112 research outputs found

    Bis(tetra­phenyl­phospho­nium) tris­[N-(methyl­sulfon­yl)dithio­carbimato(2−)-κ2 S,S′]stannate(IV)

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    In the title complex, (C24H20P)2[Sn(C2H3NO2S3)3], the SnIV atom is coordinated by three N-(methyl­sulfon­yl)dithio­carbimate bidentate ligands through the anionic S atoms in a slightly distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. There is one half-mol­ecule in the asymmetric unit; the complex is located on a crystallographic twofold rotation axis passing through the cation and bis­ecting one of the (non-symmetric) ligands, which appears thus disordered over two sites of equal occupancy. In the crystal structure, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O and C—H⋯S inter­actions contribute to the packing stabilization

    Stem cells from human dental pulp and apical papilla : morphological and synchrotron radiation analysis

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    Dental Mesenchymal stem cells has prompted great for cell-based therapeutics. But no one knows for sure what the true potential of these cells, since most of the studies were done in isolation, using as source, different donors or different cell processi

    A eficácia do milnaciprano em pacientes ambulatoriais com transtorno depressivo maior não respondedores ao tratamento com ISRSs: um estudo aberto de 12 semanas

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of milnacipran in outpatients experiencing severe MDD non-respondent to adequate time and dosing of SSRI therapy. METHODS: A 12 week multi-centric study open study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of milnacipran after a SRRI trial failure. Complete remission (HAMD-17 < 8) was the principal outcome. Secondary outcomes were response (HAM &gt; 50%), CGI and quality of life measure (WHOQOL-Bref). RESULTS: The mean HAMD-17 score of the sample was 27 (7.2). The remission rates for minalcipran were 17.5% and response 61.3%. At baseline, 70.9% of the patients were markedly or severely ill. At treatment end, 48.1% of the patients were normal asymptomatic or borderline and 20.2% were mildly ill. Also, the four domains of WHOQOL-Bref, a generic instrument of Quality of Life, presented statistical and clinical differences. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest that milnacipran is a possible option to be used in patients that were non-respondents to SSRIs. Since there is no evidence in literature that one single antidepressant is the best second step when an SSRI fail, milnacipran should be considered in the case of severe depressed patients.CONTEXTO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia do milnaciprano em pacientes ambulatoriais com depressão maior grave que não respondem em tempo e em dosagem adequados à terapia com ISRSs. MÉTODOS: Um estudo aberto multicêntrico com a duração de 12 semanas foi elaborado para avaliar a eficácia do milnaciprano após falha em um experimento com ISRS. Remissão completa (HAMD-17 < 8) foi o desfecho principal. Os desfechos secundários foram resposta (HAM &gt; 50%), CGI e avaliação da qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-Bref). RESULTADOS: O escore HAMD-17 médio da amostra foi de 27 (7,2). As taxas de remissão com o milnaciprano foram de 17,5%, e as de resposta, 61,3%. Na linha de base, 70,9% dos pacientes foram classificados como gravemente sintomáticos. Ao final do tratamento, 48,1% dos pacientes foram classificados como normais assintomáticos ou sintomáticos limítrofes e 20,2% eram moderadamente sintomáticos. Além disso, os quatro domínios do WHOQOL-Bref, um instrumento genérico de mensuração de qualidade de vida, apresentou diferenças clínicas e estatísticas: CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que o milnaciprano é uma possível opção para pacientes que não respondem a ISRSs. Uma vez que não há evidências na literatura de um antidepressivo que seja a melhor opção quando um ISRS falha, o uso do milnaciprano deveria ser considerado em casos de pacientes com depressão severa

    Experimental and theoretical investigation of molecular structure and conformation of the 4-isopropylthioxanthone

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    In this study, the molecular structure and conformational analyses of the 4-isopropylthioxanthone (4-ITX) are reported according to experimental and theoretical results. The compound crystallizes in the centrosymmetric PView the MathML source space group with only one molecule in the asymmetric unit, presenting the most stable conformation, in which the three fused-rings adopt a planar geometry, and the isopropyl group assumes a torsional angle with less sterical hindrance. The structural and conformational analyses were performed using theoretical calculations such as Hartree–Fock (HF), DFT method in combination with 6-311G(d,p) and 6-31++G(d,p) and the results were compared with infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The supramolecular assembly of 4-ITX is kept by non-classical C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and weak interactions such as π-π stacking. 4-ITX was also studied by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopic properties of the 4-ITX showed the long-wavelength maximum shifts towards high energy when the solvent polarity increases.FAPESP (09/08131-1)CNPqCAPES/PROE

    Anticholinesterasic activity of Manilkara subsericea (Mart.) Dubard triterpenes

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    Manilkara subsericea (Mart.) Dubard (Sapotaceae) is popularly known in Brazil as "guracica". The species from the genus Manilkara have been studied and several substances were found, including triterpenes. In the present study, we describe the anticholinesterasic activity of an extract of M. subsericea containg beta-amyrin acetate (76.3 %) and alpha-amyrin acetate (23.7 %) using a TLC bioassay.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire
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