7 research outputs found

    The effect of increasing physical activity and/or omega-3 supplementation on fatigue in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Objective: Fatigue is frequently reported by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irrespective of disease activity; however, evidence regarding fatigue management is limited. This study tested the effect of individualised advice to increase physical activity and/or omega-3 fatty acids supplementation, on IBD-related fatigue. Methods: A pilot study in patients with inactive IBD, utilising a randomised controlled 2x2 factorial design (four groups) compared baseline and post-intervention fatigque scores. Study interventions: individualised exercise advice (15 minute consultation) and/or supplementation (omega-3 fatty acids, 2970mg/day) for 12 weeks. Control interventions: general health discussion and/or placebo supplement. All patients received follow-up support. Primary outcome was fatigue measured by Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-F) scale score; secondary outcomes included change in Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Fatigue (IBD-F) scale score. Results: From n=656 screened patients, n=74 who met the selection criteria were randomised, n=60 commenced, and n=52 completed the study. Fatigue as tThe primary outcome fatigque, measured with FACIT-F, showed slight worsening in the omega-3 supplementation group (95%CI:-8.6-(-0.7);p=0.02), and no change in the exercise advice group (p=0.38). Reduced fatigue, measured by IBD-F score, was identified in the exercise group (95%CI:-3.8-(-0.2);p=0.03). One treatment-related adverse event (musculoskeletal pain) was reported with exercise. Conclusions: Advice to increase physical activity and omega-3 supplementation, singly or in combination, were shown to be safe and generally well-tolerated. There was no evidence of exercise-related adverse effects on gut-related symptoms, and some evidence of improvement in fatigue. The slight worsening of fatigue with omega-3 supplementation is unexplained. Regular moderate to -vigorous exercise may be a self-management option in IBD-related fatigue

    Relational Dynamics of Treatment Behavior Among Individuals with Tuberculosis in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review

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    Although tuberculosis (TB) incidence has significantly declined in high-income, low-incidence (HILI) countries, challenges remain in managing TB in vulnerable populations who may struggle to stay on anti-TB treatment (ATT). Factors associated with non-adherence to ATT are well documented; however, adherence is often narrowly conceived as a fixed binary variable that places emphasis on individual agency and the act of taking medicines, rather than on the demands of being on treatment more broadly. Further, the mechanisms through which documented factors act upon the experience of being on treatment are poorly understood. Adopting a relational approach that emphasizes the embeddedness of individuals within dynamic social, structural, and health systems contexts, this scoping review aims to synthesize qualitative evidence on experiences of being on ATT and mechanisms through which socio-ecological factors influence adherence in HILI countries. Six electronic databases were searched for peer-reviewed literature published in English between January 1990 and May 2020. Additional studies were obtained by searching references of included studies. Narrative synthesis was used to analyze qualitative data extracted from included studies. Of 28 included studies, the majority (86%) reported on health systems factors, followed by personal characteristics (82%), structural influences (61%), social factors (57%), and treatment related factors (50%). Included studies highlighted three points that underpin a relational approach to ATT behavior: 1) individual motivation and capacity to take ATT is dynamic and intertwined with, rather than separate from, social, health systems, and structural factors; 2) individuals' pre-existing experiences of health-seeking influence their views on treatment and their ability to commit to long-term regular medicine-taking; and 3) social, cultural, and political contexts play an important role in mediating how specific factors work to support or hinder ATT adherence behavior in different settings. Based on our analysis, we suggest that person-centered clinical management of tuberculosis should 1) acknowledge the ways in which ATT both disrupts and is managed within the everyday lives of individuals with TB; 2) appreciate that individuals' circumstances and the support and resources they can access may change over the course of treatment; and 3) display sensitivity towards context-specific social and cultural norms affecting individual and collective experiences of being on ATT

    Assessing fatigue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Fatigue in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been reported to be a major issue in terms of its understanding, assessment, and management, for both patients and clinicians. This paper summarises the results of three separate but interlinked studies reporting on: health-care practitioners' perceptions of fatigue in IBD patients, an IBD fatigue patient self-assessment scale, and a checklist to assess the possible reversible factors contributing to fatigue. Health-care practitioners reported a lack of understanding of fatigue and a need for more information and education to help them to address fatigue in a constructive manner in clinical consultations. The IBD fatigue patient self-assessment questionnaire is a helpful tool to assess fatigue in a systematic manner, and provides a quantifiable score of the level of fatigue experienced by an individual. The screening checklist for IBD fatigue provides a valuable tool to identify the priorities for testing for clinically potentially reversible causes of fatigue. </jats:p

    Determinants of non-adherence to anti-TB treatment in high income, low TB incidence settings: a scoping review.

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    BACKGROUND: Improving adherence to anti-TB treatment is a public health priority in high-income, low incidence (HILI) regions. We conducted a scoping review to identify reported determinants of non-adherence in HILI settings.METHODS: Key terms related to TB, treatment and adherence were used to search MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, PsycINFO and CINAHL in June 2019. Quantitative studies examining determinants (demographic, clinical, health systems or psychosocial) of non-adherence to anti-TB treatment in HILI settings were included.RESULTS: From 10,801 results, we identified 24 relevant studies from 10 countries. Definitions and methods of assessing adherence were highly variable, as were documented levels of non-adherence (0.9-89%). Demographic factors were assessed in all studies and clinical factors were frequently assessed (23/24). Determinants commonly associated with non-adherence were homelessness, incarceration, and alcohol or drug misuse. Health system (8/24) and psychosocial factors (6/24) were less commonly evaluated.CONCLUSION: Our review identified some key factors associated with non-adherence to anti-TB treatment in HILI settings. Modifiable determinants such as psychosocial factors are under-evidenced and should be further explored, as these may be better targeted by adherence support. There is an urgent need to standardise definitions and measurement of adherence to more accurately identify the strongest determinants

    “You have to change your whole life”: A qualitative study of the dynamics of treatment adherence among adults with tuberculosis in the United Kingdom

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    Maintaining adherence to treatment for tuberculosis (TB) is essential if the disease is to be eliminated. As part of formative research to develop an intervention to improve adherence, we documented the lived experiences of adults receiving anti-TB treatment (ATT) in three UK cities and examined how personal, social, and structural circumstances interacted to impact on individuals’ adherence to treatment. Using a topic guide that explored social circumstances and experiences of TB care, we conducted in-depth interviews with 18 adults (six women) who were being or had been treated for TB (patients) and four adults (all women) who were caring for a friend, relative, or partner being treated for TB (caregivers). We analysed transcripts using an adapted framework method that classified factors affecting adherence as personal, social, structural, health systems, or treatment-related. Eleven of 18 patients were born outside the UK (in South, Central, and East Asia, and Eastern and Southern Africa); among the seven who were UK-born, four were Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic and three were White British. TB and its treatment were often disruptive: in addition to debilitating symptoms and side effects of ATT, participants faced job insecurity, unstable housing, stigma, social isolation, worsening mental health, and damaged relationships. Those who had a strong support network, stable employment, a routine that could easily be adapted, a trusting relationship with their TB team, and clear understanding of the need for treatment reported finding it easier to adhere to ATT. Changes in circumstances sometimes had dramatic effects on an individual's ability to take ATT; participants described how the impact of certain acute events (e.g., the onset of side effects or fatigue, episodes of stigmatisation, loss of income) were amplified by their timing or through their interaction with other elements of the individual's life. We suggest that the dynamic and fluctuating nature of these factors necessitates comprehensive and regular review of needs and potential problems, conducted before and during ATT; this, coupled with supportive measures that consider (and seek to mitigate) the influence of social and structural factors, may help improve adherence.</p