26 research outputs found

    Anisotropias opticas em feixes de colageno e pesquisa de morte celular em fibroblastos de tendões durante o estabelecimento do diabetes espontaneo em camundongos não-obesos (NOD)

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    Orientadores: Benedicto de Campos Vidal, Maria Luiza Silveira MelloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Camundongos NOD são ótimos modelos para estudo, uma vez que são portadores de duas importantes características: diabetes e resistência à apoptose. É desconhecido se a elevada resistência à apoptose atinge células somente do sistema imune onde foi descrita, ou se é uma característica de células de outros sistemas/tecidos. O diabetes mellitus provoca alterações na matriz extracelular (MEC) por meio da glicosilação não-enzimática das proteínas intercelulares, tal como o colágeno. No processo não-enzimático de glicosilação da proteína colagênica, o grupo aldeído da glicose reage com o grupamento amina livre de resíduos de lisina e hidroxilisina do colágeno, formando uma base Schiff reversível que origina os produtos de Amadori. Estes produtos dão origem aos produtos de glicosilação avançada (AGEs) que desencadeiam a formação de ligações cruzadas entre as moléculas de colágeno. O colágeno interage com receptores de superfície celular de modo que alterações nesta glicoproteína poderiam alterar a transdução de sinais da MEC para as células. O presente estudo visa descrever e quantificar as propriedades anisotrópicas ópticas em feixes de colágeno; buscar alterações elicitadas pelo diabetes nos proteoglicanos (PGs) da MEC; verificar a ocorrência de resíduos de glicose disponíveis no colágeno glicosilado; descrever o intumescimento e a extração de feixes de colágeno em ácido acético a 3% e comparar alguns aspectos da morte celular e do fenótipo nuclear de fibroblastos de feixes de colágeno de camundongos sadios e NOD, buscando-se alterações elicitadas pelo diabetes. Para isso, tendões do calcâneo e da cauda de 14 camundongos NOD e BALB/C (não-diabéticos) foram submetidos aos seguintes experimentos: Medidas de retardo óptico (RO) das birrefringências; digestão enzimática com hialuronidase testicular; colorações com azul de toluidina (AT) pH 4.0 e concanavalina Br (ConBr); intumescimento e extração do colágeno; reação de Feulgen, análise de imagem nuclear e teste imunocitoquímico de TUNEL. Os resultados indicam que toda a glicose incorporada não-enzimaticamente ao colágeno foi convertida a produtos de Amadori. O aumento no número de ligações cruzadas intermoleculares tornou as fibras de colágeno mais alinhadas, estáveis e com condições de empacotamento molecular mais intensas em relação às fibras de colágeno controle. A estabilidade torna o colágeno glicosilado mais resistente à extração por ácido acético a 3% e sugere a ocorrência de diminuição na taxa de remodelação tecidual de animais e/ou pacientes diabéticos. Em termos de ordem molecular (cristalinidade) dos feixes de colágeno, parece que o diabetes induz mudanças variáve is em função da estrutura, fato este que sugere a existência de significados fisio-patogênicos distintos. Quanto aos PGs da MEC, não foram observadas alterações elicitadas pelo diabetes nestas macromoléculas. Os parâmetros geométricos e densitométricos que caracterizam o fenótipo nuclear dos fibroblastos também foram alterados pelo diabetes, sendo que encontrou-se um aumento desses parâmetros ao compará-los com os observados em núcleos de fibroblastos de camundongos não-diabéticos. Não foi constatada positividade ao teste de TUNEL nos núcleos dos fibroblastos estudadosAbstract: NOD mice possess two characteristics: diabetes and resistance to various apoptosis signals. Diabetes mellitus provokes alterations in the extracellular matrix (ECM) through of the non-enzymatic glycosylation of intercellular proteins, such as the collagen. In the process of non-enzymatic glycosylation of the collagen protein, the carbonyl group of a sugar reacts with the amino group of a protein and forms a Schiffs¿ base which reacts further into a Amadori products. The products of early glycosylation undergo rearrangements resulting in the formation of irreversible products, the so-called advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGEs). AGEs formation is probably one of the main mechanisms underlying the increased arterial stiffness in diabetic patients or diabetic complications in general. The collagen interacts with cell receptors, consequently alterations in the collagen can change the signal transduction from ECM for the cells. The principal objectives of present study are: to describe the anisotropic properties of collagen bundles obtained from NOD mice and to compare some aspects of the cell death and nuclear phenotype of fibroblasts obtained from NOD and BALB/C mice. For this, calcaneal and tail tendons were submitted to the following experiments: measurements of intrinsical and textural birefringence; enzymatic digestion; staining with toluidine blue (TB) pH 4.0; Concanavalin Br method; collagen extraction; Feulgen reaction, analysis of nuclear images and TUNEL test. The results indicate that all glucose was converted the Amadori products. The increase in the number of cross-linking becomes the collagen fibers both more 16 aligned and with more intense molecular packing conditions than those of the control. In terms of molecular order (crystallinity) of collagen bundles, the diabetes induces variable changes in function of the structure, fact this that suggests the existence of different physio-pathogenics meanings. The analysis of parameters that characterize the nuclear phenotype (area, perimeter, OD, IOD, SDtd and entropy) indicate physiological differences between the fibroblasts obtained from NOD and BALB/C mice. The reply to the TUNEL test was negative in the fibroblastsMestradoBiologia CelularMestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Morphological and hemodynamic patterns of carotid stenosis treated by endarterectomy with patch closure versus stenting: a duplex ultrasound study

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    OBJECTIVES: A duplex ultrasound study was performed to investigate morphological and hemodynamic patterns of carotid stenoses treated by endarterectomy with patch closure versus stenting. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Twenty-nine carotid stenoses were treated with stenting and 65 with patch closure. Duplex ultrasound parameters (luminal diameter, mm; peak systolic velocity and end-diastolic velocity, cm/s) were measured 24 hours after the procedures and also at 12 months post-procedure. Residual stenoses (immediately postprocedure) and restenoses (within 12 months of procedure) were defined as narrowings of >50% on duplex ultrasound examination. RESULTS: In stented patients, the luminal diameter of the proximal internal carotid artery increased in the interval between the 24-hour and 12-month post-procedure studies, while in the patch closure patients, the diameter decreased. Carotid hemodynamics normalized immediately after both patching and stenting and remained relatively stable thereafter up to 12 months. No statistically elevated flow velocities (in the absence of residual stenosis or restenosis) were observed in the patched or stented carotid arteries. No significant differences in residual stenosis rates were observed between the stenting group (3 cases, 10.34%) and the patch closure group (1 case, 1.53%, P = 0.08). At 12 months, 2 stenting patients (6.88%) and 2 patch closure patients (3.07%) had $50% restenosis (P = 0.58). One case of late stroke due to restenosis was observed in the stenting group; the patient died 12 months postoperatively, before receiving new intervention. CONCLUSION: Measurements over time in luminal diameter signalized differences in arterial remodeling mechanisms between patched and stented carotids. Both stenting and patch closure were associated with carotid patency and flow restoration. This study does not support a general approach to new velocity criteria indiscriminately applied to stented or patched carotids

    Birdwatching: pedagogical trail on the story of animal trafficking / Passarinhando: trilha pedagógica sobre a história do tráfico de animais

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    Involving animals in environmental education themes is a playful strategy that contributes to the formation of a conservationist awareness in children. Activities with birds arouse children's interest, stimulate dialogues about biodiversity, and assist in the construction of humanistic values focused on the environment. The present study reports on a pedagogical experience that consisted of a trail called “birdwatching”, which integrated characters and taxidermized birds in a story about the traffic of wild animals. The story was presented to children from the 3rd year of elementary school, from Objetivo Alto Padrão school, in the municipality of Franca, SP, Brazil. With the proposed activity, it was realized that environmental issues are of interest to children. Furthermore, the playful approach used created a feeling of belonging to the environment, facilitating the teaching-learning process through the active participation of students

    Histomorphological and immunophenotypic diagnoses of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and other sarcomas that affect the intestine of dogs

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    In view of the morphological similarity between gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and other sarcomas of the intestine of dogs, the aim was to carry out the histomorphological and immunohistochemical diagnosis of these tumors, associating breed, sex and age, location and tumor invasion. 217 cases were evaluated by histopathology and 36 diagnosed by immunohistochemistry were included (24 GIST and 12 other intestinal sarcomas). Mixed breed dogs were the most diagnosed with GIST, mainly elderly females (9.5±2.2 years); in the other intestinal sarcomas, crossbreeds and Dachshunds, males and females, were equally affected. The cecum was the most affected by GISTs, with tumor invasion of the intestinal layers in all cases. The small intestine was the most affected by the other intestinal sarcomas, with invasion of the layers in most of these tumors. GISTs expressed markers such as CD117 and DOG-1, unlike other intestinal sarcomas. GIST and other intestinal sarcomas denoted histomorphological and immunophenotypic characteristics similar to histopathology, justifying the association of immunohistochemistry for the definitive diagnosis. Keywords: CD117; DOG-1; GIST; veterinary oncolog

    Supramolecular organization, spatial orientation and optical properties of extracellular proteins in corneas and aortas from diabetic spontaneous mice

