63 research outputs found

    Meanings and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among long-distance truck drivers in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE To understand the meanings assigned by long-distance truck drivers to HIV/AIDS and its transmission and prevention, bearing in mind different contexts of vulnerability. METHODS Qualitative research with 22 truck drivers. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation were conducted in highways of the state of Bahia in 2013. We selected male truck drivers, with one year or more of work experience in long-distance routes. We carried out the thematic analysis of the interviews, to identify different contexts of vulnerability. RESULTS The results showed that the insertion of truck drivers in contexts of high social vulnerability (poor working conditions, violence on the roads, and use of alcohol and other drugs) along with the advances in access and effectiveness of treatment for AIDS promote a reduced perception of the risk and severity of this disease. In addition, the notion of “risk group” and the symbolic division between “home space” (protected) and “street space” (unprotected) intensified a restricted and specific use of condoms, guided by the opposition between “woman of the street” (unknown women, prostitutes, among others) and “woman of the house” (wives, girlfriends). CONCLUSIONS The meanings assigned by truckers to AIDS incorporated elements of recent transformations of the expanded social context, such as the development of health technologies (especially anti-retroviral drugs) and the guarantee of free access to treatment in the Brazilian public health system; but also incorporated old elements of social vulnerability context – such as the poor working conditions on Brazilian highways.OBJETIVO Compreender os significados atribuídos pelos caminhoneiros de rota longa ao HIV/aids e à sua transmissão e prevenção, tendo em vista diferentes contextos de vulnerabilidade. MÉTODOS Pesquisa qualitativa com 22 caminhoneiros. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante em rodovias do estado da Bahia em 2013. Foram selecionados caminhoneiros do sexo masculino, com um ano ou mais de experiência de trabalho em rotas de longa distância. Realizou-se análise temática das entrevistas, orientada para identificação de diferentes contextos de vulnerabilidade. RESULTADOS Os resultados mostraram que a inserção dos caminhoneiros em contextos de alta vulnerabilidade social (más condições de trabalho, violência nas estradas e uso de álcool e outras drogas) e os avanços no acesso e efetividade do tratamento para aids favorecem a minimização da percepção de risco e gravidade dessa doença. Além disso, a noção de “grupo de risco” e a divisão simbólica entre “espaço da casa” (protegido) e “espaço da rua” (desprotegido) intensificaram um uso restrito e específico do preservativo, orientado pela oposição entre “mulher do mundo” (desconhecidas, prostitutas, entre outros) e “mulher de casa” (esposas, namoradas). CONCLUSÕES Os significados atribuídos pelos caminhoneiros à aids incorporaram elementos de transformações recentes do contexto social ampliado, como o desenvolvimento de tecnologias em saúde (com destaque para os antirretrovirais) e a garantia de acesso gratuito ao tratamento no sistema público de saúde no Brasil; mas também incorporaram antigos elementos do contexto de vulnerabilidade social – a exemplo das más condições de trabalho nas estradas brasileiras

    Preconceito, discriminação e exclusão em saúde.

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    Confronting prejudice and discrimination that affect vulnerable social groups is fundamental for combating social exclusion and promoting equity in the access to health services...O enfrentamento do preconceito e da discriminação que atingem grupos sociais vulnerabilizados é fundamental para combater a exclusão social e fomentar a equidade no acesso aos serviços de saúde..

    Entrevista com José Ricardo Ayres

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    In this interview to the magazine Health and Society, José Ricardo Ayres explains how he approached the concept of vulnerability and of the advantages and dangers present in its application, situating it amidst the public health and in the academic, sanitary and political contexts. Taking the studies on the AIDS epidemic into consideration, he highlights differences in the emphasis given to the concept in Brazil and in the United States of America (USA). While in the U.S. the emphasis fell on the axis of ethics and law, fostering legal actions before the State, Brazil emphasized on a critical perspective of the technocratic aspect of public policies and on the authoritarianism of knowledge possessed in public health, seeking more dialogical relations with social movements in a context of struggles for the (re)construction of a democratic constitutional State, while occurred a process of reopening politics in Brazil. The relationship between vulnerability and specific contributions of recognition theory, according to Ayres, strengthens analysis of relations between intersubjectivities and social contexts, dialogue and conflict, actions and social structures. For him, we must consider the dialectic of representations, of interactions and of work as a way of construction of the world of relationships where we found ourselves, thus rupturing from the idea that the individual is a “Monad” that acts upon the world as something merely external or that acts according to social imperatives without possibility of transformation of reality. In this way, we avoid the naturalization of vulnerability when considering it as an intrinsic characteristic of the subjects, which would neutralize the analytical and political interest of this concept.Nesta entrevista à revista Saúde e Sociedade, José Ricardo Ayres conta como se aproximou do conceito de vulnerabilidade, das vantagens e perigos presentes em seu emprego, situando-o na saúde coletiva e na conjuntura científica, sanitária e política brasileira. Pensando nos estudos sobre a epidemia de aids, ele destaca diferenças nas ênfases dadas ao conceito no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). Enquanto nos EUA a ênfase recaiu sobre o eixo da ética e do direito, fomentando ações jurídicas reivindicatórias perante o Estado, no Brasil enfatizou-se uma perspectiva crítica sobre o caráter tecnocrático das políticas públicas e sobre o autoritarismo dos saberes operados pela saúde pública, buscando relações mais dialógicas com os movimentos sociais em um contexto de lutas pela (re)construção de um Estado de direito democrático, em pleno processo de reabertura política no Brasil. A articulação entre vulnerabilidade e aportes específicos da teoria do reconhecimento, segundo Ayres, reforça a análise das relações entre intersubjetividades e contextos sociais, diálogos e conflitos, ações e estruturas sociais. Para ele, devemos considerar a dialética das representações, das interações e do trabalho como forma de construção do mundo de relações em que nos inscrevemos, rompendo assim com a ideia de que o indivíduo é uma “mônada” que atua sobre o mundo como algo meramente externo ou que age segundo imperativos sociais sem possibilidade de transformação da realidade. Desse modo, evitamos a naturalização da vulnerabilidade, quando tomada como característica intrínseca dos sujeitos, o que neutralizaria o interesse analítico e político desse conceito

    Acessibilidade à atenção básica a famílias negras em bairro popular de Salvador, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the accessibility of primary health care for black families from a poor neighbourhood. METHODS: Ethnographic study with an interpretative anthropological approach, carried out with 18 families selected from a poor neighbourhood of Salvador, Northeastern Brazil, over a period of two years. Criteria for inclusion included being resident in the neighbourhood and classifying themselves as black. The analysis was based on interpretative anthropology and encompassed the following categories: ethnic and racial self-reference; experience of discrimination from public services; perception of accessibility to primary health care and barriers to accessibility. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We identified the following aspects: a) ethnic and racial identity and health: the users' perception that organizational barriers and barriers to access are due to the wider social context which produces "first class" and "second class" citizens, rather than due to institutional racism; b) the accessibility of the Brazilian National Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS): difficult access, delays in being seen, lack of commitment on the part of health professionals, no management action taken to manage or improve these situations; c) accessibility of primary health care; overall vision of the context of the SUS and support in the interviewees descriptions of access to primary health care. CONCLUSIONS: There are economic, organizational and cultural barriers to access which come between the service provided and effective care for the needs of the population of this study.OBJETIVO: Analizar el acceso de familias negras de comunidad popular a los servicios de atención básica de salud MÉTODOS: Estudio etnográfico, basado en antropología de base interpretativa, realizado con 18 familias seleccionadas de una comunidad popular de Salvador, BA, Brasil, en período de dos años. Los criterios de inclusión fueron residencia en la comunidad y auto-clasificación como negros. El análisis se basó en la antropología interpretativa y consideró las categorías: autoreferencia étnico-racial; experiencias de discriminación en los servicios; percepción sobre acceso en la atención básica; y barreras de acceso. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Se identificaron los siguientes aspectos: a) identidad étnico-racial y salud: percepción de los usuarios de que las barreras organizacionales y de acceso se deben a un amplio contexto social que produce ciudadanos "de primera y de segunda categorías", mas que el racismo institucional; b) acceso al Sistema Único de Salud Brasileño (SUS): acceso problemático, caracterizado por demora en la atención, falta de compromiso de los profesionales de salud, omisión de los gestores en el control y corrección de tales situaciones; c) acceso a la atención básica: visión sobre el contexto más general del SUS y apoyo en la descripción de los entrevistados sobre el acceso a los servicios de atención básica CONCLUSIONES: Hay barreras de acceso económicas, organizacionales y culturales que se interponen entre la oferta de servicios y la atención efectiva y oportuna de las necesidades de la población estudiada.OBJETIVO: Analisar a acessibilidade de famílias negras de bairro popular aos serviços de atenção básica à saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo etnográfico, ancorado na antropologia de base interpretativa, realizado com 18 famílias selecionadas de um bairro popular de Salvador, BA, no período de dois anos. Os critérios de inclusão foram residência no bairro e autoclassificação como negros. A análise se baseou na antropologia interpretativa e considerou as categorias: autorreferência étnico-racial; experiências de discriminação nos serviços; percepção sobre acessibilidade na atenção básica; e barreiras de acessibilidade. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Identificaram-se os seguintes aspectos: a) identidade étnico-racial e saúde: percepção dos usuários de que as barreiras organizacionais e de acesso se devem a um amplo contexto social que produz cidadãos "de primeira e de segunda categorias", mais do que a um racismo institucional; b) acessibilidade no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): acesso problemático, permeado pela demora no atendimento, falta de compromisso dos profissionais de saúde, omissão dos gestores no controle e correção dessas situações; c) acessibilidade na atenção básica: visão sobre o contexto mais geral do SUS e apoio na descrição dos entrevistados sobre o acesso aos serviços de atenção básica. CONCLUSÕES: Há barreiras de acessibilidade econômicas, organizacionais e culturais que se interpõem entre a oferta de serviços e o atendimento efetivo e oportuno das necessidades da população estudada

    Methodological issues in qualitative research on HIV prevention: an integrative review

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    Abstract: In view of the growing concern about the use of qualitative approach in health research, this article aims to analyze how the qualitative theoretical-methodological framework of HIV prevention is presented in empirical research. We conducted an integrative literature review with the following guiding questions: “How is the qualitative theoretical-methodological framework expressed in empirical research on HIV prevention?”; “What are the limits and potentials of the qualitative methodological designs employed?”. In the qualitative methodological discussion, five dimensions guided the methodological course and the presentation of findings, from the analysis of the characterization of qualitative studies to the contextualization of the studies and the methodological approaches used, highlighting the use of semi-structured interviews with thematic content analysis. We also examined social categories and analytical references, drawing attention to the plurality of these theoretical-conceptual references and to the authors’ polyphony, and identified the limits and potentials of qualitative research. This study focuses on a scientific topic that is related to a wide variety of social groups and analyzes how they are affected by it, examining issues related to social inequality and other analytical possibilities surrounding HIV prevention, and providing resources for a comprehensive methodological discussion. Hence, avoiding the risk of conducting qualitative research based on checklists that limit inventiveness and openness to different designs and forms of execution and analysis is as pivotal as ensuring that the research is consistent and detailed in publications

    Meanings and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among long-distance truck drivers in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To understand the meanings assigned by long-distance truck drivers to HIV/AIDS and its transmission and prevention, bearing in mind different contexts of vulnerability. METHODS Qualitative research with 22 truck drivers. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation were conducted in highways of the state of Bahia in 2013. We selected male truck drivers, with one year or more of work experience in long-distance routes. We carried out the thematic analysis of the interviews, to identify different contexts of vulnerability. RESULTS The results showed that the insertion of truck drivers in contexts of high social vulnerability (poor working conditions, violence on the roads, and use of alcohol and other drugs) along with the advances in access and effectiveness of treatment for AIDS promote a reduced perception of the risk and severity of this disease. In addition, the notion of “risk group” and the symbolic division between “home space” (protected) and “street space” (unprotected) intensified a restricted and specific use of condoms, guided by the opposition between “woman of the street” (unknown women, prostitutes, among others) and “woman of the house” (wives, girlfriends). CONCLUSIONS The meanings assigned by truckers to AIDS incorporated elements of recent transformations of the expanded social context, such as the development of health technologies (especially anti-retroviral drugs) and the guarantee of free access to treatment in the Brazilian public health system; but also incorporated old elements of social vulnerability context – such as the poor working conditions on Brazilian highways