9 research outputs found

    Teaching Special Education to teachers as a cultural path

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    Recently the Italian Ministry of Education called the universities to a new training task. Paths through the Percorsi Abilitanti Speciali (PAS) and the Tirocini Formativi Attivi (TFA) for teachers became a part of universities educational task. In this frame this article describes the experience of teaching in two of these courses. Through the invitation of prominent guests and watching film clips, the course is characterized as a cultural program aimed to give future teachers a right based inclusion perspective.L’insegnamento della pedagogia speciale agli insegnanti in formazione come percorso culturaleDa alcuni anni il Ministero dell’Istruzione chiama le università ad un nuovo compito formativo. Attraverso i Percorsi Abilitanti Speciali (PAS) e la parte di didattica d’aula che accompagna i Tirocini Formativi Attivi (TFA), i percorsi di formazione degli insegnanti finalizzati all’abilitazione entrano a far parte dell’offerta didattica delle università. In questa cornice l’esperienza descritta nel presente articolo riguarda l’insegnamento della pedagogia speciale all’interno di Percorsi Abilitanti Speciali e Tirocini Formativi Attivi. Attraverso strumenti quali l’invito di ospiti autorevoli e visione di spezzoni di film, il corso si è connotato come un percorso culturale finalizzato ad offrire ai futuri docenti una prospettiva right based sull’inclusione scolastica

    Inclusion processes for persons with intellectual disability through multiple negotiation networks

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    This article explores multiple aspects of the inclusion processes related to the CRPD (Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities) implementation process carried out in Asti (NW Italy) between 2016 and 2020. For the purpose of this article, data have been collected regarding the work of social work professionals, who supported individuals and families following the methodology of "enabling co-design". The results show the necessity to allow interventions that create a support network to achieve full and equal citizenship, rethinking the transition to adult life through new epistemological categories that make it possible to overcome, both in theory and in practice, what is currently defined as a special adulthood. This goal may be achieved by adopting approaches that are more coherent with the scenario defined by the approval of the CRPD for the rights of persons with disabilities. Processi di inclusione per persone con disabilità intellettiva attraverso le reti negoziali multiple. Questo articolo esplora molteplici aspetti dei processi di inclusione relativi al percorso di attuazione della CRPD svolto ad Asti tra il 2016 e il 2020. Ai fini del presente articolo sono stati raccolti dati relativi al lavoro degli operatori che hanno sostenuto persone con disabilità e famiglie seguendo l'approccio della coprogettazione capacitante. I risultati mostrano la necessità di promuovere interventi che creino una rete di supporto per raggiungere una cittadinanza piena e paritaria, ripensando il passaggio alla vita adulta attraverso nuove categorie epistemologiche che permettano di superare, sia in teoria che in pratica, ciò che è attualmente definito come un adulto speciale. Questo obiettivo può essere raggiunto adottando approcci più coerenti con lo scenario definito dall'approvazione della CRPD per i diritti delle persone con disabilità

    Didattica e inclusione scolastica - Inklusion im Bildungsbereich

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    The inequalities in education, which have also been exposed by the pandemic, highlight the need for alternatives and new horizons. The seventh edition of the conference series "Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inclusion in Education", which was organized for the first time under the direction of the Competence Center for Inclusion in Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, offered a space to deal with the priorities of a just and inclusive education during this time. This volume opens up a dialogue on inclusive didactics, which builds a bridge between german- and Italian-speaking traditions through its multilingual and intercultural orientation. The twelve contributions open up from different perspectives theoretical references, methods and instruments for the development of an inclusive school with a special focus on didactics.Die Ungleichheiten im Bildungsbereich, die auch durch die Pandemie zutage getreten sind, verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit von Alternativen und neuen Horizonten. Die siebte Ausgabe der Tagungsreihe „Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich“, welche erstmals unter der Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums für Inklusion im Bildungsbereich der Freien Universität Bozen veranstaltet wurde, bot einen Raum zur Auseinandersetzung mit den Prioritäten einer gerechten und inklusiven Bildung in dieser Zeit. Dieser Band eröffnet einen Dialog über inklusive Didaktik, der durch seine mehrsprachige und interkulturelle Ausrichtung eine Brücke zwischen deutsch- und italienischsprachigen Traditionen schlägt. Die zwölf Beiträge erschließen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln theoretische Bezüge, Methoden und Instrumente für die Entwicklung einer inklusiven Schule mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Didaktik.Le disuguaglianze in ambito educativo, emerse anche a causa della pandemia, indicano la necessità di alternative e nuovi orizzonti. La settima edizione del Convegno “Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inklusion im Bildungsbereich”, organizzato per la prima volta dal Centro di Competenza per l’Inclusione Scolastica della Libera Università di Bolzano, ha voluto creare uno spazio per mettere a fuoco le priorità per un’educazione equa ed inclusiva in questo tempo. Con questo volume si dà avvio ad un dialogo sulla didattica inclusiva che si fa plurilingue ed interculturale, creando un ponte fra le tradizioni di lingua italiana e tedesca. I dodici contributi presenti delineano, da prospettive diverse, riferimenti teorici, metodologie e strumenti per lo sviluppo della scuola inclusiva, con un’attenzione particolare alla dimensione didattica

    Un progetto per l’apprendimento della matematica nella scuola primaria per bambini con sindrome di Down: Fenix Didò

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    A Math-Learning Program for Primary-School Children with Down Syndrome: Fenix DidòIn Italy, where the study comes from, children with disability attend mainstream schools and classes. Therefore, children with ID are rarely involved in suitable learning programs. This article describes an experience of cognitive enhancement for children with Down syndrome attending primary schools based on the Phoenix project, originally designed to cognitively stimulate children in a socio-cultural deprivation context. The study involved five state primary schools in the province of Cuneo along with ten children with Down syndrome attending mainstream primary schools, and their families. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Phoenix project with children with learning problems connected to ID, to understand whether and which adjustments to the project should be suitable, and to involve both schools and families in order to start a formative support service for them. The findings of the Phoenix Didò program show that this experimental project is also suitable for working with children with ID. Moreover, it shows that customization is appropriate when time and also the number of games for each skill are concerned. Introducing the program in the schools showed teachers the possibility of using a different approach to their work. On the teachers’ request, the research team organized a course for teachers and parents of children with ID on learning strategies and math learning in primary school. There are two main issues with regard to future research possibilities: testing the Phoenix method with others disabilities and in an inclusive context

    Azioni sistemiche per processi inclusivi nell'attuazione del CRPD: coinvolgere i professionisti sociali come agenti di cambiamento

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    This article explores several aspects of the processes involved in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as part of the work that the research group Studies Centre for Rights and Living Independently has been carrying out in the last 10 years. The training on the job process involving several social work organizations (such as social cooperatives, municipalities, organizations of people with disabilities) has been implemented from 2011 to 2020, focusing on the Enabling co-design approach as a tool for the implementation of CRPD. This paper reflects on the professionals' involvement in the experiences led by the social services (public services and cooperatives) of 34 Municipalities in 4 Regions (Piedmont, Tuscany, Lombardy and Aosta Valley). These experiences show that only when CRPD is at the very core of the work, triggering in practice the paradigm change it envisaged, does it bring about an increasingly articulated reflection on the transformation of services from places of care to places of citizenship, in which social and educational workers can play a core role as agents of change.This article explores several aspects of the processes involved in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as part of the work that the research group Studies Centre for Rights and Living Independently has been carrying out in the last 10 years. The training on the job process involving several social work organizations (such as social cooperatives, municipalities, organizations of people with disabilities) has been implemented from 2011 to 2020, focusing on the Enabling co-design approach as a tool for the implementation of CRPD. This paper reflects on the professionals' involvement in the experiences led by the social services (public services and cooperatives) of 34 Municipalities in 4 Regions (Piedmont, Tuscany, Lombardy and Aosta Valley). These experiences show that only when CRPD is at the very core of the work, triggering in practice the paradigm change it envisaged, does it bring about an increasingly articulated reflection on the transformation of services from places of care to places of citizenship, in which social and educational workers can play a core role as agents of change

    Didattica e inclusione scolastica - Inklusion im Bildungsbereich

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    The inequalities in education, which have also been exposed by the pandemic, highlight the need for alternatives and new horizons. The seventh edition of the conference series "Didattica e Inclusione Scolastica – Inclusion in Education", which was organized for the first time under the direction of the Competence Center for Inclusion in Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, offered a space to deal with the priorities of a just and inclusive education during this time. This volume opens up a dialogue on inclusive didactics, which builds a bridge between german- and Italian-speaking traditions through its multilingual and intercultural orientation. The twelve contributions open up from different perspectives theoretical references, methods and instruments for the development of an inclusive school with a special focus on didactics