 roku, dla którego opisano w 1981 roku nową wówczas sukcesję pyłkową, określoną jako sukcesja ferdynandowska (Janczyk-Kopikowa i in. 1991; Mojski, 1985; Janczyk-Kopikowa 1991; Rzechowski 1996)
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New perspectives on Neanderthal dispersal and turnover from Stajnia Cave (Poland).
The Micoquian is the broadest and longest enduring cultural facies of the Late Middle Palaeolithic that spread across the periglacial and boreal environments of Europe between Eastern France, Poland, and Northern Caucasus. Here, we present new data from the archaeological record of Stajnia Cave (Poland) and the paleogenetic analysis of a Neanderthal molar S5000, found in a Micoquian context. Our results demonstrate that the mtDNA genome of Stajnia S5000 dates to MIS 5a making the tooth the oldest Neanderthal specimen from Central-Eastern Europe. Furthermore, S5000 mtDNA has the fewest number of differences to mtDNA of Mezmaiskaya 1 Neanderthal from Northern Caucasus, and is more distant from almost contemporaneous Neanderthals of Scladina and Hohlenstein-Stadel. This observation and the technological affinity between Poland and the Northern Caucasus could be the result of increased mobility of Neanderthals that changed their subsistence strategy for coping with the new low biomass environments and the increased foraging radius of gregarious animals. The Prut and Dniester rivers were probably used as the main corridors of dispersal. The persistence of the Micoquian techno-complex in South-Eastern Europe infers that this axis of mobility was also used at the beginning of MIS 3 when a Neanderthal population turnover occurred in the Northern Caucasus
Pojezierza Mazowieckie Podlasia i Polesia (Polska SE)
Interglacjał mazowiecki (Holsteinian, Aleksandrian) korelowany jest z MIS 11 (morskie stadium
izotopowe) i znajduje się pomiędzy zlodowaceniem Sanu 2 (Elsternian, Berezinian, MIS 12),
a zlodowaceniem Liwca (MIS 10), którego na terenie Białorusi nie wyróżniono. Najczęściej osady
interglacjału mazowieckiego przykryte są przez utwory zlodowacenia Krzny (MIS 8) bądź zlodowacenia
Odry (Dnieperian II, MIS 6). Pojezierza z okresu interglacjału mazowieckiego ukształtowały
się po okresie zlodowacenia Sanu 2, a ich geneza wiąże się z wytapianiem brył martwego lodu,
przekształcaniem zastoisk w jeziora, a także zanikiem przepływu wody w rzekach fluwioperyglacjalnych
Vegetation and stratigraphy of the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Ineterglacial sections from Dobropol and other new sites in western Polesie Region, south-eastern Poland
Geo log i cal map ping in east ern Po land re sulted in new find of or ganic de pos its near W³odawa. Pol len and plant macrofossils anal y ses at the Dobropol site proved de po si tion dur ing the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Inter gla cial (MIS 11). Pol len spec tra in di cated strong pre dom i nance of Carpinus in the op ti mum phase (pol len pe riod III), sug gest ing in ten - sive in flu ence of con ti nen tal cli mate in this part of Po land. The paleolake Dobropol was shal low, with many spe cies of rushes in a lit to ral zone. Dur ing the Liviecian (MIS 10) and the Krznanian (MIS 8) Glaciations the res er voir was oc cupied by an ice-dam lake, in which silt and clay de po si tion pre vailed. The Mazovian Inter gla cial or ganic de pos its were also re corded in im me di ate sur round ings of the study area. Based on geo log i cal and paleobotanical ex am i na tion of the Dobropol site, the ice sheet of the Krznanian Gla ci ation seemed to have reached at least the south ern part of Włodawa. The ice sheet has not cov ered pre sum ably the whole study area as its ad vance oc curred in sev eral lobes. The sur roundings of W³odawa in the West Polesie Re gion are the third larg est Mazovian paleo-lakeland area in Po land, apart from the vi cin i ties of Biała Podlaska and the £uków Plain
The rank of climatic oscillations during MIS 11c (OHO and YHO) and post-interglacial cooling during MIS 11b and MIS 11a in eastern Poland
Lacustrine sediments representing Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) were found in Hermanów (SE Poland) in a present-day closed depression under a thin cover of Weichselian and Holocene deposits (1.4 m). These sediments filled a palaeolake created as a result of melting of a dead-ice block at the end of MIS 12. Geological research has excluded the presence of an ice sheet during MIS 12 in this area. The lobe of the ice sheet of this glaciation was located several kilometres to the west of Hermanów. The palaeolake was part of a larger palaeolakeland in southeastern Poland, formed during MIS 11. The palaeomorphology of this interglacial is evident in the contemporary relief of the area and the outline of the lakes corresponds to the pattern of the closed palaeodepressions. Based on the record of sediments from Hermanów, a new perspective regarding the sub-division of MIS 11 is presented. Two regressive phases are observed in the Holsteinian Interglacial (MIS 11c) - OHO and YHO. The subsequent substages with five cold fluctuations according to the newest stratigraphic standards should be assigned to MIS 11b with a very clear cooling and a slightly warmer MIS 11a. Carbon isotopic composition of organic matter corroborates geological and environmental analysis. The isotopic composition suggests two cooling periods: OHO and MIS 11b. Stable climatic conditions with little temperature fluctuations persisted between the cooling periods
Stratigraphic and environmental conditions of the occurrence of amber-bearing deposits in the northern Lublin region
In the northern Lublin region, the Eocene amber-bearing association has been recognized. It is a group of clastic deposits in which amber crumbs are scattered, and the characteristic feature of the association is the content of glauconite. The sedimentological and lithofacies studies allowed determining the conditions necessary for amber deposition. Accumulation of amber-bearing sediments took place in the Middle and Late Eocene. The Upper Eocene formations in this area occur in isolated patches. Amber accumulations are found in marine sediments associated with regressive facies, usually in depressions of the Cretaceous basement. Understanding the correct distribution of amber in the sediment and determining the dynamics of the Eocene sedimentary basin in the Lublin region have a practical aspect, and are the basis for developing the characteristics of the geological economic conditions for the occurrence of amber-bearing deposits. The recently drilled boreholes confirmed amber resource prospectivity in the Lubartów area and the recognition of new deposits with amber reserves
Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Stajna Cave (southern Poland) with regard to habitation of the site by Neanderthals
The Stajnia Cave is one of the most important archaeological sites due to the finds of the first remains of Neanderthals in Poland, and several tens of thousands of flint artefacts from the Middle Palaeolithic. Based on geological, geochemical, palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, archaeological and isotope analyses, coupled with absolute age determinations (OSL, U-Th and C14), 15 lithostratigraphic layers were distinguished and palaeoenvironmental conditions during the sedimentation of these beds were determined. The cave loams accumulated through weathering, aeolian and fluvial processes. Their age may be correlated with an interval from the Early Glacial to the Late Pleniglacial of the Visulian (Weichselian) Glaciation. Archaeological relics related to the Neanderthals have been discovered in layer D with an absolute age of about 52,000–45,000 years BP and correlated with MIS 3 – the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian). Climate oscillations in the Vistulian are reflected by the type of the sediments and their physical-chemical features, allowing determining warmer interstadial and colder stadial periods. Generally, the climate was cold, characteristic of tundra areas with a typical vegetation and fauna, and with the mean temperature of the warmest month not exceeding 12°C. Based on multi-proxy studies it can be concluded that from layer E1 upwards, the climate conditions became progressively drier. At that time, the climate was cold with continental features enhancing tundra domination. This conclusion is confirmed by palaeontological investigations and the record of stable oxygen isotopes in the teeth of reindeer. The studies have also indicated seasonal migration of reindeer on the tundra that surrounded the cave. Probably, short-term slight climate warmings occurred during the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian)