13,283 research outputs found

    Particle density and non-local kinetic energy density functional for two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors

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    We evaluate analytically some ground state properties of two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors with isotropy and for an arbitrary number of closed shells. We first derive a differential form of the virial theorem and an expression for the kinetic energy density in terms of the fermion particle density and its low-order derivatives. These results allow an explicit differential equation to be obtained for the particle density. The equation is third-order, linear and homogeneous. We also obtain a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities, and an expression of the non-local kinetic energy density functional.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Statistical Description of Hydrodynamic Processes in Ionic Melts with taking into account Polarization Effects

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    Statistical description of hydrodynamic processes for ionic melts is proposed with taking into account polarization effects caused by the deformation of external ionic shells. This description is carried out by means of the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method, appropriate for investigations of both strong and weak nonequilibrium processes. The nonequilibrium statistical operator and the generalized hydrodynamic equations that take into account polarization processes are received for ionic-polarization model of ionic molten salts when the nonequilibrium averaged values of densities of ions number, their momentum, dipole momentum and total energy are chosen for the reduced description parameters. A spectrum of collective excitations is investigated within the viscoelastic approximation for ion-polarization model of ionic melts.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex4.1-format, no figure

    Shannon entropies of atomic structure factors, off-diagonal order and electron correlation

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    Shannon entropies of one- and two-electron atomic structure factors in the position and momentum representations are used to examine the behavior of the off-diagonal elements of density matrices with respect to the uncertainty principle and to analyze the effects of electron correlation on off-diagonal order. We show that electron correlation induces off-diagonal order in position space which is characterized by larger entropic values. Electron correlation in momentum space is characterized by smaller entropic values as information is forced into regions closer to the diagonal. Related off-diagonal correlation functions are also discussed

    Preferred orientation of n-hexane crystallized in silicon nanochannels: A combined x-ray diffraction and sorption isotherm study

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    We present an x-ray diffraction study on n-hexane in tubular silicon channels of approximately 10 nm diameter both as a function of the filling fraction f of the channels and as a function of temperature. Upon cooling, confined n-hexane crystallizes in a triclinic phase typical of the bulk crystalline state. However, the anisotropic spatial confinement leads to a preferred orientation of the confined crystallites, where the crystallographic direction coincides with the long axis of the channels. The magnitude of this preferred orientation increases with the filling fraction, which corroborates the assumption of a Bridgman-type crystallization process being responsible for the peculiar crystalline texture. This growth process predicts for a channel-like confinement an alignment of the fastest crystallization direction parallel to the long channel axis. It is expected to be increasingly effective with the length of solidifying liquid parcels and thus with increasing f. In fact, the fastest solidification front is expected to sweep over the full silicon nanochannel for f=1, in agreement with our observation of a practically perfect texture for entirely filled nanochannels

    Power, norms and institutional change in the European Union: the protection of the free movement of goods

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    How do institutions of the European Union change? Using an institutionalist approach, this article highlights the interplay between power, cognitive limits, and the normative order that underpins institutional settings and assesses their impact upon the process of institutional change. Empirical evidence from recent attempts to reinforce the protection of the free movement of goods in the EU suggests that, under conditions of uncertainty, actors with ambiguous preferences assess attempts at institutional change on the basis of the historically defined normative order which holds a given institutional structure together. Hence, path dependent and incremental change occurs even when more ambitious and functionally superior proposals are on offer

    Practical dispersion relations for strongly coupled plasma fluids

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    Very simple explicit analytical expressions are discussed, which are able to describe the dispersion relations of longitudinal waves in strongly coupled plasma systems such as one-component plasma and weakly screened Yukawa fluids with a very good accuracy. Applications to other systems with soft pairwise interactions are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; Related to arXiv:1711.0615


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    Kementerian Kesehatan bekerjasama dengan WHO dan the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) membangun suatu sistem dalam upaya kewaspadaan dini dan respon terhadap penyakit – penyakit potensial KLB. Sistem ini dikenal dengan nama Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) atau Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon (SKDR). Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon merupakan suatu system yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui pergerakan suatu penyakit menular tertentu dari waktu ke waktu dengan memberikan sinyal atau “alert” bila jumlah kasusnya melebihi nilai ambang yang telah ditentukan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskripsi dengan menilai kelengkapan data dan ketepatan waktu pelaporan melalui aplikasi e-wars.  Hasil penelitian menemukan Adanya penurunan tingkat kelengkapan dan ketepatan laporan pada tahun 2015, dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014. Kurangnya kapasitas tenaga kesehatan di bidang Surveilans dan Imunisasi yang ada di kabupaten/kota dan puskesmas-puskesmas sehingga program EWARS belum berjalan semaksimal mungkin. Masih ada puskesmas-puskesmas di daerah tertantu seperti di Talaud, Sangihe, Sitaro yang belum terjangkau jaringan internet atau sinyal. Aplikasi EWARS yang bermasalah atau rusak. Alur pelaporan penyakit yang prosesnya masih tergolong memakan waktu lama. Kata kunci : E-Wars, Capaian, Kelengkapan Data  ABSTRACTThe Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) builds a system for early awareness and response to potential outbreaks of outbreaks. This system is known as the Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) or the Early Warning and Response System (SKDR). The Early Alert and Response System is a system that have a function to determine the movement of a particular infectious disease from time to time by giving a signal or "alert" if the number of cases exceeds a predetermined threshold value. This type of research is description research by assessing the completeness of the data and the timeliness of reporting through the e-wars application. The result of this study is, there is a decrease in the level of completeness and accuracy of reports in 2015, compared to 2014. Lack of capacity of health workers in the field of surveillance and immunization in regencies / cities and public health centers so that the EWARS program has not run as much as possible. There are still health centers in certain areas such as Talaud, Sangihe, Sitaro which have not been reached by internet or signal networks. EWARS applications that are problematic or damaged. The flow of reporting on diseases whose processes are still relatively long-term. Keywords: e-wars, Performance, Data Completenes

    Ab initio wavefunction based methods for excited states in solids: correlation corrections to the band structure of ionic oxides

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    Ab initio wavefunction based methods are applied to the study of electron correlation effects on the band structure of oxide systems. We choose MgO as a prototype closed-shell ionic oxide. Our analysis is based on a local Hamiltonian approach and performed on finite fragments cut from the infinite solid. Localized Wannier functions and embedding potentials are obtained from prior periodic Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations. We investigate the role of various electron correlation effects in reducing the HF band gap and modifying the band widths. On-site and nearest-neighbor charge relaxation as well as long-range polarization effects are calculated. Whereas correlation effects are essential for computing accurate band gaps, we found that they produce smaller changes on the HF band widths, at least for this material. Surprisingly, a broadening effect is obtained for the O 2p valence bands. The ab initio data are in good agreement with the energy gap and band width derived from thermoreflectance and x-ray photoemission experiments. The results show that the wavefunction based approach applied here allows for well controlled approximations and a transparent identification of the microscopic processes which determine the electronic band structure

    Accurate Computation of the Screening of Scalar Fifth Forces in Galaxies

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    Screening mechanisms allow light scalar fields to dynamically avoid the constraints that come from our lack of observation of a long-range fifth force. Galactic scale tests are of particular interest when the light scalar is introduced to explain the dark matter or dark energy that dominates our cosmology. To date, much of the literature that has studied screening in galaxies has described screening using simplifying approximations. In this work, we calculate numerical solutions for scalar fields with screening mechanisms in galactic contexts, and use these to derive new, precise conditions governing where fifth forces are screened. We show that the commonly used binary screened/unscreened threshold can predict a fifth force signal in situations where a fuller treatment does not, leading us to conclude that existing constraints might be significantly overestimated. We show that various other approximations of the screening radius provide a more accurate proxy to screening, although they fail to exactly reproduce the true screening surface in certain regions of parameter space. As a demonstration of our scheme, we apply it to an idealised Milky Way and thus identify the region of parameter space in which the solar system is screened.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure
