2,550 research outputs found

    Determinants of Survival of Newly Created SMEs in the Brazilian Manufacturing: An Econometric Study

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    The paper investigates the survival of newly created small and medium enterprises in Brazilian manufacturing taking as reference the 1996-2005 period. The econometric analysis relies on time-varying version of the proportional hazard rate model that controls for unobserved heterogeneity. The evidence mostly corroborates previous findings for developed countries. Salient results include the positive role played by firm size, industry size and industry growth on survival and yet the negative influence exerted by industrial concentration and entry rate.survival, small and medium enterprises, manufacturing industry


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    The objective of this study is to shed light on the determinants of foreign direct investiment (FDI) in developing countries. In order to undertake it, we performe a econometric model based in panel data analysis for 38 developing countries (including transition economies) for the 1975-2000 period. Among the major conclusions we have that the FDI is correlated to level of schooling, economy's degree of openness, risk and variables related to macroeconomic performance like inflation, risk and average rate of economic growth. The results also show that the FDI has been closely associated with stock market performance. Lastly, a causality test between FDI and GDP is performed. There is evidence of the existence of causality in sense that GDP leading to FDI, but not vice versa.

    Jornalismo esportivo: ensino, aprendizagem e conceitos

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    O artigo foi redigido a partir de textos desenvolvidos por alunos da disciplina Esporte: Fenômeno, regras e táticas do curso de Pós-Graduação em Jornalismo Esportivo e Multimídias da Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi (SP) e da bibliografia oferecida aos discentes. Os textos foram editados para este artigo a fim de compor uma visão dos alunos em torno do jornalismo esportivo. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a relação do jornalismo esportivo com as demais áreas, especialmente as conflitantes, gera boas reflexões e aprendizagem para o estudante. O interesse toca, especialmente, a intersecção do esporte com áreas como a da Saúde, do Lazer e da Educação. Objetivou-se compartilhar com alunos, professores, jornalistas e demais interessados parte do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de ambos os envolvidos: estudantes e professor.

    A medalha de ouro de Thiago Braz da Silva e o Olimpismo: um estudo da cobertura do portal UOL nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016

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    The article is part of the results of a research that checked the Brazilian press coverage of the 2016 Olympic Games. We observe the distances and approximations of the narratives with the ideals defended by Baron de Coubertin, idealizer of the Olympic Games of the Modern Era e founder of the Olympic Movement. Coubertin viewed the sport and its interface with education and ethical principles as a means for the development of human being. Journalism is an important agent promoting vocations and, together with sport, contributes to the improvement of people’s quality of life. Report published by the Portal UOL, about pole vault competition, is analyzed with an emphasis on the achievement of the gold medal by Brazilian athlete Thiago Braz da Silva. The confirmed hypothesis is that it prevails in the content an approach of the sport as proudly nationalist and spectacular to the detriment of the ideals defended by Coubertin. There are, however, moments that refer to the social function of journalism when indirectly touch some Olympic values.El artículo es parte de los resultados de una investigación que verifico la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 por la prensa brasileña. Se observan distanciamentos y aproximaciones de las narrativas con los ideales defendidos por el Barão de Coubertin, idealizador de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Era Moderna y el fundador del Movimiento Olímpico. Coubertin enxergava el deporte y su interfaz con la educación y los princípios éticos como medios para desarrollo del ser humano. El periodismo es importante agente de estímulo de vocaciones y, junto con el deporte, puede contribuir para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Se analisa reportaje publicado por el Portal UOL sobre la prueba de salto con vara, com énfasis a la conquista de la medalla de oro por el atleta brasileño Thiago Braz da Silva. La hipótesis confirmada es que prevalecem abordajes del deporte de carácter ufanista y espetacular en detrimento a los ideales preconizados por Coubertin. Hay, sin embargo, momentos que remiten a la función social del periodismo cuando tocan, indiretamente en ciertos valores olímpicos..O artigo é parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa que verificou a cobertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 pela imprensa brasileira. Observam-se distanciamentos e aproximações das narrativas com os ideais defendidos pelo Barão de Coubertin, idealizador dos Jogos Olímpicos da Era Moderna e o fundador do Movimento Olímpico. Coubertin enxergava o esporte e sua interface com a educação e os princípios éticos como meios para desenvolvimento do ser humano. O jornalismo é importante agente de estímulo de vocações e, junto com o esporte, pode contribuir para melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Analisa-se reportagem publicada pelo Portal UOL sobre a prova de salto com vara, com ênfase à conquista da medalha de ouro pelo atleta brasileiro Thiago Braz da Silva. A hipótese confirmada é que prevalecem abordagens do esporte de caráter ufanista e espetacular em detrimento aos ideais preconizados por Coubertin. Há, porém, momentos que remetem à função social do jornalismo quando tocam, indiretamente, em certos valores olímpicos

    WebSpecmine: a website for metabolomics data analysis and mining

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    Metabolomics data analysis is an important task in biomedical research. The available tools do not provide a wide variety of methods and data types, nor ways to store and share data and results generated. Thus, we have developed WebSpecmine to overcome the aforementioned limitations. WebSpecmine is a web-based application designed to perform the analysis of metabolomics data based on spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques (NMR, Infrared, UV-visible, and Raman, and LC/GC-MS) and compound concentrations. Users, even those not possessing programming skills, can access several analysis methods including univariate, unsupervised and supervised multivariate statistical analysis, as well as metabolite identification and pathway analysis, also being able to create accounts to store their data and results, either privately or publicly. The tool’s implementation is based in the R project, including its shiny web-based framework. Webspecmine is freely available, supporting all major browsers. We provide abundant documentation, including tutorials and a user guide with case studies.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors also acknowledge the funding of the project 22231/01/SAICT/2016, “Biodata.pt – Infraestrutura Portuguesa de Dados Biológicos”, funded by FCT and Lisboa 2020/Portugal2020 Partnership Agreement, through the ERDF.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    NMRFinder: a novel method for 1D 1H-NMR metabolite annotation

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    Introduction: Methods for the automated and accurate identification of metabolites in 1D 1H-NMR samples are crucial, but this is still an unsolved problem. Most available tools are mainly focused on metabolite quantification, thus limiting the number of metabolites that can be identified. Also, most only use reference spectra obtained under the same specific conditions of the target sample, limiting the use of available knowledge. Objectives: The main goal of this work was to develop novel methods to perform metabolite annotation from 1D 1H-NMR peaks with enhanced reliability, to aid the users in metabolite identification. An essential step was to construct a vast and up-do-date library of reference 1D 1H-NMR peak lists collected under distinct experimental conditions. Methods: Three different algorithms were evaluated for their capacity to correctly annotate metabolites present in both synthetic and real samples and compared to publicly available tools. The best proposed method was evaluated in a plethora of scenarios, including missing references, missing peaks and peak shifts, to assess its annotation accuracy, precision and recall. Results: We gathered 1816 peak lists for 1387 different metabolites from several sources across different conditions for our reference library. A new method, NMRFinder, is proposed and allows matching 1D 1H-NMR samples with all the reference peak lists in the library, regardless of acquisition conditions. Metabolites are scored according to the number of peaks matching the samples, how unique their peaks are in the library and how close the spectrum acquisition conditions are in relation to those of the samples. Results show a true positive rate of 0.984 when analysing computationally created samples, while 71.8% of the metabolites were annotated when analysing samples from previously identified public datasets. Conclusion NMRFinder performs metabolite annotation reliably and outperforms previous methods, being of great value in helping the user to ultimately identify metabolites. It is implemented in the R package specmine.This study was funded by the PhD scholarship with reference SFRH/BD/138951/2018, awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). specifc references. The number of metabolites identifed by the studies’ authors is present at the bottom of each bar. The datasets marked with the red rectangle were acquired with a frequency of 700 MHz for 1D 1 H-NMR spectrainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os simbolismos dos animais com chifres em bestiários ingleses

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    Introdução Desde tempos muito remotos que os chifres são encarados pela mentalidade do homem como símbolos. Provavelmente, a associação mais antiga relaciona-os com as fases da lua, justificada pela semelhança entre o formato dos chifres e o do satélite natural. Com o decorrer da História, os chifres se tornaram símbolos mais complexos. Possivelmente decorrente da observação do poder destrutivo destes elementos na natureza, os chifres passaram a estar simbolicamente associados ao poder e à fo..

    As mudanças na política do subsistema brasileiro de infraestrutura portuária (2007-2016) : análise a partir do Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2017.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as mudanças ocorridas nas políticas públicas relativas ao subsistema brasileiro de infraestrutura portuária no período de 2007 a 2016, partir da aplicação do Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). A análise empírica compreende o mapeamento da estrutura de crenças das coalizões de advocacia do setor, os impactos das suas dinâmicas de interação e o exame das principais mudanças na política do subsistema ocorridas no período. Em termos metodológicos, o trabalho está amparado no método qualitativo de pesquisa, a partir da estratégia do estudo de caso, utilizando como instrumentos de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica e entrevistas em profundidade. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo, com a utilização de código de análise próprio do ACF, por meio do qual foram identificadas três coalizões: liberal, desenvolvimentista e estatista. Os indicaram a não refutação das hipóteses de mudança na política (policy change) trazidas pelo ACF.The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the changes that have occurred in public policies related to the brazilian subsystem of port infrastructure from 2007 to 2016, based on the application of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The empirical analysis includes the mapping of the belief system of the sector's advocacy coalitions, the impacts of their interaction dynamics and the analysis of the main policy changes occurred in the period. In methodological terms, the work is supported by the qualitative research method, based on case study strategy, using documentary and bibliographic research and in-depth interviews as data collection instruments. The data were treated by content analysis, using an ACF specific code, through which three coalitions were identified: liberal, developmental and statist. The results indicated the non-refutation of the policy change hypotheses brought about by the ACF

    Preditor de ingressantes em cursos superiores

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    Projeto final Preditor de ingressantes em cursos superiores, do curso Bootcamp Machine Learning, turma 1/21.15 páginasAnálise e Ciência de DadosEducação e Docênci