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    Orientador: Benedicto de Campos VidalTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Diabetes mellitus é uma doença crônica que afeta o metabolismo de lipídios, carboidratos e proteínas. Sua principal característica é a hiperglicemia devido à produção insuficiente de insulina ou a defeitos na resposta à insulina pelos tecidos periféricos. A hiperglicemia, quando muito acentuada, induz glicosilação não-enzimática de proteínas, que é responsável pela formação de produtos finais de glicosilação não-enzimática (AGEs) e de ligações cruzadas intermoleculares. Neste estudo, organização supramolecular, orientação espacial e propriedades ópticas foram investigadas em proteínas extracelulares da córnea e da aorta de camundongos diabéticos não-obesos (NOD) e não diabéticos (BALB/c). CÓRNEAS: Birrefringência e dicroísmo linear foram investigados em fibras colágenas do estroma corneal de camundongos NOD/Uni e BALB/c/Uni. A contribuição de proteoglicanos do estroma para as anisotropias da córnea também foi investigada. Retardo óptico foi medido em fibras colágenas de córneas intactas e seccionadas com 8 µm de espessura (sem coloração). Dicroísmo linear e índices dicróicos foram investigados em cortes de córnea corados com ponceau SS pH 2.5 e azul de toluidina pH 4.0, usando microespectrofotômetro de varredura e diferentes comprimentos de onda obtidos com régua monocromática. Análise morfológica das birrefringências revelou que fibras colágenas de camundongos NOD e BALB/c estão intercruzadas em vários planos espaciais e orientadas em mais que uma direção ao longo da trajetória corneal. Córneas de NOD apresentaram maiores valores de retardo óptico das birrefringências que o controle. Fibras colágenas coradas com ponceau SS apresentaram valores positivos de dicroísmo linear e índice dicróico. Esses valores foram maiores para as córneas de NOD. Após coloração com azul de toluidina, córneas de NOD e BALB/c apresentaram reação metacromática devido à presença de grupamentos aniônicos (glicosaminoglicanos de proteoglicanos) no estroma; e valores negativos de dicroísmo linear e índice dicróico. Não foi verificada diferença significativa entre córneas de NOD e BALB/c coradas com azul de toluidina. Esses resultados sugerem que o diabetes foi capaz de alterar as anisotropias ópticas da córnea, possivelmente por aumentar o empacotamento molecular das fibras colágenas. Entretanto, o diabetes não alterou a organização espacial dos proteoglicanos do estroma. AORTAS: Ocorrência de glicosilação não-enzimática foi verificada em aortas abdominais de camundongos NOD/Uni, usando azul de nitro-tetrazólio (NBT). Alterações moleculares e estruturais foram investigadas em lâminas elásticas e fibras colágenas, após colorações com cloreto de danzila e anilino-sulfato naftaleno (ANS). Alterações em auto-fluorescência e birrefringência arterial foram investigadas em aortas sem coloração. Proliferação de células musculares lisas também foi investigada em amostras coradas com a reação de Feulgen, usando microscopia confocal e análise de imagem. NBT demonstrou a formação de produtos de glicosilação (frutosamina) na matriz extracelular da aorta de NOD. Lâminas elásticas e fibras colágenas da aorta de NOD apresentaram fluorescência menos intensa que o controle, após colorações com cloreto de danzila e ANS. Entretanto, a auto-fluorescência arterial foi maior nos camundongos NOD. Análise da birrefringência revelou alterações no empacotamento molecular das fibras colágenas da aorta NOD. Nenhuma evidência de proliferação de células musculares lisas foi observada em aortas NOD coradas com a reação de FeulgenAbstract: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of the carbohydrate, lipids and protein metabolism. A characteristic feature of this disorder is the hyperglycemia due to a deficient insulin production or to metabolic defects on its response in peripheral tissues. Hyperglycemia induces non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins, which is responsible for advanced glycosylation end-products (AGEs), and intermolecular crosslinks reactions. In this study, supramolecular organization, spatial orientation and optical properties were investigated in extracellular proteins of the cornea and of the abdominal aorta from nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and non-diabetic mice (BALB/c). CORNEAS: Birefringence and linear dichroism were investigated in corneal stroma collagen fibers from nonobese NOD/Uni mice and BALB/c/Uni mice. The contribution of stroma proteoglycans to optical anisotropies of the cornea was also investigated in NOD and BALB/c mice. Birefringence optical retardations were measured in stroma collagen fibers of unstained whole and sectioned (8 µm) corneas. Linear dichroism and dichroic ratios were investigated in cornea sections stained with ponceau SS pH 2.5 and toluidine blue pH 4.0, using scanning microspectrophotometer and different wavelengths that were obtained with a monochromator filter ruler. Morphological analysis of the birefringences revealed that NOD and BALB/c stroma collagen fibers are intercrossed in different spatial planes and oriented in more that one direction along the corneal trajectories. NOD corneas showed higher birefringence optical retardation values than the control. Ponceau SS-complexed collagen fibers showed positive linear dichroism and dichroic ratios values that were higher for NOD corneas. After staining with toluidine blue, NOD and BALB/c corneas showed metachromatic reaction verifying the presence of anionic groups (proteoglycan glycosaminoglycans) in the stroma, and negative linear dichroism values. No significant difference was observed between NOD and BALB/c corneas stained with toluidine blue. These results demonstrate that diabetes was capable of altering the optical anisotropies of the cornea, possibly to increase the number of intermolecular crosslinks in stroma collagen fibers, making them more crystalline and aggregate than the control. However, diabetes did not affect the spatial organization of the stroma proteoglycans. Nonenzymatic glycosylation was assessed in aorta extracellular matrix from NOD/Uni mice, using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). Molecular and structural changes were investigated in elastic lamellae and collagen fibers of diabetic mice aortas, after staining with dansyl chloride and anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS). Alterations in arterial autofluorescence and birefringence of collagen fibers were investigated in unstained aortas. Smooth muscle cells proliferation was also investigated by confocal microscopy and image analysis, after Feulgen reaction. Assessment of nonenzymatic glycosylation demonstrated glycosylation products formation in the aorta extracellular matrix from NOD mice. Elastic lamellae and collagen fibers from diabetic aortas presented less intense fluorescence after staining with dansyl chloride and ANS when compared to controls. However unstained NOD aortas showed more intense autofluorescence when compared to controls. Birefringence analysis suggests alterations in the higher molecular packing of the arterial collagen fibers in diabetic aortas. In aortas stained by Feulgen reaction no evidence of smooth muscle cells proliferation was observed in diabetic aortasDoutoradoBiologia CelularDoutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutura