255 research outputs found

    Genome-wide diversity and differentiation in New World populations of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.

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    BACKGROUND: The Americas were the last continent colonized by humans carrying malaria parasites. Plasmodium falciparum from the New World shows very little genetic diversity and greater linkage disequilibrium, compared with its African counterparts, and is clearly subdivided into local, highly divergent populations. However, limited available data have revealed extensive genetic diversity in American populations of another major human malaria parasite, P. vivax. METHODS: We used an improved sample preparation strategy and next-generation sequencing to characterize 9 high-quality P. vivax genome sequences from northwestern Brazil. These new data were compared with publicly available sequences from recently sampled clinical P. vivax isolates from Brazil (BRA, total n = 11 sequences), Peru (PER, n = 23), Colombia (COL, n = 31), and Mexico (MEX, n = 19). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: We found that New World populations of P. vivax are as diverse (nucleotide diversity π between 5.2 × 10-4 and 6.2 × 10-4) as P. vivax populations from Southeast Asia, where malaria transmission is substantially more intense. They display several non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions (some of them previously undescribed) in genes known or suspected to be involved in antimalarial drug resistance, such as dhfr, dhps, mdr1, mrp1, and mrp-2, but not in the chloroquine resistance transporter ortholog (crt-o) gene. Moreover, P. vivax in the Americas is much less geographically substructured than local P. falciparum populations, with relatively little between-population genome-wide differentiation (pairwise FST values ranging between 0.025 and 0.092). Finally, P. vivax populations show a rapid decline in linkage disequilibrium with increasing distance between pairs of polymorphic sites, consistent with very frequent outcrossing. We hypothesize that the high diversity of present-day P. vivax lineages in the Americas originated from successive migratory waves and subsequent admixture between parasite lineages from geographically diverse sites. Further genome-wide analyses are required to test the demographic scenario suggested by our data

    Antimicrobial, Antiproliferative and Proapoptotic Activities of Extract, Fractions and Isolated Compounds from the Stem of Erythroxylum caatingae Plowman

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    In the study, we have examined the antitumor and antimicrobial activities of the methanol extract, the fractions, a fraction of total alkaloids and two alkaloids isolated from the stem of Erythroxylum caatingae Plowman. All test fractions, except the hexane fractions, showed antimicrobial activity on gram-positive bacteria and fungi. The acetate: methanol (95:5), acetate, chloroform and hexane fractions show the highest cytotoxicity activity against the NCI-H292, HEp-2 and K562 cell lines using MTT. The absence of hemolysis in the erythrocytes of mice was observed in these fractions and 6β-Benzoyloxy-3α-(3,4,5- trimethoxybenzoyloxy) tropane (catuabine B). Staining with Annexin V-FITC and JC-1 was used to verify the mechanism of action of the compounds of E. caatingae that showed cytotoxicity less than 30 μg/mL in leukemic cells. After 48 h of incubation, we observed that the acetate: methanol (95:5), acetate, and chloroform fractions, as well as the catuabine B, increased in the number of cells in early apoptosis, from 53.0 to 74.8%. An analysis of the potential of the mitochondrial membrane by incorporation of JC-1 showed that most cells during incubation of the acetate: methanol (95:5) and acetate fractions (63.85 and 59.2%) were stained, suggesting the involvement of an intrinsic pathway of apoptosis

    On the roles of AA15 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases derived from the termite Coptotermes gestroi

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    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are copper-dependent enzymes which catalyze the oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides. LPMOs belonging to family 15 in the Auxiliary Activity (AA) class from the Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme database are found widespread across the Tree of Life, including viruses, algae, oomycetes and animals. Recently, two AA15s from the firebrat Thermobia domestica were reported to have oxidative activity, one towards cellulose or chitin and the other towards chitin, signalling that AA15 LPMOs from insects potentially have different biochemical functions. Herein, we report the identification and characterization of two family AA15 members from the lower termite Coptotermes gestroi. Addition of Cu(II) to CgAA15a or CgAA15b had a thermostabilizing effect on both. Using ascorbate and O2 as co-substrates, CgAA15a and CgAA15b were able to oxidize chitin, but showed no activity on celluloses, xylan, xyloglucan and starch. Structural models indicate that the LPMOs from C. gestroi (CgAA15a/CgAA15b) have a similar fold but exhibit key differences in the catalytic site residues when compared to the cellulose/chitin-active LPMO from T. domestica (TdAA15a), especially the presence of a non-coordinating phenylalanine nearby the Cu ion in CgAA15a/b, which appears as a tyrosine in the active site of TdAA15a. Despite the overall similarity in protein folds, however, mutation of the active site phenylalanine in CgAA15a to a tyrosine did not expanded the enzymatic specificity from chitin to cellulose. Our data show that CgAA15a/b enzymes are likely not involved in lignocellulose digestion but might play a role in termite developmental processes as well as on chitin and nitrogen metabolisms

    Expanding the knowledge on lignocellulolytic and redox enzymes of worker and soldier castes from the lower termite coptotermes gestroi

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    Termites are considered one of the most efficient decomposers of lignocelluloses on Earth due to their ability to produce, along with its microbial symbionts, a repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). Recently, a set of Pro-oxidant, Antioxidant, and Detoxification enzymes (PAD) were also correlated with the metabolism of carbohydrates and lignin in termites. The lower termite Coptotermes gestroi is considered the main urban pest in Brazil, causing damage to wood constructions. Recently, analysis of the enzymatic repertoire of C. gestroi unveiled the presence of different CAZymes. Because the gene profile of CAZy/PAD enzymes endogenously synthesized by C. gestroi and also by their symbiotic protists remains unclear, the aim of this study was to explore the eukaryotic repertoire of these enzymes in worker and soldier castes of C. gestroi. Our findings showed that worker and soldier castes present similar repertoires of CAZy/PAD enzymes, and also confirmed that endo-glucanases (GH9) and beta-glucosidases (GH1) were the most important glycoside hydrolase families related to lignocellulose degradation in both castes. Classical cellulases such as exo-glucanases (GH7) and endo-glucanases (GH5 and GH45), as well as classical xylanases (GH10 and GH11), were found in both castes only taxonomically related to protists, highlighting the importance of symbiosis in C. gestroi. Moreover, our analysis revealed the presence of Auxiliary Activity enzyme families (AAs), which could be related to lignin modifications in termite digestomes. In conclusion, this report expanded the knowledge on genes and proteins related to CAZy/PAD enzymes from worker and soldier castes of lower termites, revealing new potential enzyme candidates for second-generation biofuel processes7CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP140796/2013-4; 310186/2014-5; 442333/2014-511/20977-3; 15/06971-3; 12/19040-0; 14/10351-8; 06/59086-8; 14/20576- 7; 13/03061-0; 10/11469-1; 08/58037-9; 14/50371-8; 08/50114-