99 research outputs found

    Infrared Sensitive Physics in QCD and in Electroweak Theory

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    I recall the main ideas about the treatment of QCD infrared physics, as developed in the late seventies, and I outline some novel applications of those ideas to Electroweak Theory.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in the volume "String Theory of Fundamental Interactions", published on the 65-th birthday of Gabriele Veneziano, M. Gasperini and J. Maharana editors (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007


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    I review the k-factorization method to combine the high-energy behaviour in QCD with the renormalization group. Resummation formulas for coefficient functions and anomalous dimensions are derived, and their applications to small-x scaling violations in structure functions are briefly discussed.Comment: Latex file, 9 page

    Energy Scale and Coherence Effects in small-x Equations

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    I consider the next-to-leading,high-energy cluster expansion of large-k double-jet production in QCD, and I determine the corresponding one-loop quark and gluon impact factors, for a self-consistent energy scale. The result shows that coherent angular ordering of emitted gluons holds for hard emission also, and singles out a scale which is essentially the largest virtuality in the process. Both remarks are relevant for the precise deter- mination of the BFKL kernel at the next-to-leading level.Comment: Figure available on reques

    Enhanced Electroweak Corrections to Inclusive Boson Fusion Processes at the TeV Scale

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    Electroweak radiative corrections with double-log enhancements occur in inclusive observables at the TeV scale because of a lack of compensation of virtual corrections with real emission due to the nonabelian (weak isospin) charges of the accelerator beams. Here we evaluate such Bloch-Nordsieck violating corrections in the case of initial longitudinal bosons, which is experimentally provided by boson fusion processes, and is related to the Goldstone-Higgs sector. All four states of this sector are involved in the group structure of the corrections, and cause in particular a novel double log effect due to hypercharge mixing in the longitudinal states. We study both the light- and the heavy-Higgs cases, and we analyze the symmetry breaking pattern of the corrections. The latter turn out to be pretty large, in the 5-10 % range, and show an interesting Higgs mass dependence, even for processes without Higgs boson in the final state.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Radiation enhancement and "temperature" in the collapse regime of gravitational scattering

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    We generalize the semiclassical treatment of graviton radiation to gravitational scattering at very large energies smP\sqrt{s}\gg m_P and finite scattering angles Θs\Theta_s, so as to approach the collapse regime of impact parameters bbcR2Gsb \simeq b_c \sim R\equiv 2G\sqrt{s}. Our basic tool is the extension of the recently proposed, unified form of radiation to the ACV reduced-action model and to its resummed-eikonal exchange. By superimposing that radiation all-over eikonal scattering, we are able to derive the corresponding (unitary) coherent-state operator. The resulting graviton spectrum, tuned on the gravitational radius RR, fully agrees with previous calculations for small angles Θs1\Theta_s\ll 1 but, for sizeable angles Θs(b)Θc=O(1)\Theta_s(b)\leq \Theta_c = O(1) acquires an exponential cutoff of the large ωR\omega R region, due to energy conservation, so as to emit a finite fraction of the total energy. In the approach-to-collapse regime of bbc+b\to b_c^+ we find a radiation enhancement due to large tidal forces, so that the whole energy is radiated off, with a large multiplicity NGs1\langle N \rangle\sim Gs \gg 1 and a well-defined frequency cutoff of order R1R^{-1}. The latter corresponds to the Hawking temperature for a black hole of mass notably smaller than s\sqrt{s}.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figure

    Unitarity restoring graviton radiation in the collapse regime of scattering

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    We investigate graviton radiation in gravitational scattering at small impact parameters b<R2Gsb<R\equiv 2G\sqrt{s} and extreme energies sMP2s\gg M_P^2, a regime in which classical collapse is thought to occur, and thus radiation may be suppressed also. Here however, by analyzing the soft-based representation of radiation recently proposed in the semiclassical ACV framework, we argue that gravitons can be efficiently produced in the untrapped region xR>b|\boldsymbol{x}|\gtrsim R>b, so as to suggest a possible completion of the unitarity sum. In fact, such energy radiation at large distances turns out to compensate and to gradually reduce to nothing the amount of energy EE' being trapped at small-bb's, by thus avoiding the quantum tunneling suppression of the elastic scattering and suggesting a unitary evolution. We finally look at the coherent radiation sample so obtained and we find that, by energy conservation, it develops an exponential frequency damping corresponding to a "quasi-temperature" of order /R\hbar/R, which is naturally related to a Hawking radiation and is suggestive of a black-hole signal at quantum level.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure