1,379 research outputs found

    The Ubiquitous Throat

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    We attempt to quantify the widely-held belief that large hierarchies induced by strongly-warped geometries are common in the string theory landscape. To this end, we focus on the arguably best-understood subset of vacua -- type IIB Calabi-Yau orientifolds with non-perturbative Kaehler stabilization and a SUSY-breaking uplift (the KKLT setup). Within this framework, vacua with a realistically small cosmological constant are expected to come from Calabi-Yaus with a large number of 3-cycles. For appropriate choices of flux numbers, many of these 3-cycles can, in general, shrink to produce near-conifold geometries. Thus, a simple statistical analysis in the spirit of Denef and Douglas allows us to estimate the expected number and length of Klebanov-Strassler throats in the given set of vacua. We find that throats capable of explaining the electroweak hierarchy are expected to be present in a large fraction of the landscape vacua while shorter throats are essentially unavoidable in a statistical sense.Comment: References added, typos fixed. LaTex, 17 pages, 1 figur

    The Small Observed Baryon Asymmetry from a Large Lepton Asymmetry

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    Primordial Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) tightly constrains the existence of any additional relativistic degrees of freedom at that epoch. However a large asymmetry in electron neutrino number shifts the chemical equilibrium between the neutron and proton at neutron freeze-out and allows such additional particle species. Moreover, the BBN itself may also prefer such an asymmetry to reconcile predicted element abundances and observations. However, such a large asymmetry appears to be in conflict with the observed small baryon asymmetry if they are in sphaleron mediated equilibrium. In this paper we point out the surprising fact that in the Standard Model, if the asymmetries in the electron number and the muon number are equal (and opposite) and of the size required to reconcile BBN theory with observations, a baryon asymmetry of the Universe of the correct magnitude and sign is automatically generated within a factor of two. This small remaining discrepancy is naturally remedied in the supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 14 page

    A Unified Theory of Matter Genesis: Asymmetric Freeze-In

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    We propose a unified theory of dark matter (DM) genesis and baryogenesis. It explains the observed link between the DM density and the baryon density, and is fully testable by a combination of collider experiments and precision tests. Our theory utilises the "thermal freeze-in" mechanism of DM production, generating particle anti-particle asymmetries in decays from visible to hidden sectors. Calculable, linked, asymmetries in baryon number and DM number are produced by the feeble interaction mediating between the two sectors, while the out-of-equilibrium condition necessary for baryogenesis is provided by the different temperatures of the visible and hidden sectors. An illustrative model is presented where the visible sector is the MSSM, with the relevant CP violation arising from phases in the gaugino and Higgsino masses, and both asymmetries are generated at temperatures of order 100 GeV. Experimental signals of this mechanism can be spectacular, including: long-lived metastable states late decaying at the LHC; apparent baryon-number or lepton-number violating signatures associated with these highly displaced vertices; EDM signals correlated with the observed decay lifetimes and within reach of planned experiments; and a prediction for the mass of the dark matter particle that is sensitive to the spectrum of the visible sector and the nature of the electroweak phase transition.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 6 figure

    TeV scale resonant leptogenesis from supersymmetry breaking

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    We propose a model of TeV-scale resonant leptogenesis based upon recent models of the generation of light neutrino masses from supersymmetry-breaking effects with TeV-scale right-handed (rhd) neutrinos, NiN_i. The model leads to naturally large cosmological lepton asymmetries via the resonant behaviour of the one-loop self-energy contribution to NiN_i decay. Our model addresses the primary problems of previous phenomenological studies of low-energy leptogenesis: a rational for TeV-scale rhd neutrinos with small Yukawa couplings so that the out-of equilibrium condition for NiN_i decay is satisfied; the origin of the tiny, but non-zero mass splitting required between at least two NiN_i masses; and the necessary non-trivial breaking of flavour symmetries in the rhd neutrino sector. The low mass-scale of the rhd neutrinos and their superpartners, and the TeV-scale AA-terms automatically contained within the model offer opportunities for partial direct experimental tests of this leptogenesis mechanism at future colliders.Comment: 10 Pages latex, version for JHE

    Substructure Boosts to Dark Matter Annihilation from Sommerfeld Enhancement

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    The recently introduced Sommerfeld enhancement of the dark matter annihilation cross section has important implications for the detection of dark matter annihilation in subhalos in the Galactic halo. In addition to the boost to the dark matter annihilation cross section from the high densities of these subhalos with respect to the main halo, an additional boost caused by the Sommerfeld enhancement results from the fact that they are kinematically colder than the Galactic halo. If we further believe the generic prediction of CDM that in each subhalo there is an abundance of substructure which is approximately self-similar to that of the Galactic halo, then I show that additional boosts coming from the density enhancements of these small substructures and their small velocity dispersions enhance the dark matter annihilation cross section even further. I find that very large boost factors (10510^5 to 10910^9) are obtained in a large class of models. The implications of these boost factors for the detection of dark matter annihilation from dwarf Spheroidal galaxies in the Galactic halo are such that, generically, they outshine the background gamma-ray flux and are detectable by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.Comment: PRD in pres

    Confining Flux Tubes in a Current Algebra Approach

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    We describe flux tubes and their interactions in a low energy sigma model induced by SU(Nf)SO(Nf)SU({N_f}) \rightarrow SO({N_f}) flavor symmetry breaking in SO(Nc)SO(N_c) QCD. Unlike standard QCD, this model allows gauge confinement to manifest itself in the low energy theory, which has unscreened spinor color sources and global Z2Z_2 flux tubes. We construct the flux tubes and show how they mediate the confinement of spinor sources. We further examine the flux tubes' quantum stability, spectrum and interactions. We find that flux tubes are Alice strings, despite ambiguities in defining parallel transport. Furthermore, twisted loops of flux tube support skyrmion number, just as gauged Alice strings form loops that support monopole charge. This model, while phenomenologically nonviable, thus affords a perspective on both the dynamics of confinement and on subtleties which arise for global Alice strings.Comment: 29 pages (REVTEX) plus 6 figures, two corrections in the final section and added reference

    Phase transitions near black hole horizons

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    The Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in four dimensions can be made unstable without violating the dominant energy condition by introducing a real massive scalar with non-renormalizable interactions with the gauge field. New stable black hole solutions then exist with greater entropy for fixed mass and charge than the Reissner-Nordstrom solution. In these new solutions, the scalar condenses to a non-zero value near the horizon. Various generalizations of these hairy black holes are discussed, and an attempt is made to characterize when black hole hair can occur.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. v2: minor corrections, references adde

    Higgs bosons near 125 GeV in the NMSSM with constraints at the GUT scale

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    We study the NMSSM with universal Susy breaking terms (besides the Higgs sector) at the GUT scale. Within this constrained parameter space, it is not difficult to find a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV and an enhanced cross section in the diphoton channel. An additional lighter Higgs boson with reduced couplings and a mass <123 GeV is potentially observable at the LHC. The NMSSM-specific Yukawa couplings lambda and kappa are relatively large and tan(beta) is small, such that lambda, kappa and the top Yukawa coupling are of order 1 at the GUT scale. The lightest stop can be as light as 105 GeV, and the fine-tuning is modest. WMAP constraints can be satisfied by a dominantly higgsino-like LSP with substantial bino, wino and singlino admixtures and a mass of ~60-90 GeV, which would potentially be detectable by XENON100.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    The order of the phase transition in 3d U(1)+Higgs theory

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    We study the order of the phase transition in the 3d U(1)+Higgs theory, which is the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity. We confirm that for small scalar self-coupling the transition is of first order. For large scalar self-coupling the transition ceases to be of first order, and a non-vanishing scalar mass suggests that the transition may even be of higher than second order.Comment: Poster at LATTICE96(electroweak). 4 pages, 5 figure

    A remark on sphaleron erasure of baryon asymmetry

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    We complete an existing result for how the baryon asymmetry left over after a period of full thermal equilibrium depends on different lepton asymmetries.Comment: 5 pages; small clarifications and a reference added; to appear in PR