6,833 research outputs found

    Intracerebral Implantation of Hydrogel-Coupled Adhesion Peptides: Tissue Reaction

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    Arg-Gly-Asp peptides (RGD) were synthesized and chemically coupled to the bulk of N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-based polymer hydrogels. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FFIR) and amino acid analysis confirmed the peptide coupling to the polymer. Activated and control (unmodified) polymer matrices were stereotaxically implanted in the striata of rat brains, and two months later the brains were processed for immunohistochemistry using antibodies for glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP), laminin and neurofilaments. RGD-containing polymer matrices promoted stronger adhesion to the host tissue than the unmodified polymer matrices. In addition, the RGD-grafted polymer implants promoted and supported the growth and spread of GFAP-positive glial tissue onto and into the hydrogels. Neurofilament-positive fibers were also seen running along the surface of the polymer and, in some instances, penetrating the matrix. These findings are discussed in the context of using bioactive polymers as a new approach for promoting tissue repair and axonal regeneration of damaged structures of the central nervous system

    Shaping a Corporate Identity From Below; the Role of the BAT Bulletin.

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    Existing studies that have explored the use of company journals as a mode of corporate communication during the early 20th century have invariably adopted an instrumentalist view of these publications. Company journals have been seen as a means of projecting to employees a top-down view of organisations. This article identifies a counter-example in which the origins of a company journal, the 'Bat Bulletin', are seen to arise as the result of an initiative stemming from the employees themselves. These antecedents gave the 'Bat Bulletin' a high degree of legitimacy amongst staff and provided the company with an important means of establishing a unified corporate culture across a disparate group international operating companies. Over time, however, the contents of the journal gradually became more conventional, and it was eventually closed down when the strategy of international integration ceased to be a desirable corporate objective during the 1930's

    The Coulomb Sum and Proton-Proton Correlations in Few-Body Nuclei

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    In simple models of the nuclear charge operator, measurements of the Coulomb sum and the charge form factor of a nucleus directly determine the proton-proton correlations. We examine experimental results obtained for few-body nuclei at Bates and Saclay using models of the charge operator that include both one- and two-body terms. Previous analyses using one-body terms only have failed to reproduce experimental results. However, we find that the same operators which have been used to successfully describe the charge form factors also produce substantial agreement with measurements of the Coulomb sum.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex version 3.0 with 3 Postscript figures appended, ANL preprint PHY-7473-TH-9

    SPIRAL2 cryomodule production result and analyses

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    THIOB02International audienceThe production and qualification of the SPIRAL2 cryomodules are close to the end. Their performances arenow well established. This paper will explain the path followed to the good achievements, and show somestatistical analyses to be used for future projects. How far can we push the performances? What cryogenicsconsumption shall we take as design values

    A Study of the Formation of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by a CVD Method

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    The reduction in H2/CH4 atmosphere of aluminum-iron oxides produces metal particles small enough to catalyze the formation of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Several experiments have been made using the same temperature profile and changing only the maximum temperature (800-1070 °C). Characterizations of the catalyst materials are performed using notably 57Fe Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy. Electron microscopy and a macroscopical method are used to characterize the nanotubes. The nature of the iron species (Fe3+, R-Fe, ç-Fe-C, Fe3C) is correlated to their location in the material. The nature of the particles responsible for the high-temperature formation of the nanotubes is probably an Fe-C alloy which is, however, found as Fe3C by postreaction analysis. Increasing the reduction temperature increases the reduction yield and thus favors the formation of surface-metal particles, thus producing more nanotubes. The obtained carbon nanotubes are mostly single-walled and double-walled with an average diameter close to 2.5 nm. Several formation mechanisms are thought to be active. In particular, it is shown that the second wall can grow inside the first one but that subsequent ones are formed outside. It is also possible that under given experimental conditions, the smallest (<2 nm) catalyst particles preferentially produce double-walled rather than single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Cloud type comparisons of AIRS, CloudSat, and CALIPSO cloud height and amount

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    The precision of the two-layer cloud height fields derived from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is explored and quantified for a five-day set of observations. Coincident profiles of vertical cloud structure by CloudSat, a 94 GHz profiling radar, and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO), are compared to AIRS for a wide range of cloud types. Bias and variability in cloud height differences are shown to have dependence on cloud type, height, and amount, as well as whether CloudSat or CALIPSO is used as the comparison standard. The CloudSat-AIRS biases and variability range from &amp;minus;4.3 to 0.5&amp;plusmn;1.2&amp;ndash;3.6 km for all cloud types. Likewise, the CALIPSO-AIRS biases range from 0.6&amp;ndash;3.0&amp;plusmn;1.2&amp;ndash;3.6 km (&amp;minus;5.8 to &amp;minus;0.2&amp;plusmn;0.5&amp;ndash;2.7 km) for clouds &amp;ge;7 km (&amp;lt;7 km). The upper layer of AIRS has the greatest sensitivity to Altocumulus, Altostratus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, and Nimbostratus, whereas the lower layer has the greatest sensitivity to Cumulus and Stratocumulus. Although the bias and variability generally decrease with increasing cloud amount, the ability of AIRS to constrain cloud occurrence, height, and amount is demonstrated across all cloud types for many geophysical conditions. In particular, skill is demonstrated for thin Cirrus, as well as some Cumulus and Stratocumulus, cloud types infrared sounders typically struggle to quantify. Furthermore, some improvements in the AIRS Version 5 operational retrieval algorithm are demonstrated. However, limitations in AIRS cloud retrievals are also revealed, including the existence of spurious Cirrus near the tropopause and low cloud layers within Cumulonimbus and Nimbostratus clouds. Likely causes of spurious clouds are identified and the potential for further improvement is discussed

    Functional approach to the electromagnetic response function: the Longitudinal Channel

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    In this paper we address the (charge) longitudinal electromagnetic response for a homogeneous system of nucleons interacting via meson exchanges in the functional framework. This approach warrants consistency if the calculation is carried on order-by-order in the mesonic loop expansion with RPA-dressed mesonic propagators. At the 1-loop order and considering pion, rho and omega exchanges we obtain a quenching of the response, in line with the experimental results.Comment: RevTeX, 18 figures available upon request - to be published in Physical Review

    Blunted cardiovascular responses to acute psychological stress predict low behavioral but not self-reported perseverance

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    Emerging evidence relates attenuated physiological stress reactions to poor behavioral regulation. However, only a small number of behaviors such as impulsivity and risk taking have been explored. Nevertheless, one opportunistic study suggested that blunted reactivity might relate to poor perseverance. The present study examined the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity to acute active psychological stress and self‐reported and behavioral perseverance. Participants (N = 64) completed a self‐report perseverance questionnaire before heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were measured at rest and in response to 4‐min active (paced auditory serial addition; PASAT) and passive (cold pressor) stress tests. This was followed by an unsolvable Euler puzzle tracing task, with the time spent and number of attempts endeavoring to solve the puzzle recorded as behavioral perseverance measures. Blunted systolic and diastolic BP reactivity to the PASAT was associated with fewer attempts at the impossible puzzle, and lower diastolic BP PASAT reactivity related to less time persevering at the puzzle. Moreover, attenuated diastolic BP and HR PASAT reactivity predicted poorer perseverance at keeping one's hand in the iced water of the cold pressor task. There was no association between reactivity and self‐reported perseverance. These preliminary findings add to the evidence that implicates blunted reactivity as a physiological marker of poor behavioral regulation, and this may indicate why individuals with blunted reactivity are at increased risk of developing negative health outcomes (e.g., obesity and addictions)

    Femtometer Toroidal Structures in Nuclei

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    The two-nucleon density distributions in states with isospin T=0T=0, spin SS=1 and projection MSM_S=0 and ±\pm1 are studied in 2^2H, 3,4^{3,4}He, 6,7^{6,7}Li and 16^{16}O. The equidensity surfaces for MSM_S=0 distributions are found to be toroidal in shape, while those of MSM_S=±\pm1 have dumbbell shapes at large density. The dumbbell shapes are generated by rotating tori. The toroidal shapes indicate that the tensor correlations have near maximal strength at r<2r<2 fm in all these nuclei. They provide new insights and simple explanations of the structure and electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, the quasi-deuteron model, and the dpdp, dddd and αd\alpha d LL=2 (DD-wave) components in 3^3He, 4^4He and 6^6Li. The toroidal distribution has a maximum-density diameter of \sim1 fm and a half-maximum density thickness of \sim0.9 fm. Many realistic models of nuclear forces predict these values, which are supported by the observed electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, and also predicted by classical Skyrme effective Lagrangians, related to QCD in the limit of infinite colors. Due to the rather small size of this structure, it could have a revealing relation to certain aspects of QCD.Comment: 35 pages in REVTeX, 25 PostScript figure