7,011 research outputs found

    Density-wave phases of dipolar fermions in a bilayer

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    We investigate the phase diagram of dipolar fermions with aligned dipole moments in a two-dimensional (2D) bilayer. Using a version of the Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander scheme recently adapted to dipolar fermions in a single layer [M. M. Parish and F. M. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 145304 (2012)], we determine the density-wave instabilities of the bilayer system within linear response theory. We find that the bilayer geometry can stabilize the collapse of the 2D dipolar Fermi gas with intralayer attraction to form a new density wave phase that has an orientation perpendicular to the density wave expected for strong intralayer repulsion. We thus obtain a quantum phase transition between stripe phases that is driven by the interplay between strong correlations and the architecture of the low dimensional system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spontaneous patterns in coherently driven polariton microcavities

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    We consider a polariton microcavity resonantly driven by two external lasers which simultaneously pump both lower and upper polariton branches at normal incidence. In this setup, we study the occurrence of instabilities of the pump-only solutions towards the spontaneous formation of patterns. Their appearance is a consequence of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of translational and rotational invariance due to interaction induced parametric scattering. We observe the evolution between diverse patterns which can be classified as single-pump, where parametric scattering occurs at the same energy as one of the pumps, and as two-pump, where scattering occurs at a different energy. For two-pump instabilities, stripe and chequerboard patterns become the dominant steady-state solutions because cubic parametric scattering processes are forbidden. This contrasts with the single-pump case, where hexagonal patterns are the most common arrangements. We study the possibility of controlling the evolution between different patterns. Our results are obtained within a linear stability analysis and are confirmed by finite size full numerical calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Plasticity in current-driven vortex lattices

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    We present a theoretical analysis of recent experiments on current-driven vortex dynamics in the Corbino disk geometry. This geometry introduces controlled spatial gradients in the driving force and allows the study of the onset of plasticity and tearing in clean vortex lattices. We describe plastic slip in terms of the stress-driven unbinding of dislocation pairs, which in turn contribute to the relaxation of the shear, yielding a nonlinear response. The steady state density of free dislocations induced by the applied stress is calculated as a function of the applied current and temperature. A criterion for the onset of plasticity at a radial location rr in the disk yields a temperature-dependent critical current that is in qualitative agreement with experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Predictive biomarkers for checkpoint inhibitor-based immunotherapy: The Galectin-3 signature in NSCLCs

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    Checkpoint inhibitor-based immunotherapy is opening a promising scenario in oncology, with objective responses registered in multiple cancer types. However, reliable predictive markers of tumor responsiveness are still lacking. These markers need to be urgently identified for a better selection of patients that can be candidates for immunotherapy. In this pilot study, a cohort of 34 consecutive patients bearing programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1)-positive non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), treated with pembrolizumab, was considered. The retrospective immuno-phenotypic analysis performed on the original tumor biopsies allowed for the identification of a specific “galectin signature”, which strongly correlated with tumor responsiveness to anti PD-1 immunotherapy. We observed that the large majority of patients (about 90%) with high galectin-3 tumor expression (score 3+) showed an early and dramatic progression of the disease after three cycles of treatments. In contrast, all patients with negative or low/intermediate expression of galectin-3 in tumor cells showed an early and durable objective response to pembrolizumab, indicating galectin-3 as an interesting predictive marker of tumor responsiveness. The galectin-3 signature, at least in NSCLCs, promises a better selection of patient candidates for immunotherapy, reducing unnecessary treatment exposures and social costs. A large multicenter study is ongoing to validate this finding


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    The ambitious role of anti angiogenesis molecules: Turning a cold tumor into a hot one

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    In renal cancer emerging treatment options are becoming available and there is a strong need to combine therapies to reformulate and adjourn clinical practice. We here highlight and discuss the need to take advantage of the common immune targets to design combined strategies to increase clinical responses

    Non-equilibrium Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a Driven Open Quantum System

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    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless mechanism, in which a phase transition is mediated by the proliferation of topological defects, governs the critical behaviour of a wide range of equilibrium two-dimensional systems with a continuous symmetry, ranging from superconducting thin films to two-dimensional Bose fluids, such as liquid helium and ultracold atoms. We show here that this phenomenon is not restricted to thermal equilibrium, rather it survives more generally in a dissipative highly non-equilibrium system driven into a steady-state. By considering a light-matter superfluid of polaritons, in the so-called optical parametric oscillator regime, we demonstrate that it indeed undergoes a vortex binding-unbinding phase transition. Yet, the exponent of the power-law decay of the first order correlation function in the (algebraically) ordered phase can exceed the equilibrium upper limit -- a surprising occurrence, which has also been observed in a recent experiment. Thus we demonstrate that the ordered phase is somehow more robust against the quantum fluctuations of driven systems than thermal ones in equilibrium.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Advanced radar absorbing ceramic-based materials for multifunctional applications in space environment

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    In this review, some results of the experimental activity carried out by the authors on advanced composite materials for space applications are reported. Composites are widely employed in the aerospace industry thanks to their lightweight and advanced thermo-mechanical and electrical properties. A critical issue to tackle using engineered materials for space activities is providing two or more specific functionalities by means of single items/components. In this scenario, carbon-based composites are believed to be ideal candidates for the forthcoming development of aerospace research and space missions, since a widespread variety of multi-functional structures are allowed by employing these materials. The research results described here suggest that hybrid ceramic/polymeric structures could be employed as spacecraft-specific subsystems in order to ensure extreme temperature withstanding and electromagnetic shielding behavior simultaneously. The morphological and thermo-mechanical analysis of carbon/carbon (C/C) three-dimensional (3D) shell prototypes is reported; then, the microwave characterization of multilayered carbon-filled micro-/nano-composite panels is described. Finally, the possibility of combining the C/C bulk with a carbon-reinforced skin in a synergic arrangement is discussed, with the aid of numerical and experimental analyses

    Predicting the hypervelocity star population in Gaia

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are amongst the fastest objects in our Milky Way. These stars are predicted to come from the Galactic center (GC) and travel along unbound orbits across the Galaxy. In the coming years, the ESA satellite Gaia will provide the most complete and accurate catalogue of the Milky Way, with full astrometric parameters for more than 11 billion stars. In this paper, we present the expected sample size and properties (mass, magnitude, spatial, velocity distributions) of HVSs in the Gaia stellar catalogue. We build three Gaia mock catalogues of HVSs anchored to current observations, exploring different ejection mechanisms and GC stellar population properties. In all cases, we predict hundreds to thousands of HVSs with precise proper motion measurements within a few tens of kpc from us. For stars with a relative error in total proper motion below 10%10 \%, the mass range extends to ~10M10 M_{\odot} but peaks at ~11 MM_\odot. The majority of Gaia HVSs will therefore probe a different mass and distance range compared to the current non-Gaia sample. In addition, a subset of a few hundreds to a few thousands of HVSs with MM ~ 33 MM_\odot will be bright enough to have a precise measurement of the three-dimensional velocity from Gaia alone. Finally, we show that Gaia will provide more precise proper motion measurements for the current sample of HVS candidates. This will help identifying their birthplace narrowing down their ejection location, and confirming or rejecting their nature as HVSs. Overall, our forecasts are extremely encouraging in terms of quantity and quality of HVS data that can be exploited to constrain both the Milky Way potential and the GC properties.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA